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File metadata and controls

55 lines (40 loc) · 1.86 KB


Here's your chance to inflict chaos and destruction on your Elixir runtime.

The GenServer CrashyMcCrashFace has two API functions, crash and exit.

If you call exit, the server does a normal exit. If you call crash, it exits with an error.

The top-level of the application, in lib/crashy.ex, starts three copies of McCrashFace, with the names :one, :two, and :three.

These three workers are supervised.

You can run the application and call either exit or crash with:

mix run -e "Crashy.McCrashFace.exit  :two"
mix run -e "Crashy.McCrashFace.crash :two"

When you do so, the app will trace what happens—you'll see workers terminate and possibly restart:

Your Mission

Change the values of the :strategy and :restart options in lib/crashy.ex. There are nine combinations in all. For each, run

mix run -e "Crashy.McCrashFace.exit  :two"
mix run -e "Crashy.McCrashFace.crash :two"

and record in the following table which workers are stopped by each command, and which workers are subsequently restarted. I've filled in some entries for you. I show workers that are terminated using - and a list of numbers, and those that are subsequently restarted using + and their numbers

restart call one_for_one one_for_all rest_for_one
permanent exit -2 +2
crash -2 +2
transient exit -2
crash -123 +123
temporary exit -2
crash -2