You can clone or fork this repository to get started.
See the docs for a detailed explanation about Metatron.
Metatron relies on IPFS to store metadata. You will need to have IPFS and IPFS-Shell installed. You can get more info about installing IPFS here.
One IPFS is installed, you can start the IPFS server up by running the following command:
ipfs daemon
You will also need to have Docker installed. You can get more info about installing Docker here.
MetaTron uses the ipfshttpclient to interact with IPFS. Right now you will need to install version 0.7.0 of the library for use with Metatron.
The next step is starting Metatron by running the following command:
When Metatron is running, you can start using it by navigating to http://localhost:5000
Optionally you run a scanner, e.g.: