- Gulp build system added thanks to @HHsnopek
- Some small improvements that clean up the code a little
- Adds support for AMD (asynchronous module definition) thanks to @vash15
- Change class name from "countUp" to "CountUp"
- Add pauseResume() method
- Deprecate stop() and resume() methods
- Add update() documentation
- Slight tweak to update()
- Adds update method to avoid having to re-initialize to count to a new value thanks to @aludvigsen
- Extends options with passed options rather than replacing them thanks to @goddomotfronk
- Added abillity to count in svg text elements.
- Fixed bug where if endVal = 0, countUp would display ‘—‘
- Adds support for inputs thanks to @kmclaugh
- Adds prefixes and suffixes (such as "$" and "%") thanks to @marjan-georgiev
- Fixes a bug where start() -> stop() -> resume() -> reset() would reset to the number stopped at. Thanks to @youxiachai for finding this one
- Fixes a bug where an empty separator (“”) specified in the options object would cause the browser tab to become unresponsive if the endVal was a 4+ digit number. Special thanks to @sgtmercs for finding this bug and creating an issue.
- now accepts an optional options object that allows for globalized number formatting
- you can now optionally set the character of the separator and the decimal
- grouping (ie, 1,000,000 vs 1000000) is now optional
- fixed bug that caused start() not to work if reset() was previously called (oops)
- now allows target to be either an id or var of a previously selected html element thanks to @jackrugile
- fixed a bug that caused the resume method not to work if counting down
- no changes, just officially made it a production version
- added resume method
- format startVal on initialization
- added stop method
- fixed reset method
- improved demo to include stop, reset, callback and code visualization
- added callback thanks to @retasretas
- added requestAnimationFrame() polyfill to support IE8 and other browsers without native rAF support
- added startVal param
- ability to count in either direction
- ability to toggle easing
- added minified version thanks to @HHSnopek
- coffeescript version added thanks to @HHSnopek
- bower & component support
- changelog added
- bug fixes and improvements thanks to @lifthrasiir
- initial release