All notable changes to the project will be documented in this file. This project adheres to Semantic Versioning.
- New icons: Art Text 4 (
directories), Bikeshed (.bs
), dotenv (.env{,.*}
), Figma (.figma
), Imgbot (.imgbotconfig
), Mint (.mint
), PhotoRec (.photorec.cfg
), ShellCheck (.shellcheckrc
), Sponge-powered Mixin (.mixin{,s}.json
), Windi CSS (windi.config.{ts,js}
) - Support: 3D Asset (
), Adobe CC (.cclibs
), Adobe Illustrator (.aia
), Adobe Photoshop (.atn
), Appcelerator Titanium (.tss
), Atom (.atomignore
), Audio (.spc
), BC (.bc
), Checksum lists ({.,}{check,ck,crc{,32},md5,rmd160,sha{1..3,224,384,512}}sum{,s}
), Config (.inf
), Config: Python (.flake8
), DC (.dc
), Database (fc-list
), Deno (deno.json{,c}
), Docker (Containerfile
), EditorConfig (.ecrc
), Elixir (.heex
), Generic (.ed
), Git (.lfsconfig
), GLSL (.rchit
), Gnuplot (gnuplotrc
), Godot (.gdshader
), Grammar (.grammar
), HTML (.hta
), KiCad (.kicad_{dru,sch,pro,prl,sym}
), Mail (.eml
), Makefile (.{mk,mak,make}file
), Maps (.mapping
), PEG.js (.peggy
), Python (.python_history
), Readme (CITATION{.cff,S,}
), Roff (*.cstr
), Safari (.binarycookies
), Shell ({.,}{m,pd,}ksh{,rc}
), SQL (.sqlite_history
), Tagfile (.sfv
), TextMate (.tm_properties
), TypeScript (.cts
), Units (units.dat
), XML (.xmp
), Yacc (.ypp
) - Improved modeline support for Less stylesheets
- Docz icon missing from its initial introduction in v2.1.33
- Unibeautify icon ID misspelt "unbeautify"
v2.1.47 - 2021-03-12
- New icons: CASC (
), CNAB (cnab
directories), Commitizen (.cz.{json,toml,yaml}
), Fiddle, Laravel (updated logo), Vite (vite.config.{js,ts}
) - Support: Config (
), Databases (index.{bt,db,dir,pag}
), Electron ({,*.}forge.config.js
), Makefile (justfile
), PostScript (.bez
), PyPi ({dev,{doc,test}{,s}}-requirements.{in,txt}
), Scheme (.xtm
- Icons of symlinked projects that aren't Git repositories
- [
showing Binder icon instead of PyPi's - [
]: Breakage in Atom 1.56.0 caused by mixed BigInt comparisons - [
]: Inaccuracies related to modeline matching
v2.1.46 - 2020-12-14
- Support: Config (
), Houdini (.vfl
), Readme (sudo_lecture
), Shell (*rc_Apple_Terminal
- Icons of symlinked Git repositories
- Missing restQL icon
v2.1.45 - 2020-12-08
- New icons: Automator (
), Grapher (.gcx
), Houdini (.hipnc
), MetaPost (.mp
), NgRx, OmniGraffle (.graffle
), restQL (.rql
), Sandbox (.sb
), WinUI (.baml
), Wolfram (.wl
) - Support: BibTeX (
), Config (.mcf
), Databases (eign
), Fonts (.dfont
), GNU ({A,L,}GPL*
), Images (.avif
), Lex (.lx
), macOS Libraries (.bundle
), Makefile (contrib.mak-*
), Nokogiri (.nokogirirc
), PostScript (Fontmap
), Printer (.joboptions
), Readme (.yo
- Editors blocked from opening when
misidentifies filetype
v2.1.44 - 2020-11-02
- New icons: Awk (
), Binder ({dev-,}requirements.txt
), Blitz BASIC (.bb
), Bloc (bloc
directories), Bors (bors.toml
), Buildkite (.buildkite
directories), Calva (*.calva-repl
), DUB (.dub
), Fauna (.faunarc
), Gitpod (.gitpod.yml
), GraphQL Code Generator (codegen.{json,yaml,yml}
), Haskell IDE Engine (hie.yaml*
), Kibo (.hypr
), Lark (.lark
), Modern Web (web-{dev-server,test-runner}.config.{cjs,js,mjs,ts}
), Nokogiri, NumPy (Updated branding), NWScript (.ncs
), Ogone (.o3
), pytest (pytest.ini
), Read the Docs (readthedocs.yml
), ReScript (.resi
), RubyGems (.gemspec
), Snowpack (snowpack.config.{cjs,js,json,mjs,ts}
), Spacengine (.spe
), Stitches (stitches.config.{cjs,js,mjs,ts}
), W3C (w3c.json
), Warcraft III (.jass
) - Support: 3D assets (
), Archive (.hak
), Bazel (.bazel
), Bitcoin (.bitcoin
), Config: Python (
), Config: Ruby (.autotest
), Config (.sdl
), Database (.2da
), Grammar (.cf
), LabVIEW (.lvlib
), NuGet (.nupkg
), NumPY (.npy
), Prettier (.prettierrc.json5
), Python (py.typed
), Ruby (Gemfile_*
) - Improved recognition of test-files by
prefix (e.g.,
) - Improved recognition of
in modelines; previously, onlydocker
was recognised runghc
as recognised Haskell interpreters
now shows a Python config-icon.simplecov
now show Ruby config-icons.jsbeautifyrc
now show JavaScript config-icons
v2.1.43 - 2020-09-19
- New icons: Apollo (
), For the Record (.trm
), OpenEXR (.exr
), OpenZFS (vdev{0..9}
), rsync (rsyncd.conf
), V-Ray (.vrimg
), Wine (.wine
), YAMLLint (.yamllint
) - Support: CoffeeScript (
), Config: Python (poetry.lock
), Generic (.asl
), GraphQL (graphql.config.js
), Lex (lexer.x
), NGINX (.nginx
), Ruby (.simplecov
), Table of Contents (.listing
), VimL (.exrc
) - Improved recognition for Unicode database files
v2.1.42 - 2020-07-25
- New icons: API Extractor (
), Bosque (.bsq
), Cubit (cubit{,s}
directories), (*.{drawio,dio}.{png,svg}
), DVC (.dvc
directories), Fabric (fabric.mod.json
), ftHTML (.fthtml
), Hygen (.ejs.t
), Kusto (.csl
), jscpd (jscpd-report.{xml,html,json}
), Latino (.lat
), LGTM (lgtm.yml
), Lighthouse ({.,}lighthouserc.{yaml,yml,js,json}
), LINQPad (.linq
), Nx (nx.json
), Q# (.qs
), Rmarkdown (.rmd
), TestCafe (.testcaferc.json
), xmake (xmake.lua
) - Support: Config: JS (
), Dependabot (dependabot.yml
), Fortran (.pfo
), Generic (.ssmssln
), Grammar (.cddl
), Husky (.huskyrc.yml
), OpenVMS (.cld
), Qt (installscript.qs
), Vercel (.vercelignore
not applying to shell-script tests- Inconsistent icons for JavaScript tests with
extensions PKGBUILD
using Shell instead of using Arch Linux icon
v2.1.41 - 2020-05-09
- New icons: CodeMeta (
), CommitLint (commitlint.config.js
), CpcdosC+ (.cpc
), Dafny (.dfy
), GoReleaser (.goreleaser.yml
), Homebrew (Brewfile
), Hugo, Kaitai (.ksy
), Macaulay2 (.m2
), Mermaid (.mmd
), NEON (.neon
), Tilt (Tiltfile
) - Support: Archive (
), C (share/misc/getopt{,s}{0..9}
), Config (shells
), Database (.cbor
), FontForge (.ff
), Inno Setup (.isl
), Markdown (.jmd
), OpenBSD package data (+CONTENTS
), Roff ({man,mdoc}.template
), Sieve (.sieve
), Starlark (.star
), Test, Shell (-{spec,test}{,s}.sh
), TeX (.texinfo
), Text (.lcov
), Unit databases (.units
), Unreal (.uasset
- Changed
to use Homebrew logo .m2
extension now associated with Macaulay2 instead of Modula-2.cpc
extension now associated with CpcdosC+ instead of Cartesian Perceptual Compression- [
]: Hashbang strategy now recognises test-files - Renamed
entry toStarlark
- UnrealScript files now coloured grey
v2.1.40 - 2020-03-31
- New icons: DevContainer (
directories), Fork (.issuetracker
), Lefthook (solid-filled variant), Nickle (.5c
), Nimble (.nimble
), OpenQASM (.qasm
), PNPM (pnpm-{lock,workspace}.yaml
), Sails (.sailsrc
), Shadow CLJS (shadow-cljs.edn
), Valve Source Engine (.bsp
), ZenScript (.zs
) - Support: Atom (
), Config: Rust (rust-toolchain
), Godot (.godot
), Jest (.snap
), Squirrel (.gnut
) - [
]: Colour variations for JavaScript test files - [
]: Support forcjs
config files
- Lefthook icon to use solid-filled variant
- Modeline strategy now also checks second line
v2.1.39 - 2020-02-07
- New icons: 4D (
), A+ (.a+
), Agda (.agda
), Analytica (.ana
), Bison (.bison
), C#, C++, Cuneiform (.cfl
), Curl (language), Curry (.curry
), ECLiPSe (.ecl
), Expo (.expo{,-shared}
directories), Futhark (.fut
), Galaxy (galaxy.ini
), GAUSS (.gss
), Hop (.hop
), KNIME, Lefthook (lefthook{,-local}.yml
), Lex (.l
), Mono, Nemerle, Nessus (.nasl
), Next.js (next.config.js
), OpenStack, Pure (.pure
), SAC (.sac
), Semantic Release (.releaserc{,.js,.json,.yaml,.yml}
), Sophia (.aes
), Stdlib.js (stdlib-*{.js,.js.gz}
), UFO (*.ufo
directories), Unicode (UNIDATA/*.txt
), Vala (.vala
), Wenyan (.wy
) - Support: ESLint (
), Grunt (gruntfile*.{cjs,jsx,mjs,ts,tsx}
), Gulp (gulpfile*.{cjs,jsx,mjs,ts,tsx}
), Lasso (.lassoapp
), Lua (lakefile
), Jest (.jestrc{,.*}
), Python config (pyproject.toml
), Webpack (webpack*.{cjs,mjs,coffee}
), WiX (.wix
), Yarn (.yarn
directories) - Interpreter recognition: JavaScript (
) - Colour variations for PL/SQL files
v2.1.38 - 2020-01-11
- New icons: Adobe, Adobe Acrobat, Adobe Animate (
), Adobe Audition, Adobe Bridge, Adobe CC, Adobe Character Animator, Adobe Dimension, Adobe Dreamweaver, Adobe Flash, Adobe Fuse, Adobe InCopy, Adobe Lightroom, Adobe Media Encoder, Adobe Prelude, Adobe Rush, Adobe XD, AGC, AMD, ARM, Assembly: AGC (.agc
), Assembly: AMD, Assembly: ARM (.arm
), Assembly: ATT, Assembly: AVR (.avr
), Assembly: Generic (.a
), Assembly: Hitachi (.h8s
), Assembly: Intel (.x86
), Assembly: Motorola (.m68k
), Assembly: PowerPC, Assembly: RISCV, Assembly: SPARC, Assembly: VAX (.vax
), Assembly: Zilog (.z80
), ATT/Bell Labs, AVR, Cheetah3D (.jas
), Computable Document Format (.cdf
), Dhall (.dhall
), DocBook (.dbk
), Final Draft (.fdx
), GenStat (.gen
), Hitachi, Intel, LilyPond (.ly
), Modo (.lxo
), Motorola, PowerPC, R database (.Rdata
), Reason Studios (.reason
), RISC-V, SPARC, VAX, Yorick (.yorick
), Zilog - Support: 3D asset (
), Audio (.it
), Ballerina (.balx
), BibTeX (.bibtex
), Binary (.pyd
), COLLADA (.collada
), Compressed (.dsk
), Config (.cnf
), Database (.dbi
), Dephi (.dof
), Generic code (.jspx
), Generic test (t/[0-9]-*.sh
), Handlebars (.hbt
), Help file (.chm
), HTML (.jspf
), Image (.jng
), Java (.class
), JavaScript test (*-{test,spec}.cjs
), JSON (.rsj
), Markdown (.mdtext
), MATLAB (.mdlp
), Pascal (.lfm
), PHP (.engine
), Pickle (.pickle
), PostScript (.epsf
), Python (.pyz
), Readme (COPYRIGHT
), Tags (.tld
), Text (.stderr
), Themes (.theme
), Unity3D (.cubemap
), Video (.asx
), VSCode (.dbproj
- Missing Ballerina icon
v2.1.37 - 2019-12-20
- New icons: Conda (
), Dependabot (.dependabot
directories), Faust (.dsp
), Gnuplot, Oberon (.ob2
), Patreon (
), Razzle (razzle.config.*
), Stylish Haskell (.stylish-haskell.yaml
), Terser (.{terserrc,uglifyrc}.*
), Truffle (truffle.js
), WASI, Zeit (now.json
) - Support: Firestore (
), Gridsome (gridsome.{client,server}.*
), JavaScript (**/cartridge/scripts/**/*.ds
), JSON (.jsonc
), Ledger (.ledger
), Mocha (.mocharc.{jsonc,cjs,mjs}
), Modernizr (.modernizr{,rc}.js
), Raku (.raku
), Shell (.dircolors
), VSCode (.code-workspace
), YAML (.yaml.mysql
) - Interpreter recognition: JavaScript (
), WebAssembly (wasmtime
- Renamed Perl 6 to Raku
v2.1.36 - 2019-10-19
- New icons: AdvPL (
), AmuseWiki (.muse
), Hyper (.hyper.js
), mIRC (.mrc
), Noon (.noon
), Odin (.odin
), Open Policy Agent (.rego
), Sorbet (.rbi
), Vyper (.vy
), Webhint (.hintrc
), Wget (.wgetrc
) - Support: CPAN (
directories), cURL (_curlrc
), Haskell (.hs-boot
), Jest (.{ts,tsx,mjs}.snap
), JFlex (.jlex
), NodeJS (.node_repl_history
directories), Tag (.sha{256,sum}
), Vim (.vim
- Replaced V's icon with updated logo
- Incorrect scope-name used when matching a grammar override for V
v2.1.35 - 2019-08-21
- New icons: AffectScript (
), Alacritty (.alacritty.yml
folders), Biml (.biml
), BNF (.abnf
), MELPA, NSRI (.nsri{rc,ignore}{,.{{,config.}js,json,yml,yaml}}
), PineScript (.pine
), PyUp (.pyup
), Renovate (.renovaterc.json
), V (.v
) - Support: Sequelize (
v2.1.34 - 2019-08-13
- Support: Atom (
folders), Data (.aff
), Images (.gsrc
), Istanbul (.nycrc.{yml,yaml}
folders), Minecraft (.mclevel
) - Test-file icons to numbered JS/TS files inside a directory named
v2.1.33 - 2019-06-01
- New icons: Acre Desktop (
), Docz (.doczrc.{js,json}
), Fexl (.fxl
), InfluxData, Jsonnet (.jsonnet
), MacVim, Matroska, Picolisp, Remark (.re{hype,mark,text}rc.{js,json,yml,yaml}
), Robot Framework (updated), Scratch (.sb2
), VSCode (alt), WebVTT (.vtt
) - Support: Kubernetes (
), Tagfile (.atom-socket-*
extension now associated with Lex instead of Lisp
- Awk not being recognised when overriding a file's grammar
- Inkscape icon missing for
v2.1.32 - 2019-04-25
- New icons: Azure Pipelines (
directories), Digdag (.dig
), doT.js, FreeDesktop, Greenkeeper (greenkeeper.json
), Kubernetes (.kazelcfg.json
), Magit, Moleculer (moleculer.config.{js,json,ts}
), Nightwatch (nightwatch.{conf,config}.js
), Nintendo 64 ROMs (.n64
), OpenAPI, Sentry (.sentryclirc
), Snapcraft (snapcraft.yaml
), Svelte (.svelte
), Zork (.zap
) - Generic language-specific configs: CoffeeScript (
), Go (go.mod
), Haskell (haskellconfig.json
), JavaScript (jsconfig{.*}.json
), Perl (perlconfig.json
), Python (pythonconfig.json
), React (jsxconfig.json
), Ruby (rubyconfig.json
), Rust (rustconfig.json
), TypeScript (tsconfig{.*}.json
) - Generic language-specific test-files: Go (
), Haskell (*.{test,spec}.{hs,hsc,c2hs,lhs}
), Rust (*.{test,spec}.rs
) - File support: APL (
), Bazel (.gazelcfg.json
), Diff (.diffs
), DOSBox (dosbox.conf
), Dyalog APL (.dyapp
), HolyC (.hc
) - Hashbang support: JavaScript (
), TypeScript (deno
files now use generic config icons
colour-swatch not adjusting to light-coloured themes- Markdown icon not appearing on grammar-override for users of
v2.1.31 - 2019-03-16
- New icons: ElementaryOS, Gravit Designer (
), Manjaro, OpenIndiana, QT (.qml
), Xubuntu, ZorinOS - Directory support: Cabal (
), CPAN (.cpan
), Deno (.deno
), Vagrant (.vagrant.d
) - File support: Sass (
v2.1.30 - 2019-02-19
- New icons: AmigaOS, Anime Studio/Moho (
), Chocolatey (chocolatey{*}.ps1
), Deno, DOSBox, DragonflyBSD, Flutter (.flutter-plugins
), FreeDOS, illumos, Keybase (keybase.txt
), Meson (updated logo), Modelica (.mo
), MS-DOS, OpenBSD, OpenSolaris, OpenVPN (.ovpn
), OS/2, pkgsrc, ReactOS, Red (updated logo), SmartOS, TempleOS - Support: Cabal (
), Go (go.mod
), Hack (.hack
), Images (.pbm
), JavaScript (.cjs
), Manpage (.3p
), Microsoft Excel (.xla
), Package (.packages
), Separated-value file (.prn
), Vim (.vmb
), VirtualBox (.ova
), z/VM Assembly (.PLX
) - New colour swatch for greyscale icons
files now use VirtualBox icon instead of VHDL- Mercurial icons now use greyscale swatches
v2.1.29 - 2019-01-26
- New icons: Gatsby (
), Imba (new branding), Microsoft Project (.mpp
), Tailwind (tailwind.{js,ts,coffee}
) - Support: 3D model (
), Binary/Assembly (.cnc
), Bitbucket (bitbucket-pipelines.yml
), GraphQL (.graphqls
v2.1.28 - 2019-01-15
- New icons: Asymptote (
), Gridsome (gridsome.config.{js,ts}
), San (.san
), Yandex (.yaspellerrc.*
), Zig (.zig
) - Support: Mocha (
), TeX (.pgf
), Vue (vue.config.js
), Xcode (.xccheckout
v2.1.27 - 2018-12-17
- New icons: Caddy (new logo), Falcon (
), Fountain (.fountain
), Scilla (.scilla
) - Support: Heroku (
) - Recognition of several
-type files without leading dots (dockerignore
instead of.dockerignore
, etc)
attributes not affecting files on Windows- Signature matches missed unmarked HTML files with lengthy
v2.1.26 - 2018-10-25
- New icons: AnyScript, AsciiDoctor, Ballerina, Bazaar, CloudFoundry, Conan, Coveralls, Crowdin, CVS, DocPad, Ensime, Floobits, FOSSA, Fossil, FuseBox, Galen, Glide, Helix, HJSON, Husky, Ink, Istanbul, JSON, JSON5, kOS, LOLCODE, Microsoft Lync, Microsoft Outlook, Microsoft Publisher, Monotone, Netlify, NestJS, Nuxt, OpenVMS, Point cloud data, PhraseApp, Pre-commit, Prisma, Progress, Pyret, QlikView, RStudio, Quasar, Rubocop, SGI, Snort, Solidarity, Storybook, Stylable, TFS, TOML, TTCN-3, Unibeautify, Velocity, VSTS, Wallaby, Walt, WurstScript
- Support: Affinity (
), Bazel (.bazelrc
), Darcs (.boringignore
), Generic code (*.tera
), Microsoft Word (*.wll
), HCP (*.workflow
), MarkdownLint (.markdownlint
), PostgreSQL (*.pgsql
- AsciiDoc icon to use AsciiDoctor logo
- OpenEdge ABL icon replaced with Progress logo
v2.1.25 - 2018-09-21
- Support: Ansible (
), Data (.yasnippet
), ESDoc (esdoc.js
), INI (.flc
), PostScript (.gsf
), Readmes (FAQ
- Increased minimum required Atom version to v1.25.0
- Upgraded dependencies to
[email protected]
and[email protected]
- [
]: Exception thrown when registering symbolic links - [
]: Exception thrown from nulled service disposable
v2.1.24 - 2018-08-14
- [
]: Startup breakage for users running Atom 1.23.3
v2.1.23 - 2018-08-13
- New icons: Affinity Designer (
), Lektor (.lr
), Modula-3/Quake (.i3
), PICO-8 (.p8
), Serverless (serverless.yml
) - Support: Ansible (
), Junos (*.slax
), Images (.jpeg
) - [
]: Significantly better support for Webpack configs, which no longer requireconfig
to be part of the filename.
v2.1.22 - 2018-07-03
- New icons: FASTA (
), MDX (.mdx
) - Support: Bitmap font (
), HTML (*.isml
), Inkscape (.inx
), KitchenCI (.kitchen.*.yml
), Manpages (troffrc
), MJML (.mjmlslim
), Styled Components (.sc.js
) - [
]: Support for Styled Components - Signature-support for version 1 PS Screen Fonts
- Troubleshooting docs to explain
extension now associated with Inkscape, not InDesign
v2.1.21 - 2018-05-18
- Support C (
), Configs (fontforge/hotkeys/*
), JavaScript (.htc
), Maps (.cidmap
) - [
]: Test-icons to test-files that end with.test
before the file extension. Previously, this effect was limited to.test.js
files located inside aspecs
- [
]: Serialised storage state growing without bound
v2.1.20 - 2018-05-09
- New icons: Caffe2 (
), Dia (.dia
), Go (rebranded), HoundCI (.hound.yml
), NDepend (.ndproj
), Neo4J (.cyp
), PROS (project.pros
), PullApprove (.pullapprove.yml
), TLA+ (.tla
), WDL (.wdl
), WiX (.wixproj
) - Support: Data (
), Debian (.control
) Electron (.compilerc
), Firebase (firestore.rules
), Readmes (.changes
), RPM (.rpmmacros
), Rust (rust-toolchain
), Tests (.test
), VSCode (.vcxproj.filters
), XML (.admx
- [
]: Replaced Go's gopher with newly branded logo.
v2.1.19 - 2018-04-25
- New icons: Bitmap font (
), Vector font (replaces existing font-icon), V8 Turbofan - Support: JavaScript (
), Mocha (mocha.min.js
), Normalize (normalize.min.css
), PowerShell (pwsh
executables), Prettier (.prettierignore
), Snakefile (.smk
v2.1.18 - 2018-03-22
- New icons: Tipe (
), Workbox (workbox-config.js
) - Support: App Store (
folders), Archive (.sit
), Atom (.atomproject.{json, cson}
), Binary (.rnd
), Config (mimeapps.list
), Data (fstab
), Download (.crdownload
), Dylibs (.appex
folders), Finder (.DS_Store
), GNOME (.gtkrc
), Lisp (.sbclrc
), Octave (.octave_hist
), R (.Rhistory
), Swagger (swagger.yaml
), Tcl (.tkcvs
), V8 (.v8flags*
), Vim (.viminfo
), X11 (.xinput
- [
]: Exception thrown from null filesystem reference
v2.1.17 - 2018-02-23
- New icons: Avro (
), Brotli (updated), CoNLL (.conll
), glTF (.gltf
), Nextflow (.nf
), Spacemacs (.spacemacs
) - Support: Android (
), Archive file (.maff
), Babel (.babelrc.js
), Firefox OS (.webapp
), HTML (.mht
), Karma (karma.conf.ts
), Ruby (Appfile
), Safari Webarchives (.webarchive
), Scala (.kojo
), SSH-related (.ssh/*
), TypoScript (.typoscript
- Broken auto-compilation when updating
- [
]: Sporadic breakage on Linux - [
]: Icons changing incorrectly when opening certain filetypes (see below).
(for Atom 1.24.0 and Atom 1.25.0-beta0 users only)
Disabled support for updating icons when changing a file's grammar. A regression introduced in Atom 1.24.0 broke the feature and caused it to change certain icons uncontrollably. Other versions of Atom are affected — installing the next release will restore the broken feature automatically. If you disabled the grammar-strategy as a workaround for this issue, you can now re-enable it.
v2.1.16 - 2018-01-19
- [
]: Background resource deletion not updating icon cache - Subtle path-handling errors in Nuclide (see
v2.1.15 - 2017-12-15
- New icons: Robots (
) - Support: AppVeyor (
), Bundler (.gemfile
), Data (.hson
- [
]: Error thrown when displaying MRU list with a blank tab open
v2.1.14 - 2017-11-20
- New icons: Browsersync (
), Caffe (.caffemodel
), CWL (.cwl
), Imba (.imba
), Prettier (.prettierrc.{js,json,yaml,yml}
), Reek (.reek
), YAML (.yml
), YARA (.yar
) - Support: 3D Asset (
), Bazel (BUILD.bazel
), Checklist (.todo
), Dashboard (.cloc
), Data (.webmanifest
), Doxygen (.Doxygen
- [
]: Strange clipping of circular icons on High Sierra
v2.1.13 - 2017-10-11
- New icons: Backup (
), IcoMoon (icomoon{.*}.json
), Q/Kdb+ (.k
) - Support: Heroku (
), Ionic (ionic.config.json
icons not updating if project is opened by adding a folder to a blank workspace window.
class added tobody
element when coloured icons are enabled
v2.1.12 - 2017-09-19
- New icons: Carthage (
), CocoaPods (.podspec
), DataWeave (.dwl
), Nomad (.nomad
), PyPi (
), Stencil (.stencil
) - Support: Checklist (
), Compressed files (.wgt
), Config (buildozer.spec
), Circuit Board (.cir
), Data (.ejson
), Email/Author lists (CODEOWNERS
), Generic (.bal
), Git commit messages (ATOM_COMMIT_EDITMSG
), Python tests ({tests,test}/test_*.py
), Terraform (.tf.json
), Xcode (.xcworkspace
- Buggy handling of
files where unrelated lines preceded alinguist-language
assignment .gitattributes
patterns pointing to project's base directory (/*.file
) matched nothing- Patched
consumer in preparation foratom/tree-view#1169
v2.1.11 - 2017-08-17
- Support: GIMP (
), Minecraft (.mcfunction
- [
]: Rare exception thrown when loading.gitattributes
files - Regression with reading contents of opened text-buffers
v2.1.10 - 2017-08-06
- New icons: Cairo, Codacy (
), Corel (.cmx
), CorelDRAW (.cdr
), Firebase Bolt (.bolt
), Ghostscript, GIMP (.xcf
), Graphite, HewlettPackard (.hpgl
), Inkscape, OpenCV, Pipenv (Pipfile
), TortoiseSVN (.tgitconfig
) - Support: Apache (
), Eagle (.eup
), Generic code (.sk
), Images (.cgm
), KiCad (.kicad_pcb-bak
), LLVM (ubsan.blacklist
), MarkdownLint (.mdlrc
), Moustache (*.stache
), nginx (nginx{.+}*.conf
), Printed Circuit Boards (.pcb
), Text (.dri
), XML Page Specification (.xps
- Eagle icon replaced by generic circuit-board for
(Board) and.sch
(Schematic) files. - MarkdownLint icon reduced in scale slightly
v2.1.9 - 2017-07-16
- New icons: Atoum (
), Behat (behat.yml
), CPAN (cpanfile
), cURL (.curlrc
), Flask (flask{.*}.py
), Pod (.pod
), tmux (.tmux.conf
) - Support: C (
), Generic code (.cgi
), Images (.xwd
), Jest (jest.config.js
), Maps (.map
), Mercurial (.hgignore
), Perl (.al
), Shell-scripts (.mksh
), Tagfiles (.hgtags
), TypeScript tests (*.{spec|test}.{ts,tsx}
), Unit tests (t/*.sh
), Visual Studio (.njsproj
) .tdy
to ignored file-extensions, used by perltidy(1).
- Perl icon changed to use the Perl onion
- [
]: Swift icons now orange-coloured instead of green
v2.1.8 - 2017-06-26
- New icons: Closure Template (
), EasyBuild (.eb
), Ring (.ring
), Solidity (.sol
- [
]: Exception thrown on Windows when openingarchive-view
- [
]: Webpack icon not shown for filenames containing dashes - [
]: Unexplained TypeError thrown for outdated Atom installs
v2.1.7 - 2017-05-31
- New icons: Browserslist (updated version), Junos (
), Telegram (.tl
), Visio (.vdw
) - Support: FlowType (
), Jest (.jsx.snap
- [
]: Wrong icon shown for TypeScript executables
v2.1.6 - 2017-05-18
- New icons: Browserslist (
), Dragula (dragula.{js,css}
), Moment (moment.js
), Moment Timezone (moment-timezone.js
) - Support: Docker (
directories), jQuery (jquery.slim.js
- Tab-icons squashed by
v2.1.5 - 2017-05-13
- New icons: Edge (
), Firebase (.firebaserc
), GLSL (.glsl
), Vertex/Fragment Shader (.fp
), SketchUp LayOut (.layout
), SketchUp Make (.skp
), SketchUp Style Builder (.style
), WebGL (.webgl
) - Support: 3D Asset (
), ChartJS (chart.{bundle,min}.js
), NPM (package-lock.json
v2.1.4 - 2017-04-26
- New icons: Jolie (
), Nano (.nanorc
), PegJS (.pegjs
), Xamarin (.workbook
) - Support: 3D Assets (
), Circle CI (.circleci
directories), Jest (.js.snap
), Markdown (.mdwn
), Python (.pyi
), Visual Studio (.vsixmanifest
- [
]: Occasional error thrown when openingfuzzy-finder
- [
]: Classes not removed when disposing ofaddIconToElement
disposable - [
]: Unhandled exception thrown fromproject-plus
v2.1.3 - 2017-04-13
- New icons: BinTray (
), Brotli (.br
), DOM, MJML (.mjml
), NASM (.nasm
), NXC (.nxc
), WebAssembly (.wasm
), Yasm - Support: Stylelint (
), Webpack (webpack.*.conf
- [
]: Obscure conflict withtree-view-autoresize
package - [
]: Errors thrown when opening remote directories containing a.gitattributes
v2.1.2 - 2017-03-30
- [
]: Exception thrown when installing package - [
]: Test-icons not applied to files in test-folder subdirectories
v2.1.1 - 2017-03-22
Replaced scoped dependency with unscoped and republished version.
An apm
bug with handling scoped NPM modules #702
blocked v2.1.0 from submission to
v2.1.0 - 2017-03-21
- New icons: Alex (
), Antwar (antwar.{conf|config}.
), CodeShip (codeship-*.yml
), MarkdownLint (.markdownlintrc
), PM2 (ecosystem.{config|conf}.*
), Proselint (.proselintrc
), Tests folder (unassigned), Test-files (CoffeeScript, Generic code, JavaScript, Perl, Python, React/JSX/TSX, Ruby, and TypeScript) ({spec|test}/*.{spec|test}.{js|rb|pl…}
), Webpack (updated logo) - Support: GitLab (
), Jinja2 (.j2
), Karma (karma.config.*
), Protractor (protractor.config.*
), SourcePawn (.inc
), Stylus (.stylus
), Webpack (webpack.conf.*
- Filesystem APIs moved to a dedicated repository for further development. Users should continue to report errors to
as normal. - Webpack icon updated to use official branding. The old icon is retained at
- Character maps, borked by some recent change to GitHub Markdown's HTML-parsing
2.0.17 - 2017-03-01
- New icons: ESDoc (
), JSONT (.jsont
), Twine (.tw
), and Phoenix (phoenix.{ex,js}
) - Support: PostCSS (
) - Commands to toggle package settings:
(no default keybindings).
- [
]: Icons still displayed in tabs after disablingtabPaneIcon
setting - [
]: Switching projects inproject-plus
broke connection withtree-view
entries. Files quit refreshing and directories reverted to default-icons. Tabs
not clearing memory when switching projects inproject-plus
2.0.16 - 2017-02-27
- New icons: AngelScript (
), Bazel (.bzl
), BEM (.bemjson.js
), Caddy (Caddyfile
), DeviceTree (.dts
), Franca (.fdl
), Jison (.jison
), Meson (
), MiniZinc (.mzn
), Miranda (.m
), Nanoc (.nanoc.yaml
), P4 (.p4
), Watchman (.watchmanconfig
) - Support: Generic code (
), Markdown (.gfm
2.0.15 - 2017-02-08
- New icons: ABIF (
), EJS (.ejs
), Hoplon (.hl
), KiCad (.kicad_pcb
), Mercurial (.hg
), PlatformIO (platformio.ini
), Polymer (polymer.json
), Rhino3D (.3dm
), VirtualBox (.vbox
), VMware (.vmdk,
) - Support: LookML (
), SQL (.hql
- [
] Errors thrown foratom-svn
users - [
] Certain filenames replacing.tpl
icons linguist-language
strategy not working on Windows- Missing cache and repository icons on Windows. Seriously this time.
- Icons not cleared from memory when closing
2.0.14 - 2017-02-03
- 33 new icons: Ansible, Aurelia, bitHound, Brunch, Buck, Bundler, CakePHP (updated logo), Chef, COBOL, CodeKit, Delphi, Doclets, DoneJS, Drone, GitLab, HaxeDevelop, Jasmine, Jest, KitchenCI, Lerna, Lime, Microsoft InfoPath, Nuclide, Octave, PHPUnit, Redux, RSpec, Sequelize, Shipit, Shippable, Swagger, Template Toolkit, Twig
- Support: Blade (
), Erlang (Emakefile
), GraphViz (.plantuml
), Jekyll (_config.yml
), MkDocs (mkdocs.yml
), Paket (Variouspaket.*
folders), Process IDs (.pid
), Puppet (.epp
), Tcl (.exp
), Terminal (.profile
), Visual Studio (.vscodeignore
folders), Yarn (.yarnrc
), WeChat (.wxml
- Icon config: Incorrect priority levels assigned to certain icons
- Icon config: Icon names not fuzzed when generating alias pattern
- Submodule icons not showing in tree-view
- Missing repo icons in projects that were opened through a symlink
- Certain path separators not normalised on Windows; likely solves
2.0.13 - 2017-01-28
- Support: Gear (
), NodeJS (.node
- [
] Deleted files not cleared from memory on Windows - [
] Error thrown after deactivating package - Errors thrown when deactivating/reactivating package
2.0.12 - 2017-01-24
- Regression introduced in 2.0.11 for Nuclide users
2.0.11 - 2017-01-24
- [
] Breakage at startup on Windows
2.0.10 - 2017-01-20
- [
] Sporadic breakage with fixing tab-classes - [
] Repo icons missing on Windows - [
] Error thrown at startup or when installed - Icon cache resetting between sessions on Windows
2.0.9 - 2017-01-13
- [
] Tree-view not showing when adding new project in empty window - [
] Breakage with hashbangs with#!/usr/bin/env
but no interpreter - [
] Breakage ifdocument.styleSheets
is null - Submodule icons not showing
2.0.8 - 2017-01-11
- [
] Partial Nuclide support - [
] Support for DTML files - Colour for SQL filetypes
- Support: Emacs (
folders), SQL (.mysql
- [
] Wrong icons used for certain.tpl
files - [
] Error thrown when changing project paths in Nuclide
2.0.7 - 2017-01-04
- [
] Breakage withyosemate-ui
- [
] Breakage for repositories with unreadable paths - [
] Tree-view hidden at startup (for real this time) - Breakage if creating file with name matching a deleted folder
2.0.6 - 2017-01-04
Updated URLs to use new GitHub organisation.
2.0.5 - 2017-01-04
- [
] Rendering issue in Fuzzy-Finder - [
] Wrong colour used for_spec.rb
files - [
] Wrong icon used for Dockerfiles - [
] Error thrown for empty pathname
2.0.4 - 2017-01-02
- [
] Occasional breakage openingtree-view
on Arch Linux - Icons reverted when changing certain
2.0.3 - 2017-01-01
- Icon service to enable integration with third-party packages.
- [
] Exception thrown deserialising external file-paths
2.0.2 - 2016-12-30
- Support: [
as a MATLAB scope
- [
] Lack of support for user-defined filetypes with leading dots - [
] Tree-view hidden at startup - [
] Sporadic breakage when switching project windows - Failing file-signature specs
- [
] Icons not showing in Nuclide file-tree
2.0.1 - 2016-12-30
Fixed breakage at startup when run on Windows.
2.0.0 - 2016-12-30
- New features: Hashbang detection, modeline recognition, and much more. Please consult the release notes for full details.
- New icons: ArtText (
folders), Electron, FFmpeg, GN (.gn
), ICU, libuv, Ninja (.ninja
), Nodemon (nodemon.json
), Rascal (.rsc
), V8 - Support: HTML (
), Source maps (
1.7.25 - 2016-11-13
- New icons: Rollup (new logo), SilverStripe (
) - [
]: Copies of Octicons noticeably affected by Atom 1.13's upgrade to Octicons 4.4.0:Settings
files no longer associated with Scheme
1.7.24 - 2016-11-03
- New icons: Codecov (
), NSIS (new logo), Reason (.re
), Snyk (.synk
) - Support: Boot (
), Generic (.abnf
- Solid-filled icons now used for
1.7.23 - 2016-10-27
- New icon: EditorConfig (
) - Support: Bower Rails (
), Docker Compose (.docker-compose.*
), Docker Sync (docker-sync.yml
), Gear (.lintstagedrc
), OpenType feature files (.fea
), PostCSS (.postcssrc
), Zsh (.antigen
1.7.22 - 2016-10-14
- New icons: Glyphs (
), Yarn (yarn.lock
- [
] Icon ofmarkdown-preview
misaligned after reloading - [
] Ambiguous wording of package settings
1.7.21 - 2016-10-12
- New icons: DyLib (
), mruby (.mrb
), SVN (.svn
), Wercker (wercker.yml
) - Support: Git (
- [
] Tab-icon colours not obeying value of user's "Changed only" setting.
1.7.20 - 2016-10-04
- New icons: 1C (
), PowerBuilder (.pbl
), Regex (.regex
), REXX (.rex
) - Support: Emacs Lisp (
), Generic (.asn
), TextMate (.tmcg
), TI-BASIC (.8xp
- Pug icon improved; previous icon retained at
1.7.19 - 2016-08-28
- New icons: FontForge (
) - Support: Emacs Lisp (
), GNU's readline configuration (.inputrc
), PostScript (.afm
- Updated icons in readme's preview image
1.7.18 - 2016-08-05
- New icons: CircleCI (
), Tern (.tern-project
) - Support: Flow (
), Jinja (.jinja2
), Mocha (mocha.opts
), Manpages (.pic
), mSQL (.dsql
), NodeJS (.nvmrc
), Pug (.pug-lintrc
files now use Objective-C icon
1.7.17 - 2016-07-14
- New icons: Chai, Cordova, D3, Ember, ESLint (new), Mocha
- Support: Assembly (
), Docker (.dockerfile
), ESLint (.eslintcache
- Laravel icon is now orange, as per their logo
- [
] Laravel icon too small in Atom Material UI
1.7.16 - 2016-07-05
- New icons: Akka, ChartJS, CKEditor, CodeMirror, EQ, Fuel UX, GDB, Leaflet, MathJax, Neko, Normalize.css, Sinatra, Spray, TinyMCE, YUI
- Support: BibTeX (
), NPM (npm-shrinkwrap.json
), Yeoman (.yo-rc.json
- New procedure for adding icons - a separate repository now manages the package's icon-font. Contributors should take heed of the new submission process.
1.7.15 - 2016-06-17
- New icons: Arch Linux, TypeDoc
- Support: Atom (
), Bower (bower_components
), Debian (control
), Red Hat (.spec
), Webpack (webpackfile.js
- [
] Erosion removed from Vagrant icon
- [
] Directory icons now respect user's "Colour only when changed" setting
1.7.14 - 2016-06-10
- New icons: Alpine Linux, Knockout, Rollup, Stylus (alternate icons)
- Added NodeJS icon to
- Stylus icon changed to use the logotype's first letter, as per Stylus's favicon. The previous icon is still included at codepoint
1.7.13 - 2016-05-30
- New icons: Audacity, Blender, FBX, Khronos, LightWave 3D, Maya, Nib, Stylus (new logo)
- Support: 3DS Max (
), 3D models (.stl
), Danmakufu (.dnh
), Flash (.swc
), Generic code (.appxmanifest
), Images (.dds
), Keys (git-credential-osxkeychain
), Links (.url
), Models (.u3d
), PHPUnit Config (.xml.dist
), Stylelint (.stylelintrc.{json, yaml, js}
), Unity3D (.unityproj
), Visual Studio (.sln
), Wavefront Materials (.mtl
) - Colour variations for MAXScript files
class renamed.model
to be less format-specific
no longer replaced with standard text-file icon
1.7.12 - 2016-05-21
- New icons: Adobe CC (After Effects, InDesign, Premiere), APL, Blank page, C# Cake, C#-Script, Csound, Cucumber/Gherkin, dBASE, Finder, Keynote, Microsoft Office (Access, Excel, OneNote, PowerPoint, Word), NAnt, OpenOffice, Protractor, Storyist, Strings, Typings, Wavefront OBJ, ZBrush
- Support: Config files (
), Generic code (.aepx
), Git commit/merge messages (COMMIT_EDITMSG
), Graph files (.dif
), Music-related (.chord
), Preprocessed FORTRAN (.F
), Readme (.1st
) - Alternative solid-coloured icons for TypeScript (
), TSX (\E9E7
) and JSX (\E9E6
). To use them, copy their codepoints into your stylesheet.
- [
] Default icon changed to a blank page instead of a text file. This is more format-neutral, and makes "true" text formats easier to spot. - Restricted text-file icons to the following formats:
- APL icon replaced with the more recognisable grade up symbol.
- Cakefile class-name changed from
to accommodate C#'s "cake"
- Horizontal alignment of symlinks and zip-files
1.7.11 - 2016-05-10
- New icons: Julia, SQLite
- Support: Embedded Crystal (
), Embedded Ruby (.htm.erb
), NodeJS (.node-version
), NPM (npmrc
), Python (pypirc
), Ruby (gemrc
), ZSH (zlogin
- Size/alignment tweaked for PDF and Python icons
- Python icon used for
- Alignment and advance widths of Docker, Gradle, Groovy, Lisp, R, and Vue icons
- PDF files now respect value of user's "Coloured" setting
1.7.10 - 2016-05-07
- Support: APL (
), Binary (.swp
), Config files (.apl.ascii
), Manual pages (mmn
), Stylelint (.stylelintignore
- [
] Reverted fix for modified files with yellow icons - Babel icon now shows for all
1.7.9 - 2016-05-05
- New icons: Brakeman, CakePHP, Code Climate, Hack, Jenkins, Karma, Minecraft, New Relic, NuGet, PowerShell, Pug, SBT, Scrutinizer, Service Fabric, Shopify, Thor, TSX (React/Typescript), Vagrant
- Support: Adobe Photoshop (
), ANSI Weather (.ansiweatherrc
, Config files (.arcconfig
), Erlang (.app.src
), Gears (.dll
), Generic code (.gdbinit
), Git (.git*
), GNU (.GPLv[2-3]
), Gradle (gradlew
), Heroku (.buildpacks
), Images (.apng
), Makefiles (BSDmakefile
), Manual Pages (.tmac
, Mention-bot configs (.mention-bot
), Prolog (.pro
), Readme (AUTHORS
), Shell (bash_history
), Shockwave Flash (.swf
), Tag files (tags
), Texinfo (.texi
), TextMate (.JSON-tmLanguage
), Visual Studio (.builds
), Windows shortcuts (.lnk
) - Colour for default PDF icons
- Command to toggle coloured icons. To use it, create a keybinding for
in your keymap
- Clearer icon now used for Jenkinsfiles
- Git icon used for
files - Prolog files now use a dedicated icon instead of a generic one
- [
] Yellow icons no longer share same colour as modification indicator .eslintrc.js
files are no longer overridden by JS icon
1.7.8 - 2016-04-28
- New icons: Cabal, eC, MuPAD, OOC, Opa, OpenEdge ABL, Ox, Oxygene, Oz, Pan, Papyrus, Parrot, PAWN, Pickle, Pike, PogoScript, Pony, POV-Ray SDL, Propeller Spin, Puppet, PureBasic, PureScript, Racket, RDoc, REALbasic/Xojo, Rebol, Red, reStructuredText, RobotFramework, Sage, Scheme, Scilab, Self, Shen, Slash, SQF, Stan, Stata, SuperCollider, SystemVerilog, Textile, TextMate, Turing, TXL, Uno, UnrealScript, UrWeb, Varnish, VHDL, X10, XMOS, XPages, Xtend, Zephir, Zimpl
- Support: Over +120 new extensions added
- [
files now use a more generic-looking icon - [
] Fixed advance widths of icons with portrait-sized dimensions - Size and alignment corrections made to Boot, ClojureScript, Elm, Ionic, JSX, Leiningen, nginx and React icons
- Dropped support for Graph Modelling Language; its extension conflicts with GameMaker Language (
1.7.7 - 2016-04-24
- New icons: AMX, Inno Setup, Jupyter, Kotlin, KRL, LabVIEW, Lasso, Lean, LSL, Logtalk, LookML, Mako, Matlab, Max, Mercury, Metal, Mirah, Modula-2, Monkey-X, NetLogo, Nimrod, Nit, Nix, NSIS, NumPy, Objective-J, OpenCL, Processing, Sublime Text
- Support: Certificate files (
), GraphQL (.gql
), JFlex (.flex
), JSONiq (.jq
), Lex (.lex
), Logos (.x
), M (.mumps
), Modelica (.mo
), Module Management Systems (.mmk
), MoonScript (.moon
), MUF (.muf
), Myghty (.myt
), NCL (.ncl
), Nu (.nu
), Pure Data (.pd
), QMake (.pri
), Unity3D assets (.anim
- [
] Errors thrown for users of thesublime-panes
1.7.6 - 2016-04-22
- New icons: BYOND, Clean, Click, Common Lisp, Coq, Creole, Cython, Darcs, Diff, E, Eagle, Ecere, Eiffel, EmberScript, Factor, Fancy, Fantom, Flux, FreeMarker, Frege, GameMaker, GAMS, GAP, Genshi, Gentoo, Godot, Golo, Gosu, Grammatical Framework, GraphQL, Graphviz, Harbour, Hashicorp, Hy, Idris, IGOR Pro, Inform 7, Io, Ioke, NVIDIA, Patch, Perl 6, Pointwise
- Support: Composer (
), Cycript (.cy
), DNS Zones (.arpa
), Dust (.dust
), Dylan (.dylan
), ECL (.ecl
), Formatted (.eam.fs
), Forth (.4th
), G-code (.gco
), Grace (.grace
), Graph Modelling Language (.gml
- [
] Generic config icon now used for.conf
files instead of nginx logo - [
] Python icon is now blue instead of orange - Visual Basic files now distinguished by Visual Studio icon
1.7.5 - 2016-04-20
- New selector variable to override tab-icons in user stylesheets
- New icons: AMPL, Ceylon, Chapel, Cirru, Clarion, Dogescript, Fabric, IDL, Jakefile, JSON-LD, LFE, MediaWiki, Nmap, Nunjucks, Tcl, OWL, Phalcon, PostScript, SAS, SPARQL, Verilog, YANG
- Support: Over +150 new extensions and filenames added
- Font Awesome updated to 4.6.1
- Devicons, Icomoon, and Mfizz fonts converted to WOFF2 for better compression
- Height of
1.7.4 - 2016-04-18
- New icons: Ant Build System, Bluespec, Boo, Brainfuck, Bro, ChucK, CLIPS, CMake, Component Pascal, Glade, GNU, Isabelle, Jinja, Mapbox, Stylelint
- Support: AGS, ApacheConf (
), Befunge, BitBake, BlitzMax, Brightscript, C2hs, Cap'n Proto, COBOL,.csx
, Extra extensions for C, C++ and Erlang, Haskell.hsc
files, HTTP, Jenkins, JSONLD, TeX.aux
files, TopoJSON
- [
] Material UI resets size adjustments applied to icons
1.7.3 - 2016-04-17
- New icons: ABAP, ActionScript, Alloy, ANTLR, API Blueprint, Arc, Arduino, ATS, Augeas, AutoHotkey, AutoIt, ColdFusion, J, Manual pages, Pascal
- Support: Agda,, AspectJ, AWK-scripts, Extra assembly extensions,
icons now show icons correctly
1.7.2 - 2016-04-14
- New icons: Doxygen
- Support:
- Support for numerous GNU Automake/Autoconf files
- [
] Tab icons now update when changing file extensions - [
] Newly-saved files now display icons in tab
1.7.1 - 2016-04-05
- New icons: AppleScript, Appveyor, Cakefile, Emacs Lisp, Illustrator, Photoshop, Sketch
- Support:
, additional Makefile names (mkfile
- [
] Go icon replaced with something clearer - [
] Lowercasemakefile
no longer matches any filename - Changelog now displays properly in Atom's Markdown preview
1.7.0 - 2016-04-02
- New icons: Broccoli, Flow
- Support: Ruby gems
- Webpack icon now used for all filenames containing
- Size/alignment tweaked for Kivy, SQL, Scala, OS X and Smarty icons
- Binary files now respect value of user's "Colourless Icons" setting
- Bright colours and faint icons now adjust for users of light-coloured themes
- Dark red/maroon are brightened for users of darker themes
1.6.21 - 2016-04-01
- New icons: Babel, Marko, Webpack
- Support:
files (Jade)
1.6.20 - 2016-03-31
- Support: TrueType Collections (
), Perl 6 (.pl6
), generic audio formats,.geojson
, uppercased SQL extensions
- Colour is now applied to Ruby manifests and Git/NPM-related config files
1.6.19 - 2016-03-26
- New icons: LLVM assembly (
- [
] Tab icons misaligned in files opened by Remote-Edit
1.6.18 - 2016-03-06
- [
] Riot tag too large in Atom Material theme's tree view
1.6.17 - 2016-03-01
- Elephant now used for PHP icon
- NPM icon changed to use block-shaped "n" used by
- [
] Pattern matching used for task runner config files - [
] Text-file icons not showing in Flatland Dark UI theme
1.6.16 - 2016-02-27
- New icons: OCaml, Lua
- Icons now display properly with the Seti UI theme
- Composer and Haml icons replaced with silhouetted versions
- Java icon made slightly bolder
1.6.15 - 2016-02-22
- This changelog
- New icons: AsciiDoc, LiveScript, OrgMode, RAML, Riot, SaltStack, Terraform
- Support: Video files,
, VimL
- JSX/TSX files use JSX icon instead of React's
- Increased size of Rust icon
- Extension of PowerShell modules (
1.6.14 - 2016-01-19
- New icons: Jade, ESLint, Fonts, TypeScript, PostCSS, OpenSCAD
- Support:
- Font Awesome updated to 4.4
- [
] Bottom border of inactive tabs hidden/incomplete - [
] Incorrect alignment/centring of React/JSX icon
1.6.13 - 2015-12-01
- New icons: Ada, APL, Crystal, FORTRAN, Gradle, Groovy, Haxe, Kivy, Lisp, MAXScript, R, Vue
- Support: Gnuplot scripts
- file explaining how to add new icons
- Optimised version of preview image
- Merged
fonts intofile-icons
1.6.12 - 2015-11-20
- New icons: Dart
- Support: ICO images, HJSON,
files now use the React logo
- Vertical alignment of Node icon
1.6.11 - 2015-10-19
- New icons: Apache, Debian, Red Hat, OS/X
- Support: Package.json (NPM icon)
- Updated Mfizz font
- SVG icon now drawn from Mfizz font instead of IcoMoon
- Colour of Scala icon changed from green to red
1.6.10 - 2015-10-11
- New icons: Boot, ClojureScript, Elm, Leiningen, SVG
- Support:
1.6.8 - 2015-08-26
- New icons: Meteor
- Support:
- Images with uppercased file extensions are now recognised
1.6.7 - 2015-08-21
- Git icon now used for
- Colours of Sass/SCSS icons changed to pink to reflect product logo
- Docker icons now applied to files named
1.6.6 - 2015-08-19
- Support: Iced CoffeeScript
1.6.5 - 2015-08-18
- New icons: Graph (CSV/TSV files)
- Support:
1.6.3 - 2015-08-10
- Support:
, HackLang
- Colour of
icons easier to see on darker backgrounds - Cargo.toml no longer overridden by other .toml rules
1.6.1 - 2015-07-31
- Package setting to hide icons in file tabs
1.5.8 - 2015-06-24
- Support: Cargo (
), IPython (.ipy
1.5.7 - 2015-06-04
- Vertical alignment of tab icons
1.5.6 - 2015-05-30
- New icons: F#
- Support:
1.5.5 - 2015-05-03
- New icons: D lang, Elixir, Erlang
- Updated Devicons to 1.8.0
- Prevent theme styling from italicising icons
1.5.4 - 2015-04-09
- Support: TeX alternates (
- Renamed
CSS class totex
1.5.3 - 2015-04-06
- New fonts:
(for LaTeX/BibTeX icons) - New icons: TemplateToolkit TT, SQL, LaTeX, BibTeX, Windows-specific files (BAT, CMD, EXE, COM, REG)
- Support:
, Babel Gulpfiles
1.5.2 - 2015-03-24
- New icons: Twig
- New colour swatch: Pink
- Support: Ren'Py (Python), ESLint
- Renamed
directory tostyles
to comply with Atom 1.0 specs
1.5.1 - 2015-03-08
- New fonts:
for JSX and React icons - New icons: JSX, React
1.5.0 - 2015-02-28
- New icons: Node icon, NGINX
- Support: Go templates,
- Package setting to limit icon colours only when file is modified
1.4.11 - 2015-02-16
- New icons: Assembly, Binary, Config (
1.4.10 - 2015-02-12
- New fonts:
for Ionic and HAML icons - New icons: Ionic, HAML
- Support:
1.4.9 - 2015-02-09
- Support: Nodemon
- [
] Tab icons for Settings and Release Notes disappearing
1.4.8 - 2015-01-19
- Support: D lang, Makefiles,
1.4.7 - 2015-01-18
- New icons: ColdFusion
- Missing icons in file tabs
1.4.6 - 2015-01-15
- [
] Updated core selectors to use new custom elements
- Updated minimum compatible Atom version to 0.171.0
1.4.5 - 2015-01-13
- New icons: Rust
- Readded
with green colouring - Update Devicons
1.4.4 - 2015-01-06
- New icons: Clojure, Rails
- Support: Capfile, Guardfile,
now implemented as.feature
1.4.3 - 2014-12-18
- New icons: Travis
- Support: Emblem.js templates,
1.4.2 - 2014-11-03
- New icons: Lua
- Support:
- Size of JavaScript icons
1.4.1 - 2014-10-22
- New icons: Composer.json, Laravel Blade, Sourcepawn
- Support: Lua (generic code icon)
1.4.0 - 2014-10-16
- Package settings to forcefully show icons and disable colours
1.3.6 - 2014-10-04
- Icon and colour combinations for
- Git-related files now use Git SCM logo instead of GitHub
1.3.5 - 2014-09-19
- Support: PowerShell, XAML, Skim templates, Readme files
- Default icon for tabs
- Image icons in tabs
1.3.4 - 2014-09-05
- New icons: Smarty templates (
) - Support:
files (Perl)
- Colour of Perl icons to a more appropriate blue
1.3.3 - 2014-08-25
- New icons: Julia
- Support:
- Minor change to JavaScript icon's vertical alignment
1.3.2 - 2014-08-01
- [
] Console error causing dev tools to open when reloading window
1.3.1 - 2014-08-01
- New fonts:
for Dockerfile icon - New icons: Dockerfile
- Support: Stylus, ASP,
- Readded Go icon with adjustments
- Font smoothing to improve icon appearance on Mac OS
- [
] Reverted CoffeeScript to use pre-1.3.0 icon - Reverted C and C++ files to use generic icons
1.3.0 - 2014-07-20
- New fonts: Devicons
- New icons: Bower logo, Go, CoffeeScript, Swift
- Support:
- Stylesheet to override Unity theme's icon removal
- Stylesheet to remove package colours
- Updated Font Awesome to 4.1
- Go icon (too faint)
1.2.6 - 2014-07-16
- New icons: CakePHP templates, Twitter/Bower files
- Support:
1.2.5 - 2014-07-14
- New icons: Haskell
- Support:
- Examples folder
files now use JavaScript icon- Node icon now used instead of NPM
- Colour of icons now matches CoffeeScript colour
1.2.4 - 2014-06-29
- [
] Text of active tab vertically misaligned
1.2.3 - 2014-06-28
- New fonts: IcoMoon
- New icons: Grunt, Gulp, Sass, Handlebars/Mustache
- Support:
, TypeScript,npm-debug.log
files now use NPM icon instead of gear
1.2.2 - 2014-06-25
- New icons: Java Server Pages (.jsp)
- Support:
, Elixir, Erlang
- Character mappings for 1.1.0 icons
1.2.1 - 2014-06-24
- Support:
1.2.0 - 2014-06-22
- New icons: Markdown
- Support: Opal Ruby,
- Icon support in file tabs
1.1.0 - 2014-06-08
- New icons: C, C++, C#, Go, Java, Objective-C, Perl, PHP, Scala, Shell
- Icons are now specified with CSS only
1.0.2 - 2014-05-28
- [
] Incorrectly-centred icons
1.0.1 - 2014-05-26
- [
]: Console error when opening a project in dev mode
1.0.0 - 2014-05-24
- New fonts: FontAwesome, Mfizz
- New icons: Checklists, Code, CoffeeScript, Comments, CSS3, Dashboard, Database, Gear, Git, HTML5, JSX, Package, Python, Secret
- Moved colour and icon properties to different stylesheets
0.3.0 - 2014-04-14
- Colouring for literate CoffeeScript files
- Regex to match file extensions with dashes (e.g.,
0.2.0 - 2014-03-27
- Wrong CSS class name
- Debugging feedback left in tree-view
Initial release.