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Visualize your project's dependencies.

Usage Instructions

sbt-dependency-graph is an informational tool rather than one that changes your build, so you will more than likely wish to install it as a global plugin so that you can use it in any SBT project without the need to explicitly add it to each one. To do this, add the plugin dependency to ~/.sbt/0.13/plugins/plugins.sbt for sbt 0.13 or ~/.sbt/1.0/plugins/plugins.sbt for sbt 1.0:

addSbtPlugin("net.virtual-void" % "sbt-dependency-graph" % "0.9.0")

To add the plugin only to a single project, put this line into project/plugins.sbt of your project, instead.

The plugin currently supports sbt versions >= 0.13.10 and sbt 1.0.x. For versions supporting older versions of sbt see the notes of version 0.8.2.

Main Tasks

  • dependencyTree: Shows an ASCII tree representation of the project's dependencies
  • dependencyBrowseGraph: Opens a browser window with a visualization of the dependency graph (courtesy of graphlib-dot + dagre-d3).
  • dependencyList: Shows a flat list of all transitive dependencies on the sbt console (sorted by organization and name)
  • whatDependsOn <organization> <module> <revision>: Find out what depends on an artifact. Shows a reverse dependency tree for the selected module.
  • dependencyLicenseInfo: show dependencies grouped by declared license
  • dependencyStats: Shows a table with each module a row with (transitive) Jar sizes and number of dependencies
  • dependencyGraphMl: Generates a .graphml file with the project's dependencies to target/dependencies-<config>.graphml. Use e.g. yEd to format the graph to your needs.
  • dependencyDot: Generates a .dot file with the project's dependencies to target/dependencies-<config>.dot. Use graphviz to render it to your preferred graphic format.
  • dependencyGraph: Shows an ASCII graph of the project's dependencies on the sbt console (only supported on sbt 0.13)
  • ivyReport: Lets ivy generate the resolution report for you project. Use show ivyReport for the filename of the generated report

All tasks can be scoped to a configuration to get the report for a specific configuration. test:dependencyGraph, for example, prints the dependencies in the test configuration. If you don't specify any configuration, compile is assumed as usual.

Configuration settings

  • filterScalaLibrary: Defines if the scala library should be excluded from the output of the dependency-* functions. If true, instead of showing the dependency "[S]" is appended to the artifact name. Set to false if you want the scala-library dependency to appear in the output. (default: true)
  • dependencyGraphMLFile: a setting which allows configuring the output path of dependency-graph-ml.
  • dependencyDotFile: a setting which allows configuring the output path of dependency-dot.
  • dependencyDotHeader: a setting to customize the header of the dot file (e.g. to set your preferred node shapes).
  • dependencyDotNodeLabel: defines the format of a node label (default set to [organisation]<BR/><B>[name]</B><BR/>[version])

E.g. in build.sbt you can change configuration settings like this:

filterScalaLibrary := false // include scala library in output

dependencyDotFile := file("") //render dot file to `./`

Known issues

  • #19: There's an unfixed bug with graph generation for particular layouts. Workaround: Use dependency-tree instead of dependency-graph.


Published under the Apache License 2.0.