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sfpegIconDsp Component


The sfpegIconDsp component is a pure display and interaction component enabling to easily display various types of icons while masking the underlying technical implementation variations.

It mainly relies on the standard lightning-icon component to display standard SLDS icons or custom SVG icons from the sfpegIcons static resource if the resource: prefix is used in the icon name.

If the dynamic: prefix is used, it may also use the lightning-dynamic-icon standard component (in score, strength or trend types, e.g. as dynamic:score) or the lightning-progress-ring one (if dynamic:progress name is used). In such a case, a iconValue property should be set to control the actual display state of the icon/progress bar.

This component is used in the following components:

Display Configuration Options

The following display parameters may be set on a sfpegIconDsp component

  • iconName to provide the actual icon name to display as prefix:name as in SLDS
  • iconSize to provide its size (small being default if applicable)
  • iconVariant to provide its variant (if applicable, depending on the icon type)
  • iconTitle to set a title on the icon (displayed upon hovering)
  • iconValue to set the current value state of the icon (for dynamic icon type)
  • isDebug to activate the console logs of the component (for debug)
<c-sfpeg-icon-dsp   icon-name={iconName}

As icon names, the following options are supported

  • SLDS icons such as utility:check, custom:custom12, standard:account..., iconVariant property being available only for utility ones
  • custom icons as resource:<iconName> where each <iconName> should reference (with its size) a SVG icon sprite in the sfpegIcons static resource (see further below)
  • dynamic icons either utility:score, utility:strength or utility:trend with a required iconValue (corresponding to the option of the underlying lightning-dynamic-icon) but no iconSize nor iconVariant properties
  • dynamic progress rings as utility:progress with a required iconValue and optional iconSize and iconVariant properties.

Action Configuration

If the actionName property in set of the component, an action LWC event is triggered each time the user clicks on the icon. The CSS is then adapted to highlight that the icon is clickable.

Such an event should be handled by setting the onaction handler on the component.

<c-sfpeg-icon-dsp   icon-name={iconName}
                    onaction={handleIconAction}  >

Static Resource for Custom Icons

The sfpegIcons static resource contains all the custom SVG icons usable in the other components via the resource:xxxx syntax. If new icons are required, new SVG definitions may be added in the static resource for the new icon in all target sizes. The content of the static resource is easily accessible via the sfpegIconCatalog App page.

Icon Catalog Page

In the following example, the resource:total icon is defined in both medium and small formats.

  • the id of the sprite is built following the <iconName>-<iconSize> format
  • In order to reuse an original SVG defined in other sizes, a transformation is applied to scale and translate the original SVG directives for a proper display. The general viewBox is in a 0 0 100 100 configuration and target sizes for medium and small sizes are respectively 32px and 24px.
  • The stroke color has to be explicitely specified (as it is not inherited from the containers) and the stroke-width may also be adapted to the size.
<g id="total-medium" transform="scale(0.08) translate(-256.6798,-531.7963)" stroke="#a42a25">
    <g fill="none" fill-rule="evenodd" stroke-width="10" >
        <path d="m 340.80927,575.52393 h 198.63281 l 5.27344,66.60156 h -7.42188 q -1.36719,-19.72656 -6.64062,-30.07813 -5.27344,-10.54687 -14.45313,-15.23437 -9.17969,-4.6875 -29.10156,-4.6875 h -90.42969 l 80.66406,103.51562 -91.79687,108.39844 h 100.58594 q 27.34375,0 41.79687,-8.78906 14.45313,-8.78906 21.67969,-36.71875 l 7.42187,1.75781 -11.32812,80.07813 H 340.80927 v -7.03125 L 442.76239,713.02393 340.80927,582.55518 Z" />
<g id="total-small" transform="scale(0.06) translate(-256.6798,-531.7963)" stroke="#a42a25">
    <g fill="none" fill-rule="evenodd" stroke-width="10" >
        <path d="m 340.80927,575.52393 h 198.63281 l 5.27344,66.60156 h -7.42188 q -1.36719,-19.72656 -6.64062,-30.07813 -5.27344,-10.54687 -14.45313,-15.23437 -9.17969,-4.6875 -29.10156,-4.6875 h -90.42969 l 80.66406,103.51562 -91.79687,108.39844 h 100.58594 q 27.34375,0 41.79687,-8.78906 14.45313,-8.78906 21.67969,-36.71875 l 7.42187,1.75781 -11.32812,80.07813 H 340.80927 v -7.03125 L 442.76239,713.02393 340.80927,582.55518 Z" />

Please refer to the standard lightning-icon component for more details about how custom icons work.