This is backend side of CoffeeShop App works on node.js, express and postgresql
- NodeJs - 16.14.0
- YARN - >=1.12.3
- PostgreSql - 14.2
- Run
yarn install
- to install packages - Run
docker-compose up
- to run postgresql - Export envs from
- On mac OS you can use
export $(cat .env.local)
to export all env variables from the .env.local file.
- On mac OS you can use
- Run
yarn migrations:dev
for db migrations - Run
yarn seeds:dev
for seeds - Run
yarn server:dev
- to start dev server
App will be available on 8080
- will return list of available drinks/api/health
- will return healthcheck status/metrics
- will return prometheus metrics/api-docs
- will return swaggerUI
This app has a job that change balance of supply. This job should be run frequency at midnight To run this jobs use:
yarn jobs:supply:dev
- while on devyarn jobs:supply:prod
- while on prod
After successfully running of this job, balance of the drinks should be increased on 50 items
To run the app in production use:
yarn build
- to build app, after successfully running files will be stored indist
directoryyarn migrations:prod
for db migrationsyarn server:prod
- will start app in production modeyarn seeds:prod
- will run seeds in productionyarn jobs:supply:prod
- will start supply job on production
To run test use yarn test
Whole app is configuring by this env vars:
- on which port app will be runningAPI_KEY_TOKEN
- secret tokenDATABASE_URL
- database url in format (postgres://username:password@host:5432/database_name
Obviously NODE_ENV
to set development
or production
Logs have a format time(YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss.SSS) request_id log_level message
- e.g. 2023-12-02 20:49:02.227 2fc23819-a76a-4649-ba35-e34573181e97 debug Received 5 drinks
After performance testing we know that app should have at least 0.5
core of cpu and 1Gb
of memory.
We know that standalone app hold up to 100 RPS