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Terms of Use

Bruno623 edited this page Jan 2, 2021 · 10 revisions



The site is provided free of charge to everyone, and is subject to the occasional failure that is out of our control. Sometimes you may lose on a sure win due to technical issues. In these situations, just like in general, elo refund is sadly not possible.

Breaking any of the rules listed below is subject to warnings and moderative action against your account (regardless of if you were reported), and in extreme cases we may revoke your access to this site.

Most violations will be addressed with a Warning > Timeout > Ban protocol, unless otherwise stated. Multiple warnings and timeouts may be issued to one player based on their offense and their history.

Any malicious activity (e.g., trying to crash the site) or attempts to intentionally subvert rules using gaps in rulings or loopholes will be considered breaking the rules.

Any usage of bots that automate actions or chats is not allowed unless approved by the Admin/Editors.

To request mod assistance you may ping @Moderator in the #mod-support channel of our Discord server. While seated in game, you may also ping @mod followed by a space and the message (e.g., @mod 6 is afk), or you may report a player directly by clicking their username and then clicking the Report button and filling out the report modal.

Language and Behavior

These rules apply to ranked, practice, casual, and custom games. Unlisted games will not follow any of these rules unless the link is shared publicly.

These rules also apply to game room names, even if the room is private. Forbidden room names will be reset and appropriate action will be taken.

Anything not listed below is probably fine to use, provided there is no malicious intent or spam.

Forbidden Language:

  • Hate speech
    • Anything racist, sexist, homophobic, transphobic, anti-specific-religion, or anti-atheism.
    • Anything ableist or derogatory to people with disabilities, when excessively insulting a player.
  • Excessive sexual content.
  • Posting links to anything harmful or NSFW.
  • Encouraging/glorifying harm or self-harm of others, including malicious, directed use of "die", "kys", etc. If you or someone you know is at risk of self-harm, please seek help from a professional or the authorities.

Explicitly Forbidden Words:

  • N word -- likely ban on sight
  • F Slur -- likely timeout on sight
  • "Retard"
  • Words that are equivalent to those listed above (e.g., "libtard" for "retard").

Forbidden behavior:

  • Spamming - sending the same or similar messages repetitively such that it prevents or hinders discussion (including copypastas).
  • Harassing or excessively attacking others.
  • Discussions in non-English, except for brief instances if there is no conflict with any other rule.
  • Engaging in excessive and unnecessary drama or unwarranted attention seeking/self-pity posts.
  • Impersonating a player -- impersonating a moderator will be treated more harshly.
  • Abuse of moderator ping and player report functions.
  • Unauthorized advertising.
  • Any usage of bots that automate actions or chats.
  • Spoiling any recent films, TV shows, or similar -- 18hr if maliciously spoiling popular, current entertainment.
  • Doxxing/exposing someone's personal information -- likely ban on sight if extreme.

Accounts and Cardbacks

Account names strictly follow Language and Behavior rules. Additionally, account names must not be too similar to other unique usernames without that user's permission. Any account found breaking these rules will be permanently toggled private. Private accounts are not subject to moderation, but can only play in private games.

Card-backs follow Language and Behavior rules, and additionally must not contain:

  • Images from the site that can appear over the card-back or similar enough to cause confusion.
  • Anything that the viewer may not wish to be seen looking at in a public or formal environment, anything that can be considered NSFW or potentially disturbing content.
  • Swastikas, SS, Nazi salutes.
  • Nazi imagery/portraits (with exception to obvious parody).

Card-backs breaking these rules will be removed and violating users will be warned. Animated card-backs will be converted to a static image.

AFK (Away-From-Keyboard)

These rules apply only to ranked, practice, casual, and custom games.

AFK players are given 3 minutes to return and continue playing before they are in violation of our ToU. Any room waiting on an AFK player is asked to report the player to moderators and wait those 3 minutes before remaking/leaving. The AFK player is still encouraged to return if the lobby is still active, even if the 3 minutes passed, in which case the AFK will be excused.

AFK penalties increase based on the number of AFKs a player has within the 24 hour period following their last valid AFK; if more than 24 hours pass, the chain is reset. The penalties are listed below:

  • 1st AFK - No punishment
  • 2nd AFK - 6 hour timeout
  • 3rd AFK - 18 hour timeout
  • 4th AFK - Ban

Any player found to be AFK'ing too frequently, but not being banned by the procedure, may still end up banned.

In some cases, a player is allowed to leave an active game without punishment. Aside from leaving due to IRL emergencies, a player may leave before the first election is voted on if...

  • they don't have time to play,
  • they don't want to play the selected mode (meta is not a game mode),
  • there is a seated player they have blacklisted.

For any emergency situations, a player's leave may be excused if they inform a mod before their next game and within a reasonable timeframe.


Any player ragequitting (RQ), loss dodging, or refusing to play will receive an 18 hour timeout, at the very least, in addition to advancement of their AFK chain.


These rules are mostly intended for ranked games. Practice games also follow these rules, but penalties tend to be more forgiving.

The following is not permitted:

  • Intentionally playing to lose (gamethrowing).
  • Intentional suboptimal play (e.g., spite-playing, outing lines without intention to lose), unless non-maliciously in a practice game.
  • Stalling when the majority of players are decided on a play and are asking to move on.
  • Playing voice chat games if not every player is in the voice chat, unless "voice chat" is explicitly labeled in the room name.
  • Use of a non-English language, unless explicitly stated in the game room name.
  • Cheating
    • Multi-accounting/rigging -- ban on first offence.
    • Showing private information (e.g., screenshot of cards or role).
    • Privately communicating game-related information to another player (including phrases with hidden meanings).
  • Unfair Influence/Tactics (game may be remade if players believe game was unfairly influenced)
    • Using tactics not possible in person (e.g., claiming misclick on card selection or on shot. This does not include correcting misclaims.)
    • Making promises to players if they play to certain goals (e.g., buying votes).
    • Using code phrases to influence specific people (e.g., pinky promises).
    • Abuse of game systems/features to influence players (e.g., blacklist mentions, threatening mod intervention, saying you will delete your account if you're lying).
    • Fake ragequitting/loss dodging/refusing to play -- 6 hour timeout if about gameplay.
    • Threatening ragequit/loss dodge/refusal to play -- 1 hour timeout if about gameplay.
    • Stating which role card you have (e.g., “old lady”).
    • Talking about an ongoing no-chat game via general or other chat, while seated.
    • Speaking in-game or sharing information in other public chats while dead.
  • The two rules below are punished the same way Unfair Influences/Tactics would be, but won't cause a game to be remade and will be considered separately from unfair influence instances:
    • Speaking on alt accounts while seated.
    • Talking about a game as an observer ( eg., possible fascist lines) after a seated player asks you to stop.

Lying as liberal may be treated as a violation, unless it benefits your team. Any conflicts (e.g., BRR vs RR) started by a liberal must be resolved before the next government, unless you can prove it is beneficial to maintain it. However, lies in general should be resolved by the time the deck ends, or when hitler zone starts.

Examples of when to lie as liberal (not a complete list):

  • Claiming BBR when receiving BBB (discourages fascists from discarding blues).
  • Claiming BR when receiving BB (testing to see if hitler is president).
  • Claiming a liberal is fascist on investigation (fake conflicting to get reactions).
  • Discarding blue policies to attain powers or give powers to a president, provided that the actual cards are claimed and the intention is made clear to the table.

The following is permitted:

  • Ignoring “meta” or “correct order” of play.
  • Using a personal meta, as long as there is no conflict with any other rule.
  • Having a discussion on what to do, even if it takes a long time, unless this conflicts with the stalling rule.


Moderators reserve the right to interpret this ruleset and determine what conduct is considered to be a violation. If a Moderator asks that you not do something, continuing such action may be punishable. All moderative actions are taken as a team and all moderative actions taken are open to peer-review and discussion amongst the team, so as to prevent biased, rushed, or inconsistent actions. If you believe you have been unfairly punished, please calmly contact @Moderator in the #mod-support channel of our Discord server.

Moderative Actions

The table below shows the process by which mods typically handle types of infractions, including how many warnings/timeouts a player may receive. Note that the table is the general template of expected actions, categorized by type, and that actions are typically taken based on specific offence, rather than type.

Moderators can still skip some, or all actions based on the specific case, history of the player, and if there’s malicious intent.

Punishments get progressively harsher as the offender repeats the infraction, ultimately resulting in a ban.

Offense Warning 1hr* 6hr 18hr** Ban
Doxxing Twice - Once Once Immediately if extreme
N-Word - - - 1st Offence 1st / 2nd offence
F-Slur - - Once Twice
Forbidden Language Twice - Once Once
Forbidden Words Twice - Twice Twice
Forbidden Behavior 3 Times Twice Twice Twice
Forbidden Cardback 3 Times - Twice Twice
Ragequit - - - Twice
Gamethrowing*** - - - Twice
Suboptimal Plays Twice - Once Twice
Stalling Twice - Twice Twice
Multi-accounting - - - - 1st Offence
Cheating Once - - Once
Unfair Influence / Tactics 3 Times Once**** Twice Twice
Improper VC Game 3 Times - Once Once
Non-English (in gameplay) 3 Times Twice Once Once
Attempts to harm the site 1st Offence

*1hr Timeout is also an IP timeout for same duration.

**18hr Timeout may include an IP timeout for same duration if deemed appropriate by mods.

***Accidental throws/suboptimal plays may receive warnings instead if deemed appropriate by mods.

****Only for instances of threatening to leave an ongoing game over gameplay.


Our privacy policy can be found here



  • Home page for wiki.


  • How to play and basic strategies.

Notes for Newcomers

  • Guide contributed by gw12346.

The Comprehensive Secret Hitler Guide

  • Guide contributed by Iconic.

Fascist Guide

  • Guide contributed by djderie.

Terms of Use

  • Secret Hitler IO's Terms of Use.

About Secret Hitler IO

  • About the game and site.

Emote Requests

  • Want to request an emote?


  • Moderation guidelines.

Read Me Page

  • Development read me info.


  • Contribution guidelines.









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