From 89aad1c00543f72479e9a236024fa4b6c1666173 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Philip Offtermatt
Date: Fri, 19 Jul 2024 10:27:52 +0200
Subject: [PATCH] Add property-based test for inactive vals
.../keeper/partial_set_security_test.go | 54 +++++++++++++++++++
1 file changed, 54 insertions(+)
diff --git a/x/ccv/provider/keeper/partial_set_security_test.go b/x/ccv/provider/keeper/partial_set_security_test.go
index 8e415b30d7..e015af850d 100644
--- a/x/ccv/provider/keeper/partial_set_security_test.go
+++ b/x/ccv/provider/keeper/partial_set_security_test.go
@@ -820,3 +820,57 @@ func TestMaxValidatorRank(t *testing.T) {
+// TestMaxProviderConsensusValidators checks that the number of validators in the next validator set is at most
+// the maxProviderConsensusValidators parameter if the consumer chain does not allow inactive validators to validate.
+func TestIfInactiveValsDisallowedProperty(t *testing.T) {
+ rapid.Check(t, func(r *rapid.T) {
+ providerKeeper, ctx, ctrl, mocks := testkeeper.GetProviderKeeperAndCtx(t, testkeeper.NewInMemKeeperParams(t))
+ defer ctrl.Finish()
+ // Generate a random number of validators with random powers
+ valPowers := rapid.SliceOfN(rapid.Int64Range(1, 100), 1, 100).Draw(r, "valPowers")
+ vals, consAddrs := createStakingValidatorsAndMocks(ctx, mocks, valPowers...)
+ // opt the validators in
+ for _, valAddr := range consAddrs {
+ providerKeeper.SetOptedIn(ctx, "chainID", valAddr)
+ }
+ // Randomly choose values for parameters
+ minStake := rapid.Uint64Range(0, 101).Draw(r, "minStake")
+ maxRank := rapid.Uint32Range(0, 11).Draw(r, "maxRank")
+ maxProviderConsensusVals := rapid.Uint32Range(1, 11).Draw(r, "maxProviderConsensusVals")
+ // Set up the parameters in the provider keeper
+ providerKeeper.SetAllowInactiveValidators(ctx, "chainID", false) // do not allow inactive validators
+ providerKeeper.SetMinStake(ctx, "chainID", minStake)
+ providerKeeper.SetMaxValidatorRank(ctx, "chainID", maxRank)
+ params := providerKeeper.GetParams(ctx)
+ params.MaxProviderConsensusValidators = int64(maxProviderConsensusVals)
+ providerKeeper.SetParams(ctx, params)
+ // Compute the next validators
+ nextVals := providerKeeper.ComputeNextValidators(ctx, "chainID", vals)
+ // Check that the length of nextVals is at most maxProviderConsensusVals
+ require.LessOrEqual(t, len(nextVals), int(maxProviderConsensusVals), "The length of nextVals should be at most maxProviderConsensusVals")
+ // Sanity check: we only get 0 next validators if either:
+ // - maxProviderConsensusVals is 0
+ // - the maximal validator power is less than the min stake
+ if len(nextVals) == 0 {
+ maxValPower := int64(0)
+ for _, power := range valPowers {
+ if power > maxValPower {
+ maxValPower = power
+ }
+ }
+ require.True(
+ t,
+ maxProviderConsensusVals == 0 || maxValPower < int64(minStake),
+ "The length of nextVals should only be 0 if either maxProviderConsensusVals is 0 or the maximal validator power is less than the min stake",
+ )
+ }
+ })