From 55ab5955d71c4e5ea783cdd1a9a2a9de84cad797 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Philip Offtermatt
Date: Thu, 28 Sep 2023 08:50:07 +0200
Subject: [PATCH] Snapshot spec with parser crasher
tests/difference/core/quint_model/ccv.qnt | 243 +++++++++++++++++-----
1 file changed, 192 insertions(+), 51 deletions(-)
diff --git a/tests/difference/core/quint_model/ccv.qnt b/tests/difference/core/quint_model/ccv.qnt
index 32f3ac5a88..f6b8eb19cc 100644
--- a/tests/difference/core/quint_model/ccv.qnt
+++ b/tests/difference/core/quint_model/ccv.qnt
@@ -130,6 +130,13 @@ module CCVTypes {
consumerStates: Chain -> ConsumerState
+ // gets a protocol state that is initialized minimally.
+ pure def GetEmptyProtocolState(): ProtocolState =
+ {
+ providerState: GetEmptyProviderState,
+ consumerStates: Map(),
+ }
type Error = {
message: str
@@ -298,7 +305,31 @@ module CCV {
- }
+ }
+ // Defines a test state to test the deliverPacketToProvider function against.
+ pure val _DeliverPacketToProvider_TestState =
+ val currentState = GetEmptyProtocolState
+ val sender = "sender"
+ val providerState = currentState.providerState
+ val consumerState = GetEmptyConsumerState
+ // add the consumer to the consumerStates
+ val consumerStates = currentState.consumerStates.set(sender, consumerState)
+ val providerState2 = providerState.with(
+ "consumerStatus", providerState.consumerStatus.set(sender, RUNNING)
+ )
+ val providerState3 = providerState2.with(
+ "outstandingPacketsToConsumer", providerState2.outstandingPacketsToConsumer.set(sender, List({
+ id: 0,
+ validatorSet: Map(),
+ sendingTime: 0
+ }))
+ )
+ currentState.with(
+ "providerState", providerState3
+ ).with(
+ "consumerStates", consumerStates
+ )
// Delivers the next queued VSCPacket from the provider chain to a consumer chain.
// Only argument is the consumer chain, to which the packet will be delivered.
@@ -504,6 +535,7 @@ module CCV {
// Takes the currentValidatorSet and puts it as the newest set of the voting history
pure def enterCurValSetIntoBlock(chainState: ChainState): ChainState = {
@@ -714,49 +746,28 @@ module CCV {
(false, "")
- // ===================
- // ===================
- run UnbondingPeriodPositiveTest =
- UnbondingPeriodPerChain.keys().forall(chain => UnbondingPeriodPerChain.get(chain) > 0)
- run VscTimeoutPositiveTest =
- VscTimeout > 0
- run CcvTimeoutPositiveTest =
- CcvTimeout.keys().forall(chain => CcvTimeout.get(chain) > 0)
- run CcvTimeoutLargerThanUnbondingPeriodTest =
- CcvTimeout.get(PROVIDER_CHAIN) > UnbondingPeriodPerChain.Values().Max()
- run ProviderIsNotAConsumerTest =
- not(ConsumerChains.contains(PROVIDER_CHAIN))
+module CCVDefaultStateMachine {
+ // A basic state machine that utilizes the CCV protocol.
+ import Time.* from "./Time"
+ import CCVTypes.*
+ import extraSpells.* from "./extraSpells"
- // ccv timeout contains exactly consumers and provider, no other chains
- run CcvTimeoutKeysTest =
- CcvTimeout.keys() == ConsumerChains.union(Set(PROVIDER_CHAIN))
+ pure val consumerChains = Set("consumer1", "consumer2", "consumer3")
+ pure val chains = consumerChains.union(Set(PROVIDER_CHAIN))
+ pure val unbondingPeriods = chains.mapBy(chain => 2 * Week)
+ pure val ccvTimeouts = chains.mapBy(chain => 3 * Week)
- // unbonding period contains exactly consumers and provider, no other chains
- run UnbondingPeriodKeysTest =
- UnbondingPeriodPerChain.keys() == ConsumerChains.union(Set(PROVIDER_CHAIN))
+ pure val nodes = Set("node1", "node2", "node3", "node4", "node5", "node6", "node7", "node8", "node9", "node10")
+ pure val InitialValidatorSet = nodes.mapBy(node => 100)
-// A basic state machine that utilizes the CCV protocol.
-// Still leaves constants unassigned, just defines the state machine logic in general,
-// i.e. regardless of how many chains there are, what the unbonding periods are, etc.
-module CCVStatemachinLogic {
- import Time.* from "./Time"
- import CCV.*
- import CCVTypes.*
+ import CCV(VscTimeout = 5 * Week, CcvTimeout = ccvTimeouts, UnbondingPeriodPerChain = unbondingPeriods, ConsumerChains = consumerChains).*
- import extraSpells.* from "./extraSpells"
var currentState: ProtocolState
- const InitialValidatorSet: ValidatorSet
action init: bool = all {
val providerState = GetEmptyProviderState
val consumerStates = ConsumerChains.mapBy(chain => GetEmptyConsumerState)
@@ -826,23 +837,141 @@ module CCVStatemachinLogic {
result.hasError == false,
currentState' = result.newState,
-module CCVDefaultStateMachine {
- // A basic state machine that utilizes the CCV protocol.
- import Time.* from "./Time"
- import CCVTypes.*
- import extraSpells.* from "./extraSpells"
+ // negative voting powers give an error
+ run VotingPowerNegativeTest =
+ votingPowerChange(
+ GetEmptyProtocolState,
+ "validator",
+ -1
+ ).hasError
+ run VotingPowerOkTest =
+ val result = votingPowerChange(
+ GetEmptyProtocolState,
+ "validator",
+ 0
+ )
+ not(result.hasError) and
+ result.newState.providerState.chainState.currentValidatorSet.keys().contains("validator") and
+ result.newState.providerState.chainState.currentValidatorSet.get("validator") == 0
+ // make sure that VotingPowerChange ONLY changes the current validator set, not the history
+ run VotingPowerChangeDoesNotChangeHistoryTest =
+ val result = votingPowerChange(
+ GetEmptyProtocolState,
+ "validator",
+ 0
+ )
+ not(result.hasError) and
+ result.newState.providerState.chainState.votingPowerHistory == List()
+ run DeliverPacketToProviderHappyPathTest =
+ val result = deliverPacketToProvider(_DeliverPacketToProvider_TestState, "sender")
+ val newProviderState = result.newState.providerState
+ val newConsumerState = result.newState.consumerStates.get("sender")
+ not(result.hasError) and
+ newProviderState.receivedMaturations.size() == 1 and
+ newConsumerState.outstandingPacketsToProvider.length() == 0
+ run DeliverPacketToProviderTimeoutTest =
+ // set the timestamp to be after the timeout
+ val testState = _DeliverPacketToProvider_TestState.with(
+ "providerState", _DeliverPacketToProvider_TestState.providerState.with(
+ "chainState", _DeliverPacketToProvider_TestState.providerState.chainState.with(
+ "lastTimestamp", CcvTimeout.get("sender") + 1
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ val result = deliverPacketToProvider(testState, "sender")
+ val newProviderState = result.newState.providerState
+ val newConsumerState = result.newState.consumerStates.get("sender")
+ not(result.hasError) and
+ newProviderState.receivedMaturations.size() == 0 and
+ newConsumerState.outstandingPacketsToProvider.length() == 0 and
+ newProviderState.consumerStatus.get("sender") == STOPPED
+ run ConsumerStatusMapHappyPathTest =
+ val currentConsumerStatusMap = Map(
+ "chain1" -> UNUSED,
+ "chain2" -> RUNNING,
+ "chain3" -> STOPPED
+ )
+ val res = getNewConsumerStatusMap(
+ currentConsumerStatusMap,
+ Set("chain1"),
+ Set("chain3")
+ )
+ res._2 == "" and
+ res._1.get("chain1") == RUNNING and
+ res._1.get("chain2") == RUNNING and
+ res._1.get("chain3") == UNUSED
+ run ConsumerStatusMapAlreadyRunningTest =
+ val currentConsumerStatusMap = Map(
+ "chain1" -> UNUSED,
+ "chain2" -> RUNNING,
+ "chain3" -> STOPPED
+ )
+ val res = getNewConsumerStatusMap(
+ currentConsumerStatusMap,
+ Set("chain2"),
+ Set("chain3")
+ )
+ res._2 == "Cannot start a consumer that is already running"
- pure val consumerChains = Set("consumer1", "consumer2", "consumer3")
- pure val chains = consumerChains.union(Set(PROVIDER_CHAIN))
- pure val unbondingPeriods = chains.mapBy(chain => 2 * Week)
- pure val ccvTimeouts = chains.mapBy(chain => 3 * Week)
+ run ConsumerStatusMapAlreadyStoppedTest =
+ val currentConsumerStatusMap = Map(
+ "chain1" -> UNUSED,
+ "chain2" -> RUNNING,
+ "chain3" -> STOPPED
+ )
+ val res = getNewConsumerStatusMap(
+ currentConsumerStatusMap,
+ Set("chain1"),
+ Set("chain3")
+ )
+ res._2 == "Cannot stop a consumer that is not running"
- pure val nodes = Set("node1", "node2", "node3", "node4", "node5", "node6", "node7", "node8", "node9", "node10")
- pure val initialValidatorSet = nodes.mapBy(node => 100)
+ run ChainBothInStartAndStopTest =
+ val currentConsumerStatusMap = Map(
+ "chain1" -> UNUSED,
+ "chain2" -> RUNNING,
+ "chain3" -> STOPPED
+ )
+ val res = getNewConsumerStatusMap(
+ currentConsumerStatusMap,
+ Set("chain1"),
+ Set("chain1")
+ )
+ res._2 == "Cannot start and stop a consumer at the same time"
- import CCVStatemachinLogic(InitialValidatorSet = initialValidatorSet, VscTimeout = 5 * Week, CcvTimeout = unbondingPeriods, UnbondingPeriodPerChain = unbondingPeriods, ConsumerChains = consumerChains).*
+ // ===================
+ // ===================
+ run UnbondingPeriodPositiveTest =
+ UnbondingPeriodPerChain.keys().forall(chain => UnbondingPeriodPerChain.get(chain) > 0)
+ run VscTimeoutPositiveTest =
+ VscTimeout > 0
+ run CcvTimeoutPositiveTest =
+ CcvTimeout.keys().forall(chain => CcvTimeout.get(chain) > 0)
+ run CcvTimeoutLargerThanUnbondingPeriodTest =
+ CcvTimeout.get(PROVIDER_CHAIN) > UnbondingPeriodPerChain.Values().Max()
+ run ProviderIsNotAConsumerTest =
+ not(ConsumerChains.contains(PROVIDER_CHAIN))
+ // ccv timeout contains exactly consumers and provider, no other chains
+ run CcvTimeoutKeysTest =
+ CcvTimeout.keys() == ConsumerChains.union(Set(PROVIDER_CHAIN))
+ // unbonding period contains exactly consumers and provider, no other chains
+ run UnbondingPeriodKeysTest =
+ UnbondingPeriodPerChain.keys() == ConsumerChains.union(Set(PROVIDER_CHAIN))
run InitTest: bool = {
@@ -866,7 +995,19 @@ module CCVDefaultStateMachine {
assert(currentState.providerState.chainState.votingPowerHistory == List(InitialValidatorSet)),
assert(currentState.providerState.chainState.currentValidatorSet == InitialValidatorSet),
assert(currentState.providerState.chainState.lastTimestamp == 0),
- VotingPowerChange("node1", 50)
- })
- }
+ val firstState = currentState // snapshot the first state
+ VotingPowerChange("node1", 50).then(all {
+ // ensure that the only change is that the voting power of node1 is changed
+ assert(currentState == firstState.with(
+ "providerState", firstState.providerState.with(
+ "chainState", firstState.providerState.chainState.with(
+ "currentValidatorSet", firstState.providerState.chainState.currentValidatorSet.put("node1", 50)
+ )
+ )
+ )),
+ currentState' = currentState
+ })
+ }
+ )
+ }