- Understand how to make a basic send transaction through API
- Able to write a script to send a transaction through API
The API to POST transaction request is: "/cosmos/tx/v1beta1/txs"
Here is the request body:
"tx_bytes": "string",
To make a request through API, we would need to construct a transaction and pass it through tx_bytes field in request body above
To learn more, access "http://localhost:1310" and search for "/cosmos/tx/v1beta1/txs". MUST DEPLOY A BABY NODE FIRST.
the guide line here will follow example code
- construct request send body
- sign tx
- construct payload with signed tx and broadcast it through API
from baby directory,
- bash scripts/run-node.sh --install
- cd client
- npm install
- npm run-script run
- query for balance of TO_ADDRESS in client/.env, should increase 1000000000ubaby
- rewrite the script and make a delegation transaction through API. Here is the structure for delegation message
typeUrl: '/cosmos.staking.v1beta1.MsgDelegate',
value: {
delegatorAddress: string,
validatorAddress: string,
amount: {
amount: string,
denom: string,