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A generic memoization library.

Needs more testing before going to prod.


func IsPrime(val int) bool {
	val = int(math.Abs(float64(val)))
	if (val&1) == 0 || val == 1 {
		return val == 2

	sqrt := int(math.Ceil(math.Sqrt(float64(val))))
	for i := 3; i <= sqrt; i += 2 {
		if (val % i) == 0 {
			return false

	return true


mIsPrime, _ := Memoize.Memo(IsPrime)

// no change in signature
// mIsPrime = func(int) bool

IsPrime(2) // called, returned true
IsPrime(4) // called, returned false
IsPrime(2) // called, returned true
IsPrime(4) // called, returned false

mIsPrime(2) // called, returned true
mIsPrime(4) // called, returned false
mIsPrime(2) // not called, returned true
mIsPrime(4) // not called, returned false

Not every function can be memoized. The types of allowed parameters are limited by this library. Returned types don't have any restrictions.


  • primitives
  • 1D slices
  • ND arrays
  • Variadic
  • structs containing only Do's


  • maps
  • channels
  • functions
  • ND slices
  • pointers


To support 1D slices, the slices are converted to Arrays before being placed in the cache. This results in the following edge case:

called := 0
work := func(x interface{}) interface{} {
  return x

m, _ := Memo(work)

m([]int{1, 2, 3}) // no record of params, work runs
m([3]int{1, 2, 3}) // "collides" with first call, work won't run

// called = 1

Because I want to return a func with the exact same parameter list and return values as the provided input, any errors that arise will panic.

Member functions work but are probably a bad idea. Oh well, I won't stand in the way.

I used to want to support pointers by dereferencing them and caching that as the parameter but I've talked myself out of it. When checking a func's cache, should the pointer point to the EXACT same object or just an object with equal values (i.e. reflect.DeepEqual(...))? What if that struct has fields that are pointers? How could I verify circular references are equal? What about nils? Typed vs Untyped Nils? These questions are probably why pointers were never made hashable for use as map keys.

Note to self:

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