usage: ini-splice [-h] [-0] [-v] ini_file action target from other_file
An INI configuration file parser. Currently only supports replacing entire
sections. Usage example: `ini-splice tox.ini replace-section testenv from
positional arguments:
ini_file INI file to edit.
action Action to take. Currently supported actions: replace-section.
target Target on which to take action. Currently supported target
types: section name.
from A required positional.
other_file INI file to read and use in the context of the action.
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-0, --dry Dry run. Does not alter anything.
-v, --debug Enable verbose debug output.
# Clone the tool to a tools directory
mkdir -p /home/ubuntu/tools
git clone /home/ubuntu/tools/bot-control
cd /home/ubuntu/tools/bot-control/tools
# Replace the testenv section of tox.ini with that from gold.ini
./ini-splice tox.ini replace-section testenv from gold.ini -v