The Connext SDK allows developers to interact with the Connext protocol in standard Node.js or web environments. See here for a reference of all SDK methods.
This example demonstrates how to execute an xcall
to transfer funds from a wallet on the source domain to the same address on the destination domain.
Install Node.js and use Node.js v18. Follow the instructions to install nvm
, a node version manager, which will make switching versions easier.
Create a project folder and initialize the package. Fill out the project information as you please.
mkdir connext-sdk-example && cd connext-sdk-example
npm init
We'll be using TypeScript so install the following and generate the tsconfig.json
npm install --save-dev @types/node @types/chai @types/mocha typescript
npx tsc --init # or `yarn tsc --init`
We want to use top-level await so we'll set the compiler options accordingly in tsconfig.json
"compilerOptions": {
"outDir": "./dist",
"target": "es2017",
"module": "esnext",
"moduleResolution": "node",
"allowSyntheticDefaultImports": true,
"skipLibCheck": true
"exclude": ["node_modules"]
Add type
and scripts
as root-level entries to package.json
- they may already exist, so just replace them with the following.
"type": "module",
"scripts": {
"xtransfer": "tsc && node dist/xtransfer.js"
Install the latest beta version of Connext SDK and ethers.
npm install @connext/sdk
npm install ethers@^5
First, we'll configure the SDK. Create a config.ts
file with the following contents.
{% code lineNumbers="true" %}
import { SdkConfig } from "@connext/sdk";
import { ethers } from "ethers";
// Create a Signer and connect it to a Provider on the sending chain
const privateKey = "<PRIVATE_KEY>";
let signer = new ethers.Wallet(privateKey);
// Use the RPC url for the origin chain
const provider = new ethers.providers.JsonRpcProvider("");
signer = signer.connect(provider);
const signerAddress = await signer.getAddress();
const sdkConfig: SdkConfig = {
signerAddress: signerAddress,
// Use `mainnet` when you're ready...
network: "testnet",
// Add more chains here! Use mainnet domains if `network: mainnet`.
// This information can be found at
chains: {
1936027759: {
1869640549: {
providers: ['']
export { signer, sdkConfig };
{% endcode %}
with your own private key on line 5.
Notice that the config supports Goerli and Optimism-Goerli. We've also hard-coded the origin chain provider on line 10.
Now create a xtransfer.ts
file with the following:
import { create } from "@connext/sdk";
import { BigNumber } from "ethers";
import { signer, sdkConfig } from "./config.js";
const {sdkBase} = await create(sdkConfig);
const signerAddress = await signer.getAddress();
// xcall parameters
const originDomain = "1936027759";
const destinationDomain = "1869640549";
const originAsset = "0xd26e3540A0A368845B234736A0700E0a5A821bBA";
const amount = "100000000000000";
const slippage = "10000";
// Estimate the relayer fee
const relayerFee = (
await sdkBase.estimateRelayerFee({
// Prepare the xcall params
const xcallParams = {
origin: originDomain, // send from Sepolia
destination: destinationDomain, // to Op-Sepolia
to: signerAddress, // the address that should receive the funds on destination
asset: originAsset, // address of the token contract
delegate: signerAddress, // address allowed to execute transaction on destination side in addition to relayers
amount: amount, // amount of tokens to transfer
slippage: slippage, // the maximum amount of slippage the user will accept in BPS (e.g. 30 = 0.3%)
callData: "0x", // empty calldata for a simple transfer (byte-encoded)
relayerFee: relayerFee, // fee paid to relayers
// Approve the asset transfer if the current allowance is lower than the amount.
// Necessary because funds will first be sent to the Connext contract in xcall.
const approveTxReq = await sdkBase.approveIfNeeded(
if (approveTxReq) {
const approveTxReceipt = await signer.sendTransaction(approveTxReq);
await approveTxReceipt.wait();
// Send the xcall
const xcallTxReq = await sdkBase.xcall(xcallParams);
xcallTxReq.gasLimit = BigNumber.from("20000000");
const xcallTxReceipt = await signer.sendTransaction(xcallTxReq);
await xcallTxReceipt.wait();
Most of the parameters are hardcoded in this example. For a detailed description of each parameter, see the SDK reference for xcall
Information like asset addresses be found in the Deployments page.
Fire off the cross-chain transfer!
npm run xtransfer
We can now use the transaction hash
from the logged transaction receipt to track the status of this xcall
After the transfer is status: Executed
on the destination side, the transferred tokens should show up in the recipient wallet.