diff --git a/BIBLIOGRAPHY.bib b/BIBLIOGRAPHY.bib index 4973582f8f..7e1a6050c0 100644 --- a/BIBLIOGRAPHY.bib +++ b/BIBLIOGRAPHY.bib @@ -1,187 +1,78 @@ -@incollection{InternationalTelecommunicationUnion1998, -author = {{International Telecommunication Union}}, -booktitle = {Recommendation ITU-R BT.470-6}, -file = {:Users/kelsolaar/Documents/Mendeley Desktop/International Telecommunication Union - 1998 - CONVENTIONAL TELEVISION SYSTEMS.pdf:pdf}, -pages = {1--36}, -title = {{CONVENTIONAL TELEVISION SYSTEMS}}, -url = {http://www.itu.int/dms{\_}pubrec/itu-r/rec/bt/R-REC-BT.470-6-199811-S!!PDF-E.pdf}, -year = {1998} -} -@misc{mansencal_2015_17370, -author = {Mansencal, Thomas and Mauderer, Michael and Parsons, Michael}, -doi = {10.5281/zenodo.17370}, -month = {may}, -title = {{Colour 0.3.5}}, -url = {http://dx.doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.17370}, -year = {2015} -} -@misc{TheAcademyofMotionPictureArtsandSciences2016, -author = {{The Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences}}, -title = {{Specification S-2016-001 - ACEScct, A Quasi-Logarithmic Encoding of ACES Data for use within Color Grading Systems}}, -url = {https://github.com/ampas/aces-dev/tree/v1.0.3/documents}, -urldate = {2016-10-10}, -year = {2016} -} -@misc{Centore, -author = {Centore, Paul}, -title = {{Munsell Resources}}, -url = {http://www.99main.com/{~}centore/MunsellResources/MunsellResources.html}, -urldate = {2014-07-26} -} -@misc{Centore2014d, -author = {Centore, Paul}, -title = {{MunsellAndKubelkaMunkToolboxApr2014 - MunsellRenotationRoutines/ChromDiagHueAngleToMunsellHue.m}}, -url = {https://github.com/colour-science/MunsellAndKubelkaMunkToolbox http://www.99main.com/{~}centore/MunsellAndKubelkaMunkToolbox/MunsellAndKubelkaMunkToolbox.html}, -year = {2014} -} -@misc{Wikipediao, -author = {Wikipedia}, -title = {{Wide-gamut RGB color space}}, -url = {http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wide-gamut{\_}RGB{\_}color{\_}space}, -urldate = {2014-04-13} -} -@article{Brill2008, -abstract = {The color-appearance model CIECAM02 has several problems. which can result in mathematical instabilities, due to the position of the chromatic-adaptation primaries relative to the spectrum locus and to the presumed physiological cone primaries. To keep a corresponding (adapted) color within the positive gamut given by the chromatic adaptation primaries, the gamut must he within the cone primary octant. To contain adapted colors within the positive cone-primary octan, it suffices to truncate the action of adaptation at the boundary of that octant. Such modifications may be needed to avoid the mathematical problems in CIECAM02.}, -author = {Brill, Michael H. and S{\"{u}}sstrunk, Sabine}, -doi = {10.1002/col.20432}, -issn = {03612317}, -journal = {Color Research {\&} Application}, -keywords = {CIECAM02,Chromatic adaptation,Color appearance,Gamut,Model,Primary}, -month = {oct}, -number = {5}, -pages = {424--426}, -title = {{Repairing gamut problems in CIECAM02: A progress report}}, -url = {http://doi.wiley.com/10.1002/col.20432}, -volume = {33}, -year = {2008} -} -@misc{DigitalCinemaInitiatives2007, -author = {{Digital Cinema Initiatives}}, -file = {:Users/kelsolaar/Documents/Mendeley Desktop/Digital Cinema Initiatives - 2007 - Digital Cinema System Specification - Version 1.1.pdf:pdf}, -title = {{Digital Cinema System Specification - Version 1.1}}, -url = {http://www.dcimovies.com/archives/spec{\_}v1{\_}1/DCI{\_}DCinema{\_}System{\_}Spec{\_}v1{\_}1.pdf}, -year = {2007} -} -@misc{Lindbloom2007a, -author = {Lindbloom, Bruce}, -title = {{Spectral Power Distribution of a CIE D-Illuminant}}, -url = {http://www.brucelindbloom.com/Eqn{\_}DIlluminant.html}, -urldate = {2014-04-05}, -year = {2007} +@misc{AdobeSystems2013a, +author = {{Adobe Systems}}, +title = {{Adobe DNG Software Development Kit (SDK) - - dng{\_}sdk{\_}1{\_}3/dng{\_}sdk/source/dng{\_}temperature.cpp::dng{\_}temperature::xy{\_}coord}}, +url = {https://www.adobe.com/support/downloads/dng/dng{\_}sdk.html}, +year = {2013} } -@article{Fairchild1996, -abstract = {The prediction of color appearance using the RLAB color space has been tested for a variety of viewing conditions and stimulus types. These tests have shown that RLAB performs well for complex stimuli and not-so-well for simple stimuli. This article reviews the various psychophysical results, interprets their differences, and describes evolutionary enhancements to the RLAB model that simplify it and improve its performance. (C) 1996 John Wiley {\&} Sons, Inc.}, -author = {Fairchild, Mark D.}, -doi = {10.1002/(SICI)1520-6378(199610)21:5<338::AID-COL3>3.0.CO;2-Z}, -file = {:Users/kelsolaar/Documents/Mendeley Desktop/Fairchild - 1996 - Refinement of the RLAB color space.pdf:pdf}, -journal = {Color Research {\&} Application}, -keywords = {color appearance,color spaces,color-appearance models}, -number = {5}, -pages = {338--346}, -title = {{Refinement of the RLAB color space}}, -url = {http://doi.wiley.com/10.1002/(SICI)1520-6378(199610)21:5{\%}3C338::AID-COL3{\%}3E3.3.CO;2-Y https://ritdml.rit.edu/bitstream/handle/1850/7857/MFairchildArticle12-06-1998.pdf}, -volume = {21}, -year = {1996} +@misc{AdobeSystems2013, +author = {{Adobe Systems}}, +title = {{Adobe DNG Software Development Kit (SDK) - - dng{\_}sdk{\_}1{\_}3/dng{\_}sdk/source/dng{\_}temperature.cpp::dng{\_}temperature::Set{\_}xy{\_}coord}}, +url = {https://www.adobe.com/support/downloads/dng/dng{\_}sdk.html}, +year = {2013} } -@misc{Nattress2016, -author = {Nattress, Graeme}, -title = {{Private Discussion with Shaw, N.}}, -year = {2016} +@misc{AdobeSystems2005, +author = {{Adobe Systems}}, +file = {::}, +number = {May}, +title = {{Adobe RGB (1998) Color Image Encoding}}, +url = {http://www.adobe.com/digitalimag/pdfs/AdobeRGB1998.pdf}, +volume = {2704}, +year = {2005} } @misc{ANSI2003, author = {ANSI}, -file = {:Users/kelsolaar/Documents/Mendeley Desktop/ANSI - 2003 - Specification of ROMM RGB.pdf:pdf}, +file = {::}, pages = {1--2}, title = {{Specification of ROMM RGB}}, url = {http://www.color.org/ROMMRGB.pdf}, year = {2003} } -@book{CIETC1-382005b, -author = {{CIE TC 1-38}}, -booktitle = {CIE 167:2005 Recommended Practice for Tabulating Spectral Data for Use in Colour Computations}, -chapter = {10}, -file = {:Users/kelsolaar/Documents/Mendeley Desktop/CIE TC 1-38 - 2005 - Table V. Values of the c-coefficients of Equ.s 6 and 7.pdf:pdf}, -isbn = {978-3-901-90641-1}, -pages = {19--20}, -title = {{EXTRAPOLATION}}, -url = {http://div1.cie.co.at/?i{\_}ca{\_}id=551{\&}pubid=47}, -year = {2005} -} -@article{Nayatani1995, -author = {Nayatani, Yoshinobu and Sobagaki, Hiroaki and Yano, Kenjiro Hashimoto Tadashi}, -doi = {10.1002/col.5080200305}, -issn = {1520-6378}, -journal = {Color Research {\&} Application}, -keywords = {color-vision model,lightness dependency of chroma,nonlinear color-appearance model}, -number = {3}, -pages = {156--167}, -publisher = {Wiley Subscription Services, Inc., A Wiley Company}, -title = {{Lightness dependency of chroma scales of a nonlinear color-appearance model and its latest formulation}}, -url = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1002/col.5080200305}, -volume = {20}, -year = {1995} -} -@incollection{CIETC1-482004, -author = {{CIE TC 1-48}}, -booktitle = {CIE 015:2004 Colorimetry, 3rd Edition}, -chapter = {APPENDIX E}, -file = {:Users/kelsolaar/Documents/Mendeley Desktop//CIE TC 1-48 - 2004 - APPENDIX E. INFORMATION ON THE USE OF PLANCK'S EQUATION FOR STANDARD AIR.pdf:pdf}, -isbn = {978-3-901-90633-6}, -pages = {77--82}, -title = {{APPENDIX E. INFORMATION ON THE USE OF PLANCK'S EQUATION FOR STANDARD AIR}}, -url = {http://div1.cie.co.at/?i{\_}ca{\_}id=551{\&}pubid=23}, -year = {2004} -} -@misc{EasyRGBe, -author = {EasyRGB}, -title = {{CMY —{\textgreater} CMYK}}, -url = {http://www.easyrgb.com/index.php?X=MATH{\&}H=13{\#}text13}, -urldate = {2014-05-18} +@misc{ARRI2012, +author = {ARRI}, +file = {::}, +number = {June}, +pages = {1--12}, +title = {{ALEXA - Log C Curve - Usage in VFX}}, +url = {http://www.arri.com/?eID=registration{\&}file{\_}uid=8026}, +year = {2012} } -@misc{Lindbloom2003, -author = {Lindbloom, Bruce}, -title = {{Delta E (CIE 1976)}}, -url = {http://brucelindbloom.com/Eqn{\_}DeltaE{\_}CIE76.html}, -urldate = {2014-02-24}, -year = {2003} +@article{AssociationofRadioIndustriesandBusinesses2015, +author = {{Association of Radio Industries and Businesses}}, +file = {::}, +journal = {Arib Std-B67}, +title = {{Essential Parameter Values for the Extended Image Dynamic Range Television (EIDRTV) System for Programme Production}}, +url = {http://www.arib.or.jp/english/html/overview/std-b67.html}, +year = {2015} } -@misc{Wikipedias, -author = {Wikipedia}, -title = {{Approximation}}, -url = {http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Color{\_}temperature{\#}Approximation}, -urldate = {2014-06-28} +@misc{ASTMInternational, +author = {{ASTM International}}, +doi = {10.1520/D1535-08E01}, +file = {::}, +keywords = {D1535,Munsell,Munsell color order system,Munsell notation,color}, +pages = {1--29}, +title = {{ASTM D1535-08e1 - Standard Practice for Specifying Color by the Munsell System}}, +url = {http://www.astm.org/Standards/D1535.htm http://www.scribd.com/doc/89648322/ASTM-D1535-08e1-Standard-Practice-for-Specifying-Color-by-the-Munsell-System http://www.astm.org/DATABASE.CART/HISTORICAL/D1535-89.htm https://law.resource.org/pub/us/cfr/ibr/003/a}, +urldate = {2014-09-25}, +year = {1989} } -@misc{Lindbloom2003f, -author = {Lindbloom, Bruce}, -title = {{A Continuity Study of the CIE L* Function}}, -url = {http://brucelindbloom.com/LContinuity.html}, -urldate = {2014-02-24}, -year = {2003} +@article{ASTMInternational2011, +abstract = {This standard is issued under the fixed designation E2022; the number immediately following the designation indicates the year of original adoption or, in the case of revision, the year of last revision. A number in parentheses indicates the year of last reapproval. A superscript epsilon) indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval.}, +author = {{ASTM International}}, +doi = {10.1520/E2022-11}, +file = {::}, +pages = {1--10}, +title = {{ASTM E2022–11 - Standard Practice for Calculation of Weighting Factors for Tristimulus Integration}}, +volume = {i}, +year = {2011} } -@misc{Trieu2015, -author = {Trieu, Tashi}, -title = {{Private Discussion with Mansencal, T.}}, +@article{ASTMInternational2015, +author = {{ASTM International}}, +doi = {10.1520/E0308-15}, +file = {:Users/kelsolaar/Documents/Mendeley Desktop/ASTM International - 2015 - ASTM E308–15 - Standard Practice for Computing the Colors of Objects by Using the CIE System.pdf:pdf}, +pages = {1--47}, +title = {{ASTM E308–15 - Standard Practice for Computing the Colors of Objects by Using the CIE System}}, year = {2015} } -@book{Fairchild2013e, -author = {Fairchild, Mark D.}, -booktitle = {Color Appearance Models}, -chapter = {11}, -edition = {3}, -isbn = {B00DAYO8E2}, -pages = {4418--4495}, -publisher = {Wiley}, -series = {The Wiley-IS{\&}T Series in Imaging Science and Technology}, -title = {{FAIRCHILD'S 1990 MODEL}}, -year = {2013} -} -@misc{Lindbloom2009, -author = {Lindbloom, Bruce}, -title = {{Delta E (CIE 2000)}}, -url = {http://brucelindbloom.com/Eqn{\_}DeltaE{\_}CIE2000.html}, -urldate = {2014-02-24}, -year = {2009} -} @misc{BabelColor2012, author = {BabelColor}, title = {{The ColorChecker (since 1976!)}}, @@ -189,172 +80,274 @@ @misc{BabelColor2012 urldate = {2014-09-26}, year = {2012} } -@incollection{Fairchild2013d, -author = {Fairchild, Mark D.}, -booktitle = {Color Appearance Models}, -chapter = {11}, -edition = {3}, -isbn = {B00DAYO8E2}, -pages = {4810--5085}, -publisher = {Wiley}, -series = {The Wiley-IS{\&}T Series in Imaging Science and Technology}, -title = {{Chromatic Adaptation Models}}, -year = {2013} -} @misc{BabelColor2012a, author = {BabelColor}, -file = {:Users/kelsolaar/Documents/Mendeley Desktop/BabelColor - 2012 - ColorChecker RGB and spectra.xls:xls}, +file = {::}, title = {{ColorChecker RGB and spectra}}, url = {http://www.babelcolor.com/download/ColorChecker{\_}RGB{\_}and{\_}spectra.xls}, year = {2012} } -@misc{Kienzle2011, -author = {Kienzle, Paul and Patel, Nikunj and Krycka, James}, -title = {{refl1d.numpyerrors - Refl1D v0.6.19 documentation}}, -url = {http://www.reflectometry.org/danse/docs/refl1d/{\_}modules/refl1d/numpyerrors.html}, -urldate = {2015-01-30}, -year = {2011} -} -@article{Glasser1958, -abstract = {A visually uniform color coordinate system, based upon simple mathematical formulas, is described. This system resembles the Adams chromatic-value system but replaces the quintic-parabola function with a cube-root function. For colors having reflectances greater than 0.5{\%} the color spacing obtained agrees with Munsell spacing as closely as the modified Adams system. At lower reflectances an expanded color spacing over that of the Munsell system is provided. The cube-root equations can be solved directly for color coordinate differences in terms of simple functions of the difference in colorimeter readings or tristimulus values. The computation of color coordinates in this system is simpler and requires less computational precision than other visually uniform color coordinate systems. A simple slide rule for computing color differences in cube-root color coordinates is described. A modification of the cube-root color coordinate system which provides nearly perfect representation of the spacing of Munsell colors is described, and the appropriateness of the assumptions required to obtain this behavior is discussed.}, -author = {Glasser, L. G. and McKinney, A. H. and Reilly, C. D. and Schnelle, P. D.}, -doi = {10.1364/JOSA.48.000736}, -file = {:Users/kelsolaar/Documents/Mendeley Desktop/Glasser et al. - 1958 - Cube-Root Color Coordinate System.pdf:pdf}, -journal = {J. Opt. Soc. Am.}, -month = {oct}, -number = {10}, -pages = {736--740}, -publisher = {OSA}, -title = {{Cube-Root Color Coordinate System}}, -url = {http://www.opticsinfobase.org/abstract.cfm?URI=josa-48-10-736}, -volume = {48}, -year = {1958} +@article{Bianco2010, +author = {Bianco, S. and Schettini, R.}, +doi = {10.1002/col.20573}, +file = {::}, +issn = {03612317}, +journal = {Color Research {\&} Application}, +month = {jun}, +number = {3}, +pages = {184--192}, +title = {{Two New von Kries Based Chromatic Adaptation Transforms Found by Numerical Optimization}}, +url = {http://doi.wiley.com/10.1002/col.20573 http://web.stanford.edu/{~}sujason/ColorBalancing/Papers/Two New von Kries Based Chromatic Adaptation.pdf}, +volume = {35}, +year = {2010} } -@article{InternationalTelecommunicationUnion2011, -author = {{International Telecommunication Union}}, -file = {:Users/kelsolaar/Documents/Mendeley Desktop/International Telecommunication Union - 2011 - Recommendation ITU-T T.871 - Information technology – Digital compression and coding of.pdf:pdf}, -keywords = {871,T,T.871}, -title = {{Recommendation ITU-T T.871 - Information technology – Digital compression and coding of continuous-tone still images: JPEG File Interchange Format (JFIF)}}, -url = {https://www.itu.int/rec/dologin{\_}pub.asp?lang=e{\&}id=T-REC-T.871-201105-I!!PDF-E{\&}type=items}, -year = {2011} +@article{Bodhaine1999, +abstract = {Many different techniques are used for the calculation of Rayleigh optical depth in the atmosphere. In some cases differences among these techniques can be important, especially in the UV region of the spectrum and under clean atmospheric conditions. The authors recommend that the calculation of Rayleigh optical depth be approached by going back to the first principles of Rayleigh scattering theory rather than the variety of curve- fitting techniques currently in use. A survey of the literature was conducted in order to determine the latest values of the physical constants necessary and to review the methods available for the calculation of Rayleigh optical depth. The recommended approach requires the accurate calculation of the refractive index of air based on the latest published measurements. Calculations estimating Rayleigh optical depth should be done as accurately as possible because the inaccuracies that arise can equal or even exceed other quantities being estimated, such as aerosol optical depth, particularly in the UV region of the spectrum. All of the calculations are simple enough to be done easily in a spreadsheet.}, +author = {Bodhaine, Barry A. and Wood, Norman B. and Dutton, Ellsworth G. and Slusser, James R.}, +doi = {10.1175/1520-0426(1999)016%3C1854:ORODC%3E2.0.CO;2}, +file = {::}, +journal = {Journal of Atmospheric {\ldots}}, +number = {11 PART 2}, +pages = {1854--1861}, +title = {{On Rayleigh optical depth calculations}}, +url = {http://journals.ametsoc.org/doi/abs/10.1175/1520-0426(1999)016{\%}253C1854:ORODC{\%}253E2.0.CO;2}, +volume = {16}, +year = {1999} } -@misc{TheAcademyofMotionPictureArtsandSciences2014b, -author = {{The Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences} and {Science and Technology Council} and {Academy Color Encoding System (ACES) Project Subcommittee}}, -file = {:Users/kelsolaar/Documents/Mendeley Desktop/The Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences, Science and Technology Council, Academy Color Encoding System (ACES) Project Subcomm(4).pdf:pdf}, -pages = {1--12}, -title = {{Specification S-2014-003 - ACEScc , A Logarithmic Encoding of ACES Data for use within Color Grading Systems}}, -url = {https://github.com/ampas/aces-dev/tree/master/documents}, +@misc{Bourke, +author = {Bourke, Paul}, +title = {{Intersection point of two line segments in 2 dimensions}}, +url = {http://paulbourke.net/geometry/pointlineplane/}, +urldate = {2016-01-15} +} +@article{Breneman1987, +abstract = {While each of his or her two eyes was independently adapted to a different illuminant in viewing a complex visual field, each of a number of observers matched a series of test colors seen by one eye with a juxtaposed variable stimulus seen by the other eye. The 2 degrees test and matching stimuli were located centrally in the complex adapting field, which subtended an angle of 31 degrees X 24 degrees. In making the matches, the observer viewed the test and matching stimuli for a series of brief intervals (approximately 1 sec) while viewing the complex adapting field with normal eye movements. Nine experiments were performed with different pairs of illuminants and different illuminances ranging from that of an average living room to that of a scene illuminated with hazy sunlight. In three other experiments each of the observer's two eyes was adapted to a different illuminance of D55. The amount of adaptation was more nearly complete at high levels of illuminance than at low levels, and the proportional amount of adaptation was less for the "blue" receptors. When adaptation coefficients were determined from the actual adaptation differences (e.g., from corresponding tristimulus values for matching neutrals) rather than from the adapting illuminants, a linear von Kries transformation based on experimentally determined visual primaries gave corresponding chromaticities that were in good agreement with the results obtained in each of the chromatic-adaptation experiments, except at the lowest illuminances. The results of the experiments in which each eye was adapted to different levels of the same illuminant indicated again that adaptation to the different levels was incomplete, the proportional amount of adaptation being less at low illuminances and for the "blue" receptors. This caused a change in chromatic adaptation with the level of illuminance even when the chromaticities of the adapting lights were equal. The results of these experiments also indicated that higher purities are needed in order to produce the same absolute color appearances at low levels of illuminance.}, +author = {Breneman, E J}, +doi = {10.1364/JOSAA.4.001115}, +issn = {1084-7529}, +journal = {Journal of the Optical Society of America. A, Optics and image science}, +pages = {1115--1129}, +pmid = {3598755}, +title = {{Corresponding chromaticities for different states of adaptation to complex visual fields.}}, +volume = {4}, +year = {1987} +} +@article{Brill2008, +abstract = {The color-appearance model CIECAM02 has several problems. which can result in mathematical instabilities, due to the position of the chromatic-adaptation primaries relative to the spectrum locus and to the presumed physiological cone primaries. To keep a corresponding (adapted) color within the positive gamut given by the chromatic adaptation primaries, the gamut must he within the cone primary octant. To contain adapted colors within the positive cone-primary octan, it suffices to truncate the action of adaptation at the boundary of that octant. Such modifications may be needed to avoid the mathematical problems in CIECAM02.}, +author = {Brill, Michael H. and S{\"{u}}sstrunk, Sabine}, +doi = {10.1002/col.20432}, +issn = {03612317}, +journal = {Color Research {\&} Application}, +keywords = {CIECAM02,Chromatic adaptation,Color appearance,Gamut,Model,Primary}, +month = {oct}, +number = {5}, +pages = {424--426}, +title = {{Repairing gamut problems in CIECAM02: A progress report}}, +url = {http://doi.wiley.com/10.1002/col.20432}, +volume = {33}, +year = {2008} +} +@misc{Broadbent2009, +author = {Broadbent, A. D.}, +title = {{Calculation from the original experimental data of the CIE 1931 RGB standard observer spectral chromaticity co-ordinates and color matching functions}}, +url = {http://www.cis.rit.edu/mcsl/research/1931.php}, +urldate = {2014-06-12}, +year = {2009} +} +@misc{Canon, +author = {Canon}, +title = {{EOS C300 Mark II - EOS C300 Mark II Input Transform Version 2.0 (for Cinema Gamut / BT.2020)}}, +url = {https://www.usa.canon.com/internet/portal/us/home/support/details/cameras/cinema-eos/eos-c300-mark-ii}, +urldate = {2016-08-23} +} +@misc{Canon2014, +author = {Canon}, +title = {{EOS C500 Firmware Update}}, +url = {https://www.usa.canon.com/internet/portal/us/home/explore/product-showcases/cameras-and-lenses/cinema-eos-firmware/c500}, +urldate = {2016-08-02}, year = {2014} } -@book{Wyszecki2000, -author = {Wyszecki, G{\"{u}}nther and Stiles, W. S.}, -booktitle = {Color Science: Concepts and Methods, Quantitative Data and Formulae}, -isbn = {978-0471399186}, -pages = {138--139}, -publisher = {Wiley}, -title = {{Table 1(3.3.3)}}, -year = {2000} +@misc{Castro2014, +author = {Castro, Saullo}, +title = {{Numpy: Fastest way of computing diagonal for each row of a 2d array}}, +url = {http://stackoverflow.com/questions/26511401/numpy-fastest-way-of-computing-diagonal-for-each-row-of-a-2d-array/26517247{\#}26517247}, +urldate = {2014-08-22}, +year = {2014} } -@article{Machado2010, -author = {Machado, Gm}, -file = {:Users/kelsolaar/Documents/Mendeley Desktop/Machado - 2010 - A model for simulation of color vision deficiency and a color contrast enhancement technique for dichromats.pdf:pdf}, -keywords = {Anomalous Trichromacy,Color Perception,Color Vision Deficiency,Color-Contrast Enhancement,Dichromacy,Models of Color Vision,Recoloring Algorithm,Simulation of Color Vision Deficiency}, -title = {{A model for simulation of color vision deficiency and a color contrast enhancement technique for dichromats}}, -url = {http://www.lume.ufrgs.br/handle/10183/26950}, -year = {2010} +@inproceedings{Centore2014g, +author = {Centore, Paul}, +title = {{MunsellAndKubelkaMunkToolboxApr2014 - MunsellSystemRoutines/BoundingRenotationHues.m}}, +url = {https://github.com/colour-science/MunsellAndKubelkaMunkToolbox http://www.99main.com/{~}centore/MunsellAndKubelkaMunkToolbox/MunsellAndKubelkaMunkToolbox.html}, +year = {2014} } -@book{Wyszecki2000i, -author = {Wyszecki, G{\"{u}}nther and Stiles, W. S.}, -booktitle = {Color Science: Concepts and Methods, Quantitative Data and Formulae}, -isbn = {978-0471399186}, -pages = {228}, -publisher = {Wiley}, -title = {{Table 1(3.11) Isotemperature Lines}}, -year = {2000} +@misc{Centore2014, +author = {Centore, Paul}, +title = {{MunsellAndKubelkaMunkToolboxApr2014 - MunsellRenotationRoutines/MunsellHueToChromDiagHueAngle.m}}, +url = {https://github.com/colour-science/MunsellAndKubelkaMunkToolbox http://www.99main.com/{~}centore/MunsellAndKubelkaMunkToolbox/MunsellAndKubelkaMunkToolbox.html}, +year = {2014} } -@incollection{SMPTE1993, -abstract = {color white whitepoint matrix Scope This practice is intended to define the numerical procedures for deriving basic color equations for color television and other systems using additive display devices. These equations are first, the normalized reference primary matrix which defines the relationship between RGB signals and CIE tristimulus values XYZ; then, the system luminance equation; and finally, the color primary transformation matrix for transforming signals from one set of reference primaries to another set of reference primaries or to a set of display primaries.}, -author = {{Society of Motion Picture and Television Engineers}}, -booktitle = {RP 177:1993}, -doi = {10.5594/S9781614821915}, -file = {:Users/kelsolaar/Documents/Mendeley Desktop//SMPTE - 1993 - RP 177-1993 Derivation of Basic Television Color Equations.pdf:pdf}, -isbn = {978-1-61482-191-5}, -month = {jan}, -pages = {1--4}, -title = {{Derivation of Basic Television Color Equations}}, -url = {http://standards.smpte.org/content/978-1-61482-191-5/rp-177-1993/SEC1.abstract http://car.france3.mars.free.fr/HD/INA- 26 jan 06/SMPTE normes et confs/rp177.pdf}, -volume = {RP 177:199}, -year = {1993} +@misc{Centore2014i, +author = {Centore, Paul}, +title = {{MunsellAndKubelkaMunkToolboxApr2014 - MunsellSystemRoutines/LinearVsRadialInterpOnRenotationOvoid.m}}, +url = {https://github.com/colour-science/MunsellAndKubelkaMunkToolbox http://www.99main.com/{~}centore/MunsellAndKubelkaMunkToolbox/MunsellAndKubelkaMunkToolbox.html}, +year = {2014} } -@book{CIETC1-482004a, -author = {{CIE TC 1-48}}, -booktitle = {CIE 015:2004 Colorimetry, 3rd Edition}, -isbn = {978-3-901-90633-6}, -pages = {1--82}, -title = {{CIE 015:2004 Colorimetry, 3rd Edition}}, -url = {http://div1.cie.co.at/?i{\_}ca{\_}id=551{\&}pubid=23}, -year = {2004} +@misc{Centore2014e, +author = {Centore, Paul}, +title = {{MunsellAndKubelkaMunkToolboxApr2014 - MunsellRenotationRoutines/xyYtoMunsell.m}}, +url = {https://github.com/colour-science/MunsellAndKubelkaMunkToolbox http://www.99main.com/{~}centore/MunsellAndKubelkaMunkToolbox/MunsellAndKubelkaMunkToolbox.html}, +year = {2014} } -@misc{Lindbloom2009c, -author = {Lindbloom, Bruce}, -title = {{Chromatic Adaptation}}, -url = {http://brucelindbloom.com/Eqn{\_}ChromAdapt.html}, -urldate = {2014-02-24}, -year = {2009} +@inproceedings{Centore2014a, +author = {Centore, Paul}, +title = {{MunsellAndKubelkaMunkToolboxApr2014 - MunsellRenotationRoutines/MunsellToxyForIntegerMunsellValue.m}}, +url = {https://github.com/colour-science/MunsellAndKubelkaMunkToolbox http://www.99main.com/{~}centore/MunsellAndKubelkaMunkToolbox/MunsellAndKubelkaMunkToolbox.html}, +year = {2014} } -@misc{, -title = {{Tritanopia – Blue-Yellow Color Blindness}}, -url = {http://www.color-blindness.com/tritanopia-blue-yellow-color-blindness/}, -urldate = {2015-07-04} +@misc{Centore2014j, +author = {Centore, Paul}, +title = {{MunsellAndKubelkaMunkToolboxApr2014 - MunsellRenotationRoutines/MunsellHueToASTMHue.m}}, +url = {https://github.com/colour-science/MunsellAndKubelkaMunkToolbox http://www.99main.com/{~}centore/MunsellAndKubelkaMunkToolbox/MunsellAndKubelkaMunkToolbox.html}, +year = {2014} +} +@misc{Centore2014c, +author = {Centore, Paul}, +title = {{MunsellAndKubelkaMunkToolboxApr2014 - MunsellRenotationRoutines/MunsellToxyY.m}}, +url = {https://github.com/colour-science/MunsellAndKubelkaMunkToolbox http://www.99main.com/{~}centore/MunsellAndKubelkaMunkToolbox/MunsellAndKubelkaMunkToolbox.html}, +year = {2014} +} +@misc{Centore2014h, +author = {Centore, Paul}, +title = {{MunsellAndKubelkaMunkToolboxApr2014 - MunsellRenotationRoutines/MaxChromaForExtrapolatedRenotation.m}}, +url = {https://github.com/colour-science/MunsellAndKubelkaMunkToolbox http://www.99main.com/{~}centore/MunsellAndKubelkaMunkToolbox/MunsellAndKubelkaMunkToolbox.html}, +year = {2014} +} +@misc{Centore2014f, +author = {Centore, Paul}, +title = {{MunsellAndKubelkaMunkToolboxApr2014 - MunsellRenotationRoutines/FindHueOnRenotationOvoid.m}}, +url = {https://github.com/colour-science/MunsellAndKubelkaMunkToolbox http://www.99main.com/{~}centore/MunsellAndKubelkaMunkToolbox/MunsellAndKubelkaMunkToolbox.html}, +year = {2014} +} +@misc{Centore2014d, +author = {Centore, Paul}, +title = {{MunsellAndKubelkaMunkToolboxApr2014 - MunsellRenotationRoutines/ChromDiagHueAngleToMunsellHue.m}}, +url = {https://github.com/colour-science/MunsellAndKubelkaMunkToolbox http://www.99main.com/{~}centore/MunsellAndKubelkaMunkToolbox/MunsellAndKubelkaMunkToolbox.html}, +year = {2014} +} +@misc{Centore2014b, +author = {Centore, Paul}, +title = {{MunsellAndKubelkaMunkToolboxApr2014 - GeneralRoutines/CIELABtoApproxMunsellSpec.m}}, +url = {https://github.com/colour-science/MunsellAndKubelkaMunkToolbox http://www.99main.com/{~}centore/MunsellAndKubelkaMunkToolbox/MunsellAndKubelkaMunkToolbox.html}, +year = {2014} +} +@misc{Centore, +author = {Centore, Paul}, +title = {{Munsell Resources}}, +url = {http://www.99main.com/{~}centore/MunsellResources/MunsellResources.html}, +urldate = {2014-07-26} +} +@article{Centore2012, +author = {Centore, Paul}, +doi = {10.1002/col.20715}, +file = {::}, +issn = {03612317}, +journal = {Color Research {\&} Application}, +keywords = {algorithm,inverse renotation,munsell,open source,renotation}, +month = {dec}, +number = {6}, +pages = {455--464}, +title = {{An open-source inversion algorithm for the Munsell renotation}}, +url = {http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/col.20715/full http://www.99main.com/{~}centore/ColourSciencePapers/OpenSourceInverseRenotationArticle.pdf http://doi.wiley.com/10.1002/col.20715}, +volume = {37}, +year = {2012} +} +@misc{CIE, +author = {CIE}, +file = {::}, +title = {{CIE 15:2004 Tables Data}}, +url = {https://law.resource.org/pub/us/cfr/ibr/003/cie.15.2004.tables.xls} +} +@misc{CIEa, +author = {CIE}, +file = {::}, +title = {{CIE Spectral Data}}, +url = {http://files.cie.co.at/204.xls} +} +@book{CIETC1-321994, +author = {{CIE TC 1-32}}, +file = {::}, +isbn = {978-3-900734-51-0}, +pages = {1--18}, +title = {{CIE 109-1994 A Method of Predicting Corresponding Colours under Different Chromatic and Illuminance Adaptations}}, +url = {http://div1.cie.co.at/?i{\_}ca{\_}id=551{\&}pubid=34}, +year = {1994} } @book{CIETC1-362006, author = {{CIE TC 1-36}}, -file = {:Users/kelsolaar/Documents/Mendeley Desktop/CIE TC 1-36 - 2006 - CIE 170-12006 Fundamental Chromaticity Diagram with Physiological Axes - Part 1.pdf:pdf}, +file = {::}, isbn = {978-3-901-90646-6}, pages = {1--56}, title = {{CIE 170-1:2006 Fundamental Chromaticity Diagram with Physiological Axes - Part 1}}, url = {http://div1.cie.co.at/?i{\_}ca{\_}id=551{\&}pubid=48}, year = {2006} } -@misc{Houston2015, -author = {Houston, Jim}, -title = {{Private Discussion with Mansencal, T.}}, -year = {2015} +@incollection{CIETC1-382005d, +author = {{CIE TC 1-38}}, +booktitle = {CIE 167:2005 Recommended Practice for Tabulating Spectral Data for Use in Colour Computations}, +chapter = {9}, +isbn = {978-3-901-90641-1}, +pages = {14--19}, +title = {{9. INTERPOLATION}}, +url = {http://div1.cie.co.at/?i{\_}ca{\_}id=551{\&}pubid=47}, +year = {2005} } -@misc{EasyRGBc, -author = {EasyRGB}, -title = {{CMY —{\textgreater} RGB}}, -url = {http://www.easyrgb.com/index.php?X=MATH{\&}H=12{\#}text12}, -urldate = {2014-05-18} +@incollection{CIETC1-382005c, +author = {{CIE TC 1-38}}, +booktitle = {CIE 167:2005 Recommended Practice for Tabulating Spectral Data for Use in Colour Computations}, +chapter = {9.2.4}, +isbn = {978-3-901-90641-1}, +pages = {1--27}, +title = {{9.2.4 Method of interpolation for uniformly spaced independent variable}}, +url = {http://div1.cie.co.at/?i{\_}ca{\_}id=551{\&}pubid=47}, +year = {2005} } -@book{Hunt2004, -address = {Chichester, UK}, -author = {Hunt, Robert W. G.}, -doi = {10.1002/0470024275}, -edition = {6}, -file = {:Users/kelsolaar/Documents/Mendeley Desktop/Hunt - 2004 - The Reproduction of Colour.pdf:pdf}, -isbn = {978-0-470-02425-6}, -month = {sep}, -publisher = {Wiley}, -series = {The Wiley-IS{\&}T Series in Imaging Science and Technology}, -title = {{The Reproduction of Colour}}, -url = {http://doi.wiley.com/10.1002/0470024275}, -year = {2004} +@incollection{CIETC1-382005b, +author = {{CIE TC 1-38}}, +booktitle = {CIE 167:2005 Recommended Practice for Tabulating Spectral Data for Use in Colour Computations}, +chapter = {10}, +isbn = {978-3-901-90641-1}, +pages = {19--20}, +title = {{EXTRAPOLATION}}, +url = {http://div1.cie.co.at/?i{\_}ca{\_}id=551{\&}pubid=47}, +year = {2005} } -@article{Spaulding2000, -abstract = {A new color encoding specification known as Reference Output Medium Metric RGB (ROMM RGB) is defined. This color encoding is intended to be used for storing, interchanging and manipulating images that exist in a rendered image state without imposing the gamut limitations normally associated with device-specific color spaces. ROMM RGB was designed to provide a large enough color gamut to encompass most common output devices, while simultaneously satisfying a number of other important criteria. It is defined in a way that is tightly linked to the ICC profile connection space (PCS) and is suitable for use as an Adobe PhotoshopTM working color space. A companion color encoding specification, known as Reference Input Medium Metric RGB (RIMM RGB), is also defined. This encoding can be used to represent images in an unrendered scene image state.}, -author = {Spaulding, K E and Woolfe, G J and Giorgianni, E J}, -file = {:Users/kelsolaar/Documents/Mendeley Desktop/Spaulding, Woolfe, Giorgianni - 2000 - Reference InputOutput Medium Metric RGB Color Encodings (RIMMROMM RGB).pdf:pdf}, -pages = {1--8}, -title = {{Reference Input/Output Medium Metric RGB Color Encodings (RIMM/ROMM RGB)}}, -url = {http://www.photo-lovers.org/pdf/color/romm.pdf}, -year = {2000} +@incollection{CIETC1-382005a, +author = {{CIE TC 1-38}}, +booktitle = {CIE 167:2005 Recommended Practice for Tabulating Spectral Data for Use in Colour Computations}, +chapter = {Table V}, +isbn = {978-3-901-90641-1}, +pages = {19}, +title = {{Table V. Values of the c-coefficients of Equ.s 6 and 7.}}, +url = {http://div1.cie.co.at/?i{\_}ca{\_}id=551{\&}pubid=47}, +year = {2005} } -@article{InternationalTelecommunicationUnion2011a, -author = {{International Telecommunication Union}}, -file = {:Users/kelsolaar/Documents/Mendeley Desktop/International Telecommunication Union - 2011 - Recommendation ITU-R BT.1886 - Reference electro-optical transfer function for flat panel.pdf:pdf}, -title = {{Recommendation ITU-R BT.1886 - Reference electro-optical transfer function for flat panel displays used in HDTV studio production BT Series Broadcasting service}}, -year = {2011} +@book{CIETC1-382005, +author = {{CIE TC 1-38}}, +isbn = {978-3-901-90641-1}, +pages = {1--27}, +title = {{CIE 167:2005 Recommended Practice for Tabulating Spectral Data for Use in Colour Computations}}, +url = {http://div1.cie.co.at/?i{\_}ca{\_}id=551{\&}pubid=47}, +year = {2005} +} +@incollection{CIETC1-482004b, +author = {{CIE TC 1-48}}, +booktitle = {CIE 015:2004 Colorimetry, 3rd Edition}, +chapter = {8.2}, +isbn = {978-3-901-90633-6}, +pages = {24}, +title = {{CIE 1976 uniform colour spaces}}, +url = {http://div1.cie.co.at/?i{\%}7B{\_}{\%}7Dca{\%}7B{\_}{\%}7Did=551{\%}7B{\&}{\%}7Dpubid=23}, +year = {2004} } @incollection{CIETC1-482004b, author = {{CIE TC 1-48}}, @@ -366,72 +359,34 @@ @incollection{CIETC1-482004b url = {http://div1.cie.co.at/?i{\%}7B{\_}{\%}7Dca{\%}7B{\_}{\%}7Did=551{\%}7B{\&}{\%}7Dpubid=23}, year = {2004} } -@misc{MunsellColorScience, -author = {{Munsell Color Science}}, -title = {{Munsell Colours Data}}, -url = {http://www.cis.rit.edu/research/mcsl2/online/munsell.php}, -urldate = {2014-08-20} -} -@misc{CVRL, -author = {CVRL}, -title = {{Cone Fundamentals}}, -url = {http://www.cvrl.org/cones.htm}, -urldate = {2014-06-23} -} -@article{Ohno2014, -author = {Ohno, Yoshi}, -doi = {10.1080/15502724.2014.839020}, -file = {:Users/kelsolaar/Documents/Mendeley Desktop/Ohno - 2014 - Practical Use and Calculation of CCT and Duv.pdf:pdf}, -issn = {1550-2724}, -journal = {LEUKOS}, -keywords = {Duv,Planckian locus,chromaticity,correlated color temperature,duv,light source,planckian locus}, -month = {jan}, -number = {1}, -pages = {47--55}, -title = {{Practical Use and Calculation of CCT and Duv}}, -url = {http://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/15502724.2014.839020 http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/15502724.2014.839020}, -volume = {10}, -year = {2014} -} -@article{Lu2016, -abstract = {High Dynamic Range (HDR) and Wider Colour Gamut (WCG) content represents a greater range of luminance levels and a more complete reproduction of colours found in real⁃world scenes. The current video distribution environments deliver Standard Dynamic Range (SDR) signal Y′CbCr. For HDR and WCG content, it is desirable to examine if such signal format still works well for compression, and to know if the overall system performance can be further improved by exploring different signal formats. In this paper, ITP (ICTCP) colour space is presented. The paper concentrates on examining the two aspects of ITP colour space: 1) ITP characteristics in terms of signal quantization at a given bit depth; 2) ITP compression performance. The analysis and simulation results show that ITP 10 bit has better properties than Y′CbCr⁃PQ 10bit in colour quantization, constant luminance, hue property and chroma subsampling, and it also has good compression efficiency. Therefore it is desirable to adopt ITP colour space as a new signal format for HDR/WCG video compression.}, -author = {Lu, Taoran and Pu, Fangjun and Yin, Peng and Chen, Tao and Husak, Walt and Pytlarz, Jaclyn and Atkins, Robin and Froehlich, Jan and Su, Guan-Ming}, -doi = {10.3969/j.}, -journal = {ZTE Communications}, -keywords = {HDR,ICT CP,ITP,WCG,Y′CbCr}, -number = {1}, -pages = {32--38}, -title = {{ITP Colour Space and Its Compression Performance for High Dynamic Range and Wide Colour Gamut Video Distribution}}, -volume = {14}, -year = {2016} -} -@book{Wyszecki2000j, -author = {Wyszecki, G{\"{u}}nther and Stiles, W. S.}, -isbn = {978-0471399186}, -pages = {1--968}, -publisher = {Wiley}, -title = {{Color Science: Concepts and Methods, Quantitative Data and Formulae}}, -year = {2000} -} -@article{Li2007, -author = {Li, Changjun and Perales, Esther and Luo, Ming Ronnier and Mart{\'{i}}nez-verd{\'{u}}, Francisco}, -file = {:Users/kelsolaar/Documents/Mendeley Desktop/Li et al. - 2007 - The Problem with CAT02 and Its Correction.pdf:pdf}, -number = {July}, -pages = {1--10}, -title = {{The Problem with CAT02 and Its Correction}}, -year = {2007} +@incollection{CIETC1-482004d, +author = {{CIE TC 1-48}}, +booktitle = {CIE 015:2004 Colorimetry, 3rd Edition}, +chapter = {3.1}, +isbn = {978-3-901-90633-6}, +pages = {12--13}, +title = {{3.1 Recommendations concerning standard physical data of illuminants}}, +url = {http://div1.cie.co.at/?i{\%}7B{\_}{\%}7Dca{\%}7B{\_}{\%}7Did=551{\%}7B{\&}{\%}7Dpubid=23}, +year = {2004} } -@misc{Wikipediak, -author = {Wikipedia}, -title = {{White points of standard illuminants}}, -url = {http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Standard{\_}illuminant{\#}White{\_}points{\_}of{\_}standard{\_}illuminants}, -urldate = {2014-02-24} +@incollection{CIETC1-482004e, +author = {{CIE TC 1-48}}, +booktitle = {CIE 015:2004 Colorimetry, 3rd Edition}, +chapter = {9.1}, +isbn = {978-3-901-90633-6}, +pages = {32--33}, +title = {{9.1 Dominant wavelength and purity}}, +url = {http://div1.cie.co.at/?i{\%}7B{\_}{\%}7Dca{\%}7B{\_}{\%}7Did=551{\%}7B{\&}{\%}7Dpubid=23}, +year = {2004} } -@misc{Wikipediap, -author = {Wikipedia}, -title = {{CIELUV}}, -url = {http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/CIELUV}, -urldate = {2014-02-24} +@book{CIETC1-482004a, +author = {{CIE TC 1-48}}, +booktitle = {CIE 015:2004 Colorimetry, 3rd Edition}, +isbn = {978-3-901-90633-6}, +pages = {1--82}, +title = {{CIE 015:2004 Colorimetry, 3rd Edition}}, +url = {http://div1.cie.co.at/?i{\_}ca{\_}id=551{\&}pubid=23}, +year = {2004} } @incollection{CIETC1-482004c, author = {{CIE TC 1-48}}, @@ -443,61 +398,43 @@ @incollection{CIETC1-482004c url = {http://div1.cie.co.at/?i{\_}ca{\_}id=551{\&}pubid=23}, year = {2004} } -@misc{Ruana, -author = {Ruana, Rob}, -title = {pockets.iterators}, -url = {https://github.com/RobRuana/pockets/blob/master/pockets/iterators.py}, -urldate = {2016-08-14} -} -@misc{Wikipediae, -author = {Wikipedia}, -title = {{The reverse transformation}}, -url = {http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/CIELUV{\#}The{\_}reverse{\_}transformation}, -urldate = {2014-02-24} -} -@book{Wyszecki2000e, -author = {Wyszecki, G{\"{u}}nther and Stiles, W. S.}, -booktitle = {Color Science: Concepts and Methods, Quantitative Data and Formulae}, -isbn = {978-0471399186}, -pages = {158--163}, -publisher = {Wiley}, -title = {{Integration Replace by Summation}}, -year = {2000} +@incollection{CIETC1-482004b, +author = {{CIE TC 1-48}}, +booktitle = {CIE 015:2004 Colorimetry, 3rd Edition}, +chapter = {}, +isbn = {978-3-901-90633-6}, +pages = {24}, +title = {{Extrapolation}}, +url = {http://div1.cie.co.at/?i{\_}ca{\_}id=551{\&}pubid=23}, +year = {2004} } -@book{CIETC1-382005a, -author = {{CIE TC 1-38}}, -booktitle = {CIE 167:2005 Recommended Practice for Tabulating Spectral Data for Use in Colour Computations}, -chapter = {Table V}, -file = {:Users/kelsolaar/Documents/Mendeley Desktop/CIE TC 1-38 - 2005 - Table V. Values of the c-coefficients of Equ.s 6 and 7.pdf:pdf}, -isbn = {978-3-901-90641-1}, -pages = {19}, -title = {{Table V. Values of the c-coefficients of Equ.s 6 and 7.}}, -url = {http://div1.cie.co.at/?i{\_}ca{\_}id=551{\&}pubid=47}, -year = {2005} +@incollection{CIETC1-482004, +author = {{CIE TC 1-48}}, +booktitle = {CIE 015:2004 Colorimetry, 3rd Edition}, +chapter = {APPENDIX E}, +file = {::}, +isbn = {978-3-901-90633-6}, +pages = {77--82}, +title = {{APPENDIX E. INFORMATION ON THE USE OF PLANCK'S EQUATION FOR STANDARD AIR}}, +url = {http://div1.cie.co.at/?i{\_}ca{\_}id=551{\&}pubid=23}, +year = {2004} } -@misc{Wikipediay, -author = {Wikipedia}, -title = {{Mesopic weighting function}}, -url = {http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mesopic{\_}vision{\#}Mesopic{\_}weighting{\_}function}, -urldate = {2014-06-20} +@misc{Cottrell, +author = {Cottrell, Russell}, +title = {{The Russell RGB working color space}}, +url = {http://www.russellcottrell.com/photo/downloads/RussellRGB.icc http://www.russellcottrell.com/photo/RussellRGB.htm} } -@book{CIETC1-382005, -author = {{CIE TC 1-38}}, -file = {:Users/kelsolaar/Documents/Mendeley Desktop/CIE TC 1-38 - 2005 - Table V. Values of the c-coefficients of Equ.s 6 and 7.pdf:pdf}, -isbn = {978-3-901-90641-1}, -pages = {1--27}, -title = {{CIE 167:2005 Recommended Practice for Tabulating Spectral Data for Use in Colour Computations}}, -url = {http://div1.cie.co.at/?i{\_}ca{\_}id=551{\&}pubid=47}, -year = {2005} +@misc{CVRLa, +author = {CVRL}, +title = {{Stiles {\&} Burch individual 2-deg colour matching data}}, +url = {http://www.cvrl.org/stilesburch2{\_}ind.htm}, +urldate = {2014-02-24} } -@book{CIETC1-321994, -author = {{CIE TC 1-32}}, -file = {:Users/kelsolaar/Documents/Mendeley Desktop/CIE TC 1-32 - 1994 - CIE 109-1994 A Method of Predicting Corresponding Colours under Different Chromatic and Illuminance Adaptations.pdf:pdf}, -isbn = {978-3-900734-51-0}, -pages = {1--18}, -title = {{CIE 109-1994 A Method of Predicting Corresponding Colours under Different Chromatic and Illuminance Adaptations}}, -url = {http://div1.cie.co.at/?i{\_}ca{\_}id=551{\&}pubid=34}, -year = {1994} +@misc{CVRLg, +author = {CVRL}, +title = {{Stiles {\&} Burch individual 10-deg colour matching data}}, +url = {http://www.cvrl.org/stilesburch10{\_}ind.htm}, +urldate = {2014-02-24} } @misc{CVRLe, author = {CVRL}, @@ -505,62 +442,17 @@ @misc{CVRLe url = {http://www.cvrl.org/lumindex.htm}, urldate = {2014-04-19} } -@misc{Wikipediaw, -author = {Wikipedia}, -title = {{CIE 1931 color space}}, -url = {http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/CIE{\_}1931{\_}color{\_}space}, -urldate = {2014-02-24} -} -@book{Wyszecki2000h, -author = {Wyszecki, G{\"{u}}nther and Stiles, W. S.}, -booktitle = {Color Science: Concepts and Methods, Quantitative Data and Formulae}, -isbn = {978-0471399186}, -pages = {837--839}, -publisher = {Wiley}, -title = {{Table I(6.5.3) Whiteness Formulae (Whiteness Measure Denoted by W)}}, -year = {2000} -} -@misc{Pointer1980, -author = {Pointer, Michael R.}, -file = {:Users/kelsolaar/Documents/Mendeley Desktop/Pointer - 1980 - Pointer's Gamut Data.xls:xls}, -title = {{Pointer's Gamut Data}}, -url = {http://www.cis.rit.edu/research/mcsl2/online/PointerData.xls http://www.cis.rit.edu/research/mcsl2/online/cie.php}, -year = {1980} -} -@misc{Lindbloom2014, -author = {Lindbloom, Bruce}, -title = {{RGB Working Space Information}}, -url = {http://www.brucelindbloom.com/WorkingSpaceInfo.html}, -urldate = {2014-04-11}, -year = {2014} -} -@book{Fairchild2004a, -author = {Fairchild, Mark D.}, -booktitle = {Color Appearance Models}, -chapter = {CIECAM02}, -edition = {2}, -file = {:Users/kelsolaar/Documents/Mendeley Desktop/Fairchild - 2004 - Color Appearance Models.pdf:pdf}, -isbn = {978-0470012161}, -pages = {289--301}, -publisher = {Wiley}, -series = {The Wiley-IS{\&}T Series in Imaging Science and Technology}, -title = {{CIECAM02}}, -year = {2004} -} -@misc{CIE, -author = {CIE}, -file = {:Users/kelsolaar/Documents/Mendeley Desktop/CIE - Unknown - CIE 152004 Tables Data.xls:xls}, -title = {{CIE 15:2004 Tables Data}}, -url = {https://law.resource.org/pub/us/cfr/ibr/003/cie.15.2004.tables.xls} +@misc{CVRLd, +author = {CVRL}, +title = {{CIE (2012) 2-deg XYZ “physiologically-relevant” colour matching functions}}, +url = {http://www.cvrl.org/database/text/cienewxyz/cie2012xyz2.htm}, +urldate = {2014-06-25} } -@misc{AdobeSystems2005, -author = {{Adobe Systems}}, -file = {:Users/kelsolaar/Documents/Mendeley Desktop/Adobe Systems - 2005 - Adobe RGB (1998) Color Image Encoding.pdf:pdf}, -number = {May}, -title = {{Adobe RGB (1998) Color Image Encoding}}, -url = {http://www.adobe.com/digitalimag/pdfs/AdobeRGB1998.pdf}, -volume = {2704}, -year = {2005} +@misc{CVRL, +author = {CVRL}, +title = {{Cone Fundamentals}}, +url = {http://www.cvrl.org/cones.htm}, +urldate = {2014-06-23} } @misc{CVRLb, author = {CVRL}, @@ -568,93 +460,57 @@ @misc{CVRLb url = {http://www.cvrl.org/database/text/cienewxyz/cie2012xyz10.htm}, urldate = {2014-06-25} } -@book{Fairchild2013h, -author = {Fairchild, Mark D.}, -edition = {3}, -isbn = {B00DAYO8E2}, -pages = {1--10831}, -publisher = {Wiley}, -series = {The Wiley-IS{\&}T Series in Imaging Science and Technology}, -title = {{Color Appearance Models}}, -year = {2013} -} -@article{Stearns1988, -author = {Stearns, E. I. and Stearns, R. E.}, -doi = {10.1002/col.5080130410}, -issn = {1520-6378}, -journal = {Color Research {\&} Application}, -number = {4}, -pages = {257--259}, -publisher = {Wiley Subscription Services, Inc., A Wiley Company}, -title = {{An example of a method for correcting radiance data for Bandpass error}}, -url = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1002/col.5080130410}, -volume = {13}, -year = {1988} -} -@misc{Centore2014i, -author = {Centore, Paul}, -title = {{MunsellAndKubelkaMunkToolboxApr2014 - MunsellSystemRoutines/LinearVsRadialInterpOnRenotationOvoid.m}}, -url = {https://github.com/colour-science/MunsellAndKubelkaMunkToolbox http://www.99main.com/{~}centore/MunsellAndKubelkaMunkToolbox/MunsellAndKubelkaMunkToolbox.html}, -year = {2014} -} -@misc{HunterLab2008a, -author = {HunterLab}, -file = {:Users/kelsolaar/Documents/Mendeley Desktop/HunterLab - 2008 - Hunter L,a,b Color Scale.pdf:pdf}, -number = {9}, -pages = {1--4}, -title = {{Hunter L,a,b Color Scale}}, -url = {http://www.hunterlab.se/wp-content/uploads/2012/11/Hunter-L-a-b.pdf}, -volume = {8}, -year = {2008} -} -@misc{SonyCorporationa, -author = {{Sony Corporation}}, -file = {:Users/kelsolaar/Documents/Mendeley Desktop/Sony Corporation - Unknown - Technical Summary for S-Gamut3.CineS-Log3 and S-Gamut3S-Log3.pdf:pdf}, -pages = {1--7}, -title = {{Technical Summary for S-Gamut3.Cine/S-Log3 and S-Gamut3/S-Log3}}, -url = {http://community.sony.com/sony/attachments/sony/large-sensor-camera-F5-F55/12359/2/TechnicalSummary{\_}for{\_}S-Gamut3Cine{\_}S-Gamut3{\_}S-Log3{\_}V1{\_}00.pdf} -} -@article{SocietyofMotionPictureandTelevisionEngineers1999, -author = {{Society of Motion Picture and Television Engineers}}, -file = {:Users/kelsolaar/Documents/Mendeley Desktop/Society of Motion Picture and Television Engineers - 1999 - ANSISMPTE 240M-1995 - Signal Parameters - 1125-Line High-Definition Producti.pdf:pdf}, -pages = {1--7}, -title = {{ANSI/SMPTE 240M-1995 - Signal Parameters - 1125-Line High-Definition Production Systems}}, -url = {http://car.france3.mars.free.fr/HD/INA- 26 jan 06/SMPTE normes et confs/s240m.pdf}, -year = {1999} +@misc{CVRLc, +author = {CVRL}, +title = {{Older CIE Standards}}, +url = {http://cvrl.ioo.ucl.ac.uk/cie.htm}, +urldate = {2014-02-24} } -@article{ASTMInternational2011, -abstract = {This standard is issued under the fixed designation E2022; the number immediately following the designation indicates the year of original adoption or, in the case of revision, the year of last revision. A number in parentheses indicates the year of last reapproval. A superscript epsilon) indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval.}, -author = {{ASTM International}}, -doi = {10.1520/E2022-11}, -file = {:Users/kelsolaar/Documents/Mendeley Desktop/ASTM International - 2011 - ASTM E2022–11 - Standard Practice for Calculation of Weighting Factors for Tristimulus Integration.pdf:pdf}, -pages = {1--10}, -title = {{ASTM E2022–11 - Standard Practice for Calculation of Weighting Factors for Tristimulus Integration}}, -volume = {i}, -year = {2011} +@misc{CVRLf, +author = {CVRL}, +title = {{New CIE XYZ functions transformed from the CIE (2006) LMS functions}}, +url = {http://cvrl.ioo.ucl.ac.uk/ciexyzpr.htm}, +urldate = {2014-02-24} } -@misc{HutchColor, -author = {HutchColor}, -title = {{DonRGB4 (4 K)}}, -url = {http://www.hutchcolor.com/profiles/DonRGB4.zip http://www.hutchcolor.com/profiles.html} +@article{Darrodi2015, +author = {Darrodi, Maryam Mohammadzadeh and Finlayson, Graham and Goodman, Teresa and Mackiewicz, Michal}, +doi = {10.1364/JOSAA.32.000381}, +file = {::}, +issn = {1084-7529}, +journal = {Journal of the Optical Society of America A}, +number = {3}, +pages = {381}, +title = {{Reference data set for camera spectral sensitivity estimation}}, +url = {http://www.opticsinfobase.org/abstract.cfm?URI=josaa-32-3-381}, +volume = {32}, +year = {2015} } -@misc{ASTMInternational, -author = {{ASTM International}}, -doi = {10.1520/D1535-08E01}, -file = {:Users/kelsolaar/Documents/Mendeley Desktop/ASTM International - 1989 - ASTM D1535-08e1 - Standard Practice for Specifying Color by the Munsell System.pdf:pdf}, -keywords = {D1535,Munsell,Munsell color order system,Munsell notation,color}, -pages = {1--29}, -title = {{ASTM D1535-08e1 - Standard Practice for Specifying Color by the Munsell System}}, -url = {http://www.astm.org/Standards/D1535.htm http://www.scribd.com/doc/89648322/ASTM-D1535-08e1-Standard-Practice-for-Specifying-Color-by-the-Munsell-System http://www.astm.org/DATABASE.CART/HISTORICAL/D1535-89.htm https://law.resource.org/pub/us/cfr/ibr/003/a}, -urldate = {2014-09-25}, -year = {1989} +@article{Davis2010, +abstract = {The color rendering index (CRI) has been shown to have deficiencies when applied to white light-emitting-diode–based sources. Furthermore, evidence suggests that the restricted scope of the CRI unnecessarily penalizes some light sources with desirable color qualities. To solve the problems of the CRI and include other dimensions of color quality, the color quality scale (CQS) has been developed. Although the CQS uses many of elements of the CRI, there are a number of fundamental differences. Like the CRI, the CQS is a test-samples method that compares the appearance of a set of reflective samples when illuminated by the test lamp to their appearance under a reference illuminant. The CQS uses a larger set of reflective samples, all of high chroma, and combines the color differences of the samples with a root mean square. Additionally, the CQS does not penalize light sources for causing increases in the chroma of object colors but does penalize sources with smaller rendered color gamut areas. The scale of the CQS is converted to span 0–100, and the uniform object color space and chromatic adaptation transform used in the calculations are updated. Supplementary scales have also been developed for expert users.}, +author = {Davis, Wendy and Ohno, Yoshi}, +doi = {10.1117/1.3360335}, +isbn = {0091-3286}, +journal = {Optical Engineering}, +number = {3}, +pages = {33602--33616}, +title = {{Color quality scale}}, +url = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1117/1.3360335}, +volume = {49}, +year = {2010} } -@article{TheAcademyofMotionPictureArtsandSciences2015, -author = {{The Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences} and {Science and Technology Council} and {Academy Color Encoding System (ACES) Project Subcommittee}}, -file = {:Users/kelsolaar/Documents/Mendeley Desktop/The Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences, Science and Technology Council, Academy Color Encoding System (ACES) Project Subcom(13).pdf:pdf}, -pages = {1--9}, -title = {{Specification S-2014-004 - ACEScg – A Working Space for CGI Render and Compositing}}, -url = {https://github.com/ampas/aces-dev/tree/master/documents}, -year = {2015} +@misc{DigitalCinemaInitiatives2007, +author = {{Digital Cinema Initiatives}}, +file = {::}, +title = {{Digital Cinema System Specification - Version 1.1}}, +url = {http://www.dcimovies.com/archives/spec{\_}v1{\_}1/DCI{\_}DCinema{\_}System{\_}Spec{\_}v1{\_}1.pdf}, +year = {2007} +} +@article{Dolby2016, +author = {Dolby}, +file = {::}, +title = {{WHAT IS ICTCP? - INTRODUCTION}}, +url = {https://www.dolby.com/us/en/technologies/dolby-vision/ICtCp-white-paper.pdf}, +year = {2016} } @misc{EasyRGBa, author = {EasyRGB}, @@ -662,208 +518,316 @@ @misc{EasyRGBa url = {http://www.easyrgb.com/index.php?X=MATH{\&}H=14{\#}text14}, urldate = {2014-05-18} } -@article{Fairman1985, -author = {Fairman, Hugh S.}, -doi = {10.1002/col.5080100407}, -file = {:Users/kelsolaar/Documents/Mendeley Desktop/Fairman - 1985 - The calculation of weight factors for tristimulus integration.pdf:pdf}, -issn = {03612317}, -journal = {Color Research {\&} Application}, -number = {4}, -pages = {199--203}, -title = {{The calculation of weight factors for tristimulus integration}}, -url = {http://doi.wiley.com/10.1002/col.5080100407}, -volume = {10}, -year = {1985} +@misc{EasyRGB, +author = {EasyRGB}, +title = {{HSV —{\textgreater} RGB}}, +url = {http://www.easyrgb.com/index.php?X=MATH{\&}H=21{\#}text21}, +urldate = {2014-05-18} } -@misc{Wikipedial, -author = {Wikipedia}, -title = {{CAT02}}, -url = {http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/CIECAM02{\#}CAT02}, -urldate = {2014-02-24} +@misc{EasyRGBd, +author = {EasyRGB}, +title = {{RGB —{\textgreater} HSV}}, +url = {http://www.easyrgb.com/index.php?X=MATH{\&}H=20{\#}text20}, +urldate = {2014-05-18} } -@misc{SocietyofMotionPictureandTelevisionEngineers2014, -abstract = {This standard specifies an EOTF characterizing high-dynamic-range reference displays used primarily for mastering non-broadcast content. This standard also specifies an Inverse-EOTF derived from the EOTF.}, -author = {{Society of Motion Picture and Television Engineers}}, -doi = {10.5594/SMPTE.ST2084.2014}, -file = {:Users/kelsolaar/Documents/Mendeley Desktop/Society of Motion Picture and Television Engineers - 2014 - SMPTE ST 20842014 - Dynamic Range Electro-Optical Transfer Function of Maste.pdf:pdf}, -pages = {1--14}, -title = {{SMPTE ST 2084:2014 - Dynamic Range Electro-Optical Transfer Function of Mastering Reference Displays}}, -url = {http://www.techstreet.com/products/1883436}, -year = {2014} +@misc{EasyRGBg, +author = {EasyRGB}, +title = {{HSL —{\textgreater} RGB}}, +url = {http://www.easyrgb.com/index.php?X=MATH{\&}H=19{\#}text19}, +urldate = {2014-05-18} } -@misc{Mansencal2015, -author = {Mansencal, Thomas}, -title = {{RED Colourspaces Derivation}}, -url = {http://colour-science.org/posts/red-colourspaces-derivation}, -urldate = {2015-05-20}, -year = {2015} +@misc{EasyRGBe, +author = {EasyRGB}, +title = {{CMY —{\textgreater} CMYK}}, +url = {http://www.easyrgb.com/index.php?X=MATH{\&}H=13{\#}text13}, +urldate = {2014-05-18} } -@misc{Wikipediaj, -author = {Wikipedia}, -title = {{ISO 31-11}}, -url = {https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ISO{\_}31-11}, -urldate = {2016-07-31} +@misc{EasyRGBf, +author = {EasyRGB}, +title = {{RGB —{\textgreater} HSL}}, +url = {http://www.easyrgb.com/index.php?X=MATH{\&}H=18{\#}text18}, +urldate = {2014-05-18} } -@misc{Centore2014g, -author = {Centore, Paul}, -title = {{MunsellAndKubelkaMunkToolboxApr2014 - MunsellSystemRoutines/BoundingRenotationHues.m}}, -url = {https://github.com/colour-science/MunsellAndKubelkaMunkToolbox http://www.99main.com/{~}centore/MunsellAndKubelkaMunkToolbox/MunsellAndKubelkaMunkToolbox.html}, -year = {2014} +@misc{EasyRGBc, +author = {EasyRGB}, +title = {{CMY —{\textgreater} RGB}}, +url = {http://www.easyrgb.com/index.php?X=MATH{\&}H=12{\#}text12}, +urldate = {2014-05-18} } -@misc{AdobeSystems2013, -author = {{Adobe Systems}}, -title = {{Adobe DNG Software Development Kit (SDK) - - dng{\_}sdk{\_}1{\_}3/dng{\_}sdk/source/dng{\_}temperature.cpp::dng{\_}temperature::Set{\_}xy{\_}coord}}, -url = {https://www.adobe.com/support/downloads/dng/dng{\_}sdk.html}, -year = {2013} +@misc{EasyRGBb, +author = {EasyRGB}, +title = {{RGB —{\textgreater} CMY}}, +url = {http://www.easyrgb.com/index.php?X=MATH{\&}H=11{\#}text11}, +urldate = {2014-05-18} } -@misc{Centore2014h, -author = {Centore, Paul}, -title = {{MunsellAndKubelkaMunkToolboxApr2014 - MunsellRenotationRoutines/MaxChromaForExtrapolatedRenotation.m}}, -url = {https://github.com/colour-science/MunsellAndKubelkaMunkToolbox http://www.99main.com/{~}centore/MunsellAndKubelkaMunkToolbox/MunsellAndKubelkaMunkToolbox.html}, -year = {2014} +@misc{Erdem, +author = {Erdem, U. Murat}, +title = {{Fast Line Segment Intersection}}, +url = {http://www.mathworks.com/matlabcentral/fileexchange/27205-fast-line-segment-intersection}, +urldate = {2016-01-15} } -@book{Westland2012d, -author = {Westland, Stephen and Ripamonti, Caterina and Cheung, Vien}, -booktitle = {Computational Colour Science Using MATLAB}, -chapter = {4.3}, -edition = {2}, -isbn = {978-0-470-66569-5}, -pages = {29--37}, -title = {{Interpolation Methods}}, -year = {2012} +@article{Erdogan, +abstract = {There are many different systems for analyzing and representing the color of an object perceived by a human observer. For the purposes of unambiguously specifying the color an observer sees when looking through an optical filter at a well-defined light source, we have found the CIE Color Specification System to be the most accurate (for a simple and clear description, see [1]). In this article we briefly describe the method to calculate the three main parameters that fully specify color in this system: luminosity, dominant wavelength, and excitation purity. These terms specifically refer to the definitions in the CIE system given below, but they have analogies in many other systems. A set of more general terms often used to qualitatively describe color are: brightness, hue, and saturation (analogous to luminosity, dominant wavelength, and excitation purity, respectively). These terms (and others) are often used interchangeably. Here we will adhere to the official terms assigned to the CIE system to avoid any ambiguity.}, +author = {Erdogan, Turan}, +file = {::}, +pages = {7}, +title = {{How to Calculate Luminosity, Dominant Wavelength, and Excitation Purity}}, +url = {http://www.semrock.com/Data/Sites/1/semrockpdfs/whitepaper{\_}howtocalculateluminositywavelengthandpurity.pdf} } -@misc{Saeedn, -author = {Saeedn}, -title = {{Extend a line segment a specific distance}}, -url = {http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7740507/extend-a-line-segment-a-specific-distance}, -urldate = {2016-01-16} +@misc{EuropeanColorInitiative2002, +author = {{European Color Initiative}}, +title = {{ECI RGB v2}}, +url = {http://www.eci.org/{\_}media/downloads/icc{\_}profiles{\_}from{\_}eci/ecirgbv20.zip http://www.eci.org/en/colourstandards/workingcolorspaces}, +year = {2002} } -@misc{Wikipediac, -author = {Wikipedia}, -title = {{HSL and HSV}}, -url = {http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/HSL{\_}and{\_}HSV}, -urldate = {2014-09-10} +@article{Fairchild1998, +abstract = {The colorimetric characterization of a flat-panel LCD monitor, the Apple Studio Display, using traditional CRT characterization techniques was evaluated. The results showed that the display performed up to the manufacturer's specifications in terms of luminance and contrast. However, the traditional CRT gain-offset-gamma (GOG) model for characterization was inadequate and a model with one-dimensional lookup tables followed by a 3x3 matrix was developed. The LUT model performed excellently with average CIE94 color differences between measured and predicted colors of approximately 1.0.}, +author = {Fairchild, M. and Wyble, D.}, +file = {::}, +pages = {22}, +title = {{Colorimetric Characterization of The Apple Studio Display (flat panel LCD)}}, +url = {https://ritdml.rit.edu/handle/1850/4368}, +year = {1998} } -@misc{Wikipediag, -author = {Wikipedia}, -title = {{CIECAM02}}, -url = {http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/CIECAM02}, -urldate = {2014-08-14} +@incollection{Fairchild2013d, +author = {Fairchild, Mark D.}, +booktitle = {Color Appearance Models}, +chapter = {11}, +edition = {3}, +isbn = {B00DAYO8E2}, +pages = {4810--5085}, +publisher = {Wiley}, +series = {The Wiley-IS{\&}T Series in Imaging Science and Technology}, +title = {{Chromatic Adaptation Models}}, +year = {2013} } -@misc{Canon, -author = {Canon}, -title = {{EOS C300 Mark II - EOS C300 Mark II Input Transform Version 2.0 (for Cinema Gamut / BT.2020)}}, -url = {https://www.usa.canon.com/internet/portal/us/home/support/details/cameras/cinema-eos/eos-c300-mark-ii}, -urldate = {2016-08-23} +@incollection{Fairchild2013e, +author = {Fairchild, Mark D.}, +booktitle = {Color Appearance Models}, +chapter = {11}, +edition = {3}, +isbn = {B00DAYO8E2}, +pages = {4418--4495}, +publisher = {Wiley}, +series = {The Wiley-IS{\&}T Series in Imaging Science and Technology}, +title = {{FAIRCHILD'S 1990 MODEL}}, +year = {2013} } -@misc{Wikipediaq, -author = {Wikipedia}, -title = {{Whiteness}}, -url = {http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Whiteness}, -urldate = {2014-09-17} +@incollection{Fairchild2013f, +author = {Fairchild, Mark D.}, +booktitle = {Color Appearance Models}, +chapter = {20.3}, +edition = {3}, +isbn = {B00DAYO8E2}, +pages = {6197--6223}, +publisher = {Wiley}, +series = {The Wiley-IS{\&}T Series in Imaging Science and Technology}, +title = {{IPT Colourspace}}, +year = {2013} } -@book{IESComputerCommittee2014, -author = {{IES Computer Committee} and {TM-27-14 Working Group}}, -file = {:Users/kelsolaar/Documents/Mendeley Desktop/IES Computer Committee, TM-27-14 Working Group - 2014 - IES Standard Format for the Electronic Transfer of Spectral Data Electronic Tran.pdf:pdf}, -isbn = {978-0879952952}, -pages = {1--16}, -title = {{IES Standard Format for the Electronic Transfer of Spectral Data Electronic Transfer of Spectral Data}}, -year = {2014} +@incollection{Fairchild2013b, +author = {Fairchild, Mark D.}, +booktitle = {Color Appearance Models}, +chapter = {13}, +edition = {3}, +isbn = {B00DAYO8E2}, +pages = {5563--5824}, +publisher = {Wiley}, +series = {The Wiley-IS{\&}T Series in Imaging Science and Technology}, +title = {{The RLAB Model}}, +year = {2013} } -@misc{Wikipediam, -author = {Wikipedia}, -title = {{Rayleigh scattering}}, -url = {http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rayleigh{\_}scattering}, -urldate = {2014-09-23} +@incollection{Fairchild2013, +author = {Fairchild, Mark D.}, +booktitle = {Color Appearance Models}, +chapter = {14.3}, +edition = {3}, +isbn = {B00DAYO8E2}, +pages = {6025--6178}, +publisher = {Wiley}, +series = {The Wiley-IS{\&}T Series in Imaging Science and Technology}, +title = {{LLAB Model}}, +year = {2013} } -@misc{Canon2014, -author = {Canon}, -title = {{EOS C500 Firmware Update}}, -url = {https://www.usa.canon.com/internet/portal/us/home/explore/product-showcases/cameras-and-lenses/cinema-eos-firmware/c500}, -urldate = {2016-08-02}, -year = {2014} +@incollection{Fairchild2013g, +author = {Fairchild, Mark D.}, +booktitle = {Color Appearance Models}, +chapter = {14.2}, +edition = {3}, +isbn = {B00DAYO8E2}, +pages = {5852--5991}, +publisher = {Wiley}, +series = {The Wiley-IS{\&}T Series in Imaging Science and Technology}, +title = {{ATD Model}}, +year = {2013} +} +@incollection{Fairchild2013c, +author = {Fairchild, Mark D.}, +booktitle = {Color Appearance Models}, +chapter = {12}, +edition = {3}, +isbn = {B00DAYO8E2}, +pages = {5094--5556}, +publisher = {Wiley}, +series = {The Wiley-IS{\&}T Series in Imaging Science and Technology}, +title = {{The Hunt Model}}, +year = {2013} +} +@incollection{Fairchild2013a, +author = {Fairchild, Mark D.}, +booktitle = {Color Appearance Models}, +chapter = {11}, +edition = {3}, +isbn = {B00DAYO8E2}, +pages = {4810--5085}, +publisher = {Wiley}, +series = {The Wiley-IS{\&}T Series in Imaging Science and Technology}, +title = {{The Nayatani et al. Model}}, +year = {2013} +} +@book{Fairchild2013h, +author = {Fairchild, Mark D.}, +edition = {3}, +isbn = {B00DAYO8E2}, +pages = {1--10831}, +publisher = {Wiley}, +series = {The Wiley-IS{\&}T Series in Imaging Science and Technology}, +title = {{Color Appearance Models}}, +year = {2013} } -@misc{EasyRGBb, -author = {EasyRGB}, -title = {{RGB —{\textgreater} CMY}}, -url = {http://www.easyrgb.com/index.php?X=MATH{\&}H=11{\#}text11}, -urldate = {2014-05-18} +@incollection{Fairchild2004a, +author = {Fairchild, Mark D.}, +booktitle = {Color Appearance Models}, +chapter = {CIECAM02}, +edition = {2}, +file = {::}, +isbn = {978-0470012161}, +pages = {289--301}, +publisher = {Wiley}, +series = {The Wiley-IS{\&}T Series in Imaging Science and Technology}, +title = {{CIECAM02}}, +year = {2004} } -@incollection{CIETC1-482004e, -author = {{CIE TC 1-48}}, -booktitle = {CIE 015:2004 Colorimetry, 3rd Edition}, -chapter = {9.1}, -isbn = {978-3-901-90633-6}, -pages = {32--33}, -title = {{9.1 Dominant wavelength and purity}}, -url = {http://div1.cie.co.at/?i{\%}7B{\_}{\%}7Dca{\%}7B{\_}{\%}7Did=551{\%}7B{\&}{\%}7Dpubid=23}, +@book{Fairchild2004, +author = {Fairchild, Mark D.}, +edition = {2}, +file = {::}, +isbn = {978-0470012161}, +pages = {1--409}, +publisher = {Wiley}, +series = {The Wiley-IS{\&}T Series in Imaging Science and Technology}, +title = {{Color Appearance Models}}, year = {2004} } -@book{CIETC1-382005c, -author = {{CIE TC 1-38}}, -booktitle = {CIE 167:2005 Recommended Practice for Tabulating Spectral Data for Use in Colour Computations}, -chapter = {9.2.4}, -file = {:Users/kelsolaar/Documents/Mendeley Desktop/CIE TC 1-38 - 2005 - Table V. Values of the c-coefficients of Equ.s 6 and 7.pdf:pdf}, -isbn = {978-3-901-90641-1}, -pages = {1--27}, -title = {{9.2.4 Method of interpolation for uniformly spaced independent variable}}, -url = {http://div1.cie.co.at/?i{\_}ca{\_}id=551{\&}pubid=47}, -year = {2005} +@misc{Fairchild, +author = {Fairchild, Mark D.}, +title = {{Fairchild YSh}}, +url = {http://rit-mcsl.org/fairchild//files/FairchildYSh.zip} } -@misc{HutchColorb, -author = {HutchColor}, -title = {{XtremeRGB (4 K)}}, -url = {http://www.hutchcolor.com/profiles/XtremeRGB.zip http://www.hutchcolor.com/profiles.html} +@article{Fairchild1996, +abstract = {The prediction of color appearance using the RLAB color space has been tested for a variety of viewing conditions and stimulus types. These tests have shown that RLAB performs well for complex stimuli and not-so-well for simple stimuli. This article reviews the various psychophysical results, interprets their differences, and describes evolutionary enhancements to the RLAB model that simplify it and improve its performance. (C) 1996 John Wiley {\&} Sons, Inc.}, +author = {Fairchild, Mark D.}, +doi = {10.1002/(SICI)1520-6378(199610)21:5<338::AID-COL3>3.0.CO;2-Z}, +file = {::}, +journal = {Color Research {\&} Application}, +keywords = {color appearance,color spaces,color-appearance models}, +number = {5}, +pages = {338--346}, +title = {{Refinement of the RLAB color space}}, +url = {http://doi.wiley.com/10.1002/(SICI)1520-6378(199610)21:5{\%}3C338::AID-COL3{\%}3E3.3.CO;2-Y https://ritdml.rit.edu/bitstream/handle/1850/7857/MFairchildArticle12-06-1998.pdf}, +volume = {21}, +year = {1996} } -@misc{Hettinger, -author = {Hettinger, Raymond}, -title = {{Python hashable dicts}}, -url = {http://stackoverflow.com/a/16162138/931625}, -urldate = {2014-08-08} +@article{Fairchild1991, +abstract = {A mathematical model of chromatic adaptation for calculating corresponding colors across changes of illumination based on the Hunt color appearance model is formulated and tested. This model consists of a modified von Kries transform that accounts for incomplete levels of adaptation. The model predicts that adaptation will be less complete as the saturation of the adapting stimulus increases and more complete as the luminance of the adapting stimulus increases. An experiment is described in which achromatic appearance is measured for various adapting conditions. The model is tested with these experimental results as well as results from another study and found to be significantly better at predicting corresponding colors than other proposed models.}, +author = {Fairchild, Mark D.}, +doi = {10.1002/col.5080160406}, +file = {:Users/kelsolaar/Documents/Mendeley Desktop/Fairchild - 1991 - Formulation and testing of an incomplete-chromatic-adaptation model.pdf:pdf}, +issn = {03612317}, +journal = {Color Research {\&} Application}, +month = {aug}, +number = {4}, +pages = {243--250}, +title = {{Formulation and testing of an incomplete-chromatic-adaptation model}}, +url = {http://doi.wiley.com/10.1002/col.5080160406}, +volume = {16}, +year = {1991} } -@misc{Centore2014b, -author = {Centore, Paul}, -title = {{MunsellAndKubelkaMunkToolboxApr2014 - GeneralRoutines/CIELABtoApproxMunsellSpec.m}}, -url = {https://github.com/colour-science/MunsellAndKubelkaMunkToolbox http://www.99main.com/{~}centore/MunsellAndKubelkaMunkToolbox/MunsellAndKubelkaMunkToolbox.html}, -year = {2014} +@inproceedings{Fairchild2010, +author = {Fairchild, Mark D. and Wyble, David R.}, +booktitle = {Proc. of Color and Imaging Conference}, +file = {::}, +isbn = {9781629932156}, +issn = {21669635}, +keywords = {Copyright 2010 Society for Imaging Science and Tec}, +pages = {322--326}, +title = {{hdr-CIELAB and hdr-IPT: Simple Models for Describing the Color of High-Dynamic-Range and Wide-Color-Gamut Images}}, +url = {http://www.ingentaconnect.com/content/ist/cic/2010/00002010/00000001/art00057}, +year = {2010} } -@misc{TheAcademyofMotionPictureArtsandSciences2014c, -author = {{The Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences} and {Science and Technology Council} and {Academy Color Encoding System (ACES) Project Subcommittee}}, -file = {:Users/kelsolaar/Documents/Mendeley Desktop/The Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences, Science and Technology Council, Academy Color Encoding System (ACES) Project Subcomm(8).pdf:pdf}, -pages = {1--16}, -title = {{Specification S-2013-001 - ACESproxy , an Integer Log Encoding of ACES Image Data}}, -url = {https://github.com/ampas/aces-dev/tree/master/documents}, -year = {2014} +@article{Fairman1985, +author = {Fairman, Hugh S.}, +doi = {10.1002/col.5080100407}, +file = {::}, +issn = {03612317}, +journal = {Color Research {\&} Application}, +number = {4}, +pages = {199--203}, +title = {{The calculation of weight factors for tristimulus integration}}, +url = {http://doi.wiley.com/10.1002/col.5080100407}, +volume = {10}, +year = {1985} } -@book{Wyszecki2000b, -author = {Wyszecki, G{\"{u}}nther and Stiles, W. S.}, -booktitle = {Color Science: Concepts and Methods, Quantitative Data and Formulae}, -isbn = {978-0471399186}, -pages = {776--777}, -publisher = {Wiley}, -title = {{Table I(3.7)}}, -year = {2000} +@misc{Gaggioni, +author = {Gaggioni, Hugo and Dhanendra, Patel and Yamashita, Jin and Kawada, N. and Endo, K. and Clark, Curtis}, +file = {::}, +pages = {1--13}, +title = {{S-Log: A new LUT for digital production mastering and interchange applications}}, +url = {http://pro.sony.com/bbsccms/assets/files/mkt/cinema/solutions/slog{\_}manual.pdf}, +volume = {709} } -@misc{Wikipediar, -author = {Wikipedia}, -title = {{Relation to CIE XYZ}}, -url = {http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/CIE{\_}1960{\_}color{\_}space{\#}Relation{\_}to{\_}CIE{\_}XYZ}, -urldate = {2014-02-24} +@article{Glasser1958, +abstract = {A visually uniform color coordinate system, based upon simple mathematical formulas, is described. This system resembles the Adams chromatic-value system but replaces the quintic-parabola function with a cube-root function. For colors having reflectances greater than 0.5{\%} the color spacing obtained agrees with Munsell spacing as closely as the modified Adams system. At lower reflectances an expanded color spacing over that of the Munsell system is provided. The cube-root equations can be solved directly for color coordinate differences in terms of simple functions of the difference in colorimeter readings or tristimulus values. The computation of color coordinates in this system is simpler and requires less computational precision than other visually uniform color coordinate systems. A simple slide rule for computing color differences in cube-root color coordinates is described. A modification of the cube-root color coordinate system which provides nearly perfect representation of the spacing of Munsell colors is described, and the appropriateness of the assumptions required to obtain this behavior is discussed.}, +author = {Glasser, L. G. and McKinney, A. H. and Reilly, C. D. and Schnelle, P. D.}, +doi = {10.1364/JOSA.48.000736}, +file = {::}, +journal = {J. Opt. Soc. Am.}, +month = {oct}, +number = {10}, +pages = {736--740}, +publisher = {OSA}, +title = {{Cube-Root Color Coordinate System}}, +url = {http://www.opticsinfobase.org/abstract.cfm?URI=josa-48-10-736}, +volume = {48}, +year = {1958} } -@misc{X-Rite2012, -author = {X-Rite and Pantone}, -file = {:Users/kelsolaar/Documents/Mendeley Desktop/X-Rite, Pantone - 2012 - Color iQC and Color iMatch Color Calculations Guide.pdf:pdf}, -number = {July}, -pages = {1--31}, -title = {{Color iQC and Color iMatch Color Calculations Guide}}, -url = {http://www.xrite.com/documents/literature/en/09{\_}Color{\_}Calculations{\_}en.pdf}, -year = {2012} +@misc{GoPro2016, +author = {GoPro and Duiker, Haarm-Pieter and Mansencal, Thomas}, +title = {gopro.py}, +url = {https://github.com/hpd/OpenColorIO-Configs/blob/master/aces{\_}1.0.3/python/aces{\_}ocio/colorspaces/gopro.py}, +urldate = {2017-04-12}, +year = {2016} +} +@inproceedings{Guth1995, +abstract = {Previous and recent revisions of the ATD model for color perception$\backslash$nand visual adaption are incorporated into the version that is fully$\backslash$ndescribed in this paper.}, +author = {Guth, S. Lee}, +booktitle = {IS{\&}T/SPIE's Symposium on Electronic {\ldots}}, +doi = {10.1117/12.206546}, +editor = {Walowit, Eric}, +file = {::}, +keywords = {chromatic adaptation,color appearances,color discriminations,color models}, +month = {apr}, +pages = {12--26}, +title = {{Further applications of the ATD model for color vision}}, +url = {http://proceedings.spiedigitallibrary.org/data/Conferences/SPIEP/53372/12{\_}1.pdf http://proceedings.spiedigitallibrary.org/proceeding.aspx?articleid=991324}, +volume = {2414}, +year = {1995} } @article{Hernandez-Andres1999, abstract = {Natural outdoor illumination daily undergoes large changes in its correlated color temperature (CCT), yet existing equations for calculating CCT from chromaticity coordinates span only part of this range. To improve both the gamut and accuracy of these CCT calculations, we use chromaticities calculated from our measurements of nearly 7000 daylight and skylight spectra to test an equation that accurately maps CIE 1931 chromaticities x and y into CCT. We extend the work of McCamy [Color Res. Appl. 12, 285-287 (1992)] by using a chromaticity epicenter for CCT and the inverse slope of the line that connects it to x and y. With two epicenters for different CCT ranges, our simple equation is accurate across wide chromaticity and CCT ranges (3000-10(6) K) spanned by daylight and skylight.}, author = {Hern{\'{a}}ndez-Andr{\'{e}}s, J. and Lee, Raymond L. and Romero, Javier}, doi = {10.1364/AO.38.005703}, -file = {:Users/kelsolaar/Documents/Mendeley Desktop/Hern{\'{a}}ndez-Andr{\'{e}}s, Lee, Romero - 1999 - Calculating correlated color temperatures across the entire gamut of daylight and skylight chro.pdf:pdf}, +file = {::}, institution = {Departamento de Optica, Facultad de Ciencias, Universidad de Granada, Granada 18071, Spain.}, journal = {Applied optics}, number = {27}, @@ -872,123 +836,188 @@ @article{Hernandez-Andres1999 volume = {38}, year = {1999} } -@book{Fairchild2013a, -author = {Fairchild, Mark D.}, -booktitle = {Color Appearance Models}, -chapter = {11}, -edition = {3}, -isbn = {B00DAYO8E2}, -pages = {4810--5085}, +@misc{Hettinger, +author = {Hettinger, Raymond}, +title = {{Python hashable dicts}}, +url = {http://stackoverflow.com/a/16162138/931625}, +urldate = {2014-08-08} +} +@misc{Hewlett-PackardDevelopmentCompany2009, +author = {{Hewlett-Packard Development Company}}, +file = {::}, +pages = {1--3}, +title = {{Understanding the HP DreamColor LP2480zx DCI-P3 Emulation Color Space}}, +url = {http://www.hp.com/united-states/campaigns/workstations/pdfs/lp2480zx-dci--p3-emulation.pdf}, +year = {2009} +} +@misc{Holmes, +author = {Holmes, Joseph}, +title = {{Ekta Space PS 5}}, +url = {http://www.josephholmes.com/Ekta{\_}Space.zip http://www.josephholmes.com/profiles.html} +} +@misc{Houston2015, +author = {Houston, Jim}, +title = {{Private Discussion with Mansencal, T.}}, +year = {2015} +} +@book{Hunt2004, +address = {Chichester, UK}, +author = {Hunt, Robert W. G.}, +doi = {10.1002/0470024275}, +edition = {6}, +file = {::}, +isbn = {978-0-470-02425-6}, +month = {sep}, publisher = {Wiley}, series = {The Wiley-IS{\&}T Series in Imaging Science and Technology}, -title = {{The Nayatani et al. Model}}, -year = {2013} +title = {{The Reproduction of Colour}}, +url = {http://doi.wiley.com/10.1002/0470024275}, +year = {2004} } -@misc{Ruana, -author = {Ruana, Rob}, -title = {sphinxcontrib.napoleon}, -url = {https://bitbucket.org/birkenfeld/sphinx-contrib/src/21e3b2dc70a43d3f7e8942c4aaf078f66e1c575b/napoleon/sphinxcontrib/napoleon/docstring.py}, -urldate = {2016-08-14} +@misc{HunterLab2012, +author = {HunterLab}, +file = {::}, +keywords = {a rd,b rd,hunter rd,opponent color scale,rd a b,rdab}, +title = {{Hunter Rd,a,b Color Scale – History and Application}}, +url = {https://hunterlabdotcom.files.wordpress.com/2012/07/an-1016-hunter-rd-a-b-color-scale-update-12-07-03.pdf}, +year = {2012} } -@misc{TheAcademyofMotionPictureArtsandSciences, -author = {{The Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences} and {Science and Technology Council} and {Academy Color Encoding System (ACES) Project Subcommittee}}, -title = {{Academy Color Encoding System}}, -url = {http://www.oscars.org/science-technology/council/projects/aces.html}, -urldate = {2014-02-24} +@misc{HunterLab2008, +author = {HunterLab}, +file = {::}, +keywords = {ASTM illuminant}, +number = {2}, +pages = {1--6}, +title = {{Illuminant Factors in Universal Software and EasyMatch Coatings}}, +url = {https://support.hunterlab.com/hc/en-us/article{\_}attachments/201437785/an02{\_}02.pdf}, +volume = {14}, +year = {2008} +} +@misc{HunterLab2008a, +author = {HunterLab}, +file = {::}, +number = {9}, +pages = {1--4}, +title = {{Hunter L,a,b Color Scale}}, +url = {http://www.hunterlab.se/wp-content/uploads/2012/11/Hunter-L-a-b.pdf}, +volume = {8}, +year = {2008} +} +@misc{HutchColorc, +author = {HutchColor}, +title = {{MaxRGB (4 K)}}, +url = {http://www.hutchcolor.com/profiles/MaxRGB.zip http://www.hutchcolor.com/profiles.html} +} +@inproceedings{HutchColorb, +author = {HutchColor}, +title = {{XtremeRGB (4 K)}}, +url = {http://www.hutchcolor.com/profiles/XtremeRGB.zip http://www.hutchcolor.com/profiles.html} +} +@misc{HutchColor, +author = {HutchColor}, +title = {{DonRGB4 (4 K)}}, +url = {http://www.hutchcolor.com/profiles/DonRGB4.zip http://www.hutchcolor.com/profiles.html} } @misc{HutchColora, author = {HutchColor}, title = {{BestRGB (4 K)}}, url = {http://www.hutchcolor.com/profiles/BestRGB.zip http://www.hutchcolor.com/profiles.html} } -@misc{Spiker2015, -author = {Spiker, Nick}, -title = {{Private Discussion with Mansencal, T.}}, -url = {http://www.repairfaq.org/sam/repspec/ http://www.invisiblelightimages.com/}, -year = {2015} +@book{IESComputerCommittee2014, +author = {{IES Computer Committee} and {TM-27-14 Working Group}}, +file = {::}, +isbn = {978-0879952952}, +pages = {1--16}, +title = {{IES Standard Format for the Electronic Transfer of Spectral Data Electronic Transfer of Spectral Data}}, +year = {2014} } -@article{Smits1999, -abstract = {The desire for accuracy and realism in images requires a physically-based rendering system. Often this can mean using a full spectral representation, as RGB represen- tations have limitations in some situations4. The spectral representation does come at some cost, not ...}, -author = {Smits, Brian}, -doi = {10.1080/10867651.1999.10487511}, -file = {:Users/kelsolaar/Documents/Mendeley Desktop/Smits - 1999 - An RGB-to-Spectrum Conversion for Reflectances.pdf:pdf}, -issn = {1086-7651}, -journal = {Journal of Graphics Tools}, -month = {jan}, -number = {4}, -pages = {11--22}, -publisher = {AK Peters, Ltd.}, -title = {{An RGB-to-Spectrum Conversion for Reflectances}}, -url = {http://www.cs.utah.edu/{~}bes/papers/color/ http://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/10867651.1999.10487511}, -volume = {4}, +@article{InternationalElectrotechnicalCommission1999, +author = {{International Electrotechnical Commission}}, +pages = {51}, +title = {{IEC 61966-2-1:1999 - Multimedia systems and equipment - Colour measurement and management - Part 2-1: Colour management - Default RGB colour space - sRGB}}, +url = {https://webstore.iec.ch/publication/6169}, year = {1999} } -@misc{Centore2014a, -author = {Centore, Paul}, -title = {{MunsellAndKubelkaMunkToolboxApr2014 - MunsellRenotationRoutines/MunsellToxyForIntegerMunsellValue.m}}, -url = {https://github.com/colour-science/MunsellAndKubelkaMunkToolbox http://www.99main.com/{~}centore/MunsellAndKubelkaMunkToolbox/MunsellAndKubelkaMunkToolbox.html}, -year = {2014} +@article{InternationalTelecommunicationUnion2011, +author = {{International Telecommunication Union}}, +file = {::}, +keywords = {871,T,T.871}, +title = {{Recommendation ITU-T T.871 - Information technology – Digital compression and coding of continuous-tone still images: JPEG File Interchange Format (JFIF)}}, +url = {https://www.itu.int/rec/dologin{\_}pub.asp?lang=e{\&}id=T-REC-T.871-201105-I!!PDF-E{\&}type=items}, +year = {2011} } -@misc{Wikipedian, -author = {Wikipedia}, -title = {{Surfaces}}, -url = {http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gamut{\#}Surfaces}, -urldate = {2014-09-10} +@article{InternationalTelecommunicationUnion2011a, +author = {{International Telecommunication Union}}, +file = {::}, +title = {{Recommendation ITU-R BT.1886 - Reference electro-optical transfer function for flat panel displays used in HDTV studio production BT Series Broadcasting service}}, +year = {2011} } -@misc{Wikipedia, -author = {Wikipedia}, -title = {{YCbCr}}, -url = {https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/YCbCr}, -urldate = {2016-02-29} +@incollection{InternationalTelecommunicationUnion1998, +author = {{International Telecommunication Union}}, +booktitle = {Recommendation ITU-R BT.470-6}, +file = {::}, +pages = {1--36}, +title = {{CONVENTIONAL TELEVISION SYSTEMS}}, +url = {http://www.itu.int/dms{\_}pubrec/itu-r/rec/bt/R-REC-BT.470-6-199811-S!!PDF-E.pdf}, +year = {1998} } -@book{Westland2012, -author = {Westland, Stephen and Ripamonti, Caterina and Cheung, Vien}, -booktitle = {Computational Colour Science Using MATLAB}, -chapter = {4.4}, -edition = {2}, -isbn = {978-0-470-66569-5}, -pages = {38}, -title = {{Extrapolation Methods}}, -year = {2012} +@techreport{InternationalTelecommunicationUnion2015, +abstract = {The role of the Radiocommunication Sector is to ensure the rational, equitable, efficient and economical use of the radio-frequency spectrum by all radiocommunication services, including satellite services, and carry out studies without limit of frequency range on the basis of which Recommendations are adopted. The regulatory and policy functions of the Radiocommunication Sector are performed by World and Regional Radiocommunication Conferences and Radiocommunication Assemblies supported by Study Groups}, +author = {{International Telecommunication Union}}, +file = {::}, +pages = {1--8}, +title = {{Recommendation ITU-R BT.2020 - Parameter values for ultra-high definition television systems for production and international programme exchange}}, +url = {https://www.itu.int/dms{\_}pubrec/itu-r/rec/bt/R-REC-BT.2020-2-201510-I!!PDF-E.pdf}, +volume = {1}, +year = {2015} } -@misc{Sastanin, -author = {Sastanin}, -title = {{How to make scipy.interpolate give an extrapolated result beyond the input range?}}, -url = {http://stackoverflow.com/a/2745496/931625}, -urldate = {2014-08-08} +@techreport{InternationalTelecommunicationUnion2015, +author = {{International Telecommunication Union}}, +file = {::}, +pages = {1--32}, +title = {{Recommendation ITU-R BT.709-6 - Parameter values for the HDTV standards for production and international programme exchange BT Series Broadcasting service}}, +url = {https://www.itu.int/dms{\_}pubrec/itu-r/rec/bt/R-REC-BT.709-6-201506-I!!PDF-E.pdf}, +volume = {5}, +year = {2015} } -@book{Fairchild2013f, -author = {Fairchild, Mark D.}, -booktitle = {Color Appearance Models}, -chapter = {20.3}, -edition = {3}, -isbn = {B00DAYO8E2}, -pages = {6197--6223}, -publisher = {Wiley}, -series = {The Wiley-IS{\&}T Series in Imaging Science and Technology}, -title = {{IPT Colourspace}}, -year = {2013} +@article{Kang2002, +author = {Kang, Bongsoon and Moon, Ohak and Hong, Changhee and Lee, Honam and Cho, Bonghwan and Kim, Youngsun}, +file = {::}, +journal = {Journal of the Korean {\ldots}}, +keywords = {chromaticity,cie-xyz,color temperature,hdtv}, +number = {6}, +pages = {865--871}, +title = {{Design of advanced color: Temperature control system for HDTV applications}}, +url = {http://cat.inist.fr/?aModele=afficheN{\&}cpsidt=14448733 http://icpr.snu.ac.kr/resource/wop.pdf/J01/2002/041/R06/J012002041R060865.pdf}, +volume = {41}, +year = {2002} } -@misc{TheAcademyofMotionPictureArtsandSciences2014, -author = {{The Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences} and {Science and Technology Council} and {Academy Color Encoding System (ACES) Project Subcommittee}}, -file = {:Users/kelsolaar/Documents/Mendeley Desktop/The Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences, Science and Technology Council, Academy Color Encoding System (ACES) Project Subcomm(5).pdf:pdf}, -pages = {1--8}, -title = {{Technical Bulletin TB-2014-012 - Academy Color Encoding System Version 1.0 Component Names}}, -url = {https://github.com/ampas/aces-dev/tree/master/documents}, -year = {2014} +@misc{Kienzle2011, +author = {Kienzle, Paul and Patel, Nikunj and Krycka, James}, +title = {{refl1d.numpyerrors - Refl1D v0.6.19 documentation}}, +url = {http://www.reflectometry.org/danse/docs/refl1d/{\_}modules/refl1d/numpyerrors.html}, +urldate = {2015-01-30}, +year = {2011} } -@incollection{SMPTE2004, -abstract = {cie Scope This practice specifies the chromaticity values of the red, green, and blue visible radiation emitted by the primaries and the chromaticity of the white point for professional monitors used in systems based on SMPTE C colorimetry.}, -author = {{Society of Motion Picture and Television Engineers}}, -booktitle = {RP 145:2004}, -doi = {10.5594/S9781614821649}, -file = {:Users/kelsolaar/Documents/Mendeley Desktop/Society of Motion Picture and Television Engineers - 2004 - SMPTE C Color Monitor Colorimetry.pdf:pdf}, -isbn = {978-1-61482-164-9}, -month = {jan}, -title = {{SMPTE C Color Monitor Colorimetry}}, -url = {http://standards.smpte.org/content/978-1-61482-164-9/rp-145-2004/SEC1.abstract}, -volume = {RP 145:200}, -year = {2004} +@article{COL:COL5080100109, +author = {Krystek, M}, +doi = {10.1002/col.5080100109}, +issn = {1520-6378}, +journal = {Color Research {\&} Application}, +number = {1}, +pages = {38--40}, +publisher = {Wiley Subscription Services, Inc., A Wiley Company}, +title = {{An algorithm to calculate correlated colour temperature}}, +url = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1002/col.5080100109}, +volume = {10}, +year = {1985} +} +@misc{Laurent2012, +author = {Laurent}, +title = {{Reproducibility of python pseudo-random numbers across systems and versions?}}, +url = {http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8786084/reproducibility-of-python-pseudo-random-numbers-across-systems-and-versions}, +urldate = {2015-01-20}, +year = {2012} } @article{Li2002, abstract = {CMCCAT97 is a chromatic adaptation transform included in CIECAM97s, the CIE 1997 colour appearance model, for describing colour appearance under different viewing conditions and is recommended by, the Colour Measurement Committee of the Society, of Dyers and Colourists for predicting the degree of colour inconstancy, of surface colours. Among the many, transforms tested, this transform gave the most accurate predictions to a number of experimental data sets. However, the structure of CMCCAT97 is considered complicated and causes problems when applications require the use of its reverse mode. This article describes a simplified version of CMCCAT97-CMCCAT2000-which not only, is significantly, simpler and eliminates the problems of reversibility, but also gives a more accurate prediction to almost all experimental data sets than does the original transform. (C) 2002 John Wiley {\&} Sons, Inc.}, @@ -1006,19 +1035,20 @@ @article{Li2002 volume = {27}, year = {2002} } -@article{Bianco2010, -author = {Bianco, S. and Schettini, R.}, -doi = {10.1002/col.20573}, -file = {:Users/kelsolaar/Documents/Mendeley Desktop/Bianco, Schettini - 2010 - Two New von Kries Based Chromatic Adaptation Transforms Found by Numerical Optimization.pdf:pdf}, -issn = {03612317}, -journal = {Color Research {\&} Application}, -month = {jun}, -number = {3}, -pages = {184--192}, -title = {{Two New von Kries Based Chromatic Adaptation Transforms Found by Numerical Optimization}}, -url = {http://doi.wiley.com/10.1002/col.20573 http://web.stanford.edu/{~}sujason/ColorBalancing/Papers/Two New von Kries Based Chromatic Adaptation.pdf}, -volume = {35}, -year = {2010} +@article{Li2007, +author = {Li, Changjun and Perales, Esther and Luo, Ming Ronnier and Mart{\'{i}}nez-verd{\'{u}}, Francisco}, +file = {::}, +number = {July}, +pages = {1--10}, +title = {{The Problem with CAT02 and Its Correction}}, +year = {2007} +} +@misc{Lindbloom2014, +author = {Lindbloom, Bruce}, +title = {{RGB Working Space Information}}, +url = {http://www.brucelindbloom.com/WorkingSpaceInfo.html}, +urldate = {2014-04-11}, +year = {2014} } @misc{Lindbloom2003e, author = {Lindbloom, Bruce}, @@ -1027,11 +1057,79 @@ @misc{Lindbloom2003e urldate = {2014-02-24}, year = {2003} } +@misc{Lindbloom2009b, +author = {Lindbloom, Bruce}, +title = {{xyY to XYZ}}, +url = {http://www.brucelindbloom.com/Eqn{\_}xyY{\_}to{\_}XYZ.html}, +urldate = {2014-02-24}, +year = {2009} +} +@misc{Lindbloom2007a, +author = {Lindbloom, Bruce}, +title = {{Spectral Power Distribution of a CIE D-Illuminant}}, +url = {http://www.brucelindbloom.com/Eqn{\_}DIlluminant.html}, +urldate = {2014-04-05}, +year = {2007} +} +@misc{Lindbloom2003f, +author = {Lindbloom, Bruce}, +title = {{A Continuity Study of the CIE L* Function}}, +url = {http://brucelindbloom.com/LContinuity.html}, +urldate = {2014-02-24}, +year = {2003} +} +@misc{Lindbloom2009a, +author = {Lindbloom, Bruce}, +title = {{Delta E (CMC)}}, +url = {http://brucelindbloom.com/Eqn{\_}DeltaE{\_}CMC.html}, +urldate = {2014-02-24}, +year = {2009} +} +@misc{Lindbloom2011, +author = {Lindbloom, Bruce}, +title = {{Delta E (CIE 1994)}}, +url = {http://brucelindbloom.com/Eqn{\_}DeltaE{\_}CIE94.html}, +urldate = {2014-02-24}, +year = {2011} +} +@misc{Lindbloom2003, +author = {Lindbloom, Bruce}, +title = {{Delta E (CIE 1976)}}, +url = {http://brucelindbloom.com/Eqn{\_}DeltaE{\_}CIE76.html}, +urldate = {2014-02-24}, +year = {2003} +} +@misc{Lindbloom2009, +author = {Lindbloom, Bruce}, +title = {{Delta E (CIE 2000)}}, +url = {http://brucelindbloom.com/Eqn{\_}DeltaE{\_}CIE2000.html}, +urldate = {2014-02-24}, +year = {2009} +} +@misc{Lindbloom2009c, +author = {Lindbloom, Bruce}, +title = {{Chromatic Adaptation}}, +url = {http://brucelindbloom.com/Eqn{\_}ChromAdapt.html}, +urldate = {2014-02-24}, +year = {2009} +} +@article{Lu2016, +abstract = {High Dynamic Range (HDR) and Wider Colour Gamut (WCG) content represents a greater range of luminance levels and a more complete reproduction of colours found in real⁃world scenes. The current video distribution environments deliver Standard Dynamic Range (SDR) signal Y′CbCr. For HDR and WCG content, it is desirable to examine if such signal format still works well for compression, and to know if the overall system performance can be further improved by exploring different signal formats. In this paper, ITP (ICTCP) colour space is presented. The paper concentrates on examining the two aspects of ITP colour space: 1) ITP characteristics in terms of signal quantization at a given bit depth; 2) ITP compression performance. The analysis and simulation results show that ITP 10 bit has better properties than Y′CbCr⁃PQ 10bit in colour quantization, constant luminance, hue property and chroma subsampling, and it also has good compression efficiency. Therefore it is desirable to adopt ITP colour space as a new signal format for HDR/WCG video compression.}, +author = {Lu, Taoran and Pu, Fangjun and Yin, Peng and Chen, Tao and Husak, Walt and Pytlarz, Jaclyn and Atkins, Robin and Froehlich, Jan and Su, Guan-Ming}, +doi = {10.3969/j.}, +journal = {ZTE Communications}, +keywords = {HDR,ICT CP,ITP,WCG,Y′CbCr}, +number = {1}, +pages = {32--38}, +title = {{ITP Colour Space and Its Compression Performance for High Dynamic Range and Wide Colour Gamut Video Distribution}}, +volume = {14}, +year = {2016} +} @article{Lu2016a, abstract = {High Dynamic Range (HDR) and Wider Colour Gamut (WCG) content represents a greater range of luminance levels and a more complete reproduction of colours found in real⁃world scenes. The current video distribution environments deliver Standard Dynamic Range (SDR) signal Y′CbCr. For HDR and WCG content, it is desirable to examine if such signal format still works well for compression, and to know if the overall system performance can be further improved by exploring different signal formats. In this paper, ITP (ICTCP) colour space is presented. The paper concentrates on examining the two aspects of ITP colour space: 1) ITP characteristics in terms of signal quantization at a given bit depth; 2) ITP compression performance. The analysis and simulation results show that ITP 10 bit has better properties than Y′CbCr⁃PQ 10bit in colour quantization, constant luminance, hue property and chroma subsampling, and it also has good compression efficiency. Therefore it is desirable to adopt ITP colour space as a new signal format for HDR/WCG video compression.}, author = {Lu, Taoran and Pu, Fangjun and Yin, Peng and Chen, Tao and Husak, Walt and Pytlarz, Jaclyn and Atkins, Robin and Froehlich, Jan and Su, Guan-Ming}, doi = {10.3969/j.}, -file = {:Users/kelsolaar/Documents/Mendeley Desktop/Lu et al. - 2016 - ITP Colour Space and Its Compression Performance for High Dynamic Range and Wide Colour Gamut Video Distribution.pdf:pdf}, +file = {::}, journal = {ZTE Communications}, keywords = {HDR,ICT CP,ITP,WCG,Y′CbCr}, number = {1}, @@ -1040,52 +1138,62 @@ @article{Lu2016a volume = {14}, year = {2016} } -@inproceedings{Smith1978, -address = {New York, NY, USA}, -author = {Smith, Alvy Ray}, -booktitle = {Proceedings of the 5th Annual Conference on Computer Graphics and Interactive Techniques}, -doi = {10.1145/800248.807361}, -file = {:Users/kelsolaar/Documents/Mendeley Desktop/Smith - 1978 - Color Gamut Transform Pairs.pdf:pdf}, -keywords = {Brightness,Color,Color transform,Gamut,HSL,HSV,Hue,Luminance,NTSC,RGB,Saturation,Value,color transforms}, -pages = {12--19}, -publisher = {ACM}, -series = {SIGGRAPH '78}, -title = {{Color Gamut Transform Pairs}}, -url = {http://doi.acm.org/10.1145/800248.807361 http://alvyray.com/Papers/CG/color78.pdf}, -year = {1978} +@incollection{Luo2013, +abstract = {This volume does much more than survey modern advanced color processing.$\backslash$nStarting with a historical perspective on ways we have classified$\backslash$ncolor, it sets out the latest numerical techniques for analyzing$\backslash$nand processing colors, the leading edge in our search to accurately$\backslash$nrecord and print what we see. The human eye perceives only a fraction$\backslash$nof available light wavelengths, yet we live in a multicolor world$\backslash$nof myriad shining hues. Colors rich in metaphorical associations$\backslash$nmake us "purple with rage" or "green with envy" and cause us to "see$\backslash$nred." Defining colors has been the work of centuries, culminating$\backslash$nin today's complex mathematical coding that nonetheless remains a$\backslash$nwork in progress: only recently have we possessed the computing capacity$\backslash$nto process the algebraic matrices that reproduce color more accurately.$\backslash$nWith chapters on dihedral color and image spectrometers, this book$\backslash$nprovides technicians and researchers with the knowledge they need$\backslash$nto grasp the intricacies of today's color imaging.}, +author = {Luo, Ming Ronnier and Li, Changjun}, +booktitle = {Advanced Color Image Processing and Analysis}, +doi = {10.1007/978-1-4419-6190-7}, +file = {::}, +isbn = {978-1-4419-6189-1}, +keywords = {cam,cat,chromatic adap-,ciecam02,color appearance model,colour appearance attributes,tation transforms,uniform colour spaces,visual phenomena}, +pages = {19--58}, +title = {{CIECAM02 and Its Recent Developments}}, +url = {http://link.springer.com/10.1007/978-1-4419-6190-7}, +year = {2013} } -@misc{Mansencala, -author = {Mansencal, Thomas}, -title = {{Structure}}, -url = {https://github.com/KelSolaar/Foundations/blob/develop/foundations/data{\_}structures.py} +@article{Luo1996, +abstract = {A new colour model, named LLAB(l:c) is derived. It includes two parts: the BFD chromatic adaptation transform derived by Lam and Rigg, and a modified CIELAB uniform colour space. The model's performance was compared with the other spaces and models using the LUTCHI Colour Appearance Data Set. The results show that LLAB(l:c) model is capable of precisely quantifying the change of colour appearance under a wide range of viewing parameters such as light sources, surrounds/media, achromatic backgrounds, sizes of stimuli, and luminance levels. It had a similar performance as that of the Hunt colour appearance model. The LLAB(l:c) model was also tested using various colour difference datasets. The model gave a similar performance as the state-of-the-art colour difference formulae such as CMC, CIE94, and BFD. This performance is considered to be very satisfactory, and the model, therefore, should be considered for field trials in applications such as colour specification, colour difference evaluation, cross-image reproduction, gamut mapping, prediction of metamerism and colour constancy, and quantification of colour-rendering properties. The model does not give predictions for chroma (as distinct from colourfulness), or for brightness, and it does not include any rod response. {\textcopyright} 1996 John Wiley {\&} Sons, Inc.}, +author = {Luo, Ming Ronnier and Lo, Mei-Chun and Kuo, Wen-Guey}, +doi = {10.1002/(SICI)1520-6378(199612)21:6<412::AID-COL4>3.0.CO;2-Z}, +issn = {1520-6378}, +journal = {Color Research {\&} Application}, +keywords = {chromatic adaptation transform,colour appearance,colour appearance model,colour difference,colour difference formula,corresponding colours,uniform colour space}, +number = {6}, +pages = {412--429}, +publisher = {Wiley Subscription Services, Inc., A Wiley Company}, +title = {{The LLAB (l:c) colour model}}, +url = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1002/(SICI)1520-6378(199612)21:6{\%}3C412::AID-COL4{\%}3E3.0.CO;2-Z}, +volume = {21}, +year = {1996} } -@incollection{CIETC1-482004d, -author = {{CIE TC 1-48}}, -booktitle = {CIE 015:2004 Colorimetry, 3rd Edition}, -chapter = {3.1}, -isbn = {978-3-901-90633-6}, -pages = {12--13}, -title = {{3.1 Recommendations concerning standard physical data of illuminants}}, -url = {http://div1.cie.co.at/?i{\%}7B{\_}{\%}7Dca{\%}7B{\_}{\%}7Did=551{\%}7B{\&}{\%}7Dpubid=23}, -year = {2004} +@inproceedings{Luo1996a, +author = {Luo, Ming Ronnier and Morovic, J{\'{a}}n}, +booktitle = {Conference: 5th International Conference on High Technology: Imaging Science and Technology – Evolution {\&} Promise}, +pages = {136--147}, +title = {{Two Unsolved Issues in Colour Management – Colour Appearance and Gamut Mapping}}, +url = {http://www.researchgate.net/publication/236348295{\_}Two{\_}Unsolved{\_}Issues{\_}in{\_}Colour{\_}Management{\_}{\_}Colour{\_}Appearance{\_}and{\_}Gamut{\_}Mapping}, +year = {1996} } -@book{Fairchild2013b, -author = {Fairchild, Mark D.}, -booktitle = {Color Appearance Models}, -chapter = {13}, -edition = {3}, -isbn = {B00DAYO8E2}, -pages = {5563--5824}, -publisher = {Wiley}, -series = {The Wiley-IS{\&}T Series in Imaging Science and Technology}, -title = {{The RLAB Model}}, -year = {2013} +@article{Luo2006, +abstract = {Can a single colour model be used for all colorimetric applications? This article intends to answer that question. Colour appearance models have been developed to predict colour appearance under different viewing conditions. They are also capable of evaluating colour differences because of their embedded uniform colour spaces. This article first tests the performance of the CIE 2002 colour appearance model, CIECAM02, in predicting three types of colour discrimination data sets: large- and small-magnitude colour differences under daylight illuminants and small-magnitude colour differences under illuminant A. The results showed that CIECAM02 gave reasonable performance compared with the best available formulae and uniform colour spaces. It was further extended to give accurate predictions to all types of colour discrimination data. The results were very encouraging in that the CIECAM02 extensions performed second best among all the colour models tested and only slightly poorer than the models that were developed to fit a particular data set. One extension derived to fit all types of data can predict well for colour differences having a large range of difference magnitudes. 2006 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Col Res Appl, 31, 320-330, 2006; Published online in Wiley InterScience DOI 10.1002/col.20227}, +author = {Luo, Ronnier M. and Cui, Guihua and Li, Changjun}, +doi = {10.1002/col.20227}, +file = {::}, +isbn = {0361-2317}, +issn = {03612317}, +journal = {Color Research and Application}, +keywords = {Colour appearance data,Colour appearance model,Colour difference data,Colour difference formula,Uniform colour space}, +number = {4}, +pages = {320--330}, +title = {{Uniform Colour Spaces Based on CIECAM02 Colour Appearance Model}}, +volume = {31}, +year = {2006} } @article{MacAdam1935, abstract = {Tristimulus values have been computed for hypothetical spectrophotometric curves of the type found to give the maximum visual reflectance factor (or transmission factor) for specified chromaticities. These computations have been based on the I.C.I. 1931 data for the normal observer for colorimetry, and on the I.C.I. Illuminants ``A'' and ``C.'' By plotting the results on the I.C.I. color mixture diagram, the loci of points characterized by equal maximum efficiencies have been established. Tables have been prepared showing the maximum visual efficiency as a function of excitation purity for twenty-four dominant wave-lengths.}, author = {MacAdam, David L.}, doi = {10.1364/JOSA.25.000361}, -file = {:Users/kelsolaar/Documents/Mendeley Desktop/MacAdam - 1935 - Maximum Visual Efficiency of Colored Materials.pdf:pdf}, +file = {::}, journal = {J. Opt. Soc. Am.}, month = {nov}, number = {11}, @@ -1096,50 +1204,124 @@ @article{MacAdam1935 volume = {25}, year = {1935} } -@misc{CVRLf, -author = {CVRL}, -title = {{New CIE XYZ functions transformed from the CIE (2006) LMS functions}}, -url = {http://cvrl.ioo.ucl.ac.uk/ciexyzpr.htm}, -urldate = {2014-02-24} +@article{Machado2010, +author = {Machado, Gm}, +file = {::}, +keywords = {Anomalous Trichromacy,Color Perception,Color Vision Deficiency,Color-Contrast Enhancement,Dichromacy,Models of Color Vision,Recoloring Algorithm,Simulation of Color Vision Deficiency}, +title = {{A model for simulation of color vision deficiency and a color contrast enhancement technique for dichromats}}, +url = {http://www.lume.ufrgs.br/handle/10183/26950}, +year = {2010} } -@misc{EasyRGB, -author = {EasyRGB}, -title = {{HSV —{\textgreater} RGB}}, -url = {http://www.easyrgb.com/index.php?X=MATH{\&}H=21{\#}text21}, -urldate = {2014-05-18} +@misc{Mansencal2015, +author = {Mansencal, Thomas}, +title = {{RED Colourspaces Derivation}}, +url = {http://colour-science.org/posts/red-colourspaces-derivation}, +urldate = {2015-05-20}, +year = {2015} } -@article{, -file = {:Users/kelsolaar/Documents/Mendeley Desktop/Lu et al. - 2016 - ITP Colour Space and Its Compression Performance for High Dynamic Range and Wide Colour Gamut Video Distribution.pdf:pdf}, -title = {{ITP Colour Space and Its Compression Performance for High Dynamic Range and Wide Colour Gamut Video Distribution}} +@inproceedings{Mansencal, +author = {Mansencal, Thomas}, +title = {{Lookup}}, +url = {https://github.com/KelSolaar/Foundations/blob/develop/foundations/data{\_}structures.py} } -@article{Wyszecki1963, -author = {Wyszecki, G{\"{u}}nther}, -doi = {10.1364/JOSA.53.001318}, -file = {:Users/kelsolaar/Documents/Mendeley Desktop/Wyszecki - 1963 - Proposal for a New Color-Difference Formula.pdf:pdf}, -issn = {0030-3941}, -journal = {J. Opt. Soc. Am.}, -month = {nov}, -number = {11}, -pages = {1318--1319}, -publisher = {OSA}, -title = {{Proposal for a New Color-Difference Formula}}, -url = {http://www.opticsinfobase.org/abstract.cfm?URI=josa-53-11-1318}, -volume = {53}, -year = {1963} +@inproceedings{Mansencala, +author = {Mansencal, Thomas}, +title = {{Structure}}, +url = {https://github.com/KelSolaar/Foundations/blob/develop/foundations/data{\_}structures.py} } -@inproceedings{Luo1996a, -author = {Luo, Ming Ronnier and Morovic, J{\'{a}}n}, -booktitle = {Conference: 5th International Conference on High Technology: Imaging Science and Technology – Evolution {\&} Promise}, -pages = {136--147}, -title = {{Two Unsolved Issues in Colour Management – Colour Appearance and Gamut Mapping}}, -url = {http://www.researchgate.net/publication/236348295{\_}Two{\_}Unsolved{\_}Issues{\_}in{\_}Colour{\_}Management{\_}{\_}Colour{\_}Appearance{\_}and{\_}Gamut{\_}Mapping}, -year = {1996} +@misc{mansencal_2015_17370, +author = {Mansencal, Thomas and Mauderer, Michael and Parsons, Michael}, +doi = {10.5281/zenodo.17370}, +month = {may}, +title = {{Colour 0.3.5}}, +url = {http://dx.doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.17370}, +year = {2015} +} +@article{Melgosa2013, +author = {Melgosa, Manuel}, +file = {::}, +number = {July}, +title = {{CIE / ISO new standard: CIEDE2000}}, +url = {http://www.color.org/events/colorimetry/Melgosa{\_}CIEDE2000{\_}Workshop-July4.pdf}, +volume = {2013}, +year = {2013} +} +@article{Meng2015, +author = {Meng, Johannes and Simon, Florian and Hanika, Johannes}, +file = {::}, +number = {4}, +title = {{Physically Meaningful Rendering using Tristimulus Colours}}, +url = {http://jo.dreggn.org/home/2015{\_}spectrum.pdf}, +volume = {34}, +year = {2015} +} +@misc{Miller2014, +author = {Miller, Scott and {Dolby Laboratories}}, +file = {::}, +pages = {1--17}, +title = {{A Perceptual EOTF for Extended Dynamic Range Imagery}}, +url = {https://www.smpte.org/sites/default/files/2014-05-06-EOTF-Miller-1-2-handout.pdf}, +year = {2014} +} +@article{Moroney, +abstract = {The CIE Technical Committee 8-01, color appearance models for color management applications, has recently proposed a single set of revisions to the CIECAM97s color appearance model. This new model, called CIECAM02, is based on CIECAM97s but includes many revisions and some simplifications. A partial list of revisions includes a linear chromatic adaptation transform, a new non-linear response compression function and modifications to the calculations for the perceptual attribute correlates. The format of this paper is an annotated description of the forward equations for the model.}, +author = {Moroney, Nathan and Fairchild, Mark D. and Hunt, Robert W. G. and Li, Changjun and Luo, Ming Ronnier and Newman, Todd}, +file = {::}, +journal = {Color and Imaging Conference}, +number = {1}, +pages = {23--27}, +title = {{The CIECAM02 Color Appearance Model}}, +url = {http://www.ingentaconnect.com/content/ist/cic/2002/00002002/00000001/art00006}, +volume = {2002} +} +@misc{MunsellColorSciencea, +author = {{Munsell Color Science}}, +title = {{Macbeth Colorchecker}}, +url = {http://www.rit-mcsl.org/UsefulData/MacbethColorChecker.xls http://www.cis.rit.edu/research/mcsl2/online/cie.php} +} +@misc{MunsellColorScience, +author = {{Munsell Color Science}}, +title = {{Munsell Colours Data}}, +url = {http://www.cis.rit.edu/research/mcsl2/online/munsell.php}, +urldate = {2014-08-20} +} +@article{NationalElectricalManufacturersAssociation2004, +abstract = {Two sensitive procedures to quantitate human exposure to endogenous N-nitroso compounds (NOC) and/or methylating agents have been developed. One, the NPRO test, is based on the excretion of N-nitrosoproline (NPRO) and other N-nitrosoamino acids in the urine, that are measured as an index of endogenous nitrosation, following ingestion of precursors. The NPRO test has been applied to human subjects in clinical and epidemiological studies, and the kinetics and dietary modifiers of endogenous nitrosation have been investigated. Results obtained after application of the NPRO test to subjects at high risk for cancers of the stomach, esophagus, oral cavity and urinary bladder are summarized. In most instances, higher exposures to endogenous NOC were found in high-risk subjects, but individual exposure was greatly affected by dietary modifiers or disease state. Vitamin C efficiently lowered the body burden of intragastrically formed NOC. In experimental animals 3-methyladenine (3-MeAde) is excreted in urine following exposure to methylating NOC. Humans normally excrete 3-MeAde, the origin of which remains unknown. Recently developed analytical methodology permits large numbers of human urine samples to be analyzed and a wide variation is observed. Preliminary results suggest a weak correlation between basal NPRO excretion and background 3-MeAde excretion. Taken together, the results point to an etiological role of endogenously formed NOC in certain human cancers, and provide an interpretation of epidemiological findings that have shown protective effects of fruits and vegetables against several malignancies.}, +author = {{National Electrical Manufacturers Association}}, +doi = {10.1007/BF03168637}, +file = {::}, +journal = {Medicine}, +number = {S1}, +pages = {3--4}, +title = {{Digital Imaging and Communications in Medicine ( DICOM ) Part 14 : Grayscale Standard Display Function}}, +url = {http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/2188123}, +volume = {10}, +year = {2004} +} +@misc{Nattress2016, +author = {Nattress, Graeme}, +title = {{Private Discussion with Shaw, N.}}, +year = {2016} +} +@article{Nayatani1995, +author = {Nayatani, Yoshinobu and Sobagaki, Hiroaki and Yano, Kenjiro Hashimoto Tadashi}, +doi = {10.1002/col.5080200305}, +issn = {1520-6378}, +journal = {Color Research {\&} Application}, +keywords = {color-vision model,lightness dependency of chroma,nonlinear color-appearance model}, +number = {3}, +pages = {156--167}, +publisher = {Wiley Subscription Services, Inc., A Wiley Company}, +title = {{Lightness dependency of chroma scales of a nonlinear color-appearance model and its latest formulation}}, +url = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1002/col.5080200305}, +volume = {20}, +year = {1995} } @article{Newhall1943, abstract = {This report presents the characteristics of a modified and enlarged Munsell solid which has been evolved from the 1940 visual estimates of the Munsell Book of Color samples. All three dimensions have been carefully reviewed and extensively revised. The newly defined loci of constant hue have been extended closer to the extremes of value while the loci of constant chroma have been extrapolated to the pigment maximum. The dimension of value has been redefined without substantial departure from the Munsell-Sloan-Godlove scale. By the above changes a solid is achieved which approaches more closely to A. H. Munsell's dual ideal of psychological equispacing and precise applicability. The new solid is defined in terms of the I.C.I. standard coordinate system and Illuminant C.}, author = {Newhall, Sidney M. and Nickerson, Dorothy and Judd, Deane B.}, doi = {10.1364/JOSA.33.000385}, -file = {:Users/kelsolaar/Documents/Mendeley Desktop/Newhall, Nickerson, Judd - 1943 - Final report of the OSA subcommittee on the spacing of the munsell colors.pdf:pdf}, +file = {::}, issn = {0030-3941}, journal = {JOSA}, month = {jul}, @@ -1150,6 +1332,90 @@ @article{Newhall1943 volume = {33}, year = {1943} } +@article{Ohno2014, +author = {Ohno, Yoshi}, +doi = {10.1080/15502724.2014.839020}, +file = {::}, +issn = {1550-2724}, +journal = {LEUKOS}, +keywords = {Duv,Planckian locus,chromaticity,correlated color temperature,duv,light source,planckian locus}, +month = {jan}, +number = {1}, +pages = {47--55}, +title = {{Practical Use and Calculation of CCT and Duv}}, +url = {http://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/15502724.2014.839020 http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/15502724.2014.839020}, +volume = {10}, +year = {2014} +} +@misc{Ohno2008, +author = {Ohno, Yoshi and Davis, Wendy}, +file = {::}, +title = {{NIST CQS simulation 7.4}}, +url = {http://cie2.nist.gov/TC1-69/NIST CQS simulation 7.4.xls}, +year = {2008} +} +@misc{Ohta1997, +author = {Ohta, N.}, +title = {{The basis of color reproduction engineering}}, +year = {1997} +} +@misc{Panasonic2014, +author = {Panasonic}, +file = {::}, +pages = {1--7}, +title = {{VARICAM V-Log/V-Gamut}}, +url = {http://pro-av.panasonic.net/en/varicam/common/pdf/VARICAM{\_}V-Log{\_}V-Gamut.pdf}, +year = {2014} +} +@misc{Pointer1980, +author = {Pointer, Michael R.}, +file = {::}, +title = {{Pointer's Gamut Data}}, +url = {http://www.cis.rit.edu/research/mcsl2/online/PointerData.xls http://www.cis.rit.edu/research/mcsl2/online/cie.php}, +year = {1980} +} +@misc{Reitz, +author = {Reitz, Kenneth}, +title = {{CaseInsensitiveDict}}, +url = {https://github.com/kennethreitz/requests/blob/v1.2.3/requests/structures.py{\#}L37} +} +@misc{RenewableResourceDataCenter2003, +author = {{Renewable Resource Data Center}}, +title = {{Reference Solar Spectral Irradiance: ASTM G-173}}, +url = {http://rredc.nrel.gov/solar/spectra/am1.5/ASTMG173/ASTMG173.html}, +urldate = {2014-08-23}, +year = {2003} +} +@misc{Ruana, +author = {Ruana, Rob}, +title = {pockets.iterators}, +url = {https://github.com/RobRuana/pockets/blob/master/pockets/iterators.py}, +urldate = {2016-08-14} +} +@misc{Ruana, +author = {Ruana, Rob}, +title = {pockets.tests.test{\_}iterators}, +url = {https://github.com/RobRuana/pockets/blob/master/tests/test{\_}iterators.py}, +urldate = {2016-08-14} +} +@misc{Ruana, +author = {Ruana, Rob}, +title = {sphinxcontrib.napoleon}, +url = {https://bitbucket.org/birkenfeld/sphinx-contrib/src/21e3b2dc70a43d3f7e8942c4aaf078f66e1c575b/napoleon/sphinxcontrib/napoleon/docstring.py}, +urldate = {2016-08-14} +} +@misc{Saeedn, +author = {Saeedn}, +title = {{Extend a line segment a specific distance}}, +url = {http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7740507/extend-a-line-segment-a-specific-distance}, +urldate = {2016-01-16} +} +@misc{Sastanin, +author = {Sastanin}, +title = {{How to make scipy.interpolate give an extrapolated result beyond the input range?}}, +url = {http://stackoverflow.com/a/2745496/931625}, +urldate = {2014-08-08} +} @article{Sharma2005, abstract = {This article and the associated data and programs$\backslash$nprovided with it are intended to assist color engineers and$\backslash$nscientists in correctly implementing the recently developed$\backslash$nCIEDE2000 color-difference formula. We indicate several$\backslash$npotential implementation errors that are not uncovered in$\backslash$ntests performed using the original sample data published$\backslash$nwith the standard. A supplemental set of data is provided for$\backslash$ncomprehensive testing of implementations. The test data,$\backslash$nMicrosoft Excel spreadsheets, and MATLAB scripts for$\backslash$nevaluating the CIEDE2000 color difference are made avail-$\backslash$nable at the first author's website. Finally, we also point out$\backslash$nsmall mathematical discontinuities in the formula.}, author = {Sharma, Gaurav and Wu, Wencheng and Dalal, Edul N.}, @@ -1166,206 +1432,221 @@ @article{Sharma2005 volume = {30}, year = {2005} } -@misc{HutchColorc, -author = {HutchColor}, -title = {{MaxRGB (4 K)}}, -url = {http://www.hutchcolor.com/profiles/MaxRGB.zip http://www.hutchcolor.com/profiles.html} +@article{Shirley2015, +abstract = {In the spirit of the HSV color space, we introduce a simple transform of the RGB color cube into a light/dark dimension and a 2D hue. The hue is a normalized (barycentric) triangle with pure red, green, and blue at the vertices, often called the Maxwell Color Tri- angle. Each cross section of the space is the same barycentric triangle, and the light/dark dimension runs zero to one for each hue so the whole color volume takes the form of a prism. This prismatic space has advantages computationally and intuitively for some common color operations used in computer graphics and image processing.}, +author = {Shirley, Peter and Hart, David}, +file = {::}, +pages = {2--7}, +title = {{The prismatic color space for rgb computations}}, +year = {2015} +} +@inproceedings{Smith1978, +address = {New York, NY, USA}, +author = {Smith, Alvy Ray}, +booktitle = {Proceedings of the 5th Annual Conference on Computer Graphics and Interactive Techniques}, +doi = {10.1145/800248.807361}, +file = {::}, +keywords = {Brightness,Color,Color transform,Gamut,HSL,HSV,Hue,Luminance,NTSC,RGB,Saturation,Value,color transforms}, +pages = {12--19}, +publisher = {ACM}, +series = {SIGGRAPH '78}, +title = {{Color Gamut Transform Pairs}}, +url = {http://doi.acm.org/10.1145/800248.807361 http://alvyray.com/Papers/CG/color78.pdf}, +year = {1978} } -@misc{, -title = {{Protanopia – Red-Green Color Blindness}}, -url = {http://www.color-blindness.com/protanopia-red-green-color-blindness/}, -urldate = {2015-07-04} +@article{Smits1999, +abstract = {The desire for accuracy and realism in images requires a physically-based rendering system. Often this can mean using a full spectral representation, as RGB represen- tations have limitations in some situations4. The spectral representation does come at some cost, not ...}, +author = {Smits, Brian}, +doi = {10.1080/10867651.1999.10487511}, +file = {::}, +issn = {1086-7651}, +journal = {Journal of Graphics Tools}, +month = {jan}, +number = {4}, +pages = {11--22}, +publisher = {AK Peters, Ltd.}, +title = {{An RGB-to-Spectrum Conversion for Reflectances}}, +url = {http://www.cs.utah.edu/{~}bes/papers/color/ http://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/10867651.1999.10487511}, +volume = {4}, +year = {1999} } -@misc{Cottrell, -author = {Cottrell, Russell}, -title = {{The Russell RGB working color space}}, -url = {http://www.russellcottrell.com/photo/downloads/RussellRGB.icc http://www.russellcottrell.com/photo/RussellRGB.htm} +@article{SocietyofMotionPictureandTelevisionEngineers1999, +author = {{Society of Motion Picture and Television Engineers}}, +file = {::}, +pages = {1--7}, +title = {{ANSI/SMPTE 240M-1995 - Signal Parameters - 1125-Line High-Definition Production Systems}}, +url = {http://car.france3.mars.free.fr/HD/INA- 26 jan 06/SMPTE normes et confs/s240m.pdf}, +year = {1999} } -@misc{Wikipediah, -author = {Wikipedia}, -title = {{CIE 1960 color space}}, -url = {http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/CIE{\_}1960{\_}color{\_}space}, -urldate = {2014-02-24} +@misc{SocietyofMotionPictureandTelevisionEngineers2014, +abstract = {This standard specifies an EOTF characterizing high-dynamic-range reference displays used primarily for mastering non-broadcast content. This standard also specifies an Inverse-EOTF derived from the EOTF.}, +author = {{Society of Motion Picture and Television Engineers}}, +doi = {10.5594/SMPTE.ST2084.2014}, +file = {::}, +pages = {1--14}, +title = {{SMPTE ST 2084:2014 - Dynamic Range Electro-Optical Transfer Function of Mastering Reference Displays}}, +url = {http://www.techstreet.com/products/1883436}, +year = {2014} } -@article{Dolby2016, -author = {Dolby}, -file = {:Users/kelsolaar/Documents/Mendeley Desktop/Dolby - 2016 - WHAT IS ICTCP - INTRODUCTION.pdf:pdf}, -title = {{WHAT IS ICTCP? - INTRODUCTION}}, -url = {https://www.dolby.com/us/en/technologies/dolby-vision/ICtCp-white-paper.pdf}, -year = {2016} +@incollection{SMPTE1993, +abstract = {color white whitepoint matrix Scope This practice is intended to define the numerical procedures for deriving basic color equations for color television and other systems using additive display devices. These equations are first, the normalized reference primary matrix which defines the relationship between RGB signals and CIE tristimulus values XYZ; then, the system luminance equation; and finally, the color primary transformation matrix for transforming signals from one set of reference primaries to another set of reference primaries or to a set of display primaries.}, +author = {{Society of Motion Picture and Television Engineers}}, +booktitle = {RP 177:1993}, +doi = {10.5594/S9781614821915}, +file = {:Users/kelsolaar/Library/Application Support/Mendeley Desktop/Downloaded/SMPTE - 1993 - RP 177-1993 Derivation of Basic Television Color Equations.pdf:pdf}, +isbn = {978-1-61482-191-5}, +month = {jan}, +pages = {1--4}, +title = {{Derivation of Basic Television Color Equations}}, +url = {http://standards.smpte.org/content/978-1-61482-191-5/rp-177-1993/SEC1.abstract http://car.france3.mars.free.fr/HD/INA- 26 jan 06/SMPTE normes et confs/rp177.pdf}, +volume = {RP 177:199}, +year = {1993} } -@book{Fairchild2013c, -author = {Fairchild, Mark D.}, -booktitle = {Color Appearance Models}, -chapter = {12}, -edition = {3}, -isbn = {B00DAYO8E2}, -pages = {5094--5556}, -publisher = {Wiley}, -series = {The Wiley-IS{\&}T Series in Imaging Science and Technology}, -title = {{The Hunt Model}}, -year = {2013} +@incollection{SMPTE2004, +abstract = {cie Scope This practice specifies the chromaticity values of the red, green, and blue visible radiation emitted by the primaries and the chromaticity of the white point for professional monitors used in systems based on SMPTE C colorimetry.}, +author = {{Society of Motion Picture and Television Engineers}}, +booktitle = {RP 145:2004}, +doi = {10.5594/S9781614821649}, +file = {::}, +isbn = {978-1-61482-164-9}, +month = {jan}, +title = {{SMPTE C Color Monitor Colorimetry}}, +url = {http://standards.smpte.org/content/978-1-61482-164-9/rp-145-2004/SEC1.abstract}, +volume = {RP 145:200}, +year = {2004} } -@misc{Wikipediaa, -author = {Wikipedia}, -title = {{List of common coordinate transformations}}, -url = {http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List{\_}of{\_}common{\_}coordinate{\_}transformations} +@misc{SonyCorporationb, +author = {{Sony Corporation}}, +title = {{S-Gamut3{\_}S-Gamut3Cine{\_}Matrix.xlsx}}, +url = {https://community.sony.com/sony/attachments/sony/large-sensor-camera-F5-F55/12359/3/S-Gamut3{\_}S-Gamut3Cine{\_}Matrix.xlsx} } -@article{Fairchild1998, -abstract = {The colorimetric characterization of a flat-panel LCD monitor, the Apple Studio Display, using traditional CRT characterization techniques was evaluated. The results showed that the display performed up to the manufacturer's specifications in terms of luminance and contrast. However, the traditional CRT gain-offset-gamma (GOG) model for characterization was inadequate and a model with one-dimensional lookup tables followed by a 3x3 matrix was developed. The LUT model performed excellently with average CIE94 color differences between measured and predicted colors of approximately 1.0.}, -author = {Fairchild, M. and Wyble, D.}, -file = {:Users/kelsolaar/Documents/Mendeley Desktop/Fairchild, Wyble - 1998 - Colorimetric Characterization of The Apple Studio Display (flat panel LCD).pdf:pdf}, -pages = {22}, -title = {{Colorimetric Characterization of The Apple Studio Display (flat panel LCD)}}, -url = {https://ritdml.rit.edu/handle/1850/4368}, -year = {1998} +@misc{SonyCorporationa, +author = {{Sony Corporation}}, +file = {::}, +pages = {1--7}, +title = {{Technical Summary for S-Gamut3.Cine/S-Log3 and S-Gamut3/S-Log3}}, +url = {http://community.sony.com/sony/attachments/sony/large-sensor-camera-F5-F55/12359/2/TechnicalSummary{\_}for{\_}S-Gamut3Cine{\_}S-Gamut3{\_}S-Log3{\_}V1{\_}00.pdf} } -@misc{Wikipediad, -author = {Wikipedia}, -title = {{Color temperature}}, -url = {http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Color{\_}temperature}, -urldate = {2014-06-28} +@misc{SonyCorporation, +author = {{Sony Corporation}}, +file = {::}, +pages = {1--17}, +title = {{S-Log Whitepaper}}, +url = {http://www.theodoropoulos.info/attachments/076{\_}on S-Log.pdf} } -@book{Westland2012b, -author = {Westland, Stephen and Ripamonti, Caterina and Cheung, Vien}, -edition = {2}, -isbn = {978-0-470-66569-5}, -pages = {1--240}, -title = {{Computational Colour Science Using MATLAB}}, +@misc{SonyImageworks2012, +author = {{Sony Imageworks}}, +pages = {1}, +title = {make.py}, +url = {https://github.com/imageworks/OpenColorIO-Configs/blob/master/nuke-default/make.py}, +urldate = {2014-11-27}, year = {2012} } -@misc{CVRLc, -author = {CVRL}, -title = {{Older CIE Standards}}, -url = {http://cvrl.ioo.ucl.ac.uk/cie.htm}, -urldate = {2014-02-24} -} -@misc{CVRLg, -author = {CVRL}, -title = {{Stiles {\&} Burch individual 10-deg colour matching data}}, -url = {http://www.cvrl.org/stilesburch10{\_}ind.htm}, -urldate = {2014-02-24} +@article{Spaulding2000, +abstract = {A new color encoding specification known as Reference Output Medium Metric RGB (ROMM RGB) is defined. This color encoding is intended to be used for storing, interchanging and manipulating images that exist in a rendered image state without imposing the gamut limitations normally associated with device-specific color spaces. ROMM RGB was designed to provide a large enough color gamut to encompass most common output devices, while simultaneously satisfying a number of other important criteria. It is defined in a way that is tightly linked to the ICC profile connection space (PCS) and is suitable for use as an Adobe PhotoshopTM working color space. A companion color encoding specification, known as Reference Input Medium Metric RGB (RIMM RGB), is also defined. This encoding can be used to represent images in an unrendered scene image state.}, +author = {Spaulding, K E and Woolfe, G J and Giorgianni, E J}, +file = {::}, +pages = {1--8}, +title = {{Reference Input/Output Medium Metric RGB Color Encodings (RIMM/ROMM RGB)}}, +url = {http://www.photo-lovers.org/pdf/color/romm.pdf}, +year = {2000} } -@article{Kang2002, -author = {Kang, Bongsoon and Moon, Ohak and Hong, Changhee and Lee, Honam and Cho, Bonghwan and Kim, Youngsun}, -file = {:Users/kelsolaar/Documents/Mendeley Desktop/Kang et al. - 2002 - Design of advanced color Temperature control system for HDTV applications.pdf:pdf}, -journal = {Journal of the Korean {\ldots}}, -keywords = {chromaticity,cie-xyz,color temperature,hdtv}, -number = {6}, -pages = {865--871}, -title = {{Design of advanced color: Temperature control system for HDTV applications}}, -url = {http://cat.inist.fr/?aModele=afficheN{\&}cpsidt=14448733 http://icpr.snu.ac.kr/resource/wop.pdf/J01/2002/041/R06/J012002041R060865.pdf}, -volume = {41}, -year = {2002} +@misc{Spiker2015, +author = {Spiker, Nick}, +title = {{Private Discussion with Mansencal, T.}}, +url = {http://www.repairfaq.org/sam/repspec/ http://www.invisiblelightimages.com/}, +year = {2015} } -@misc{CVRLa, -author = {CVRL}, -title = {{Stiles {\&} Burch individual 2-deg colour matching data}}, -url = {http://www.cvrl.org/stilesburch2{\_}ind.htm}, -urldate = {2014-02-24} +@article{Stearns1988, +author = {Stearns, E. I. and Stearns, R. E.}, +doi = {10.1002/col.5080130410}, +issn = {1520-6378}, +journal = {Color Research {\&} Application}, +number = {4}, +pages = {257--259}, +publisher = {Wiley Subscription Services, Inc., A Wiley Company}, +title = {{An example of a method for correcting radiance data for Bandpass error}}, +url = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1002/col.5080130410}, +volume = {13}, +year = {1988} } -@misc{Wikipediab, -author = {Wikipedia}, -title = {{Lagrange polynomial - Definition}}, -url = {https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lagrange{\_}polynomial{\#}Definition}, -urldate = {2016-01-20} +@article{Susstrunk1999, +abstract = {This paper describes the specifications and usage of standard RGB color spaces promoted today by standard bodies and/or the imaging industry. As in the past, most of the new standard RGB color spaces were developed for specific imaging workflow and applications. They are used as interchange spaces to communicate color and/or as working spaces in imaging applications. Standard color spaces can facilitate color communication: if an image is in ‘knownRGB,' the user, application, and/or device can unambiguously understand the color of the image, and further color manage from there if necessary. When applied correctly, a standard RGB space can minimize color space conversions in an imaging workflow, improve image reproducibility, and facilitate accountability.$\backslash$nThe digital image color workflow is examined with emphasis on when an RGB color space is appropriate, and when to apply color management by profile. An RGB space is “standard” because either it is defined in an official standards document (a de jure standard) or it is supported by commonly used tools (a de facto standard). Examples of standard RGB color spaces are ISO RGB, sRGB, ROMM RGB, Adobe RGB 98, Apple RGB, and video RGB spaces (NTSC, EBU, ITU-R BT.709). As there is no one RGB color space that is suitable for all imaging needs, factors to consider when choosing an RGB color space are discussed.}, +author = {Susstrunk, Sabine and Buckley, Robert and Swen, Steve}, +file = {::}, +isbn = {2166-9635}, +journal = {New York}, +keywords = {are becoming a thing,color communication,color image workflow,color management,color spaces,color standards,it is quite common,of the,past,skilled operators manage color,to be scanned by,today for an image}, +pages = {127--134}, +title = {{Standard RGB Color Spaces}}, +year = {1999} } -@misc{Broadbent2009, -author = {Broadbent, A. D.}, -title = {{Calculation from the original experimental data of the CIE 1931 RGB standard observer spectral chromaticity co-ordinates and color matching functions}}, -url = {http://www.cis.rit.edu/mcsl/research/1931.php}, -urldate = {2014-06-12}, -year = {2009} +@misc{TheAcademyofMotionPictureArtsandSciences2016, +author = {{The Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences}}, +title = {{Specification S-2016-001 - ACEScct, A Quasi-Logarithmic Encoding of ACES Data for use within Color Grading Systems}}, +url = {https://github.com/ampas/aces-dev/tree/v1.0.3/documents}, +urldate = {2016-10-10}, +year = {2016} } -@misc{Ruana, -author = {Ruana, Rob}, -title = {pockets.tests.test{\_}iterators}, -url = {https://github.com/RobRuana/pockets/blob/master/tests/test{\_}iterators.py}, -urldate = {2016-08-14} +@article{TheAcademyofMotionPictureArtsandSciences2015, +author = {{The Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences} and {Science and Technology Council} and {Academy Color Encoding System (ACES) Project Subcommittee}}, +file = {::}, +pages = {1--9}, +title = {{Specification S-2014-004 - ACEScg – A Working Space for CGI Render and Compositing}}, +url = {https://github.com/ampas/aces-dev/tree/master/documents}, +year = {2015} } -@misc{Centore2014e, -author = {Centore, Paul}, -title = {{MunsellAndKubelkaMunkToolboxApr2014 - MunsellRenotationRoutines/xyYtoMunsell.m}}, -url = {https://github.com/colour-science/MunsellAndKubelkaMunkToolbox http://www.99main.com/{~}centore/MunsellAndKubelkaMunkToolbox/MunsellAndKubelkaMunkToolbox.html}, +@misc{TheAcademyofMotionPictureArtsandSciences2014, +author = {{The Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences} and {Science and Technology Council} and {Academy Color Encoding System (ACES) Project Subcommittee}}, +file = {::}, +pages = {1--8}, +title = {{Technical Bulletin TB-2014-012 - Academy Color Encoding System Version 1.0 Component Names}}, +url = {https://github.com/ampas/aces-dev/tree/master/documents}, year = {2014} } -@misc{Wikipedia, -author = {Wikipedia}, -title = {{Color difference}}, -url = {http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Color{\_}difference}, -urldate = {2014-08-29} -} -@misc{Centore2014j, -author = {Centore, Paul}, -title = {{MunsellAndKubelkaMunkToolboxApr2014 - MunsellRenotationRoutines/MunsellHueToASTMHue.m}}, -url = {https://github.com/colour-science/MunsellAndKubelkaMunkToolbox http://www.99main.com/{~}centore/MunsellAndKubelkaMunkToolbox/MunsellAndKubelkaMunkToolbox.html}, +@misc{TheAcademyofMotionPictureArtsandSciences2014a, +author = {{The Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences} and {Science and Technology Council} and {Academy Color Encoding System (ACES) Project Subcommittee}}, +file = {::}, +pages = {1--40}, +title = {{Technical Bulletin TB-2014-004 - Informative Notes on SMPTE ST 2065-1 – Academy Color Encoding Specification (ACES)}}, +url = {https://github.com/ampas/aces-dev/tree/master/documents}, year = {2014} } -@misc{Lindbloom2009a, -author = {Lindbloom, Bruce}, -title = {{Delta E (CMC)}}, -url = {http://brucelindbloom.com/Eqn{\_}DeltaE{\_}CMC.html}, -urldate = {2014-02-24}, -year = {2009} -} -@misc{Wikipediai, -author = {Wikipedia}, -title = {{Luminosity function}}, -url = {https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Luminosity{\_}function{\#}Details}, -urldate = {2014-10-20} -} -@book{Wyszecki2000g, -author = {Wyszecki, G{\"{u}}nther and Stiles, W. S.}, -booktitle = {Color Science: Concepts and Methods, Quantitative Data and Formulae}, -isbn = {978-0471399186}, -pages = {224--229}, -publisher = {Wiley}, -title = {{DISTRIBUTION TEMPERATURE, COLOR TEMPERATURE, AND CORRELATED COLOR TEMPERATURE}}, -year = {2000} -} -@misc{Mansencal, -author = {Mansencal, Thomas}, -title = {{Lookup}}, -url = {https://github.com/KelSolaar/Foundations/blob/develop/foundations/data{\_}structures.py} +@misc{TheAcademyofMotionPictureArtsandSciences2014b, +author = {{The Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences} and {Science and Technology Council} and {Academy Color Encoding System (ACES) Project Subcommittee}}, +file = {::}, +pages = {1--12}, +title = {{Specification S-2014-003 - ACEScc , A Logarithmic Encoding of ACES Data for use within Color Grading Systems}}, +url = {https://github.com/ampas/aces-dev/tree/master/documents}, +year = {2014} } -@misc{EasyRGBd, -author = {EasyRGB}, -title = {{RGB —{\textgreater} HSV}}, -url = {http://www.easyrgb.com/index.php?X=MATH{\&}H=20{\#}text20}, -urldate = {2014-05-18} +@misc{TheAcademyofMotionPictureArtsandSciences2014c, +author = {{The Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences} and {Science and Technology Council} and {Academy Color Encoding System (ACES) Project Subcommittee}}, +file = {::}, +pages = {1--16}, +title = {{Specification S-2013-001 - ACESproxy , an Integer Log Encoding of ACES Image Data}}, +url = {https://github.com/ampas/aces-dev/tree/master/documents}, +year = {2014} } -@article{Bodhaine1999, -abstract = {Many different techniques are used for the calculation of Rayleigh optical depth in the atmosphere. In some cases differences among these techniques can be important, especially in the UV region of the spectrum and under clean atmospheric conditions. The authors recommend that the calculation of Rayleigh optical depth be approached by going back to the first principles of Rayleigh scattering theory rather than the variety of curve- fitting techniques currently in use. A survey of the literature was conducted in order to determine the latest values of the physical constants necessary and to review the methods available for the calculation of Rayleigh optical depth. The recommended approach requires the accurate calculation of the refractive index of air based on the latest published measurements. Calculations estimating Rayleigh optical depth should be done as accurately as possible because the inaccuracies that arise can equal or even exceed other quantities being estimated, such as aerosol optical depth, particularly in the UV region of the spectrum. All of the calculations are simple enough to be done easily in a spreadsheet.}, -author = {Bodhaine, Barry A. and Wood, Norman B. and Dutton, Ellsworth G. and Slusser, James R.}, -doi = {10.1175/1520-0426(1999)016%3C1854:ORODC%3E2.0.CO;2}, -file = {:Users/kelsolaar/Documents/Mendeley Desktop/Bodhaine et al. - 1999 - On Rayleigh optical depth calculations.pdf:pdf}, -journal = {Journal of Atmospheric {\ldots}}, -number = {11 PART 2}, -pages = {1854--1861}, -title = {{On Rayleigh optical depth calculations}}, -url = {http://journals.ametsoc.org/doi/abs/10.1175/1520-0426(1999)016{\%}253C1854:ORODC{\%}253E2.0.CO;2}, -volume = {16}, -year = {1999} +@misc{TheAcademyofMotionPictureArtsandSciences, +author = {{The Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences} and {Science and Technology Council} and {Academy Color Encoding System (ACES) Project Subcommittee}}, +title = {{Academy Color Encoding System}}, +url = {http://www.oscars.org/science-technology/council/projects/aces.html}, +urldate = {2014-02-24} } -@misc{Centore2014, -author = {Centore, Paul}, -title = {{MunsellAndKubelkaMunkToolboxApr2014 - MunsellRenotationRoutines/MunsellHueToChromDiagHueAngle.m}}, -url = {https://github.com/colour-science/MunsellAndKubelkaMunkToolbox http://www.99main.com/{~}centore/MunsellAndKubelkaMunkToolbox/MunsellAndKubelkaMunkToolbox.html}, -year = {2014} +@misc{Thorpe2012, +author = {Thorpe, Larry}, +file = {::}, +title = {{CANON-LOG TRANSFER CHARACTERISTIC}}, +url = {http://downloads.canon.com/CDLC/Canon-Log{\_}Transfer{\_}Characteristic{\_}6-20-2012.pdf http://scholar.google.com/scholar?hl=en{\&}btnG=Search{\&}q=intitle:CANON-LOG+TRANSFER+CHARACTERISTIC{\#}0}, +year = {2012} } -@book{Fairchild2013, -author = {Fairchild, Mark D.}, -booktitle = {Color Appearance Models}, -chapter = {14.3}, -edition = {3}, -isbn = {B00DAYO8E2}, -pages = {6025--6178}, -publisher = {Wiley}, -series = {The Wiley-IS{\&}T Series in Imaging Science and Technology}, -title = {{LLAB Model}}, -year = {2013} +@misc{Trieu2015, +author = {Trieu, Tashi}, +title = {{Private Discussion with Mansencal, T.}}, +year = {2015} } -@book{Westland2012a, +@incollection{Westland2012a, author = {Westland, Stephen and Ripamonti, Caterina and Cheung, Vien}, booktitle = {Computational Colour Science Using MATLAB}, chapter = {6.2.3}, @@ -1375,66 +1656,77 @@ @book{Westland2012a title = {{CMCCAT2000}}, year = {2012} } -@misc{Holmes, -author = {Holmes, Joseph}, -title = {{Ekta Space PS 5}}, -url = {http://www.josephholmes.com/Ekta{\_}Space.zip http://www.josephholmes.com/profiles.html} +@incollection{Westland2012e, +author = {Westland, Stephen and Ripamonti, Caterina and Cheung, Vien}, +booktitle = {Computational Colour Science Using MATLAB}, +chapter = {6.2.2}, +edition = {2}, +isbn = {978-0-470-66569-5}, +pages = {80}, +title = {{CMCCAT97}}, +year = {2012} } -@article{Susstrunk1999, -abstract = {This paper describes the specifications and usage of standard RGB color spaces promoted today by standard bodies and/or the imaging industry. As in the past, most of the new standard RGB color spaces were developed for specific imaging workflow and applications. They are used as interchange spaces to communicate color and/or as working spaces in imaging applications. Standard color spaces can facilitate color communication: if an image is in ‘knownRGB,' the user, application, and/or device can unambiguously understand the color of the image, and further color manage from there if necessary. When applied correctly, a standard RGB space can minimize color space conversions in an imaging workflow, improve image reproducibility, and facilitate accountability.$\backslash$nThe digital image color workflow is examined with emphasis on when an RGB color space is appropriate, and when to apply color management by profile. An RGB space is “standard” because either it is defined in an official standards document (a de jure standard) or it is supported by commonly used tools (a de facto standard). Examples of standard RGB color spaces are ISO RGB, sRGB, ROMM RGB, Adobe RGB 98, Apple RGB, and video RGB spaces (NTSC, EBU, ITU-R BT.709). As there is no one RGB color space that is suitable for all imaging needs, factors to consider when choosing an RGB color space are discussed.}, -author = {Susstrunk, Sabine and Buckley, Robert and Swen, Steve}, -file = {:Users/kelsolaar/Documents/Mendeley Desktop/Susstrunk, Buckley, Swen - 1999 - Standard RGB Color Spaces.pdf:pdf}, -isbn = {2166-9635}, -journal = {New York}, -keywords = {are becoming a thing,color communication,color image workflow,color management,color spaces,color standards,it is quite common,of the,past,skilled operators manage color,to be scanned by,today for an image}, -pages = {127--134}, -title = {{Standard RGB Color Spaces}}, -year = {1999} +@incollection{Westland2012c, +author = {Westland, Stephen and Ripamonti, Caterina and Cheung, Vien}, +booktitle = {Computational Colour Science Using MATLAB}, +chapter = {4.4}, +edition = {2}, +isbn = {978-0-470-66569-5}, +pages = {38}, +title = {{Correction for Spectral Bandpass}}, +year = {2012} } -@article{Centore2012, -author = {Centore, Paul}, -doi = {10.1002/col.20715}, -file = {:Users/kelsolaar/Documents/Mendeley Desktop/Centore - 2012 - An open-source inversion algorithm for the Munsell renotation.pdf:pdf}, -issn = {03612317}, -journal = {Color Research {\&} Application}, -keywords = {algorithm,inverse renotation,munsell,open source,renotation}, -month = {dec}, -number = {6}, -pages = {455--464}, -title = {{An open-source inversion algorithm for the Munsell renotation}}, -url = {http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/col.20715/full http://www.99main.com/{~}centore/ColourSciencePapers/OpenSourceInverseRenotationArticle.pdf http://doi.wiley.com/10.1002/col.20715}, -volume = {37}, +@incollection{Westland2012, +author = {Westland, Stephen and Ripamonti, Caterina and Cheung, Vien}, +booktitle = {Computational Colour Science Using MATLAB}, +chapter = {4.4}, +edition = {2}, +isbn = {978-0-470-66569-5}, +pages = {38}, +title = {{Extrapolation Methods}}, year = {2012} } -@misc{Wikipediax, +@incollection{Westland2012d, +author = {Westland, Stephen and Ripamonti, Caterina and Cheung, Vien}, +booktitle = {Computational Colour Science Using MATLAB}, +chapter = {4.3}, +edition = {2}, +isbn = {978-0-470-66569-5}, +pages = {29--37}, +title = {{Interpolation Methods}}, +year = {2012} +} +@book{Westland2012b, +author = {Westland, Stephen and Ripamonti, Caterina and Cheung, Vien}, +edition = {2}, +isbn = {978-0-470-66569-5}, +pages = {1--240}, +title = {{Computational Colour Science Using MATLAB}}, +year = {2012} +} +@misc{Wikipediat, author = {Wikipedia}, -title = {{CIE 1964 color space}}, -url = {http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/CIE{\_}1964{\_}color{\_}space}, -urldate = {2014-06-10} +title = {{Michaelis–Menten kinetics}}, +url = {https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Michaelis–Menten{\_}kinetics}, +urldate = {2017-04-29} } -@article{Fairchild1991, -abstract = {A mathematical model of chromatic adaptation for calculating corresponding colors across changes of illumination based on the Hunt color appearance model is formulated and tested. This model consists of a modified von Kries transform that accounts for incomplete levels of adaptation. The model predicts that adaptation will be less complete as the saturation of the adapting stimulus increases and more complete as the luminance of the adapting stimulus increases. An experiment is described in which achromatic appearance is measured for various adapting conditions. The model is tested with these experimental results as well as results from another study and found to be significantly better at predicting corresponding colors than other proposed models.}, -author = {Fairchild, Mark D.}, -doi = {10.1002/col.5080160406}, -file = {:Users/kelsolaar/Documents/Mendeley Desktop/Fairchild - 1991 - Formulation and testing of an incomplete-chromatic-adaptation model.pdf:pdf}, -issn = {03612317}, -journal = {Color Research {\&} Application}, -month = {aug}, -number = {4}, -pages = {243--250}, -title = {{Formulation and testing of an incomplete-chromatic-adaptation model}}, -url = {http://doi.wiley.com/10.1002/col.5080160406}, -volume = {16}, -year = {1991} +@misc{Wikipediae, +author = {Wikipedia}, +title = {{The reverse transformation}}, +url = {http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/CIELUV{\#}The{\_}reverse{\_}transformation}, +urldate = {2014-02-24} } -@misc{ARRI2012, -author = {ARRI}, -file = {:Users/kelsolaar/Documents/Mendeley Desktop/ARRI - 2012 - ALEXA - Log C Curve - Usage in VFX.pdf:pdf}, -number = {June}, -pages = {1--12}, -title = {{ALEXA - Log C Curve - Usage in VFX}}, -url = {http://www.arri.com/?eID=registration{\&}file{\_}uid=8026}, -year = {2012} +@misc{Wikipediaj, +author = {Wikipedia}, +title = {{ISO 31-11}}, +url = {https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ISO{\_}31-11}, +urldate = {2016-07-31} +} +@misc{Wikipedia, +author = {Wikipedia}, +title = {{YCbCr}}, +url = {https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/YCbCr}, +urldate = {2016-02-29} } @misc{Wikipedia, author = {Wikipedia}, @@ -1442,288 +1734,219 @@ @misc{Wikipedia url = {https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Luminous{\_}efficacy}, urldate = {2016-04-03} } -@book{Wyszecki2000f, -author = {Wyszecki, G{\"{u}}nther and Stiles, W. S.}, -booktitle = {Color Science: Concepts and Methods, Quantitative Data and Formulae}, -isbn = {978-0471399186}, -pages = {167}, -publisher = {Wiley}, -title = {{CIE 1976 (L*u*v*)-Space and Color-Difference Formula}}, -year = {2000} -} -@article{Moroney, -abstract = {The CIE Technical Committee 8-01, color appearance models for color management applications, has recently proposed a single set of revisions to the CIECAM97s color appearance model. This new model, called CIECAM02, is based on CIECAM97s but includes many revisions and some simplifications. A partial list of revisions includes a linear chromatic adaptation transform, a new non-linear response compression function and modifications to the calculations for the perceptual attribute correlates. The format of this paper is an annotated description of the forward equations for the model.}, -author = {Moroney, Nathan and Fairchild, Mark D. and Hunt, Robert W. G. and Li, Changjun and Luo, Ming Ronnier and Newman, Todd}, -file = {:Users/kelsolaar/Documents/Mendeley Desktop//Moroney, Fairchild - 2002 - The CIECAM02 color appearance model.pdf:pdf}, -journal = {Color and Imaging Conference}, -number = {1}, -pages = {23--27}, -title = {{The CIECAM02 Color Appearance Model}}, -url = {http://www.ingentaconnect.com/content/ist/cic/2002/00002002/00000001/art00006}, -volume = {2002} -} -@techreport{InternationalTelecommunicationUnion2015, -abstract = {The role of the Radiocommunication Sector is to ensure the rational, equitable, efficient and economical use of the radio-frequency spectrum by all radiocommunication services, including satellite services, and carry out studies without limit of frequency range on the basis of which Recommendations are adopted. The regulatory and policy functions of the Radiocommunication Sector are performed by World and Regional Radiocommunication Conferences and Radiocommunication Assemblies supported by Study Groups}, -author = {{International Telecommunication Union}}, -file = {:Users/kelsolaar/Documents/Mendeley Desktop/International Telecommunication Union - 2015 - Recommendation ITU-R BT.2020 - Parameter values for ultra-high definition television syst.pdf:pdf}, -pages = {1--8}, -title = {{Recommendation ITU-R BT.2020 - Parameter values for ultra-high definition television systems for production and international programme exchange}}, -url = {https://www.itu.int/dms{\_}pubrec/itu-r/rec/bt/R-REC-BT.2020-2-201510-I!!PDF-E.pdf}, -volume = {1}, -year = {2015} -} -@misc{EuropeanColorInitiative2002, -author = {{European Color Initiative}}, -title = {{ECI RGB v2}}, -url = {http://www.eci.org/{\_}media/downloads/icc{\_}profiles{\_}from{\_}eci/ecirgbv20.zip http://www.eci.org/en/colourstandards/workingcolorspaces}, -year = {2002} -} -@misc{Fairchild, -author = {Fairchild, Mark D.}, -title = {{Fairchild YSh}}, -url = {http://rit-mcsl.org/fairchild//files/FairchildYSh.zip} -} -@misc{Reitz, -author = {Reitz, Kenneth}, -title = {{CaseInsensitiveDict}}, -url = {https://github.com/kennethreitz/requests/blob/v1.2.3/requests/structures.py{\#}L37} +@misc{Wikipediab, +author = {Wikipedia}, +title = {{Lagrange polynomial - Definition}}, +url = {https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lagrange{\_}polynomial{\#}Definition}, +urldate = {2016-01-20} } -@article{ASTMInternational2015, -author = {{ASTM International}}, -doi = {10.1520/E0308-15}, -file = {:Users/kelsolaar/Documents/Mendeley Desktop/ASTM International - 2015 - ASTM E308–15 - Standard Practice for Computing the Colors of Objects by Using the CIE System.pdf:pdf}, -pages = {1--47}, -title = {{ASTM E308–15 - Standard Practice for Computing the Colors of Objects by Using the CIE System}}, -year = {2015} +@misc{Wikipediai, +author = {Wikipedia}, +title = {{Luminosity function}}, +url = {https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Luminosity{\_}function{\#}Details}, +urldate = {2014-10-20} } -@misc{Hewlett-PackardDevelopmentCompany2009, -author = {{Hewlett-Packard Development Company}}, -file = {:Users/kelsolaar/Documents/Mendeley Desktop/Hewlett-Packard Development Company - 2009 - Understanding the HP DreamColor LP2480zx DCI-P3 Emulation Color Space.pdf:pdf}, -pages = {1--3}, -title = {{Understanding the HP DreamColor LP2480zx DCI-P3 Emulation Color Space}}, -url = {http://www.hp.com/united-states/campaigns/workstations/pdfs/lp2480zx-dci--p3-emulation.pdf}, -year = {2009} +@misc{Wikipedias, +author = {Wikipedia}, +title = {{Approximation}}, +url = {http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Color{\_}temperature{\#}Approximation}, +urldate = {2014-06-28} } -@misc{RenewableResourceDataCenter2003, -author = {{Renewable Resource Data Center}}, -title = {{Reference Solar Spectral Irradiance: ASTM G-173}}, -url = {http://rredc.nrel.gov/solar/spectra/am1.5/ASTMG173/ASTMG173.html}, -urldate = {2014-08-23}, -year = {2003} +@misc{Wikipediaq, +author = {Wikipedia}, +title = {{Whiteness}}, +url = {http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Whiteness}, +urldate = {2014-09-17} } -@misc{Lindbloom2011, -author = {Lindbloom, Bruce}, -title = {{Delta E (CIE 1994)}}, -url = {http://brucelindbloom.com/Eqn{\_}DeltaE{\_}CIE94.html}, -urldate = {2014-02-24}, -year = {2011} +@misc{Wikipediao, +author = {Wikipedia}, +title = {{Wide-gamut RGB color space}}, +url = {http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wide-gamut{\_}RGB{\_}color{\_}space}, +urldate = {2014-04-13} } -@article{Luo2006, -abstract = {Can a single colour model be used for all colorimetric applications? This article intends to answer that question. Colour appearance models have been developed to predict colour appearance under different viewing conditions. They are also capable of evaluating colour differences because of their embedded uniform colour spaces. This article first tests the performance of the CIE 2002 colour appearance model, CIECAM02, in predicting three types of colour discrimination data sets: large- and small-magnitude colour differences under daylight illuminants and small-magnitude colour differences under illuminant A. The results showed that CIECAM02 gave reasonable performance compared with the best available formulae and uniform colour spaces. It was further extended to give accurate predictions to all types of colour discrimination data. The results were very encouraging in that the CIECAM02 extensions performed second best among all the colour models tested and only slightly poorer than the models that were developed to fit a particular data set. One extension derived to fit all types of data can predict well for colour differences having a large range of difference magnitudes. 2006 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Col Res Appl, 31, 320-330, 2006; Published online in Wiley InterScience DOI 10.1002/col.20227}, -author = {Luo, Ronnier M. and Cui, Guihua and Li, Changjun}, -doi = {10.1002/col.20227}, -file = {:Users/kelsolaar/Documents/Mendeley Desktop/Luo, Cui, Li - 2006 - Uniform Colour Spaces Based on CIECAM02 Colour Appearance Model.pdf:pdf}, -isbn = {0361-2317}, -issn = {03612317}, -journal = {Color Research and Application}, -keywords = {Colour appearance data,Colour appearance model,Colour difference data,Colour difference formula,Uniform colour space}, -number = {4}, -pages = {320--330}, -title = {{Uniform Colour Spaces Based on CIECAM02 Colour Appearance Model}}, -volume = {31}, -year = {2006} +@misc{Wikipediak, +author = {Wikipedia}, +title = {{White points of standard illuminants}}, +url = {http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Standard{\_}illuminant{\#}White{\_}points{\_}of{\_}standard{\_}illuminants}, +urldate = {2014-02-24} } -@article{Breneman1987, -abstract = {While each of his or her two eyes was independently adapted to a different illuminant in viewing a complex visual field, each of a number of observers matched a series of test colors seen by one eye with a juxtaposed variable stimulus seen by the other eye. The 2 degrees test and matching stimuli were located centrally in the complex adapting field, which subtended an angle of 31 degrees X 24 degrees. In making the matches, the observer viewed the test and matching stimuli for a series of brief intervals (approximately 1 sec) while viewing the complex adapting field with normal eye movements. Nine experiments were performed with different pairs of illuminants and different illuminances ranging from that of an average living room to that of a scene illuminated with hazy sunlight. In three other experiments each of the observer's two eyes was adapted to a different illuminance of D55. The amount of adaptation was more nearly complete at high levels of illuminance than at low levels, and the proportional amount of adaptation was less for the "blue" receptors. When adaptation coefficients were determined from the actual adaptation differences (e.g., from corresponding tristimulus values for matching neutrals) rather than from the adapting illuminants, a linear von Kries transformation based on experimentally determined visual primaries gave corresponding chromaticities that were in good agreement with the results obtained in each of the chromatic-adaptation experiments, except at the lowest illuminances. The results of the experiments in which each eye was adapted to different levels of the same illuminant indicated again that adaptation to the different levels was incomplete, the proportional amount of adaptation being less at low illuminances and for the "blue" receptors. This caused a change in chromatic adaptation with the level of illuminance even when the chromaticities of the adapting lights were equal. The results of these experiments also indicated that higher purities are needed in order to produce the same absolute color appearances at low levels of illuminance.}, -author = {Breneman, E J}, -doi = {10.1364/JOSAA.4.001115}, -issn = {1084-7529}, -journal = {Journal of the Optical Society of America. A, Optics and image science}, -pages = {1115--1129}, -pmid = {3598755}, -title = {{Corresponding chromaticities for different states of adaptation to complex visual fields.}}, -volume = {4}, -year = {1987} +@misc{Wikipediam, +author = {Wikipedia}, +title = {{Rayleigh scattering}}, +url = {http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rayleigh{\_}scattering}, +urldate = {2014-09-23} } -@misc{MunsellColorSciencea, -author = {{Munsell Color Science}}, -title = {{Macbeth Colorchecker}}, -url = {http://www.rit-mcsl.org/UsefulData/MacbethColorChecker.xls http://www.cis.rit.edu/research/mcsl2/online/cie.php} +@unpublished{Wikipediaa, +author = {Wikipedia}, +title = {{List of common coordinate transformations}}, +url = {http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List{\_}of{\_}common{\_}coordinate{\_}transformations} } -@misc{Ohno2008, -author = {Ohno, Yoshi and Davis, Wendy}, -file = {:Users/kelsolaar/Documents/Mendeley Desktop/Ohno, Davis - 2008 - NIST CQS simulation 7.4.xls:xls}, -title = {{NIST CQS simulation 7.4}}, -url = {http://cie2.nist.gov/TC1-69/NIST CQS simulation 7.4.xls}, -year = {2008} +@misc{Wikipediaf, +author = {Wikipedia}, +title = {{Lightness}}, +url = {http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lightness}, +urldate = {2014-04-13} } -@inproceedings{Guth1995, -abstract = {Previous and recent revisions of the ATD model for color perception$\backslash$nand visual adaption are incorporated into the version that is fully$\backslash$ndescribed in this paper.}, -author = {Guth, S. Lee}, -booktitle = {IS{\&}T/SPIE's Symposium on Electronic {\ldots}}, -doi = {10.1117/12.206546}, -editor = {Walowit, Eric}, -file = {:Users/kelsolaar/Documents/Mendeley Desktop/Guth - 1995 - Further applications of the ATD model for color vision.pdf:pdf}, -keywords = {chromatic adaptation,color appearances,color discriminations,color models}, -month = {apr}, -pages = {12--26}, -title = {{Further applications of the ATD model for color vision}}, -url = {http://proceedings.spiedigitallibrary.org/data/Conferences/SPIEP/53372/12{\_}1.pdf http://proceedings.spiedigitallibrary.org/proceeding.aspx?articleid=991324}, -volume = {2414}, -year = {1995} +@misc{Wikipedian, +author = {Wikipedia}, +title = {{Surfaces}}, +url = {http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gamut{\#}Surfaces}, +urldate = {2014-09-10} } -@book{Fairchild2013g, -author = {Fairchild, Mark D.}, -booktitle = {Color Appearance Models}, -chapter = {14.2}, -edition = {3}, -isbn = {B00DAYO8E2}, -pages = {5852--5991}, -publisher = {Wiley}, -series = {The Wiley-IS{\&}T Series in Imaging Science and Technology}, -title = {{ATD Model}}, -year = {2013} +@misc{Wikipediac, +author = {Wikipedia}, +title = {{HSL and HSV}}, +url = {http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/HSL{\_}and{\_}HSV}, +urldate = {2014-09-10} } -@misc{SonyImageworks2012, -author = {{Sony Imageworks}}, -pages = {1}, -title = {make.py}, -url = {https://github.com/imageworks/OpenColorIO-Configs/blob/master/nuke-default/make.py}, -urldate = {2014-11-27}, -year = {2012} +@misc{Wikipediad, +author = {Wikipedia}, +title = {{Color temperature}}, +url = {http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Color{\_}temperature}, +urldate = {2014-06-28} } -@misc{HunterLab2012, -author = {HunterLab}, -file = {:Users/kelsolaar/Documents/Mendeley Desktop/HunterLab - 2012 - Hunter Rd,a,b Color Scale – History and Application.pdf:pdf}, -keywords = {a rd,b rd,hunter rd,opponent color scale,rd a b,rdab}, -title = {{Hunter Rd,a,b Color Scale – History and Application}}, -url = {https://hunterlabdotcom.files.wordpress.com/2012/07/an-1016-hunter-rd-a-b-color-scale-update-12-07-03.pdf}, -year = {2012} +@misc{Wikipedia, +author = {Wikipedia}, +title = {{Color difference}}, +url = {http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Color{\_}difference}, +urldate = {2014-08-29} } -@book{Westland2012c, -author = {Westland, Stephen and Ripamonti, Caterina and Cheung, Vien}, -booktitle = {Computational Colour Science Using MATLAB}, -chapter = {4.4}, -edition = {2}, -isbn = {978-0-470-66569-5}, -pages = {38}, -title = {{Correction for Spectral Bandpass}}, -year = {2012} +@misc{Wikipediax, +author = {Wikipedia}, +title = {{CIE 1964 color space}}, +url = {http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/CIE{\_}1964{\_}color{\_}space}, +urldate = {2014-06-10} } -@misc{Miller2014, -author = {Miller, Scott and {Dolby Laboratories}}, -file = {:Users/kelsolaar/Documents/Mendeley Desktop/Miller, Dolby Laboratories - 2014 - A Perceptual EOTF for Extended Dynamic Range Imagery.pdf:pdf}, -pages = {1--17}, -title = {{A Perceptual EOTF for Extended Dynamic Range Imagery}}, -url = {https://www.smpte.org/sites/default/files/2014-05-06-EOTF-Miller-1-2-handout.pdf}, -year = {2014} +@misc{Wikipediap, +author = {Wikipedia}, +title = {{CIELUV}}, +url = {http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/CIELUV}, +urldate = {2014-02-24} } -@misc{Erdem, -author = {Erdem, U. 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S.}, +booktitle = {Color Science: Concepts and Methods, Quantitative Data and Formulae}, +isbn = {978-0471399186}, +pages = {167}, +publisher = {Wiley}, +title = {{CIE 1976 (L*u*v*)-Space and Color-Difference Formula}}, +year = {2000} } -@misc{EasyRGBg, -author = {EasyRGB}, -title = {{HSL —{\textgreater} RGB}}, -url = {http://www.easyrgb.com/index.php?X=MATH{\&}H=19{\#}text19}, -urldate = {2014-05-18} +@incollection{Wyszecki2000e, +author = {Wyszecki, G{\"{u}}nther and Stiles, W. S.}, +booktitle = {Color Science: Concepts and Methods, Quantitative Data and Formulae}, +isbn = {978-0471399186}, +pages = {158--163}, +publisher = {Wiley}, +title = {{Integration Replace by Summation}}, +year = {2000} } -@book{Wyszecki2000c, +@incollection{Wyszecki2000c, author = {Wyszecki, G{\"{u}}nther and Stiles, W. S.}, booktitle = {Color Science: Concepts and Methods, Quantitative Data and Formulae}, isbn = {978-0471399186}, @@ -1732,129 +1955,7 @@ @book{Wyszecki2000c title = {{CIE Method of Calculating D-Illuminants}}, year = {2000} } -@misc{Gaggioni, -author = {Gaggioni, Hugo and Dhanendra, Patel and Yamashita, Jin and Kawada, N. and Endo, K. and Clark, Curtis}, -file = {:Users/kelsolaar/Documents/Mendeley Desktop/Gaggioni et al. - Unknown - S-Log A new LUT for digital production mastering and interchange applications.pdf:pdf}, -pages = {1--13}, -title = {{S-Log: A new LUT for digital production mastering and interchange applications}}, -url = {http://pro.sony.com/bbsccms/assets/files/mkt/cinema/solutions/slog{\_}manual.pdf}, -volume = {709} -} -@misc{CVRLd, -author = {CVRL}, -title = {{CIE (2012) 2-deg XYZ “physiologically-relevant” colour matching functions}}, -url = {http://www.cvrl.org/database/text/cienewxyz/cie2012xyz2.htm}, -urldate = {2014-06-25} -} -@incollection{CIETC1-482004b, -author = {{CIE TC 1-48}}, -booktitle = {CIE 015:2004 Colorimetry, 3rd Edition}, -chapter = {8.2}, -isbn = {978-3-901-90633-6}, -pages = {24}, -title = {{CIE 1976 uniform colour spaces}}, -url = {http://div1.cie.co.at/?i{\%}7B{\_}{\%}7Dca{\%}7B{\_}{\%}7Did=551{\%}7B{\&}{\%}7Dpubid=23}, -year = {2004} -} -@misc{EasyRGBf, -author = {EasyRGB}, -title = {{RGB —{\textgreater} HSL}}, -url = {http://www.easyrgb.com/index.php?X=MATH{\&}H=18{\#}text18}, -urldate = {2014-05-18} -} -@book{Westland2012e, -author = {Westland, Stephen and Ripamonti, Caterina and Cheung, Vien}, -booktitle = {Computational Colour Science Using MATLAB}, -chapter = {6.2.2}, -edition = {2}, -isbn = {978-0-470-66569-5}, -pages = {80}, -title = {{CMCCAT97}}, -year = {2012} -} -@misc{Castro2014, -author = {Castro, Saullo}, -title = {{Numpy: Fastest way of computing diagonal for each row of a 2d array}}, -url = {http://stackoverflow.com/questions/26511401/numpy-fastest-way-of-computing-diagonal-for-each-row-of-a-2d-array/26517247{\#}26517247}, -urldate = {2014-08-22}, -year = {2014} -} -@incollection{CIETC1-482004b, -author = {{CIE TC 1-48}}, -booktitle = {CIE 015:2004 Colorimetry, 3rd Edition}, -chapter = {}, -isbn = {978-3-901-90633-6}, -pages = {24}, -title = {{Extrapolation}}, -url = {http://div1.cie.co.at/?i{\_}ca{\_}id=551{\&}pubid=23}, -year = {2004} -} -@book{Fairchild2004, -author = {Fairchild, Mark D.}, -edition = {2}, -file = {:Users/kelsolaar/Documents/Mendeley Desktop/Fairchild - 2004 - Color Appearance Models.pdf:pdf}, -isbn = {978-0470012161}, -pages = {1--409}, -publisher = {Wiley}, -series = {The Wiley-IS{\&}T Series in Imaging Science and Technology}, -title = {{Color Appearance Models}}, -year = {2004} -} -@misc{SonyCorporation, -author = {{Sony Corporation}}, -file = {:Users/kelsolaar/Documents/Mendeley Desktop/Sony Corporation - Unknown - S-Log Whitepaper.pdf:pdf}, -pages = {1--17}, -title = {{S-Log Whitepaper}}, -url = {http://www.theodoropoulos.info/attachments/076{\_}on S-Log.pdf} -} -@article{Luo1996, -abstract = {A new colour model, named LLAB(l:c) is derived. It includes two parts: the BFD chromatic adaptation transform derived by Lam and Rigg, and a modified CIELAB uniform colour space. The model's performance was compared with the other spaces and models using the LUTCHI Colour Appearance Data Set. The results show that LLAB(l:c) model is capable of precisely quantifying the change of colour appearance under a wide range of viewing parameters such as light sources, surrounds/media, achromatic backgrounds, sizes of stimuli, and luminance levels. It had a similar performance as that of the Hunt colour appearance model. The LLAB(l:c) model was also tested using various colour difference datasets. The model gave a similar performance as the state-of-the-art colour difference formulae such as CMC, CIE94, and BFD. This performance is considered to be very satisfactory, and the model, therefore, should be considered for field trials in applications such as colour specification, colour difference evaluation, cross-image reproduction, gamut mapping, prediction of metamerism and colour constancy, and quantification of colour-rendering properties. The model does not give predictions for chroma (as distinct from colourfulness), or for brightness, and it does not include any rod response. {\textcopyright} 1996 John Wiley {\&} Sons, Inc.}, -author = {Luo, Ming Ronnier and Lo, Mei-Chun and Kuo, Wen-Guey}, -doi = {10.1002/(SICI)1520-6378(199612)21:6<412::AID-COL4>3.0.CO;2-Z}, -issn = {1520-6378}, -journal = {Color Research {\&} Application}, -keywords = {chromatic adaptation transform,colour appearance,colour appearance model,colour difference,colour difference formula,corresponding colours,uniform colour space}, -number = {6}, -pages = {412--429}, -publisher = {Wiley Subscription Services, Inc., A Wiley Company}, -title = {{The LLAB (l:c) colour model}}, -url = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1002/(SICI)1520-6378(199612)21:6{\%}3C412::AID-COL4{\%}3E3.0.CO;2-Z}, -volume = {21}, -year = {1996} -} -@article{COL:COL5080100109, -author = {Krystek, M}, -doi = {10.1002/col.5080100109}, -issn = {1520-6378}, -journal = {Color Research {\&} Application}, -number = {1}, -pages = {38--40}, -publisher = {Wiley Subscription Services, Inc., A Wiley Company}, -title = {{An algorithm to calculate correlated colour temperature}}, -url = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1002/col.5080100109}, -volume = {10}, -year = {1985} -} -@misc{Lindbloom2009b, -author = {Lindbloom, Bruce}, -title = {{xyY to XYZ}}, -url = {http://www.brucelindbloom.com/Eqn{\_}xyY{\_}to{\_}XYZ.html}, -urldate = {2014-02-24}, -year = {2009} -} -@misc{Centore2014c, -author = {Centore, Paul}, -title = {{MunsellAndKubelkaMunkToolboxApr2014 - MunsellRenotationRoutines/MunsellToxyY.m}}, -url = {https://github.com/colour-science/MunsellAndKubelkaMunkToolbox http://www.99main.com/{~}centore/MunsellAndKubelkaMunkToolbox/MunsellAndKubelkaMunkToolbox.html}, -year = {2014} -} -@misc{Bourke, -author = {Bourke, Paul}, -title = {{Intersection point of two line segments in 2 dimensions}}, -url = {http://paulbourke.net/geometry/pointlineplane/}, -urldate = {2016-01-15} -} -@book{Wyszecki2000a, +@incollection{Wyszecki2000a, author = {Wyszecki, G{\"{u}}nther and Stiles, W. S.}, booktitle = {Color Science: Concepts and Methods, Quantitative Data and Formulae}, isbn = {978-0471399186}, @@ -1863,52 +1964,22 @@ @book{Wyszecki2000a title = {{The CIE 1964 Standard Observer}}, year = {2000} } -@misc{HunterLab2008, -author = {HunterLab}, -file = {:Users/kelsolaar/Documents/Mendeley Desktop/HunterLab - 2008 - Illuminant Factors in Universal Software and EasyMatch Coatings.pdf:pdf}, -keywords = {ASTM illuminant}, -number = {2}, -pages = {1--6}, -title = {{Illuminant Factors in Universal Software and EasyMatch Coatings}}, -url = {https://support.hunterlab.com/hc/en-us/article{\_}attachments/201437785/an02{\_}02.pdf}, -volume = {14}, -year = {2008} -} -@article{Ohta1997, -author = {Ohta, N.}, -title = {{The basis of color reproduction engineering}}, -year = {1997} -} -@misc{, -title = {{Deuteranopia – Red-Green Color Blindness}}, -url = {http://www.color-blindness.com/deuteranopia-red-green-color-blindness/}, -urldate = {2015-07-04} -} -@article{Davis2010, -abstract = {The color rendering index (CRI) has been shown to have deficiencies when applied to white light-emitting-diode–based sources. Furthermore, evidence suggests that the restricted scope of the CRI unnecessarily penalizes some light sources with desirable color qualities. To solve the problems of the CRI and include other dimensions of color quality, the color quality scale (CQS) has been developed. Although the CQS uses many of elements of the CRI, there are a number of fundamental differences. Like the CRI, the CQS is a test-samples method that compares the appearance of a set of reflective samples when illuminated by the test lamp to their appearance under a reference illuminant. The CQS uses a larger set of reflective samples, all of high chroma, and combines the color differences of the samples with a root mean square. Additionally, the CQS does not penalize light sources for causing increases in the chroma of object colors but does penalize sources with smaller rendered color gamut areas. The scale of the CQS is converted to span 0–100, and the uniform object color space and chromatic adaptation transform used in the calculations are updated. Supplementary scales have also been developed for expert users.}, -author = {Davis, Wendy and Ohno, Yoshi}, -doi = {10.1117/1.3360335}, -isbn = {0091-3286}, -journal = {Optical Engineering}, -number = {3}, -pages = {33602--33616}, -title = {{Color quality scale}}, -url = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1117/1.3360335}, -volume = {49}, -year = {2010} -} -@article{InternationalElectrotechnicalCommission1999, -author = {{International Electrotechnical Commission}}, -pages = {51}, -title = {{IEC 61966-2-1:1999 - Multimedia systems and equipment - Colour measurement and management - Part 2-1: Colour management - Default RGB colour space - sRGB}}, -url = {https://webstore.iec.ch/publication/6169}, -year = {1999} +@book{Wyszecki2000j, +author = {Wyszecki, G{\"{u}}nther and Stiles, W. S.}, +isbn = {978-0471399186}, +pages = {1--968}, +publisher = {Wiley}, +title = {{Color Science: Concepts and Methods, Quantitative Data and Formulae}}, +year = {2000} } -@misc{Wikipediaf, -author = {Wikipedia}, -title = {{Lightness}}, -url = {http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lightness}, -urldate = {2014-04-13} +@misc{X-Rite2012, +author = {X-Rite and Pantone}, +file = {:Users/kelsolaar/Documents/Mendeley Desktop/X-Rite, Pantone - 2012 - Color iQC and Color iMatch Color Calculations Guide.pdf:pdf}, +number = {July}, +pages = {1--31}, +title = {{Color iQC and Color iMatch Color Calculations Guide}}, +url = {http://www.xrite.com/documents/literature/en/09{\_}Color{\_}Calculations{\_}en.pdf}, +year = {2012} } @misc{Yorke2014, author = {Yorke, Rory}, @@ -1917,22 +1988,22 @@ @misc{Yorke2014 urldate = {2015-03-27}, year = {2014} } -@article{Erdogan, -abstract = {There are many different systems for analyzing and representing the color of an object perceived by a human observer. For the purposes of unambiguously specifying the color an observer sees when looking through an optical filter at a well-defined light source, we have found the CIE Color Specification System to be the most accurate (for a simple and clear description, see [1]). In this article we briefly describe the method to calculate the three main parameters that fully specify color in this system: luminosity, dominant wavelength, and excitation purity. These terms specifically refer to the definitions in the CIE system given below, but they have analogies in many other systems. A set of more general terms often used to qualitatively describe color are: brightness, hue, and saturation (analogous to luminosity, dominant wavelength, and excitation purity, respectively). These terms (and others) are often used interchangeably. Here we will adhere to the official terms assigned to the CIE system to avoid any ambiguity.}, -author = {Erdogan, Turan}, -file = {:Users/kelsolaar/Documents/Mendeley Desktop/Erdogan - Unknown - How to Calculate Luminosity, Dominant Wavelength, and Excitation Purity.pdf:pdf}, -pages = {7}, -title = {{How to Calculate Luminosity, Dominant Wavelength, and Excitation Purity}}, -url = {http://www.semrock.com/Data/Sites/1/semrockpdfs/whitepaper{\_}howtocalculateluminositywavelengthandpurity.pdf} +@article{, +file = {::}, +title = {{ITP Colour Space and Its Compression Performance for High Dynamic Range and Wide Colour Gamut Video Distribution}} } -@book{CIETC1-382005d, -author = {{CIE TC 1-38}}, -booktitle = {CIE 167:2005 Recommended Practice for Tabulating Spectral Data for Use in Colour Computations}, -chapter = {9}, -file = {:Users/kelsolaar/Documents/Mendeley Desktop/CIE TC 1-38 - 2005 - Table V. Values of the c-coefficients of Equ.s 6 and 7.pdf:pdf}, -isbn = {978-3-901-90641-1}, -pages = {14--19}, -title = {{9. INTERPOLATION}}, -url = {http://div1.cie.co.at/?i{\_}ca{\_}id=551{\&}pubid=47}, -year = {2005} +@misc{, +title = {{Tritanopia – Blue-Yellow Color Blindness}}, +url = {http://www.color-blindness.com/tritanopia-blue-yellow-color-blindness/}, +urldate = {2015-07-04} +} +@misc{, +title = {{Deuteranopia – Red-Green Color Blindness}}, +url = {http://www.color-blindness.com/deuteranopia-red-green-color-blindness/}, +urldate = {2015-07-04} +} +@misc{, +title = {{Protanopia – Red-Green Color Blindness}}, +url = {http://www.color-blindness.com/protanopia-red-green-color-blindness/}, +urldate = {2015-07-04} } diff --git a/BIBLIOGRAPHY.rst b/BIBLIOGRAPHY.rst index df1922d36a..cf4b953a1d 100644 --- a/BIBLIOGRAPHY.rst +++ b/BIBLIOGRAPHY.rst @@ -4,15 +4,16 @@ Colour - Bibliography Bibliography ------------ -- Adobe Systems. (2005). Adobe RGB (1998) Color Image Encoding. 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Retrieved August 08, 2014, from http://stackoverflow.com/a/2745496/931625 About ----- diff --git a/README.rst b/README.rst index 56078b500c..41a2392653 100644 --- a/README.rst +++ b/README.rst @@ -41,8 +41,8 @@ Colour Science for Python .. |version| image:: https://badge.fury.io/py/colour-science.svg :target: https://pypi.python.org/pypi/colour-science :alt: Package Version -.. |zenodo| image:: https://zenodo.org/badge/doi/10.5281/zenodo.376790.png - :target: http://dx.doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.376790 +.. |zenodo| image:: https://zenodo.org/badge/doi/10.5281/zenodo.821825.png + :target: http://dx.doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.821825 :alt: DOI .. end-badges diff --git a/TODO.rst b/TODO.rst index bddca8598d..242885d080 100644 --- a/TODO.rst +++ b/TODO.rst @@ -4,61 +4,67 @@ Colour - TODO TODO ---- -- colour (20 items in 13 files) +- colour (22 items in 15 files) - - appearance (8 items in 5 files) + - appearance (7 items in 5 files) - ciecam02.py - - (260, 7) # TODO: Compute hue composition. - - (702, 7) # TODO: Check for negative values and their handling. + - (257, 7) # TODO: Compute hue composition. - hunt.py - - (418, 7) # TODO: Implement hue quadrature & composition computation. - - (449, 7) # TODO: Implement whiteness-blackness :math:`Q_{wb}` computation. + - (384, 7) # TODO: Implement hue quadrature & composition computation. + - (415, 7) # TODO: Implement whiteness-blackness :math:`Q_{wb}` computation. - llab.py - - (309, 7) # TODO: Implement hue composition computation. + - (297, 7) # TODO: Implement hue composition computation. - nayatani95.py - - (271, 7) # TODO: Implement hue quadrature & composition computation. - - (289, 7) # TODO: Investigate components usage. + - (244, 7) # TODO: Implement hue quadrature & composition computation. + - (256, 7) # TODO: Investigate components usage. - rlab.py - - (246, 7) # TODO: Implement hue composition computation. + - (235, 7) # TODO: Implement hue composition computation. - - colorimetry (2 item in 2 files) + - colorimetry (4 items in 3 files) + + - tests (2 items in 1 file) + + - tests_spectrum.py + + - (2352, 11) # TODO: Remove statement whenever we make "Scipy" 0.19.0 the minimum version. + - (2834, 11) # TODO: Remove statement whenever we make "Scipy" 0.19.0 the minimum version. - spectrum.py - - (1943, 11) # TODO: Provide support for fractional interval like 0.1, etc... + - (1920, 11) # TODO: Provide support for fractional interval like 0.1, etc... - tristimulus.py - - (686, 11) # TODO: Investigate code vectorisation. + - (672, 11) # TODO: Investigate code vectorisation. - - models (4 item in 3 file) + - models (4 items in 3 files) - - rgb + - rgb (4 items in 3 files) - tests (1 item in 1 file) - tests_derivation.py - - (302, 15) # TODO: Simplify that monster. + - (275, 11) # TODO: Simplify that monster. - derivation.py - - (220, 7) # TODO: Investigate if we return an ndarray here with primaries and whitepoint stacked together. + - (215, 7) # TODO: Investigate if we return an ndarray here with primaries and - rgb_colourspace.py - - (518, 11) # TODO: Revisit for potential behaviour / type checking. - - (545, 11) # TODO: Revisit for potential behaviour / type checking. + - (515, 11) # TODO: Revisit for potential behaviour / type checking. + - (542, 11) # TODO: Revisit for potential behaviour / type checking. - notation (5 items in 2 files) @@ -66,20 +72,26 @@ TODO - tests_munsell.py - - (94, 3) # TODO: Investigate if tests can be simplified by using a common valid set of specifications. - - (4528, 11) # TODO: This test is covered by the previous class, do we need a dedicated one? - - (4574, 11) # TODO: This test is covered by the previous class, do we need a dedicated one? + - (67, 3) # TODO: Investigate if tests can be simplified by using a common valid set of specifications. + - (4399, 11) # TODO: This test is covered by the previous class, do we need a dedicated one? + - (4441, 11) # TODO: This test is covered by the previous class, do we need a dedicated one? - munsell.py - - (837, 11) # TODO: Consider refactoring implementation. - - (1176, 11) # TODO: Should raise KeyError, need to check the tests. + - (802, 11) # TODO: Consider refactoring implementation. + - (1129, 11) # TODO: Should raise KeyError, need to check the tests. + + - plotting (1 item in 1 file) + + - colorimetry.py + + - (599, 11) # TODO: Handle condition statement with metadata capabilities. - volume (1 item in 1 file) - - - rgb.py - - - (319, 7) # TODO: Investigate for generator yielding directly a ndarray. + + - rgb.py + + - (308, 7) # TODO: Investigate for generator yielding directly a ndarray. About ----- diff --git a/colour/__init__.py b/colour/__init__.py index 625f43f181..e483782fad 100644 --- a/colour/__init__.py +++ b/colour/__init__.py @@ -102,7 +102,7 @@ __major_version__ = '0' __minor_version__ = '3' -__change_version__ = '9' +__change_version__ = '10' __version__ = '.'.join( (__major_version__, __minor_version__, diff --git a/colour/biochemistry/michaelis_menten.py b/colour/biochemistry/michaelis_menten.py index 65bd521975..a0e7fb5ba7 100644 --- a/colour/biochemistry/michaelis_menten.py +++ b/colour/biochemistry/michaelis_menten.py @@ -9,6 +9,12 @@ - :func:`reaction_rate_MichealisMenten` - :func:`substrate_concentration_MichealisMenten` +See Also +-------- +`Michaelis-Menten Kinetics +`_ + References ---------- .. [1] Wikipedia. (n.d.). Michaelis–Menten kinetics. Retrieved April 29, 2017, diff --git a/colour/colorimetry/tristimulus.py b/colour/colorimetry/tristimulus.py index 42cfd7470f..73b8d3fc03 100644 --- a/colour/colorimetry/tristimulus.py +++ b/colour/colorimetry/tristimulus.py @@ -65,7 +65,7 @@ ASTME30815_PRACTISE_SHAPE = DEFAULT_SPECTRAL_SHAPE """ -*ASTM E308–15* practise shape: (360, 780, 1). +*ASTM E308-15* practise shape: (360, 780, 1). ASTME30815_PRACTISE_SHAPE : SpectralShape """ diff --git a/colour/colorimetry/yellowness.py b/colour/colorimetry/yellowness.py index 4add1558d4..dc5041ea39 100644 --- a/colour/colorimetry/yellowness.py +++ b/colour/colorimetry/yellowness.py @@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ Yellowness Index :math:`Y` -========================= +========================== Defines *yellowness* index :math:`Y` computation objects: diff --git a/colour/examples/appearance/examples_ciecam02.py b/colour/examples/appearance/examples_ciecam02.py index 4643ebbd07..41927e7071 100644 --- a/colour/examples/appearance/examples_ciecam02.py +++ b/colour/examples/appearance/examples_ciecam02.py @@ -26,8 +26,9 @@ J = 41.73109113 C = 0.10470776 h = 219.04843266 +specification = colour.CIECAM02_Specification(J, C, h) message_box(('Converting to "CIE XYZ" tristimulus values using given ' 'parameters:\n' '\n\tJ: {0}\n\tC: {1}\n\th: {2}\n\tXYZ_w: {3}\n\tL_A: {4}' '\n\tY_b: {5}').format(J, C, h, XYZ_w, L_A, Y_b)) -print(colour.CIECAM02_to_XYZ(J, C, h, XYZ_w, L_A, Y_b)) +print(colour.CIECAM02_to_XYZ(specification, XYZ_w, L_A, Y_b)) diff --git a/colour/plotting/colorimetry.py b/colour/plotting/colorimetry.py index 4b6c222091..8bb69e3796 100644 --- a/colour/plotting/colorimetry.py +++ b/colour/plotting/colorimetry.py @@ -596,9 +596,10 @@ def multi_lightness_function_plot(functions=None, **kwargs): raise KeyError(('"{0}" "Lightness" function not found in factory ' '"Lightness" functions: "{1}".').format( name, sorted(LIGHTNESS_METHODS.keys()))) - + # TODO: Handle condition statement with metadata capabilities. pylab.plot( - samples, [function(x) for x in samples], + samples, (function(samples / 100) if + name.lower() == 'fairchild 2010' else function(samples)), label='{0}'.format(name), linewidth=2) diff --git a/colour/utilities/array.py b/colour/utilities/array.py index 6b46a04c82..175e661379 100644 --- a/colour/utilities/array.py +++ b/colour/utilities/array.py @@ -676,4 +676,4 @@ def linear_conversion(a, old_range, new_range): in_min, in_max = tsplit(old_range) out_min, out_max = tsplit(new_range) - return (((a - in_min) / (in_max - in_min)) * (out_max - out_min) + out_min) + return ((a - in_min) / (in_max - in_min)) * (out_max - out_min) + out_min diff --git a/docs/colour.adaptation.cie1994.rst b/docs/colour.adaptation.cie1994.rst index 049e24c690..6d3d58a2bf 100644 --- a/docs/colour.adaptation.cie1994.rst +++ b/docs/colour.adaptation.cie1994.rst @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ -colour.adaptation.cie1994 Module -================================ +colour\.adaptation\.cie1994 Module +================================== .. automodule:: colour.adaptation.cie1994 :members: diff --git a/docs/colour.adaptation.cmccat2000.rst b/docs/colour.adaptation.cmccat2000.rst index e6e3fbfc61..9bbd63bc77 100644 --- a/docs/colour.adaptation.cmccat2000.rst +++ b/docs/colour.adaptation.cmccat2000.rst @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ -colour.adaptation.cmccat2000 Module -=================================== +colour\.adaptation\.cmccat2000 Module +===================================== .. automodule:: colour.adaptation.cmccat2000 :members: diff --git a/docs/colour.adaptation.dataset.cat.rst b/docs/colour.adaptation.dataset.cat.rst index cc45656d87..2a246c5d0b 100644 --- a/docs/colour.adaptation.dataset.cat.rst +++ b/docs/colour.adaptation.dataset.cat.rst @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ -colour.adaptation.dataset.cat Module -==================================== +colour\.adaptation\.dataset\.cat Module +======================================= .. automodule:: colour.adaptation.dataset.cat :members: diff --git a/docs/colour.adaptation.dataset.rst b/docs/colour.adaptation.dataset.rst index 484515190c..fd5ba97427 100644 --- a/docs/colour.adaptation.dataset.rst +++ b/docs/colour.adaptation.dataset.rst @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ -colour.adaptation.dataset Package -================================= +colour\.adaptation\.dataset Package +=================================== Sub-Modules ----------- diff --git a/docs/colour.adaptation.fairchild1990.rst b/docs/colour.adaptation.fairchild1990.rst index 1b93dc4d72..81006f6174 100644 --- a/docs/colour.adaptation.fairchild1990.rst +++ b/docs/colour.adaptation.fairchild1990.rst @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ -colour.adaptation.fairchild1990 Module -====================================== +colour\.adaptation\.fairchild1990 Module +======================================== .. automodule:: colour.adaptation.fairchild1990 :members: diff --git a/docs/colour.adaptation.rst b/docs/colour.adaptation.rst index fb766fe4bb..95d8697e34 100644 --- a/docs/colour.adaptation.rst +++ b/docs/colour.adaptation.rst @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ -colour.adaptation Package -========================= +colour\.adaptation Package +========================== Sub-Packages ------------ diff --git a/docs/colour.adaptation.vonkries.rst b/docs/colour.adaptation.vonkries.rst index c49278d8bf..b3d72cd051 100644 --- a/docs/colour.adaptation.vonkries.rst +++ b/docs/colour.adaptation.vonkries.rst @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ -colour.adaptation.vonkries Module -================================= +colour\.adaptation\.vonkries Module +=================================== .. automodule:: colour.adaptation.vonkries :members: diff --git a/docs/colour.algebra.coordinates.rst b/docs/colour.algebra.coordinates.rst index 10d81330dd..874a8204da 100644 --- a/docs/colour.algebra.coordinates.rst +++ b/docs/colour.algebra.coordinates.rst @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ -colour.algebra.coordinates Package -================================== +colour\.algebra\.coordinates Package +==================================== Sub-Modules ----------- diff --git a/docs/colour.algebra.coordinates.transformations.rst b/docs/colour.algebra.coordinates.transformations.rst index 9986b64306..2a00550ac5 100644 --- a/docs/colour.algebra.coordinates.transformations.rst +++ b/docs/colour.algebra.coordinates.transformations.rst @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ -colour.algebra.coordinates.transformations Module -================================================= +colour\.algebra\.coordinates\.transformations Module +==================================================== .. automodule:: colour.algebra.coordinates.transformations :members: diff --git a/docs/colour.algebra.extrapolation.rst b/docs/colour.algebra.extrapolation.rst index fd4eff1b58..d3188b8f78 100644 --- a/docs/colour.algebra.extrapolation.rst +++ b/docs/colour.algebra.extrapolation.rst @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ -colour.algebra.extrapolation Module -=================================== +colour\.algebra\.extrapolation Module +===================================== .. automodule:: colour.algebra.extrapolation :members: diff --git a/docs/colour.algebra.geometry.rst b/docs/colour.algebra.geometry.rst index 5b6a9bed46..738eb155fa 100644 --- a/docs/colour.algebra.geometry.rst +++ b/docs/colour.algebra.geometry.rst @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ -colour.algebra.geometry Module -============================== +colour\.algebra\.geometry Module +================================ .. automodule:: colour.algebra.geometry :members: diff --git a/docs/colour.algebra.interpolation.rst b/docs/colour.algebra.interpolation.rst index c10cd9613e..aa39bcbb93 100644 --- a/docs/colour.algebra.interpolation.rst +++ b/docs/colour.algebra.interpolation.rst @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ -colour.algebra.interpolation Module -=================================== +colour\.algebra\.interpolation Module +===================================== .. automodule:: colour.algebra.interpolation :members: diff --git a/docs/colour.algebra.matrix.rst b/docs/colour.algebra.matrix.rst index f6a86752a0..eeb947b28f 100644 --- a/docs/colour.algebra.matrix.rst +++ b/docs/colour.algebra.matrix.rst @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ -colour.algebra.matrix Module -============================ +colour\.algebra\.matrix Module +============================== .. automodule:: colour.algebra.matrix :members: diff --git a/docs/colour.algebra.random.rst b/docs/colour.algebra.random.rst index b77013087a..a7d094e392 100644 --- a/docs/colour.algebra.random.rst +++ b/docs/colour.algebra.random.rst @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ -colour.algebra.random Module -============================ +colour\.algebra\.random Module +============================== .. automodule:: colour.algebra.random :members: diff --git a/docs/colour.algebra.rst b/docs/colour.algebra.rst index 320cf40d79..d81008d7cb 100644 --- a/docs/colour.algebra.rst +++ b/docs/colour.algebra.rst @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ -colour.algebra Package -====================== +colour\.algebra Package +======================= Sub-Packages ------------ diff --git a/docs/colour.appearance.atd95.rst b/docs/colour.appearance.atd95.rst index 06b3a677ac..273a4d7e3d 100644 --- a/docs/colour.appearance.atd95.rst +++ b/docs/colour.appearance.atd95.rst @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ -colour.appearance.atd95 Module -============================== +colour\.appearance\.atd95 Module +================================ .. automodule:: colour.appearance.atd95 :members: diff --git a/docs/colour.appearance.ciecam02.rst b/docs/colour.appearance.ciecam02.rst index d62c34848a..550df1c4fa 100644 --- a/docs/colour.appearance.ciecam02.rst +++ b/docs/colour.appearance.ciecam02.rst @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ -colour.appearance.ciecam02 Module -================================= +colour\.appearance\.ciecam02 Module +=================================== .. automodule:: colour.appearance.ciecam02 :members: diff --git a/docs/colour.appearance.hunt.rst b/docs/colour.appearance.hunt.rst index aa79c5eb4a..f73b8e94ac 100644 --- a/docs/colour.appearance.hunt.rst +++ b/docs/colour.appearance.hunt.rst @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ -colour.appearance.hunt Module -============================= +colour\.appearance\.hunt Module +=============================== .. automodule:: colour.appearance.hunt :members: diff --git a/docs/colour.appearance.llab.rst b/docs/colour.appearance.llab.rst index 78c8fd8114..ae2e155ac6 100644 --- a/docs/colour.appearance.llab.rst +++ b/docs/colour.appearance.llab.rst @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ -colour.appearance.llab Module -============================= +colour\.appearance\.llab Module +=============================== .. automodule:: colour.appearance.llab :members: diff --git a/docs/colour.appearance.nayatani95.rst b/docs/colour.appearance.nayatani95.rst index a663453528..6b0716395b 100644 --- a/docs/colour.appearance.nayatani95.rst +++ b/docs/colour.appearance.nayatani95.rst @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ -colour.appearance.nayatani95 Module -=================================== +colour\.appearance\.nayatani95 Module +===================================== .. automodule:: colour.appearance.nayatani95 :members: diff --git a/docs/colour.appearance.rlab.rst b/docs/colour.appearance.rlab.rst index d7ca5b72d8..2ac42bde5e 100644 --- a/docs/colour.appearance.rlab.rst +++ b/docs/colour.appearance.rlab.rst @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ -colour.appearance.rlab Module -============================= +colour\.appearance\.rlab Module +=============================== .. automodule:: colour.appearance.rlab :members: diff --git a/docs/colour.appearance.rst b/docs/colour.appearance.rst index f866f68acc..854fdb8535 100644 --- a/docs/colour.appearance.rst +++ b/docs/colour.appearance.rst @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ -colour.appearance Package -========================= +colour\.appearance Package +========================== Sub-Modules ----------- diff --git a/docs/colour.biochemistry.michaelis_menten.rst b/docs/colour.biochemistry.michaelis_menten.rst new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..99881cfbf9 --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/colour.biochemistry.michaelis_menten.rst @@ -0,0 +1,7 @@ +colour\.biochemistry\.michaelis\_menten Module +============================================== + +.. automodule:: colour.biochemistry.michaelis_menten + :members: + :undoc-members: + :show-inheritance: diff --git a/docs/colour.biochemistry.rst b/docs/colour.biochemistry.rst new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..7cac1caf64 --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/colour.biochemistry.rst @@ -0,0 +1,17 @@ +colour\.biochemistry Package +============================ + +Sub-Modules +----------- + +.. toctree:: + + colour.biochemistry.michaelis_menten + +Module Contents +--------------- + +.. automodule:: colour.biochemistry + :members: + :undoc-members: + :show-inheritance: diff --git a/docs/colour.characterisation.cameras.rst b/docs/colour.characterisation.cameras.rst index 0f7a3ed19b..bc3a2ce576 100644 --- a/docs/colour.characterisation.cameras.rst +++ b/docs/colour.characterisation.cameras.rst @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ -colour.characterisation.cameras Module -====================================== +colour\.characterisation\.cameras Module +======================================== .. automodule:: colour.characterisation.cameras :members: diff --git a/docs/colour.characterisation.dataset.cameras.dslr.rst b/docs/colour.characterisation.dataset.cameras.dslr.rst index 66df8935fe..346bf6b668 100644 --- a/docs/colour.characterisation.dataset.cameras.dslr.rst +++ b/docs/colour.characterisation.dataset.cameras.dslr.rst @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ -colour.characterisation.dataset.cameras.dslr Package -==================================================== +colour\.characterisation\.dataset\.cameras\.dslr Package +======================================================== Sub-Modules ----------- diff --git a/docs/colour.characterisation.dataset.cameras.dslr.spectral_sensitivities.rst b/docs/colour.characterisation.dataset.cameras.dslr.spectral_sensitivities.rst index d45c7a607f..7406d27fbc 100644 --- a/docs/colour.characterisation.dataset.cameras.dslr.spectral_sensitivities.rst +++ b/docs/colour.characterisation.dataset.cameras.dslr.spectral_sensitivities.rst @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ -colour.characterisation.dataset.cameras.dslr.spectral_sensitivities Module -========================================================================== +colour\.characterisation\.dataset\.cameras\.dslr\.spectral\_sensitivities Module +================================================================================ .. automodule:: colour.characterisation.dataset.cameras.dslr.spectral_sensitivities :members: diff 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Module -================================================================= +colour\.characterisation\.dataset\.displays\.crt\.rgb\_primaries Module +======================================================================= .. automodule:: colour.characterisation.dataset.displays.crt.rgb_primaries :members: diff --git a/docs/colour.characterisation.dataset.displays.crt.rst b/docs/colour.characterisation.dataset.displays.crt.rst index 72d65cb875..7c23d8701e 100644 --- a/docs/colour.characterisation.dataset.displays.crt.rst +++ b/docs/colour.characterisation.dataset.displays.crt.rst @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ -colour.characterisation.dataset.displays.crt Package -==================================================== +colour\.characterisation\.dataset\.displays\.crt Package +======================================================== Sub-Modules ----------- diff --git a/docs/colour.characterisation.dataset.displays.lcd.rgb_primaries.rst b/docs/colour.characterisation.dataset.displays.lcd.rgb_primaries.rst 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--- a/docs/colour.constants.rst +++ b/docs/colour.constants.rst @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ -colour.constants Package -======================== +colour\.constants Package +========================= Sub-Modules ----------- diff --git a/docs/colour.corresponding.dataset.corresponding_chromaticities.rst b/docs/colour.corresponding.dataset.corresponding_chromaticities.rst index 1763180fb4..43920bdac4 100644 --- a/docs/colour.corresponding.dataset.corresponding_chromaticities.rst +++ b/docs/colour.corresponding.dataset.corresponding_chromaticities.rst @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ -colour.corresponding.dataset.corresponding_chromaticities Module -================================================================ +colour\.corresponding\.dataset\.corresponding\_chromaticities Module +==================================================================== .. automodule:: colour.corresponding.dataset.corresponding_chromaticities :members: diff --git a/docs/colour.corresponding.dataset.rst 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b/docs/colour.models.hdr_ipt.rst new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..a2bcf33354 --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/colour.models.hdr_ipt.rst @@ -0,0 +1,7 @@ +colour\.models\.hdr\_ipt Module +=============================== + +.. automodule:: colour.models.hdr_ipt + :members: + :undoc-members: + :show-inheritance: diff --git a/docs/colour.models.hunter_lab.rst b/docs/colour.models.hunter_lab.rst index 1e520945f6..829484fd07 100644 --- a/docs/colour.models.hunter_lab.rst +++ b/docs/colour.models.hunter_lab.rst @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ -colour.models.hunter_lab Module -=============================== +colour\.models\.hunter\_lab Module +================================== .. automodule:: colour.models.hunter_lab :members: diff --git a/docs/colour.models.hunter_rdab.rst b/docs/colour.models.hunter_rdab.rst index 82b5be8c4e..8c146b7077 100644 --- a/docs/colour.models.hunter_rdab.rst +++ b/docs/colour.models.hunter_rdab.rst @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ -colour.models.hunter_rdab Module -================================ 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@@ Sub-Modules colour.models.rgb.transfer_functions.aces colour.models.rgb.transfer_functions.alexa_log_c + colour.models.rgb.transfer_functions.arib_std_b67 colour.models.rgb.transfer_functions.bt_1886 colour.models.rgb.transfer_functions.bt_2020 colour.models.rgb.transfer_functions.bt_709 colour.models.rgb.transfer_functions.canon_log colour.models.rgb.transfer_functions.cineon colour.models.rgb.transfer_functions.dci_p3 + colour.models.rgb.transfer_functions.dicom_gsdf colour.models.rgb.transfer_functions.gamma + colour.models.rgb.transfer_functions.gopro colour.models.rgb.transfer_functions.linear colour.models.rgb.transfer_functions.panalog colour.models.rgb.transfer_functions.panasonic_vlog diff --git a/docs/colour.models.rgb.transfer_functions.sony_slog.rst b/docs/colour.models.rgb.transfer_functions.sony_slog.rst index 7c7296aa1c..169bc4230b 100644 --- a/docs/colour.models.rgb.transfer_functions.sony_slog.rst +++ b/docs/colour.models.rgb.transfer_functions.sony_slog.rst @@ -1,5 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b/docs/colour.plotting.geometry.rst @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ -colour.plotting.geometry Module -=============================== +colour\.plotting\.geometry Module +================================= .. automodule:: colour.plotting.geometry :members: diff --git a/docs/colour.plotting.models.rst b/docs/colour.plotting.models.rst index ae18dfb04b..897e78141f 100644 --- a/docs/colour.plotting.models.rst +++ b/docs/colour.plotting.models.rst @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ -colour.plotting.models Module -============================= +colour\.plotting\.models Module +=============================== .. automodule:: colour.plotting.models :members: diff --git a/docs/colour.plotting.notation.rst b/docs/colour.plotting.notation.rst index f58da7b970..be84ba7197 100644 --- a/docs/colour.plotting.notation.rst +++ b/docs/colour.plotting.notation.rst @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ -colour.plotting.notation Module -=============================== +colour\.plotting\.notation Module +================================= .. automodule:: 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b/docs/colour.plotting.rst @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ -colour.plotting Package -======================= +colour\.plotting Package +======================== Sub-Packages ------------ diff --git a/docs/colour.plotting.temperature.rst b/docs/colour.plotting.temperature.rst index 32ed14d2f2..e30f6df462 100644 --- a/docs/colour.plotting.temperature.rst +++ b/docs/colour.plotting.temperature.rst @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ -colour.plotting.temperature Module -================================== +colour\.plotting\.temperature Module +==================================== .. automodule:: colour.plotting.temperature :members: diff --git a/docs/colour.plotting.volume.rst b/docs/colour.plotting.volume.rst index ce188632df..6f0130bc30 100644 --- a/docs/colour.plotting.volume.rst +++ b/docs/colour.plotting.volume.rst @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ -colour.plotting.volume Module -============================= +colour\.plotting\.volume Module +=============================== .. automodule:: colour.plotting.volume :members: diff --git 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a/docs/colour.quality.rst +++ b/docs/colour.quality.rst @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ -colour.quality Package -====================== +colour\.quality Package +======================= Sub-Packages ------------ diff --git a/docs/colour.recovery.dataset.rst b/docs/colour.recovery.dataset.rst index e8cf7053c1..49ce35da79 100644 --- a/docs/colour.recovery.dataset.rst +++ b/docs/colour.recovery.dataset.rst @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ -colour.recovery.dataset Package -=============================== +colour\.recovery\.dataset Package +================================= Sub-Modules ----------- diff --git a/docs/colour.recovery.dataset.smits1999.rst b/docs/colour.recovery.dataset.smits1999.rst index eb9f99bd99..a080259ff0 100644 --- a/docs/colour.recovery.dataset.smits1999.rst +++ b/docs/colour.recovery.dataset.smits1999.rst @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ -colour.recovery.dataset.smits1999 Module -======================================== +colour\.recovery\.dataset\.smits1999 Module +=========================================== .. 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a/docs/colour.recovery.smits1999.rst +++ b/docs/colour.recovery.smits1999.rst @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ -colour.recovery.smits1999 Module -================================ +colour\.recovery\.smits1999 Module +================================== .. automodule:: colour.recovery.smits1999 :members: diff --git a/docs/colour.rst b/docs/colour.rst index a45280ca6f..d7bdb85d84 100644 --- a/docs/colour.rst +++ b/docs/colour.rst @@ -9,6 +9,7 @@ Sub-Packages colour.adaptation colour.algebra colour.appearance + colour.biochemistry colour.characterisation colour.colorimetry colour.constants diff --git a/docs/colour.temperature.cct.rst b/docs/colour.temperature.cct.rst index c44792e7f0..d0dd65da31 100644 --- a/docs/colour.temperature.cct.rst +++ b/docs/colour.temperature.cct.rst @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ -colour.temperature.cct Module -============================= +colour\.temperature\.cct Module +=============================== .. automodule:: colour.temperature.cct :members: diff --git a/docs/colour.temperature.rst b/docs/colour.temperature.rst index 025850f3db..2d20c3901d 100644 --- a/docs/colour.temperature.rst +++ b/docs/colour.temperature.rst @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ -colour.temperature Package -========================== +colour\.temperature Package +=========================== Sub-Modules ----------- diff --git a/docs/colour.utilities.array.rst b/docs/colour.utilities.array.rst index ee25a3919f..7b4692bada 100644 --- a/docs/colour.utilities.array.rst +++ b/docs/colour.utilities.array.rst @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ -colour.utilities.array Module -============================= +colour\.utilities\.array Module +=============================== .. automodule:: colour.utilities.array :members: diff --git a/docs/colour.utilities.common.rst b/docs/colour.utilities.common.rst index 9a6e1d81ea..9a0cbb9f23 100644 --- a/docs/colour.utilities.common.rst +++ b/docs/colour.utilities.common.rst @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ -colour.utilities.common Module -============================== +colour\.utilities\.common Module 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a/docs/colour.utilities.verbose.rst +++ b/docs/colour.utilities.verbose.rst @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ -colour.utilities.verbose Module -=============================== +colour\.utilities\.verbose Module +================================= .. automodule:: colour.utilities.verbose :members: diff --git a/docs/colour.volume.dataset.optimal_colour_stimuli.rst b/docs/colour.volume.dataset.optimal_colour_stimuli.rst index af1af0b724..5320d2c17e 100644 --- a/docs/colour.volume.dataset.optimal_colour_stimuli.rst +++ b/docs/colour.volume.dataset.optimal_colour_stimuli.rst @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ -colour.volume.dataset.optimal_colour_stimuli Module -=================================================== +colour\.volume\.dataset\.optimal\_colour\_stimuli Module +======================================================== .. automodule:: colour.volume.dataset.optimal_colour_stimuli :members: diff --git a/docs/colour.volume.dataset.rst b/docs/colour.volume.dataset.rst index 3f44191588..9a9d7f9e0e 100644 --- a/docs/colour.volume.dataset.rst +++ b/docs/colour.volume.dataset.rst @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ -colour.volume.dataset Package -============================= +colour\.volume\.dataset Package +=============================== Sub-Modules ----------- diff --git a/docs/colour.volume.macadam_limits.rst b/docs/colour.volume.macadam_limits.rst index 1c8e7dd0bf..717579b0af 100644 --- a/docs/colour.volume.macadam_limits.rst +++ b/docs/colour.volume.macadam_limits.rst @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ -colour.volume.macadam_limits Module -=================================== +colour\.volume\.macadam\_limits Module +====================================== .. automodule:: colour.volume.macadam_limits :members: diff --git a/docs/colour.volume.mesh.rst b/docs/colour.volume.mesh.rst index faeaa21a71..42e299726e 100644 --- a/docs/colour.volume.mesh.rst +++ b/docs/colour.volume.mesh.rst @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ -colour.volume.mesh Module -========================= +colour\.volume\.mesh Module +=========================== .. automodule:: colour.volume.mesh :members: diff --git a/docs/colour.volume.pointer_gamut.rst b/docs/colour.volume.pointer_gamut.rst index f9b649f292..3fb0644402 100644 --- a/docs/colour.volume.pointer_gamut.rst +++ b/docs/colour.volume.pointer_gamut.rst @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ -colour.volume.pointer_gamut Module -================================== +colour\.volume\.pointer\_gamut Module +===================================== .. automodule:: colour.volume.pointer_gamut :members: diff --git a/docs/colour.volume.rgb.rst b/docs/colour.volume.rgb.rst index 80ccddf74b..dd98dae370 100644 --- a/docs/colour.volume.rgb.rst +++ b/docs/colour.volume.rgb.rst @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ -colour.volume.rgb Module -======================== +colour\.volume\.rgb Module +========================== .. automodule:: colour.volume.rgb :members: diff --git a/docs/colour.volume.rst b/docs/colour.volume.rst index 91d946a573..1e95805ae9 100644 --- a/docs/colour.volume.rst +++ b/docs/colour.volume.rst @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ -colour.volume Package 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