diff --git a/adhdmedchal_makefsf_L1_GNGreg_4evs_mem10072019 b/adhdmedchal_makefsf_L1_GNGreg_4evs_mem10072019 new file mode 100755 index 0000000..ea1eac1 --- /dev/null +++ b/adhdmedchal_makefsf_L1_GNGreg_4evs_mem10072019 @@ -0,0 +1,194 @@ +#!/bin/sh + +### FabScript runs FEAT for several runs and several subjects +### created by Adam, modified and commented by Fab +### v3 2004-10-07 +### then by karin, 2-18-2005 +### then by jess, 5-26-2006 +### Again by Jess, 7-6-06 to include a junk variable in feat analysis +### again by jess 9-7-2006 to use different MPRage images and to add a dated folder for FEATs +### again by jess 11-2-2006 to use fewer contrasts (don't need positive and negative for each, just positive); also this is for 4 EVs (junk variable), use 3evs program for subjects who have no junk variable (6, 12, e.g.) + +### adapted by Mackenzie & Nick 09-13-2019 for ADHDMedChal + + + +###F doanalysis command runs the other commands +doanalysis() +{ + +###F go in the directory subject/analysis +###F this saves the feat-reports in the analysis directory +###[UCLA]mkdir /space/raid4/data/poldrack/schizkids/$SUB/analysis/stop_signal/$FEAT_FOLDER/$RUN_NAME +###[UCLA]cd /space/raid4/data/poldrack/schizkids/$SUB/analysis/stop_signal/$FEAT_FOLDER/ + cd /proj/cohenlab/projects/ADHDMedChal/ADHDMC_2019_Process/data_GLM + + +###F the sed command replaces an old string in a text by a new string +###F read http://www.freeos.com/guides/lsst/ch07sec11.html for info +###F sed takes the FEAT text (yourdesign.fsf is a text) and changes the parameters +###F [UCLA]our model for MirrorReading experiment is Subject-11A/analysis/newrun1.fsf +###F [UCLA]the model for schizkids stop signal is subject 30002_2/analysis/stop_signal/feats_11-2-06/ss_run1.feat/design.fsf +###F [UCLA] NB: for shell, numbers starts from zero, not from 1 + +### [MEDCHAL] our model for GNG regular without omissions (i.e. an empty go_omit txt onset file): sub-1005_ses-01_gng_run-01.fsf +### [MEDCHAL] our model for GNG regular with all event files: sub-1006_ses-01_gng_run-01.fsf + + + ##### THIS IS ONLY FOR PARTICIPANTS WITH ALL EVENT FILES (NO EMPTY EV FILES) ##### + + + + +############################## My Runs ########################################## + +###F changes to be made for ss_run1.feat (0) [EXAMPLE FROM UCLA SCHIZKIDS] +###sed -e "s/30002_2/${SUB}/" -e "s/feats_11-2-06/${FEAT_FOLDER[0]}/" -e "s/ss_run1/${RUN_NAME[0]}/" -e "s/182/${TOTAL_VOLUMES[0]}/" -e "s/BOLD_EPI_0004/BOLD_EPI_00${SCAN_INDEX[0]}/" -e "s/S004_4D_mcf_brain/S0${SCAN_INDEX[0]}_${BOLD_NAME[0]}/" -e "s/Matched_Bandwidth_0003/Matched_Bandwidth_00${MBW_INDEX[0]}/" -e "s/mbw_brain/${MBW_NAME[0]}/" -e "s/30002_2/${MPRAGE_DIR[0]}/" -e "s/mprage_stripped_again/${MPRAGE_NAME[0]}/" -e "s/2_run1_go_onsets/${SUB_NUM}_${ONS_NAME[0]}_go_onsets/" -e "s/2_run1_succ_stop_onsets/${SUB_NUM}_${ONS_NAME[0]}_succ_stop_onsets/" -e "s/2_run1_unsucc_stop_onsets/${SUB_NUM}_${ONS_NAME[0]}_unsucc_stop_onsets/" -e "s/2_run1_junk_onsets/${SUB_NUM}_${ONS_NAME[0]}_junk_onsets/" /space/raid4/data/poldrack/schizkids/30002_2/analysis/stop_signal/feats_11-2-06/ss_run1.feat/design.fsf > ${DESIGN_NAME[0]}.fsf + + +###F changes to be made for sub-1006_ses-01_gng_run-01.fsf [EDITING FOR ADHDMEDCHAL] + + +## ADAPTED FOR ADHDMEDCHAL MEMITCHELL 10/07/2019 +sed -e "s/sub-1006/${SUB}/g" -e "s/1006_2/${SUBSESBEH}/" -e "s/ses-01/${SESSMRI}/g" -e "s/run-01/${RUNMRI}/" -e "s/_run1_/${RUNBEH}/" /proj/cohenlab/projects/ADHDMedChal/ADHDMC_2019_Process/data_GLM/sub-1006_ses-01_gng_run-01.fsf > ${DESIGN_NAME}.fsf +# explanation of sed function "s///g" +# the /g at the end of each function segment says: replace all instances in any string from the original .fsf file, not just the first instance +# will want to update the event file names in the future to match the format of the mri files "sub-XXXX_ses-XX_*_run-XX" + + + +### runs feat on each design matrix +#for j in 1; do feat ${DESIGN_NAME[j]}; done + +} + +############################## My Subjects ########################################## + +########## [EXAMPLE FROM UCLA SCHIZKIDS] SUBJECT 30002_2 ############## +#SUB="30002_2" +#FEAT_FOLDER=(feats_11-2-06) +#RUN_NAME=(ss_run1 ss_run2) +#TOTAL_VOLUMES=(182) +#SCAN_INDEX=(04 05) +#BOLD_NAME=(4D_mcf_brain) +#MBW_INDEX=(03) +#MBW_NAME=(mbw_brain) +#MPRAGE_DIR=(30002_2) +#MPRAGE_NAME=(mprage_stripped_again) +#SUB_NUM="2" +#ONS_NAME=(run1 run2) +#DESIGN_NAME=(design_run1 design_run2) + +###F if you don't want to process a sub, deactivate "doanalysis" using "#" + +#doanalysis + + +########## [ALL BELOW ARE ADHDMEDCHAL] SUBJECT 1026 SESS 01 RUN 02 ############## +SUB="sub-1026" +SUBSESBEH="1026_2" #needed to combine the +SESSMRI=(ses-01) +#SESSBEH=(_2_) +RUNMRI=(run-02) +RUNBEH=(_run2_) +DESIGN_NAME=(sub-1026_ses-01_gng_run-02) + + +###F if you don't want to process a sub, deactivate "doanalysis" using "#" + +#doanalysis + + +########## SUBJECT 1048 SESS 01 RUN 01 ############## +SUB="sub-1048" +SUBSESBEH="1048_2" #needed to combine the +SESSMRI=(ses-01) +#SESSBEH=(_2_) +RUNMRI=(run-01) +RUNBEH=(_run1_) +DESIGN_NAME=(sub-1048_ses-01_gng_run-01) + + +###F if you don't want to process a sub, deactivate "doanalysis" using "#" + +doanalysis + + +########## SUBJECT 1042 SESS 01 RUN 02 ############## +SUB="sub-1042" +SUBSESBEH="1042_2" #needed to combine the +SESSMRI=(ses-01) +#SESSBEH=(_2_) +RUNMRI=(run-02) +RUNBEH=(_run2_) +DESIGN_NAME=(sub-1042_ses-01_gng_run-02) + + +###F if you don't want to process a sub, deactivate "doanalysis" using "#" + +#doanalysis + + +########## SUBJECT 1048 SESS 01 RUN 02 ############## +SUB="sub-1048" +SUBSESBEH="1048_2" #needed to combine the +SESSMRI=(ses-01) +#SESSBEH=(_2_) +RUNMRI=(run-02) +RUNBEH=(_run2_) +DESIGN_NAME=(sub-1048_ses-01_gng_run-02) + + +###F if you don't want to process a sub, deactivate "doanalysis" using "#" + +#doanalysis + + +########## SUBJECT 1083 SESS 01 RUN 01 ############## +SUB="sub-1083" +SUBSESBEH="1083_2" #needed to combine the +SESSMRI=(ses-01) +#SESSBEH=(_2_) +RUNMRI=(run-01) +RUNBEH=(_run1_) +DESIGN_NAME=(sub-1083_ses-01_gng_run-01) + + +###F if you don't want to process a sub, deactivate "doanalysis" using "#" + +#doanalysis + + +########## SUBJECT 1083 SESS 01 RUN 02 ############## +SUB="sub-1083" +SUBSESBEH="1083_2" #needed to combine the +SESSMRI=(ses-01) +#SESSBEH=(_2_) +RUNMRI=(run-02) +RUNBEH=(_run2_) +DESIGN_NAME=(sub-1083_ses-01_gng_run-02) + + +###F if you don't want to process a sub, deactivate "doanalysis" using "#" + +#doanalysis + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + diff --git a/adhdmedchal_makefsf_L1_GNGreg_4evs_missingomit_mem10072019 b/adhdmedchal_makefsf_L1_GNGreg_4evs_missingomit_mem10072019 new file mode 100755 index 0000000..14244a5 --- /dev/null +++ b/adhdmedchal_makefsf_L1_GNGreg_4evs_missingomit_mem10072019 @@ -0,0 +1,135 @@ +#!/bin/sh + +### FabScript runs FEAT for several runs and several subjects +### created by Adam, modified and commented by Fab +### v3 2004-10-07 +### then by karin, 2-18-2005 +### then by jess, 5-26-2006 +### Again by Jess, 7-6-06 to include a junk variable in feat analysis +### again by jess 9-7-2006 to use different MPRage images and to add a dated folder for FEATs +### again by jess 11-2-2006 to use fewer contrasts (don't need positive and negative for each, just positive); also this is for 4 EVs (junk variable), use 3evs program for subjects who have no junk variable (6, 12, e.g.) + +### adapted by Mackenzie & Nick 09-13-2019 for ADHDMedChal + + + +###F doanalysis command runs the other commands +doanalysis() +{ + +###F go in the directory subject/analysis +###F this saves the feat-reports in the analysis directory +###[UCLA]mkdir /space/raid4/data/poldrack/schizkids/$SUB/analysis/stop_signal/$FEAT_FOLDER/$RUN_NAME +###[UCLA]cd /space/raid4/data/poldrack/schizkids/$SUB/analysis/stop_signal/$FEAT_FOLDER/ + cd /proj/cohenlab/projects/ADHDMedChal/ADHDMC_2019_Process/data_GLM + + +###F the sed command replaces an old string in a text by a new string +###F read http://www.freeos.com/guides/lsst/ch07sec11.html for info +###F sed takes the FEAT text (yourdesign.fsf is a text) and changes the parameters +###F [UCLA]our model for MirrorReading experiment is Subject-11A/analysis/newrun1.fsf +###F [UCLA]the model for schizkids stop signal is subject 30002_2/analysis/stop_signal/feats_11-2-06/ss_run1.feat/design.fsf +###F [UCLA] NB: for shell, numbers starts from zero, not from 1 + +### [MEDCHAL] our model for GNG regular without omissions (i.e. an empty go_omit txt onset file): sub-1005_ses-01_gng_run-01.fsf +### [MEDCHAL] our model for GNG regular with all event files: sub-1006_ses-01_gng_run-01.fsf **DIFFERENT SHELL SCRIPT** + + + ##### THIS FILE IS FOR GNG REGULAR WITHOUT OMISSIONS (I.E. EMPTY GO_OMIT TXT ONSET FILE) ##### + + + + +############################## My Runs ########################################## + +###F changes to be made for ss_run1.feat (0) [EXAMPLE FROM UCLA SCHIZKIDS] +###sed -e "s/30002_2/${SUB}/" -e "s/feats_11-2-06/${FEAT_FOLDER[0]}/" -e "s/ss_run1/${RUN_NAME[0]}/" -e "s/182/${TOTAL_VOLUMES[0]}/" -e "s/BOLD_EPI_0004/BOLD_EPI_00${SCAN_INDEX[0]}/" -e "s/S004_4D_mcf_brain/S0${SCAN_INDEX[0]}_${BOLD_NAME[0]}/" -e "s/Matched_Bandwidth_0003/Matched_Bandwidth_00${MBW_INDEX[0]}/" -e "s/mbw_brain/${MBW_NAME[0]}/" -e "s/30002_2/${MPRAGE_DIR[0]}/" -e "s/mprage_stripped_again/${MPRAGE_NAME[0]}/" -e "s/2_run1_go_onsets/${SUB_NUM}_${ONS_NAME[0]}_go_onsets/" -e "s/2_run1_succ_stop_onsets/${SUB_NUM}_${ONS_NAME[0]}_succ_stop_onsets/" -e "s/2_run1_unsucc_stop_onsets/${SUB_NUM}_${ONS_NAME[0]}_unsucc_stop_onsets/" -e "s/2_run1_junk_onsets/${SUB_NUM}_${ONS_NAME[0]}_junk_onsets/" /space/raid4/data/poldrack/schizkids/30002_2/analysis/stop_signal/feats_11-2-06/ss_run1.feat/design.fsf > ${DESIGN_NAME[0]}.fsf + + +###F changes to be made for sub-1006_ses-01_gng_run-01.fsf [EDITING FOR ADHDMEDCHAL] + + +## ADAPTED FOR ADHDMEDCHAL MEMITCHELL 10/07/2019 +sed -e "s/sub-1005/${SUB}/g" -e "s/1005_2/${SUBSESBEH}/" -e "s/ses-01/${SESSMRI}/g" -e "s/run-01/${RUNMRI}/" -e "s/_run1_/${RUNBEH}/" /proj/cohenlab/projects/ADHDMedChal/ADHDMC_2019_Process/data_GLM/sub-1005_ses-01_gng_run-01.fsf > ${DESIGN_NAME}.fsf +# explanation of sed function "s///g" +# the /g at the end of each function segment says: replace all instances in any string from the original .fsf file, not just the first instance +# will want to update the event file names in the future to match the format of the mri files "sub-XXXX_ses-XX_*_run-XX" + + + +### runs feat on each design matrix +#for j in 1; do feat ${DESIGN_NAME[j]}; done + +} + +############################## My Subjects ########################################## + +########## [EXAMPLE FROM UCLA SCHIZKIDS] SUBJECT 30002_2 ############## +#SUB="30002_2" +#FEAT_FOLDER=(feats_11-2-06) +#RUN_NAME=(ss_run1 ss_run2) +#TOTAL_VOLUMES=(182) +#SCAN_INDEX=(04 05) +#BOLD_NAME=(4D_mcf_brain) +#MBW_INDEX=(03) +#MBW_NAME=(mbw_brain) +#MPRAGE_DIR=(30002_2) +#MPRAGE_NAME=(mprage_stripped_again) +#SUB_NUM="2" +#ONS_NAME=(run1 run2) +#DESIGN_NAME=(design_run1 design_run2) + +###F if you don't want to process a sub, deactivate "doanalysis" using "#" + +#doanalysis + + +########## [ALL BELOW ARE ADHDMEDCHAL] SUBJECT 1081 SESS 02 RUN 01 ############## +SUB="sub-1081" +SUBSESBEH="1081_3" #needed to combine the +SESSMRI=(ses-02) +#SESSBEH=(_2_) +RUNMRI=(run-01) +RUNBEH=(_run1_) +DESIGN_NAME=(sub-1081_ses-02_gng_run-01) + + +###F if you don't want to process a sub, deactivate "doanalysis" using "#" + +doanalysis + + + + +########## SUBJECT 1083 SESS 02 RUN 02 ############## +SUB="sub-1083" +SUBSESBEH="1083_3" #needed to combine the +SESSMRI=(ses-02) +#SESSBEH=(_2_) +RUNMRI=(run-02) +RUNBEH=(_run2_) +DESIGN_NAME=(sub-1083_ses-02_gng_run-02) + + +###F if you don't want to process a sub, deactivate "doanalysis" using "#" + +doanalysis + + +########## SUBJECT 1048 SESS 01 RUN 02 ############## +SUB="sub-1048" +SUBSESBEH="1048_2" #needed to combine the +SESSMRI=(ses-01) +#SESSBEH=(_2_) +RUNMRI=(run-02) +RUNBEH=(_run2_) +DESIGN_NAME=(sub-1048_ses-01_gng_run-02) + + +###F if you don't want to process a sub, deactivate "doanalysis" using "#" + +doanalysis + + + + diff --git a/adhdmedchal_makefsf_L2_GNGreg_mem11032019 b/adhdmedchal_makefsf_L2_GNGreg_mem11032019 new file mode 100755 index 0000000..b80a394 --- /dev/null +++ b/adhdmedchal_makefsf_L2_GNGreg_mem11032019 @@ -0,0 +1,596 @@ + +#!/bin/sh + +### FabScript runs FEAT for several runs and several subjects +### created by Adam, modified and commented by Fab +### v3 2004-10-07 +### then by karin, 2-18-2005 +### then by jess, 5-26-2006 +### Again by Jess, 7-6-06 to include a junk variable in feat analysis +### again by jess 9-7-2006 to add a dated folder for FEATs +### again by jess 11-2-06 because need to redo using FLAME level 1 instead of fixed effects and only have one contrast (pos) because neg is done automatically +### now, by mackenzie 11-03-2019 to adapt to the ADHD Med Chal Study at UNC + + +###This version to run higher-level feat to average two runs of a task within each subject (LEVEL 2) + +###F doanalysis command runs the other commands +doanalysis() +{ + +###F go in the directory subject/analysis +###F this saves the feat-reports in the analysis directory +###mkdir /space/raid4/data/poldrack/schizkids/$SUB/analysis/stop_signal/$FEAT_FOLDER/$RUN_NAME +#cd /space/raid4/data/poldrack/schizkids/$SUB/analysis/stop_signal/$FEAT_FOLDER/ +cd /proj/cohenlab/projects/ADHDMedChal/ADHDMC_2019_Process/data_GLM/ + +###F the sed command replaces an old string in a text by a new string +###F read http://www.freeos.com/guides/lsst/ch07sec11.html for info +###F sed takes the FEAT text (yourdesign.fsf is a text) and changes the parameters +###F our model for MirrorReading experiment is Subject-11A/analysis/newrun1.fsf +###F the model for schizkids stop_signal is subject 30002_2/analysis/stop_signal/feats_11-2-06/ss_higher_level_feat.gfeat/design.fsf +###F NB: for shell, numbers starts from zero, not from 1 + +### [ADHD MED CHAL] the model for L2 is sub-1034_ses-01_gng_L2.fsf +### THIS USES RUN 01 and RUN 02 BY DEFAULT. WILL NEED TO MAKE THE OTHERS MANUALLY!! + + +############################## My Runs ########################################## + + +###F changes to be made for ss_higher_level_feat.gfeat (0) +#sed -e "s/30002_2/${SUB}/" -e "s/feats_11-2-06/${FEAT_FOLDER[0]}/" -e "s/ss_higher_level_feat/${RUN_NAME[0]}/" -e "s/30002_2/${SUB}/" -e "s/ss_run1.feat/${FIRST_INPUT_NAME[0]}/" -e "s/30002_2/${SUB}/" -e "s/ss_run2.feat/${SECOND_INPUT_NAME[0]}/" -e "s/30002_2/${EV_TITLE}/" -e "s/30002_2/${CONTRAST}/" /space/raid4/data/poldrack/schizkids/30002_2/analysis/stop_signal/feats_11-2-06/ss_higher_level_feat.gfeat/design.fsf > ${DESIGN_NAME[0]}.fsf + +sed -e "s/sub-1034/${SUB}/g" -e "s/run-01/${FIRST_INPUT}/g" -e "s/run-02/${SECOND_INPUT}/g" -e "s/ses-01/${SESSMRI}/g" /proj/cohenlab/projects/ADHDMedChal/ADHDMC_2019_Process/data_GLM/sub-1034_ses-01_gng_L2.fsf > ${DESIGN_NAME}.fsf + +### runs feat on each design matrix +#for j in 0; do feat ${DESIGN_NAME[j]}; done + +} + +############################## My Subjects ########################################## + +########## [UCLA EXAMPLE SUBJECT] SUBJECT 30002_2 ############## +SUB="30002_2" +FEAT_FOLDER=(feats_11-2-06) +RUN_NAME=(ss_higher_level_feat) +FIRST_INPUT_NAME=(ss_run1.feat) +SECOND_INPUT_NAME=(ss_run2.feat) +EV_TITLE="30002_2" +CONTRAST="30002_2" +DESIGN_NAME=(design_higher_level_feat) + + +###F if you don't want to process a sub, deactivate "doanalysis" using "#" + +#doanalysis + + +########## [ADHD MED CHAL] SUBJECT 1006 ############## +SUB="sub-1006" +SESSMRI=(ses-01) +FIRST_INPUT=(run-01) +SECOND_INPUT=(run-02) +DESIGN_NAME=(sub-1006_ses-01_gng_L2) + + +###F if you don't want to process a sub, deactivate "doanalysis" using "#" + +#doanalysis + +########## [ADHD MED CHAL] SUBJECT 1005 SESSION 2 ############## +SUB="sub-1005" +SESSMRI=(ses-02) +FIRST_INPUT=(run-01) +SECOND_INPUT=(run-02) +DESIGN_NAME=(sub-1005_ses-02_gng_L2) + + +###F if you don't want to process a sub, deactivate "doanalysis" using "#" + +doanalysis + + + +########## [ADHD MED CHAL] SUBJECT 1013 SESSION 2 ############## +SUB="sub-1013" +SESSMRI=(ses-02) +FIRST_INPUT=(run-01) +SECOND_INPUT=(run-02) +DESIGN_NAME=(sub-1013_ses-02_gng_L2) + + +###F if you don't want to process a sub, deactivate "doanalysis" using "#" + +doanalysis + + +########## [ADHD MED CHAL] SUBJECT 1016 SESSION 2 ############## +SUB="sub-1016" +SESSMRI=(ses-02) +FIRST_INPUT=(run-01) +SECOND_INPUT=(run-02) +DESIGN_NAME=(sub-1016_ses-02_gng_L2) + + +###F if you don't want to process a sub, deactivate "doanalysis" using "#" + +doanalysis + +########## [ADHD MED CHAL] SUBJECT 1019 SESSION 2 ############## +SUB="sub-1019" +SESSMRI=(ses-02) +FIRST_INPUT=(run-01) +SECOND_INPUT=(run-02) +DESIGN_NAME=(sub-1019_ses-02_gng_L2) + + +###F if you don't want to process a sub, deactivate "doanalysis" using "#" + +doanalysis + +########## [ADHD MED CHAL] SUBJECT 1020 SESSION 2 ############## +SUB="sub-1020" +SESSMRI=(ses-02) +FIRST_INPUT=(run-01) +SECOND_INPUT=(run-02) +DESIGN_NAME=(sub-1020_ses-02_gng_L2) + + +###F if you don't want to process a sub, deactivate "doanalysis" using "#" + +doanalysis + + + +########## [ADHD MED CHAL] SUBJECT 1022 SESSION 2 ############## +SUB="sub-1022" +SESSMRI=(ses-02) +FIRST_INPUT=(run-01) +SECOND_INPUT=(run-02) +DESIGN_NAME=(sub-1022_ses-02_gng_L2) + + +###F if you don't want to process a sub, deactivate "doanalysis" using "#" + +doanalysis + + + +########## [ADHD MED CHAL] SUBJECT 1023 SESSION 2 ############## +SUB="sub-1023" +SESSMRI=(ses-02) +FIRST_INPUT=(run-01) +SECOND_INPUT=(run-02) +DESIGN_NAME=(sub-1023_ses-02_gng_L2) + + +###F if you don't want to process a sub, deactivate "doanalysis" using "#" + +doanalysis + + + + + +########## [ADHD MED CHAL] SUBJECT 1024 SESSION 2 ############## +SUB="sub-1024" +SESSMRI=(ses-02) +FIRST_INPUT=(run-01) +SECOND_INPUT=(run-02) +DESIGN_NAME=(sub-1024_ses-02_gng_L2) + + +###F if you don't want to process a sub, deactivate "doanalysis" using "#" + +doanalysis + + + + +########## [ADHD MED CHAL] SUBJECT 1025 SESSION 2 ############## +SUB="sub-1025" +SESSMRI=(ses-02) +FIRST_INPUT=(run-01) +SECOND_INPUT=(run-02) +DESIGN_NAME=(sub-1025_ses-02_gng_L2) + + +###F if you don't want to process a sub, deactivate "doanalysis" using "#" + +doanalysis + + + +########## [ADHD MED CHAL] SUBJECT 1026 SESSION 2 ############## +SUB="sub-1026" +SESSMRI=(ses-02) +FIRST_INPUT=(run-01) +SECOND_INPUT=(run-02) +DESIGN_NAME=(sub-1026_ses-02_gng_L2) + + +###F if you don't want to process a sub, deactivate "doanalysis" using "#" + +doanalysis + + + + +########## [ADHD MED CHAL] SUBJECT 1027 SESSION 2 ############## +SUB="sub-1027" +SESSMRI=(ses-02) +FIRST_INPUT=(run-01) +SECOND_INPUT=(run-02) +DESIGN_NAME=(sub-1027_ses-02_gng_L2) + + +###F if you don't want to process a sub, deactivate "doanalysis" using "#" + +doanalysis + + + + +########## [ADHD MED CHAL] SUBJECT 1028 SESSION 2 ############## +SUB="sub-1028" +SESSMRI=(ses-02) +FIRST_INPUT=(run-01) +SECOND_INPUT=(run-02) +DESIGN_NAME=(sub-1028_ses-02_gng_L2) + + +###F if you don't want to process a sub, deactivate "doanalysis" using "#" + +doanalysis + + + +########## [ADHD MED CHAL] SUBJECT 1029 SESSION 2 ############## +SUB="sub-1029" +SESSMRI=(ses-02) +FIRST_INPUT=(run-01) +SECOND_INPUT=(run-02) +DESIGN_NAME=(sub-1029_ses-02_gng_L2) + + +###F if you don't want to process a sub, deactivate "doanalysis" using "#" + +doanalysis + + + +########## [ADHD MED CHAL] SUBJECT 1031 SESSION 2 ############## +SUB="sub-1031" +SESSMRI=(ses-02) +FIRST_INPUT=(run-01) +SECOND_INPUT=(run-02) +DESIGN_NAME=(sub-1031_ses-02_gng_L2) + + +###F if you don't want to process a sub, deactivate "doanalysis" using "#" + +doanalysis + + + +########## [ADHD MED CHAL] SUBJECT 1034 SESSION 2 ############## +SUB="sub-1034" +SESSMRI=(ses-02) +FIRST_INPUT=(run-01) +SECOND_INPUT=(run-02) +DESIGN_NAME=(sub-1034_ses-02_gng_L2) + + +###F if you don't want to process a sub, deactivate "doanalysis" using "#" + +doanalysis + + +########## [ADHD MED CHAL] SUBJECT 1036 SESSION 2 ############## +SUB="sub-1036" +SESSMRI=(ses-02) +FIRST_INPUT=(run-01) +SECOND_INPUT=(run-02) +DESIGN_NAME=(sub-1036_ses-02_gng_L2) + + +###F if you don't want to process a sub, deactivate "doanalysis" using "#" + +doanalysis + +########## [ADHD MED CHAL] SUBJECT 1038 SESSION 2 ############## +SUB="sub-1038" +SESSMRI=(ses-02) +FIRST_INPUT=(run-01) +SECOND_INPUT=(run-02) +DESIGN_NAME=(sub-1038_ses-02_gng_L2) + + +###F if you don't want to process a sub, deactivate "doanalysis" using "#" + +doanalysis + + + +########## [ADHD MED CHAL] SUBJECT 1040 SESSION 2 ############## +SUB="sub-1040" +SESSMRI=(ses-02) +FIRST_INPUT=(run-01) +SECOND_INPUT=(run-02) +DESIGN_NAME=(sub-1040_ses-02_gng_L2) + + +###F if you don't want to process a sub, deactivate "doanalysis" using "#" + +doanalysis + + +########## [ADHD MED CHAL] SUBJECT 1042 SESSION 2 ############## +SUB="sub-1042" +SESSMRI=(ses-02) +FIRST_INPUT=(run-01) +SECOND_INPUT=(run-02) +DESIGN_NAME=(sub-1042_ses-02_gng_L2) + + +###F if you don't want to process a sub, deactivate "doanalysis" using "#" + +doanalysis + + +########## [ADHD MED CHAL] SUBJECT 1048 SESSION 2 ############## +SUB="sub-1048" +SESSMRI=(ses-02) +FIRST_INPUT=(run-02) +SECOND_INPUT=(run-03) +DESIGN_NAME=(sub-1048_ses-02_gng_L2) + + +###F if you don't want to process a sub, deactivate "doanalysis" using "#" + +doanalysis + + +########## [ADHD MED CHAL] SUBJECT 1049 SESSION 2 ############## +SUB="sub-1049" +SESSMRI=(ses-02) +FIRST_INPUT=(run-01) +SECOND_INPUT=(run-02) +DESIGN_NAME=(sub-1049_ses-02_gng_L2) + + +###F if you don't want to process a sub, deactivate "doanalysis" using "#" + +doanalysis + + +########## [ADHD MED CHAL] SUBJECT 1050 SESSION 2 ############## +SUB="sub-1050" +SESSMRI=(ses-02) +FIRST_INPUT=(run-01) +SECOND_INPUT=(run-02) +DESIGN_NAME=(sub-1050_ses-02_gng_L2) + + +###F if you don't want to process a sub, deactivate "doanalysis" using "#" + +doanalysis + + +########## [ADHD MED CHAL] SUBJECT 1064 SESSION 2 ############## +SUB="sub-1064" +SESSMRI=(ses-02) +FIRST_INPUT=(run-01) +SECOND_INPUT=(run-02) +DESIGN_NAME=(sub-1064_ses-02_gng_L2) + + +###F if you don't want to process a sub, deactivate "doanalysis" using "#" + +doanalysis + + +########## [ADHD MED CHAL] SUBJECT 1065 SESSION 2 ############## +SUB="sub-1065" +SESSMRI=(ses-02) +FIRST_INPUT=(run-01) +SECOND_INPUT=(run-02) +DESIGN_NAME=(sub-1065_ses-02_gng_L2) + + +###F if you don't want to process a sub, deactivate "doanalysis" using "#" + +doanalysis + + +########## [ADHD MED CHAL] SUBJECT 1067 SESSION 2 ############## +SUB="sub-1067" +SESSMRI=(ses-02) +FIRST_INPUT=(run-01) +SECOND_INPUT=(run-02) +DESIGN_NAME=(sub-1067_ses-02_gng_L2) + + +###F if you don't want to process a sub, deactivate "doanalysis" using "#" + +doanalysis + + + +########## [ADHD MED CHAL] SUBJECT 1068 SESSION 2 ############## +SUB="sub-1068" +SESSMRI=(ses-02) +FIRST_INPUT=(run-01) +SECOND_INPUT=(run-02) +DESIGN_NAME=(sub-1068_ses-02_gng_L2) + + +###F if you don't want to process a sub, deactivate "doanalysis" using "#" + +doanalysis + + +########## [ADHD MED CHAL] SUBJECT 1070 SESSION 2 ############## +SUB="sub-1070" +SESSMRI=(ses-02) +FIRST_INPUT=(run-01) +SECOND_INPUT=(run-02) +DESIGN_NAME=(sub-1070_ses-02_gng_L2) + + +###F if you don't want to process a sub, deactivate "doanalysis" using "#" + +doanalysis + + +########## [ADHD MED CHAL] SUBJECT 1071 SESSION 2 ############## +SUB="sub-1071" +SESSMRI=(ses-02) +FIRST_INPUT=(run-01) +SECOND_INPUT=(run-02) +DESIGN_NAME=(sub-1071_ses-02_gng_L2) + + +###F if you don't want to process a sub, deactivate "doanalysis" using "#" + +doanalysis + + +########## [ADHD MED CHAL] SUBJECT 1077 SESSION 2 ############## +SUB="sub-1077" +SESSMRI=(ses-02) +FIRST_INPUT=(run-01) +SECOND_INPUT=(run-02) +DESIGN_NAME=(sub-1077_ses-02_gng_L2) + + +###F if you don't want to process a sub, deactivate "doanalysis" using "#" + +doanalysis + +########## [ADHD MED CHAL] SUBJECT 1081 SESSION 2 ############## +SUB="sub-1081" +SESSMRI=(ses-02) +FIRST_INPUT=(run-01) +SECOND_INPUT=(run-02) +DESIGN_NAME=(sub-1081_ses-02_gng_L2) + + +###F if you don't want to process a sub, deactivate "doanalysis" using "#" + +doanalysis + +########## [ADHD MED CHAL] SUBJECT 1083 SESSION 2 ############## +SUB="sub-1083" +SESSMRI=(ses-02) +FIRST_INPUT=(run-01) +SECOND_INPUT=(run-02) +DESIGN_NAME=(sub-1083_ses-02_gng_L2) + + +###F if you don't want to process a sub, deactivate "doanalysis" using "#" + +doanalysis + + + + + + + + + +########## [ADHD MED CHAL] SUBJECT 1010 SESSION 1 ############## +SUB="sub-1010" +SESSMRI=(ses-01) +FIRST_INPUT=(run-01) +SECOND_INPUT=(run-02) +DESIGN_NAME=(sub-1010_ses-01_gng_L2) + + +###F if you don't want to process a sub, deactivate "doanalysis" using "#" + +doanalysis + + +########## [ADHD MED CHAL] SUBJECT 1026 SESSION 1 ############## +SUB="sub-1026" +SESSMRI=(ses-01) +FIRST_INPUT=(run-01) +SECOND_INPUT=(run-02) +DESIGN_NAME=(sub-1026_ses-01_gng_L2) + + +###F if you don't want to process a sub, deactivate "doanalysis" using "#" + +doanalysis + + + +########## [ADHD MED CHAL] SUBJECT 1031 SESSION 1 ############## +SUB="sub-1031" +SESSMRI=(ses-01) +FIRST_INPUT=(run-01) +SECOND_INPUT=(run-02) +DESIGN_NAME=(sub-1031_ses-01_gng_L2) + + +###F if you don't want to process a sub, deactivate "doanalysis" using "#" + +doanalysis + + + + + +########## [ADHD MED CHAL] SUBJECT 1038 SESSION 1 ############## +SUB="sub-1038" +SESSMRI=(ses-01) +FIRST_INPUT=(run-01) +SECOND_INPUT=(run-02) +DESIGN_NAME=(sub-1038_ses-01_gng_L2) + + +###F if you don't want to process a sub, deactivate "doanalysis" using "#" + +doanalysis + + + +########## [ADHD MED CHAL] SUBJECT 1042 SESSION 1 ############## +SUB="sub-1042" +SESSMRI=(ses-01) +FIRST_INPUT=(run-01) +SECOND_INPUT=(run-02) +DESIGN_NAME=(sub-1042_ses-01_gng_L2) + + +###F if you don't want to process a sub, deactivate "doanalysis" using "#" + +doanalysis + + + + + +########## [ADHD MED CHAL] SUBJECT 1048 SESSION 1 ############## +SUB="sub-1048" +SESSMRI=(ses-01) +FIRST_INPUT=(run-01) +SECOND_INPUT=(run-02) +DESIGN_NAME=(sub-1048_ses-01_gng_L2) + + +###F if you don't want to process a sub, deactivate "doanalysis" using "#" + +doanalysis + + + + + + + + + diff --git a/mem_launch.sh b/mem_launch.sh new file mode 100755 index 0000000..2f08cd1 --- /dev/null +++ b/mem_launch.sh @@ -0,0 +1,17 @@ +#!/bin/bash + + +#SBATCH --output=/proj/cohenlab/projects/ADHDMedChal/ADHDMC_2019_Process/data_GLM/GLM_L1_output/out.%J +#SBATCH --mem=20000 +#SBATCH --time=04:00:00 +#SBATCH --job-name="GNGregL1" +#SBATCH --ntasks=7 +#SBATCH --mail-type=BEGIN,END,FAIL +#SBATCH --mail-user=macmitch@email.unc.edu + +feat /proj/cohenlab/projects/ADHDMedChal/ADHDMC_2019_Process/data_GLM/sub-1048_ses-01_gng_run-01.fsf +feat /proj/cohenlab/projects/ADHDMedChal/ADHDMC_2019_Process/data_GLM/sub-1048_ses-01_gng_run-02.fsf +feat /proj/cohenlab/projects/ADHDMedChal/ADHDMC_2019_Process/data_GLM/sub-1081_ses-02_gng_run-01.fsf +feat /proj/cohenlab/projects/ADHDMedChal/ADHDMC_2019_Process/data_GLM/sub-1083_ses-02_gng_run-02.fsf + + diff --git a/mem_launch_L2.sh b/mem_launch_L2.sh new file mode 100755 index 0000000..5d7a77c --- /dev/null +++ b/mem_launch_L2.sh @@ -0,0 +1,29 @@ +#!/bin/bash + + +#SBATCH --output=/proj/cohenlab/projects/ADHDMedChal/ADHDMC_2019_Process/data_GLM/GLM_L2_output/out.%J +#SBATCH --mem=20000 +#SBATCH --time=01:00:00 +#SBATCH --job-name="GNGregL2" +#SBATCH --ntasks=12 +#SBATCH --mail-type=BEGIN,END,FAIL +#SBATCH --mail-user=macmitch@email.unc.edu + + +feat /proj/cohenlab/projects/ADHDMedChal/ADHDMC_2019_Process/data_GLM/sub-1068_ses-02_gng_L2.fsf +feat /proj/cohenlab/projects/ADHDMedChal/ADHDMC_2019_Process/data_GLM/sub-1070_ses-02_gng_L2.fsf +feat /proj/cohenlab/projects/ADHDMedChal/ADHDMC_2019_Process/data_GLM/sub-1071_ses-02_gng_L2.fsf +feat /proj/cohenlab/projects/ADHDMedChal/ADHDMC_2019_Process/data_GLM/sub-1077_ses-02_gng_L2.fsf +feat /proj/cohenlab/projects/ADHDMedChal/ADHDMC_2019_Process/data_GLM/sub-1081_ses-02_gng_L2.fsf +feat /proj/cohenlab/projects/ADHDMedChal/ADHDMC_2019_Process/data_GLM/sub-1083_ses-02_gng_L2.fsf +feat /proj/cohenlab/projects/ADHDMedChal/ADHDMC_2019_Process/data_GLM/sub-1010_ses-01_gng_L2.fsf +feat /proj/cohenlab/projects/ADHDMedChal/ADHDMC_2019_Process/data_GLM/sub-1026_ses-01_gng_L2.fsf +feat /proj/cohenlab/projects/ADHDMedChal/ADHDMC_2019_Process/data_GLM/sub-1031_ses-01_gng_L2.fsf +feat /proj/cohenlab/projects/ADHDMedChal/ADHDMC_2019_Process/data_GLM/sub-1038_ses-01_gng_L2.fsf +feat /proj/cohenlab/projects/ADHDMedChal/ADHDMC_2019_Process/data_GLM/sub-1042_ses-01_gng_L2.fsf +feat /proj/cohenlab/projects/ADHDMedChal/ADHDMC_2019_Process/data_GLM/sub-1048_ses-01_gng_L2.fsf + + + + +