Amitt website code - makes AMITT framework objects accessible to non-technical people.
Written in Python, Flask, D3.
Running locally - getting set up
- install postgresql locally
- Use the AMITT repo to generate a database for you file HTML_GENERATING_CODE/AMITT_create_website_sql.ipynb will do this for you (run it using jupyter - install that using anaconda
- Open a terminal window. git clone this repo. cd into it
Running locally
- . venv/bin/activate;
- export FLASK_APP=amittsite; export FLASK_ENV=development; export DATABASE_URL2="postgresql:///amittsite"
- flask run
- go to
Running on Heroku - getting set up
- Create a heroku account. Create an app.
- Click on the app, then the resources tab. Add the Postgres add-on.
- go to
- click "reveal config vars"
- Edit DATABASE_URL: take a copy of it. It will start with "postgres://"
- Create DATABASE_URL2: copy DATABASE_URL into it, but start it with start with "postgresql://" instead
Running on Heroku - updating Heroku code and database
- pg_dump -Fc -h localhost -U amittsite > amittsite.dump
- heroku pg:reset -a
- heroku pg:push amittsite DATABASE_URL -a
- git add .; git commit -m "heroku stuff"; git push heroku main
- Database objects are generated by the AMITT repo, Jupyter notebook file AMITT_create_website_sql.ipynb. Still normalising the AMITT repo tables - adding tables as they're needed. Also, the MISP galaxy for this is at and will need updating also.
- Next: adding in ability to create the new disinformation-specific MISP objects in