Pico Admin Plugin by Kay Stenschke / www.coexec.com
- Bugfix: File paths were not resolved correctly on some servers
- Added meta attributes storage (title, description) and administration in a meta.php file, w/ an associative array, storing meta attributes for every image in folder
- Made assets list scrollable
- Extracted some helper methods into static helper classes
- Added a guided tour of the administration's user interface
- Added simple translation handling and UI translations in english and german
- Made UI panels resizable
- Added assets manager:
- browsing of /content/images
- option to create directories
- option to upload, download, rename and delete files and directories
- automatic thumbs generation for images, thumb display on mouseover of files
- Removed unsaved observer / auto-saving
- Replaced EpicEditor by markItUp (faster, easier extensible)
- Added option to rename post files
- Added post info: filename of currently loaded post, with option to rename the file
- Added multi-level ability to tree: display, rename and delete directories, load and save nested posts
- Changed template for new pages: reduced attributes, added "Placing" attribute (requires pico_placing plugin)
- Extended pages listing to include 404 page in admin
- Improved Log-In: added auto-focus password field, added welcome splash w/ reload after successful login, to ensure Pico core (loaded before editor) knowing the log-in status
- Accelerated page load: reduced requests by implementing automatic merging of CSS files and JS files, merged icons into sprite
- Replaced icoMoon icon font by (FontAwesome) icons
- Extracted redundant code from actions into methods
- Integrated jQuery.min.js into assets delivered w/ the plugin (was: loaded via google CDN)
- Moved all global inline JavaScript into an external file, containing only one object in the global scope
- Added this changelog
Pico Editor Version 1.1 by Gilbert Pellegrom / www.dev7studios.com
This is the original plugin which the Pico Admin Plugin was refactored and extended into.