diff --git a/CZ.PowerShell.NetworkTools.code-workspace b/CZ.PowerShell.NetworkTools.code-workspace
index 28d18da..6fbec76 100644
--- a/CZ.PowerShell.NetworkTools.code-workspace
+++ b/CZ.PowerShell.NetworkTools.code-workspace
@@ -22,7 +22,9 @@
// for well formatted documentation
// for good language
- "streetsidesoftware.code-spell-checker"
+ "streetsidesoftware.code-spell-checker",
+ // for pester tests
+ "pspester.pester-test"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/azure-pipelines.yml b/azure-pipelines.yml
index 7bf5b15..40c94c0 100644
--- a/azure-pipelines.yml
+++ b/azure-pipelines.yml
@@ -6,55 +6,117 @@
- main
- vmImage: windows-latest
-- task: PowerShell@2
- displayName: "Run pester tests"
- inputs:
- targetType: 'inline'
- script: |
- Install-Module -Scope CurrentUser -Force -AllowClobber -SkipPublisherCheck Pester;
- Import-Module Pester;
- $configuration = [PesterConfiguration]::Default;
- $configuration.CodeCoverage.Enabled = $true;
- $configuration.CodeCoverage.Path = (Get-ChildItem src/*.ps1 | ForEach-Object{$_.FullName});
- $configuration.CodeCoverage.OutputFormat = "JaCoCo";
- $configuration.TestResult.Enabled = $true;
- $configuration.Run.Exit = $true;
- $configuration.Run.Path = (Get-ChildItem tests/*ps1 | ForEach-Object{$_.FullName});
- Invoke-Pester -Configuration $configuration;
- showWarnings: true
- pwsh: true
-- task: PowerShell@2
- displayName: "Build the powershell package"
- inputs:
- filePath: 'build/build.ps1'
- showWarnings: true
- pwsh: true
-- task: PowerShell@2
- displayName: "Debug files"
- inputs:
- targetType: 'inline'
- script: |
- ls -Recurse | select FullName;
- showWarnings: true
- pwsh: true
-- task: PublishBuildArtifacts@1
- inputs:
- PathtoPublish: 'src/bin/'
- ArtifactName: 'drop'
- publishLocation: 'Container'
-- task: PublishTestResults@2
- inputs:
- testResultsFormat: 'NUnit'
- testResultsFiles: 'testResults.xml'
- failTaskOnFailedTests: true
- testRunTitle: 'CZ.PowerShell.NetworkTools'
-- task: PublishCodeCoverageResults@1
- inputs:
- codeCoverageTool: 'JaCoCo'
- summaryFileLocation: 'coverage.xml'
- pathToSources: 'src/'
- failIfCoverageEmpty: true
\ No newline at end of file
+ - job: 'tests'
+ strategy:
+ matrix:
+ linux:
+ imageName: 'ubuntu-latest'
+ mac:
+ imageName: 'macOS-latest'
+ windows:
+ imageName: 'windows-latest'
+ pool:
+ vmImage: $(imageName)
+ steps:
+ - task: PowerShell@2
+ displayName: "Run pester tests"
+ inputs:
+ targetType: 'inline'
+ script: |
+ Install-Module -Scope CurrentUser -Force -AllowClobber -SkipPublisherCheck Pester;
+ Import-Module Pester;
+ $configuration = [PesterConfiguration]::Default;
+ $configuration.CodeCoverage.Enabled = $true;
+ $configuration.CodeCoverage.Path = (Get-ChildItem src/*.ps1 | ForEach-Object{$_.FullName});
+ $configuration.CodeCoverage.OutputFormat = "JaCoCo";
+ $configuration.CodeCoverage.OutputPath = '$(imageName)-coverage.xml'
+ $configuration.TestResult.Enabled = $true;
+ $configuration.TestResult.OutputPath = '$(imageName)-testResults.xml'
+ $configuration.Run.Exit = $true;
+ $configuration.Run.Path = (Get-ChildItem tests/*ps1 | ForEach-Object{$_.FullName});
+ Invoke-Pester -Configuration $configuration;
+ showWarnings: true
+ pwsh: true
+ - task: PublishBuildArtifacts@1
+ displayName: 'Publish Coverage'
+ condition: always()
+ inputs:
+ PathtoPublish: '$(imageName)-coverage.xml'
+ ArtifactName: 'coverage'
+ publishLocation: Container
+ - task: PublishBuildArtifacts@1
+ displayName: 'Publish Tests'
+ condition: always()
+ inputs:
+ PathtoPublish: '$(imageName)-testResults.xml'
+ ArtifactName: 'tests'
+ publishLocation: Container
+ - job: 'build_package'
+ pool:
+ vmImage: windows-latest
+ dependsOn:
+ - 'tests'
+ steps:
+ - task: PowerShell@2
+ displayName: "Build the powershell package"
+ inputs:
+ filePath: 'build/build.ps1'
+ showWarnings: true
+ pwsh: true
+ - task: PublishBuildArtifacts@1
+ inputs:
+ PathtoPublish: 'src/bin/'
+ ArtifactName: 'drop'
+ publishLocation: 'Container'
+ - job: 'publish_coverage_and_tests'
+ pool:
+ vmImage: windows-latest
+ dependsOn:
+ - 'tests'
+ steps:
+ # - task: DownloadBuildArtifacts@0
+ # displayName: 'Download Coverage Windows Artifacts'
+ # inputs:
+ # artifactName: windows-coverage
+ # downloadPath: $(System.DefaultWorkingDirectory)/
+ # - task: DownloadBuildArtifacts@0
+ # displayName: 'Download Coverage Linux Artifacts'
+ # inputs:
+ # artifactName: linux-coverage
+ # downloadPath: $(System.DefaultWorkingDirectory)/
+ # - task: DownloadBuildArtifacts@0
+ # displayName: 'Download Tests Windows Artifacts'
+ # inputs:
+ # artifactName: windows-tests
+ # downloadPath: $(System.DefaultWorkingDirectory)/
+ # - task: DownloadBuildArtifacts@0
+ # displayName: 'Download Tests Linux Artifacts'
+ # inputs:
+ # artifactName: linux-tests
+ # downloadPath: $(System.DefaultWorkingDirectory)/
+ - task: DownloadBuildArtifacts@1
+ displayName: 'Download All Tests Artifacts'
+ inputs:
+ artifactName: 'tests'
+ downloadPath: $(System.DefaultWorkingDirectory)/
+ - task: DownloadBuildArtifacts@1
+ displayName: 'Download All Coverage Artifacts'
+ inputs:
+ artifactName: 'coverage'
+ downloadPath: $(System.DefaultWorkingDirectory)/
+ - task: PublishCodeCoverageResults@1
+ condition: always()
+ inputs:
+ codeCoverageTool: 'JaCoCo'
+ summaryFileLocation: '$(System.DefaultWorkingDirectory)/coverage/*coverage.xml'
+ pathToSources: 'src/'
+ failIfCoverageEmpty: true
+ - task: PublishTestResults@2
+ condition: always()
+ inputs:
+ testResultsFormat: 'NUnit'
+ testResultsFiles: '$(System.DefaultWorkingDirectory)/tests/*testResults.xml'
+ failTaskOnFailedTests: true
+ testRunTitle: 'CZ.PowerShell.NetworkTools'
+ mergeTestResults: true
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/devcontainer.json b/devcontainer.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e34ed2d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devcontainer.json
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+ "folders": [
+ {
+ "path": "."
+ }
+ ],
+ "settings": {
+ "files.trimTrailingWhitespace": true,
+ "cSpell.words": [
+ "cmdlet",
+ "paule"
+ ]
+ },
+ "extensions": {
+ // for the powershell scripts
+ "ms-vscode.powershell",
+ // for the jupiter notebook integration for powershell
+ "ms-dotnettools.dotnet-interactive-vscode",
+ // for good language in the docs
+ "streetsidesoftware.code-spell-checker",
+ // for well formatted documentation
+ "docsmsft.docs-authoring-pack"
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/samples/basic.noproxy.config.json b/samples/basic.noproxy.config.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c9816b0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/samples/basic.noproxy.config.json
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+ "ProxyAddress": null,
+ "BypassList": []
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/samples/basic.proxy.config.json b/samples/basic.proxy.config.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bef6858
--- /dev/null
+++ b/samples/basic.proxy.config.json
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+ "ProxyAddress": "http://proxy.codez.one:80",
+ "BypassList": [
+ "git.codez.one"
+ ]
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/samples/basic.systemproxy.json b/samples/basic.systemproxy.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..37ce968
--- /dev/null
+++ b/samples/basic.systemproxy.json
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+ "UseSystemProxyAddress": true
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/Set-ProxyConfiguration.ps1 b/src/Set-ProxyConfiguration.ps1
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fa20eb4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/Set-ProxyConfiguration.ps1
@@ -0,0 +1,470 @@
+function Set-ProxyConfiguration {
+ [CmdletBinding()]
+ param (
+ [string]
+ $ConfigPath,
+ [switch]
+ $NoRoot
+ )
+ if ((Test-Path -Path $ConfigPath) -eq $false) {
+ Write-Error "The config path doesn't exsists." -ErrorAction Stop;
+ }
+ [ProxySetting] $proxySettings = [ProxySetting] (Get-Content -Raw -Path $ConfigPath | ConvertFrom-Json);
+ Write-Debug $proxySettings;
+ if ($proxySettings.UseSystemProxyAddress -and [string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($proxySettings.ProxyAddress)) {
+ if ($PSVersionTable.PSEdition -eq "Desktop" -or $IsWindows) {
+ $proxySettings.ProxyAddress = (Get-ItemProperty -Path 'HKCU:\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Internet Settings').proxyServer;
+ }
+ else {
+ # TODO: find a good way to get linux system proxy. For now throw exception
+ Write-Error "Currently we don't support linux, to read out the system proxy. Please configure it manualy" -ErrorAction Stop;
+ }
+ if ($null -eq $proxySettings.ProxyCredentials) {
+ Write-Warning "You don't have set proxy credentials. If your system is configured with proxy credentials we can't read them.";
+ }
+ }
+ Set-GitProxyConfiguration -Settings $proxySettings;
+ Set-NpmProxyConfiguration -Settings $proxySettings;
+ Set-AptProxyConfiguration -Settings $proxySettings -NoRoot:$NoRoot;
+ Set-DockerProxyConfiguration -Settings $proxySettings;
+ Set-PowerShellProxyConfiguration -Settings $proxySettings -NoRoot:$NoRoot;
+ Set-EnvironmentProxyConfiguration -Settings $proxySettings -NoRoot:$NoRoot;
+function Set-GitProxyConfiguration {
+ [CmdletBinding()]
+ param (
+ [ProxySetting]
+ $Settings
+ )
+ if ($null -eq (Get-Command "git" -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue)) {
+ Write-Debug "Unable to find git on your system. Skip configuration";
+ return;
+ }
+ if ([string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($Settings.ProxyAddress)) {
+ # unset base address
+ . "git" "config" "--global" "--unset" "http.proxy";
+ . "git" "config" "--global" "--unset" "https.proxy";
+ }
+ else {
+ # set base address
+ . "git" "config" "--global" "http.proxy" "$($Settings.ProxyAddress)";
+ . "git" "config" "--global" "https.proxy" "$($Settings.ProxyAddress)";
+ # only git version 2.13 or higher supports hostname wildcards
+ $supportsWildcardHostnames = ((((git version) -split ' ')[2] -split '\.')[0] -ge 2) -and ((((git version) -split ' ')[2] -split '\.')[1] -ge 13);
+ # set all new entries
+ $Settings.BypassList | ForEach-Object {
+ if ($_.Contains('*') -and $supportsWildcardHostnames -eq $false) {
+ Write-Warning "Your git version is to old to support wild card hostnames. You must have version 2.13 or higher. We skip the hostname $_";
+ }
+ else {
+ if ($_.StartsWith("https")) {
+ . "git" "config" "--global" "https.$_.proxy" '""';
+ }
+ elseif ($_.StartsWith("http")) {
+ . "git" "config" "--global" "http.$_.proxy" '""';
+ }
+ else {
+ . "git" "config" "--global" "http.http://$_.proxy" '""';
+ . "git" "config" "--global" "https.https://$_.proxy" '""';
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ # remove old bypasses entries:
+ # http
+ . "git" "config" "--global" "--get-regexp" "http\.http" | ForEach-Object {
+ $bypasskey = $_.Trim();
+ if ($bypasskey -match "(http\.)(http.*)(\.proxy)") {
+ $bypassedUrl = $matches[2].Trim();
+ $shouldBeRemoved = $null -eq ($Settings.BypassList | Where-Object { "http://$_" -like $bypassedUrl });
+ if ($shouldBeRemoved) {
+ Write-Warning "Remove '$bypassedUrl' from git bypass list";
+ . "git" "config" "--global" "--unset" "$bypasskey";
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ # https
+ . "git" "config" "--global" "--get-regexp" "https\.https" | ForEach-Object {
+ $bypasskey = $_.Trim();
+ if ($bypasskey -match "(https\.)(https.*)(\.proxy)") {
+ $bypassedUrl = $Matches[2].Trim();
+ $shouldBeRemoved = $null -eq ($Settings.BypassList | Where-Object { "https://$_" -like $bypassedUrl });
+ if ($shouldBeRemoved) {
+ Write-Warning "Remove '$bypassedUrl' from git bypass list";
+ . "git" "config" "--global" "--unset" "$bypasskey";
+ }
+ }
+ }
+function Set-NpmProxyConfiguration {
+ [CmdletBinding()]
+ param (
+ [ProxySetting]
+ $Settings
+ )
+ $npmCommand = (Get-Command "npm" -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue);
+ if ($null -eq $npmCommand) {
+ Write-Debug "Unable to find npm on your system. Skip configuration";
+ return;
+ }
+ if ($npmCommand.Path.StartsWith('/mnt/c/Program Files/')) {
+ Write-Warning ("In WSL2 you must override your environment variables to the linux version of NPM. " + `
+ "We can't currently configure NPM for you.");
+ return;
+ }
+ if ([string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($Settings.ProxyAddress)) {
+ # unset base address
+ . "npm" "config" "delete" "proxy";
+ . "npm" "config" "delete" "https-proxy"
+ # TODO: only set the right format
+ . "npm" "config" "delete" "no-proxy"; # this is for npm version < 6.4.1
+ . "npm" "config" "delete" "noproxy"; # this is for npm verison >= 6.4.1
+ }
+ else {
+ # set base address
+ . "npm" "config" "set" "proxy" "$($Settings.ProxyAddress)" | Out-Null;
+ . "npm" "config" "set" "https-proxy" "$($Settings.ProxyAddress)" | Out-Null;
+ $bypasstring = $(($Settings.BypassList -join ',').Trim());
+ # TODO: only set the right format
+ . "npm" "config" "set" "no-proxy" "$bypasstring" | Out-Null; # this is for npm version < 6.4.1
+ . "npm" "config" "set" "noproxy" $bypasstring | Out-Null; # this is for npm verison >= 6.4.1
+ }
+function Set-AptProxyConfiguration {
+ [CmdletBinding()]
+ param (
+ [ProxySetting]
+ $Settings,
+ [switch]
+ $NoRoot
+ )
+ if ($null -eq (Get-Command "apt" -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue)) {
+ Write-Debug "Unable to find apt on your system. Skip configuration";
+ return;
+ }
+ try {
+ if ((Test-Path "/etc/apt/apt.conf") -eq $false) {
+ if ([string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($Settings.ProxyAddress)) {
+ # do nothing if no proxy should be configured and the config file don't exsists.
+ return;
+ }
+ # just write the proxy into the file if it doesn't exsists
+ "Acquire::http::Proxy ""$($Settings.ProxyAddress)"";" | Set-Content "/etc/apt/apt.conf";
+ }
+ else {
+ $isAProxyAlreadConfigured = $null -ne (. "apt-config" "dump" "Acquire::http::proxy");
+ $regexOptions = [System.Text.RegularExpressions.RegexOptions]([System.Text.RegularExpressions.RegexOptions]::Multiline);
+ $regexSimplePattern = "Acquire::http::Proxy .*;";
+ $regexComplexPattern = "(^Acquire.*{(.|\n)*http.*{(.|\n)*)(proxy "".+"";)((.|\n)*}(.|\n)*})$";
+ $regexSimple = New-Object System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex $regexSimplePattern, $regexOptions;
+ $regexComplex = New-Object System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex $regexComplexPattern, $regexOptions;
+ if ($isAProxyAlreadConfigured) {
+ $aptConfig = Get-Content "/etc/apt/apt.conf";
+ if ([string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($Settings.ProxyAddress)) {
+ # delete proxy config
+ $aptConfig = $regexSimple.Replace($aptConfig, "");
+ $aptConfig = $regexComplex.Replace($aptConfig, "`${1}`${5}");
+ }
+ else {
+ # add proxy config
+ $aptConfig = $regexSimple.Replace($aptConfig, "Acquire::http::Proxy ""$($Settings.ProxyAddress)"";");
+ $aptConfig = $regexComplex.Replace($aptConfig, "`${1}Proxy `"$($Settings.ProxyAddress)`";`${5}");
+ }
+ # replace the file with new content
+ Write-Warning $aptConfig;
+ $aptConfig | Set-Content "/etc/apt/apt.conf";
+ }
+ else {
+ if ([string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($Settings.ProxyAddress)) {
+ # it's okay if no proxy is configured
+ return;
+ }
+ else {
+ # if no proxy is configured just append the line
+ "Acquire::http::Proxy ""$($Settings.ProxyAddress)"";" | Add-Content -Encoding ascii -NoNewline -Path "/etc/apt/apt.conf";
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if ($null -ne $Settings.BypassList -and $Settings.BypassList.Count -ne 0) {
+ Write-Warning "apt-get does not support bypass list. To bypass the proxy config for a given command start the command like: 'apt-get -o Acquire::http::proxy=false ....'. This will bypass the proxy for the runtime of the apt-get command.";
+ }
+ }
+ catch [System.UnauthorizedAccessException] {
+ if ($NoRoot) {
+ Write-Debug "Skip APT configuration because NORoot Option is set.";
+ return;
+ }
+ else {
+ Write-Error "You must be root to change APT settings." -TargetObject $_ -RecommendedAction "Run powershell as root or specify the `NoRoot` switch." -ErrorAction Stop;
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+function Set-DockerProxyConfiguration {
+ [CmdletBinding()]
+ param (
+ [ProxySetting]
+ $Settings
+ )
+ if ($null -eq (Get-Command "docker" -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue)) {
+ Write-Debug "Unable to find docker on your system. Skip configuration";
+ return;
+ }
+ $json = '{
+ "proxies":
+ {
+ "default":
+ {
+ "httpProxy": "' + $Settings.ProxyAddress + '",
+ "httpsProxy": "' + $Settings.ProxyAddress + '",
+ "noProxy": "' + ($Settings.BypassList -join ',') + '"
+ }
+ }
+ }';
+ Write-Verbose "$json";
+ $proxyConfig = ConvertFrom-Json $json;
+ if ((Test-Path "~/.docker/config.json")) {
+ $dockerConfig = (Get-Content "~/.docker/config.json" -Raw | ConvertFrom-Json);
+ if ([string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($Settings.ProxyAddress) -and [bool]($dockerConfig.PSobject.Properties.name -match "proxies")) {
+ $dockerConfig.PSobject.Properties.Remove('proxies');
+ }
+ elseif ($false -eq [bool]($dockerConfig.PSobject.Properties.name -match "proxies")) {
+ $dockerConfig | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "proxies" -Value $proxyConfig.proxies;
+ }
+ elseif ($false -eq [bool]($dockerConfig.proxies.PSobject.Properties.name -match "default")) {
+ $dockerConfig.proxies | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "default" -Value $proxyConfig.proxies.default;
+ }
+ else {
+ $dockerConfig.proxies.default | Add-Member -NotePropertyName "httpProxy" -NotePropertyValue $Settings.ProxyAddress -Force
+ $dockerConfig.proxies.default | Add-Member -NotePropertyName "httpsProxy" -NotePropertyValue $Settings.ProxyAddress -Force
+ $dockerConfig.proxies.default | Add-Member -NotePropertyName "noProxy" -NotePropertyValue ($Settings.BypassList -join ',') -Force
+ }
+ ConvertTo-Json $dockerConfig | Set-Content "~/.docker/config.json";
+ }
+ else {
+ if ([string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($Settings.ProxyAddress)) {
+ # no proxy should be configured.
+ return;
+ }
+ New-Item "~/.docker" -Force -ItemType Directory | Out-Null;
+ ConvertTo-Json $proxyConfig | Set-Content "~/.docker/config.json" -Force;
+ }
+function Set-PowerShellProxyConfiguration {
+ [CmdletBinding()]
+ param (
+ [ProxySetting]
+ $Settings,
+ [switch]
+ $NoRoot
+ )
+ if ($NoRoot) {
+ Write-Verbose "You can't set a proxy for powershell 5 / 7 without admin / root rights. On Windows try to set IE Settings if this is possible.";
+ return;
+ }
+ if ($Settings.BypassList -ne $null -and $Settings.BypassList.Count -gt 0) {
+ $bypasslist = '
+ '+ (
+ (($Settings.BypassList | ForEach-Object { " " }) -join [System.Environment]::NewLine)
+ ) + '
+ ';
+ }
+ $proxyConfig = '
+ '+ $bypasslist + '
+ ';
+ Write-Debug "$proxyConfig";
+ $powershellConfigExtension = [xml]$proxyConfig;
+ function Update-PowerShellConfig {
+ [CmdletBinding()]
+ param (
+ [Parameter()]
+ [string]
+ $powershellPath
+ )
+ $configPath = "$powershellPath.config";
+ if ((Test-Path $configPath) -eq $false -and [string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($Settings.ProxyAddress)) {
+ # do nothing, if the config isn't exsist and no proxy is required.
+ return
+ }
+ #create file if it isn't exsists
+ if ((Test-Path $configPath) -eq $false) {
+ # set acls for windows
+ if ($PSVersionTable.PSEdition -eq "Desktop" -or $IsWindows) {
+ $installDir = (Get-Item $powershellPath).Directory.FullName;
+ # allow write access to the config file and save the file
+ $defaultAcl = Get-Acl "$installDir";
+ $aclForPowerShellFile = Get-Acl "$installDir";
+ $AdministratorsSID = New-Object System.Security.Principal.SecurityIdentifier 'S-1-5-32-544';
+ $newRule = New-Object System.Security.AccessControl.FileSystemAccessRule($AdministratorsSID, @("Write"), "None", "InheritOnly", "Allow") ;
+ $aclForPowerShellFile.AddAccessRule($newRule);
+ Set-Acl -Path "$installDir" $aclForPowerShellFile;
+ }
+ New-Item $configPath -ItemType File | Out-Null;
+ if ($PSVersionTable.PSEdition -eq "Desktop" -or $IsWindows) {
+ #revoke access to default:
+ Set-Acl -Path "$installDir" $defaultAcl | Out-Null;
+ }
+ }
+ # set acls for windows
+ if ($PSVersionTable.PSEdition -eq "Desktop" -or $IsWindows) {
+ # allow write access to the config file and save the file
+ $defaultAcl = Get-Acl "$configPath";
+ $aclForPowerShellFile = Get-Acl "$configPath";
+ $AdministratorsSID = New-Object System.Security.Principal.SecurityIdentifier 'S-1-5-32-544';
+ $newRule = New-Object System.Security.AccessControl.FileSystemAccessRule($AdministratorsSID, @("Write"), "None", "InheritOnly", "Allow") ;
+ $aclForPowerShellFile.AddAccessRule($newRule);
+ Set-Acl -Path "$configPath" $aclForPowerShellFile;
+ }
+ $powershellConfig = [xml](Get-Content "$configPath");
+ if ($null -eq $powershellConfig) {
+ if ([string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($Settings.ProxyAddress)) {
+ # no proxy should be confgiured
+ return;
+ }
+ else {
+ $proxyConfig | Set-Content $configPath;
+ }
+ }
+ elseif ($null -eq $powershellConfig.configuration -and $false -eq [string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($Settings.ProxyAddress)) {
+ $extensionNode = $powershellConfig.ImportNode($powershellConfigExtension.configuration, $true);
+ $powershellConfig.AppendChild($extensionNode) | Out-Null;
+ }
+ elseif ($null -eq $powershellConfig.configuration.'system.net' -and $false -eq [string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($Settings.ProxyAddress)) {
+ $extensionNode = $powershellConfig.configuration.OwnerDocument.ImportNode($powershellConfigExtension.configuration.'system.net', $true);
+ $powershellConfig.configuration.AppendChild($extensionNode) | Out-Null;
+ }
+ else {
+ # remove old proxy config
+ $configuredDefaultProxy = $powershellConfig.configuration.GetElementsByTagName('system.net')[0].GetElementsByTagName("defaultProxy");
+ if ($null -ne $configuredDefaultProxy -and $configuredDefaultProxy.Count -gt 0) {
+ $powershellConfig.configuration.GetElementsByTagName('system.net')[0].RemoveChild($configuredDefaultProxy[0]) | Out-Null;
+ }
+ if ($false -eq [string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($Settings.ProxyAddress)) {
+ # add new proxy config
+ $extensionNode = $powershellConfig.configuration.GetElementsByTagName('system.net')[0].OwnerDocument.ImportNode($powershellConfigExtension.configuration.'system.net'.defaultProxy, $true);
+ $powershellConfig.configuration.GetElementsByTagName('system.net')[0].AppendChild($extensionNode) | Out-Null;
+ }
+ }
+ if ($null -ne $powershellConfig) {
+ $powershellConfig.Save("$configPath") | Out-Null;
+ }
+ if ($PSVersionTable.PSEdition -eq "Desktop" -or $IsWindows) {
+ #revoke access to default:
+ Set-Acl -Path "$configPath" $defaultAcl | Out-Null;
+ }
+ }
+ # pwsh core
+ $powershell = (Get-Command "pwsh" -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue);
+ if ($null -eq $powershell) {
+ Write-Debug "Unable to find PowerShell 7 on your system. Skip configuration";
+ }
+ else {
+ Update-PowerShellConfig -powershellPath ($powershell.Path);
+ }
+ #Win powershell
+ $winPowershell = (Get-Command "powershell" -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue);
+ if ($null -eq $winPowershell) {
+ Write-Debug "Unable to find PowerShell < 6 on your system. Skip configuration";
+ }
+ else {
+ Update-PowerShellConfig -powershellPath ($winPowershell.Path);
+ }
+function Set-EnvironmentProxyConfiguration {
+ [CmdletBinding()]
+ param (
+ [Parameter()]
+ [ProxySetting]
+ $Settings,
+ [switch]
+ $NoRoot
+ )
+ if ($PSVersionTable.PSEdition -eq "Desktop" -or $IsWindows) {
+ # set the process to, to avoid the user must restart the process.
+ [Environment]::SetEnvironmentVariable("HTTP_PROXY", $Settings.ProxyAddress, [EnvironmentVariableTarget]::Process)
+ [Environment]::SetEnvironmentVariable("HTTPS_PROXY", $Settings.ProxyAddress, [EnvironmentVariableTarget]::Process)
+ [Environment]::SetEnvironmentVariable("NO_PROXY", $($Settings.BypassList -join ','), [EnvironmentVariableTarget]::Process)
+ if ($NoRoot) {
+ [Environment]::SetEnvironmentVariable("HTTPS_PROXY", $Settings.ProxyAddress, [EnvironmentVariableTarget]::User)
+ [Environment]::SetEnvironmentVariable("HTTP_PROXY", $Settings.ProxyAddress, [EnvironmentVariableTarget]::User)
+ [Environment]::SetEnvironmentVariable("NO_PROXY", $($Settings.BypassList -join ','), [EnvironmentVariableTarget]::User)
+ }
+ else {
+ # Set environment for all users
+ [Environment]::SetEnvironmentVariable("HTTP_PROXY", $Settings.ProxyAddress, [EnvironmentVariableTarget]::Machine);
+ [Environment]::SetEnvironmentVariable("HTTPS_PROXY", $Settings.ProxyAddress, [EnvironmentVariableTarget]::Machine);
+ [Environment]::SetEnvironmentVariable("NO_PROXY", $($Settings.BypassList -join ','), [EnvironmentVariableTarget]::Machine)
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ if ($NoRoot) {
+ Write-Warning "Currently to set the environment this script needs root rights. Didn't change any environment varables.";
+ # TODO: add user proxy settings for this case.
+ }
+ else {
+ # Set environment for all users
+ $proxyshFilePath = "/etc/profile.d/proxy.sh";
+ if ([string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($Settings.ProxyAddress)) {
+ # Remove this content from the file, because a line with:
+ # `something=`
+ # is an error for some tools. So the lines must be empty
+ if (Test-Path -Path $proxyshFilePath) {
+ Remove-Item -Path "/etc/profile.d/proxy.sh" -Force;
+ Write-Verbose "$proxyshFilePath deleted. Proxy settings are resetted.";
+ }
+ else {
+ Write-Verbose "$proxyshFilePath didn't exsist. Nothing changed.";
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ "export http_proxy=$($Settings.ProxyAddress)
+ export no_proxy=$($Settings.BypassList -join ',')
+ export HTTP_PROXY=$($Settings.ProxyAddress)
+ export https_proxy=$($Settings.ProxyAddress)
+ export HTTPS_PROXY=$($Settings.ProxyAddress)" | Set-Content -Path $proxyshFilePath;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+class ProxySetting {
+ # TODO: implement http and https proxies can be different! 💣
+ [string] $ProxyAddress = $null;
+ # TODO: how to handle credentials
+ [pscredential] $ProxyCredentials = $null;
+ # TODO: are we allowed to override system proxy. (important for all .net applications, because they normaly use the system settings)
+ [bool] $UseSystemProxyAddress = $false;
+ [string[]] $BypassList;
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/tests/Set-ProxyConfiguration.tests.ps1 b/tests/Set-ProxyConfiguration.tests.ps1
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0ec43c9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/Set-ProxyConfiguration.tests.ps1
@@ -0,0 +1,1152 @@
+Describe "Set-ProxyConfiguration" {
+ BeforeDiscovery {
+ $script:skipBecauseLinux = ($PSVersionTable.PSEdition -eq "Desktop" -or $IsWindows) -eq $false;
+ $script:skipBecauseWindows = ($PSVersionTable.PSEdition -eq "Desktop" -or $IsWindows) -eq $true;
+ $script:noapt = ($null -eq (Get-Command apt -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue) -or $null -eq (Get-Command apt-config -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue));
+ }
+ BeforeAll {
+ # load function to test
+ $fileInfo = Get-ChildItem $PSCommandPath;
+ $functionName = $fileInfo.Name.Split('.')[0];
+ $file = Get-ChildItem "$PSScriptRoot/../src/$functionName.ps1";
+ $targetFileName = "$($file.FullName)";
+ # load function to test
+ . "$targetFileName";
+ }
+ Describe "the main function" {
+ Context "When Set-ProxyConfiguration is okay and" {
+ BeforeAll {
+ Mock -Verifiable Test-Path {
+ return $true;
+ };
+ Mock -Verifiable Set-GitProxyConfiguration {};
+ Mock -Verifiable Set-NpmProxyConfiguration {};
+ Mock -Verifiable Set-AptProxyConfiguration {};
+ Mock -Verifiable Set-DockerProxyConfiguration {};
+ Mock -Verifiable Set-PowerShellProxyConfiguration {};
+ Mock -Verifiable Set-EnvironmentProxyConfiguration {};
+ }
+ It("It Should set the proxy") {
+ # Arrange
+ $ProxyAddress = 'http://proxy.codez.one:8080';
+ Mock -Verifiable Get-Content { return '{
+ "ProxyAddress": "'+ $ProxyAddress + '"
+ }'
+ }
+ $configPath = "something/that/not/exsists";
+ # Act
+ Set-ProxyConfiguration -ConfigPath "$configPath";
+ #Assert
+ Assert-MockCalled Test-Path -Times 1 -ParameterFilter { $Path -eq $configPath };
+ Assert-MockCalled Get-Content -Times 1 -ParameterFilter { $Path -eq $configPath -and $Raw -eq $true };
+ Assert-MockCalled Set-GitProxyConfiguration -Times 1 -ParameterFilter { $Settings.ProxyAddress -eq $ProxyAddress };
+ Assert-MockCalled Set-NpmProxyConfiguration -Times 1 -ParameterFilter { $Settings.ProxyAddress -eq $ProxyAddress };
+ Assert-MockCalled Set-AptProxyConfiguration -Times 1 -ParameterFilter { $Settings.ProxyAddress -eq $ProxyAddress -and $NoRoot -eq $false };
+ Assert-MockCalled Set-DockerProxyConfiguration -Times 1 -ParameterFilter { $Settings.ProxyAddress -eq $ProxyAddress };
+ Assert-MockCalled Set-PowerShellProxyConfiguration -Times 1 -ParameterFilter { $Settings.ProxyAddress -eq $ProxyAddress -and $NoRoot -eq $false };
+ Assert-MockCalled Set-EnvironmentProxyConfiguration -Times 1 -ParameterFilter { $Settings.ProxyAddress -eq $ProxyAddress -and $NoRoot -eq $false };
+ }
+ It("It Should set the BypassList") {
+ # Arrange
+ $BypassAddresses = 'git.codez.one';
+ Mock -Verifiable Get-Content { return '{
+ "ProxyAddress": "http://proxy.codez.one:8080",
+ "BypassList": [
+ "'+ $BypassAddresses + '"
+ ]
+ }'
+ }
+ $configPath = "something/that/not/exsists";
+ # Act
+ Set-ProxyConfiguration -ConfigPath "$configPath";
+ #Assert
+ Assert-MockCalled Test-Path -Times 1 -ParameterFilter { $Path -eq $configPath };
+ Assert-MockCalled Get-Content -Times 1 -ParameterFilter { $Path -eq $configPath -and $Raw -eq $true };
+ Assert-MockCalled Set-GitProxyConfiguration -Times 1 -ParameterFilter { $Settings.BypassList.Contains($BypassAddresses) };
+ Assert-MockCalled Set-NpmProxyConfiguration -Times 1 -ParameterFilter { $Settings.BypassList.Contains($BypassAddresses) };
+ Assert-MockCalled Set-AptProxyConfiguration -Times 1 -ParameterFilter { $Settings.BypassList.Contains($BypassAddresses) -and $NoRoot -eq $false };
+ Assert-MockCalled Set-DockerProxyConfiguration -Times 1 -ParameterFilter { $Settings.BypassList.Contains($BypassAddresses) };
+ Assert-MockCalled Set-PowerShellProxyConfiguration -Times 1 -ParameterFilter { $Settings.BypassList.Contains($BypassAddresses) -and $NoRoot -eq $false };
+ Assert-MockCalled Set-EnvironmentProxyConfiguration -Times 1 -ParameterFilter { $Settings.BypassList.Contains($BypassAddresses) -and $NoRoot -eq $false };
+ }
+ It("It Should set the Proxy with the system settings on windows") -Skip:($skipBecauseLinux) {
+ # Arrange
+ $ProxyAddress = 'http://proxy.codez.one:8080';
+ Mock -Verifiable Get-Content { return '{
+ "UseSystemProxyAddress": true
+ }'
+ }
+ Mock -Verifiable Get-ItemProperty {
+ return [PSCustomObject]@{
+ proxyServer = "$ProxyAddress";
+ };
+ }
+ $configPath = "something/that/not/exsists";
+ # Act
+ Set-ProxyConfiguration -ConfigPath "$configPath";
+ #Assert
+ Assert-MockCalled Test-Path -Times 1 -ParameterFilter { $Path -eq $configPath };
+ Assert-MockCalled Get-Content -Times 1 -ParameterFilter { $Path -eq $configPath -and $Raw -eq $true };
+ Assert-MockCalled Get-ItemProperty -Times 1 -ParameterFilter { $Path -eq 'HKCU:\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Internet Settings' };
+ Assert-MockCalled Set-GitProxyConfiguration -Times 1 -ParameterFilter { $Settings.ProxyAddress -eq $ProxyAddress };
+ Assert-MockCalled Set-NpmProxyConfiguration -Times 1 -ParameterFilter { $Settings.ProxyAddress -eq $ProxyAddress };
+ Assert-MockCalled Set-AptProxyConfiguration -Times 1 -ParameterFilter { $Settings.ProxyAddress -eq $ProxyAddress -and $NoRoot -eq $false };
+ Assert-MockCalled Set-DockerProxyConfiguration -Times 1 -ParameterFilter { $Settings.ProxyAddress -eq $ProxyAddress };
+ Assert-MockCalled Set-PowerShellProxyConfiguration -Times 1 -ParameterFilter { $Settings.ProxyAddress -eq $ProxyAddress -and $NoRoot -eq $false };
+ Assert-MockCalled Set-EnvironmentProxyConfiguration -Times 1 -ParameterFilter { $Settings.ProxyAddress -eq $ProxyAddress -and $NoRoot -eq $false };
+ }
+ }
+ Context "When Set-ProxyConfiguration is not okay and" {
+ It("It Should write an error if the config file doesn't exsists.") {
+ Mock -Verifiable Test-Path {
+ return $false;
+ };
+ $configPath = "something/that/not/exsists";
+ # Act & assert
+ { Set-ProxyConfiguration -ConfigPath "$configPath" } | Should -Throw "The config path doesn't exsists.";
+ Assert-MockCalled Test-Path -Times 1 -ParameterFilter { $Path -eq $configPath };
+ }
+ It("It Should write an error if it wants to use system proxy on linux.") -Skip:($skipBecauseWindows) {
+ Mock -Verifiable Test-Path {
+ return $true;
+ };
+ Mock -Verifiable Get-Content { return '{
+ "UseSystemProxyAddress": true
+ }'
+ }
+ $configPath = "something/that/not/exsists";
+ # Act & assert
+ { Set-ProxyConfiguration -ConfigPath "$configPath" } | Should -Throw "Currently we don't support linux, to read out the system proxy. Please configure it manualy";
+ Assert-MockCalled Test-Path -Times 1 -ParameterFilter { $Path -eq $configPath };
+ Assert-MockCalled Get-Content -Times 1 -ParameterFilter { $Path -eq $configPath -and $Raw -eq $true };
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ Describe "the git function"{
+ Context "When Set-GitProxyConfiguration is okay and"{
+ It("'git' is undefined, it shouldn't throw an error."){
+ Mock -Verifiable Get-Command {
+ Write-Error "not found";
+ }
+ Mock -Verifiable "git" {
+ return;
+ }
+ # act
+ Set-GitProxyConfiguration -Settings $null;
+ #assert
+ Assert-MockCalled Get-Command -Times 1 -ParameterFilter {$Name -eq "git"};
+ Assert-MockCalled "git" -Exactly -Times 0;
+ }
+ It("no proxy should be setted, the proxy should be unset."){
+ Mock -Verifiable Get-Command {
+ return "not null";
+ }
+ Mock -Verifiable "git" {
+ if($args[2] -eq "--get-regexp"){
+ if($args[3] -eq "http\.http"){
+ "http.http://codez.one.proxy ";
+ }else{
+ "https.https://codez.one.proxy ";
+ }
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ # act
+ Set-GitProxyConfiguration -Settings $null;
+ #assert
+ Assert-MockCalled Get-Command -Times 1 -ParameterFilter {$Name -eq "git"};
+ ## reset proxy entries
+ Assert-MockCalled "git" -Times 1 -Exactly -ParameterFilter {$args[0] -eq 'config' -and $args[1] -eq "--global" -and $args[2] -eq "--unset" -and $args[3] -eq "http.proxy"};
+ Assert-MockCalled "git" -Times 1 -Exactly -ParameterFilter {$args[0] -eq 'config' -and $args[1] -eq "--global" -and $args[2] -eq "--unset" -and $args[3] -eq "https.proxy"};
+ ## reset bypass
+ Assert-MockCalled "git" -Times 1 -Exactly -ParameterFilter {$args[0] -eq 'config' -and $args[1] -eq "--global" -and $args[2] -eq "--get-regexp" -and $args[3] -eq "http\.http"};
+ Assert-MockCalled "git" -Times 1 -Exactly -ParameterFilter {$args[0] -eq 'config' -and $args[1] -eq "--global" -and $args[2] -eq "--get-regexp" -and $args[3] -eq "https\.https"};
+ ## the removed bypassed is trimmed and in the right way combined
+ Assert-MockCalled "git" -Times 1 -Exactly -ParameterFilter {$args[0] -eq 'config' -and $args[1] -eq "--global" -and $args[2] -eq "--unset" -and $args[3] -eq "http.http://codez.one.proxy"};
+ Assert-MockCalled "git" -Times 1 -Exactly -ParameterFilter {$args[0] -eq 'config' -and $args[1] -eq "--global" -and $args[2] -eq "--unset" -and $args[3] -eq "https.https://codez.one.proxy"};
+ ## at the end there should be not more then 6 calls
+ Assert-MockCalled "git" -Times 6 -Exactly;
+ }
+ It("a proxy configuration is required all git commands are running"){
+ # arrange
+ Mock -Verifiable Get-Command {
+ return "not null";
+ }
+ Mock -Verifiable "git" {
+ if($args[2] -eq "--get-regexp"){
+ if($args[3] -eq "http\.http"){
+ "http.http://not.okay.proxy ";
+ }else{
+ "https.https://not.okay.proxy ";
+ }
+ }
+ if($args[0] -eq "version"){
+ return "git version 200.250.100"
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ $settings = [ProxySetting](New-Object ProxySetting);
+ $settings.ProxyAddress = "http://proxy.codez.one:8080";
+ $settings.BypassList = "http://codez.one", "https://codez.one";
+ # act
+ Set-GitProxyConfiguration -Settings $settings;
+ # assert
+ Assert-MockCalled Get-Command -Times 1 -ParameterFilter {$Name -eq "git"};
+ ## set proxy entries
+ Assert-MockCalled "git" -Times 1 -Exactly -ParameterFilter {$args[0] -eq 'config' -and $args[1] -eq "--global" -and $args[2] -eq "http.proxy" -and $args[3] -eq $settings.ProxyAddress};
+ Assert-MockCalled "git" -Times 1 -Exactly -ParameterFilter {$args[0] -eq 'config' -and $args[1] -eq "--global" -and $args[2] -eq "https.proxy" -and $args[3] -eq $settings.ProxyAddress};
+ ## set new bypass entries
+ Assert-MockCalled "git" -Times 1 -Exactly -ParameterFilter {$args[0] -eq 'config' -and $args[1] -eq "--global" -and $args[2] -eq "http.http://codez.one.proxy"};
+ Assert-MockCalled "git" -Times 1 -Exactly -ParameterFilter {$args[0] -eq 'config' -and $args[1] -eq "--global" -and $args[2] -eq "https.https://codez.one.proxy"};
+ ## reset old bypass
+ Assert-MockCalled "git" -Times 1 -Exactly -ParameterFilter {$args[0] -eq 'config' -and $args[1] -eq "--global" -and $args[2] -eq "--get-regexp" -and $args[3] -eq "http\.http"};
+ Assert-MockCalled "git" -Times 1 -Exactly -ParameterFilter {$args[0] -eq 'config' -and $args[1] -eq "--global" -and $args[2] -eq "--get-regexp" -and $args[3] -eq "https\.https"};
+ ## the removed bypassed is trimmed and in the right way combined
+ Assert-MockCalled "git" -Times 1 -Exactly -ParameterFilter {$args[0] -eq 'config' -and $args[1] -eq "--global" -and $args[2] -eq "--unset" -and $args[3] -eq "http.http://not.okay.proxy"};
+ Assert-MockCalled "git" -Times 1 -Exactly -ParameterFilter {$args[0] -eq 'config' -and $args[1] -eq "--global" -and $args[2] -eq "--unset" -and $args[3] -eq "https.https://not.okay.proxy"};
+ ## git version is called
+ Assert-MockCalled "git" -Times 2 -Exactly -ParameterFilter {$args[0] -eq 'version'};
+ ## at the end there should be not more then 6 calls
+ Assert-MockCalled "git" -Times 10 -Exactly;
+ }
+ It("bypass entry without protocoll is provided, it should set http and https"){
+ # arrange
+ Mock -Verifiable Get-Command {
+ return "not null";
+ }
+ Mock -Verifiable "git" {
+ return;
+ }
+ $settings = [ProxySetting](New-Object ProxySetting);
+ $settings.ProxyAddress = "http://proxy.codez.one:8080";
+ $settings.BypassList = "codez.one";
+ # act
+ Set-GitProxyConfiguration -Settings $settings;
+ ## set new bypass entries
+ Assert-MockCalled "git" -Times 1 -Exactly -ParameterFilter {$args[0] -eq 'config' -and $args[1] -eq "--global" -and $args[2] -eq "http.http://codez.one.proxy"};
+ Assert-MockCalled "git" -Times 1 -Exactly -ParameterFilter {$args[0] -eq 'config' -and $args[1] -eq "--global" -and $args[2] -eq "https.https://codez.one.proxy"};
+ }
+ it("get version is to old for wildcard, it should warn the user."){
+ # arrange
+ Mock -Verifiable Get-Command {
+ return "not null";
+ }
+ Mock -Verifiable "git" {
+ if($args[0] -eq "version"){
+ return "git version 2.0.100"
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ $settings = [ProxySetting](New-Object ProxySetting);
+ $settings.ProxyAddress = "http://proxy.codez.one:8080";
+ $settings.BypassList = "*.codez.one";
+ # act
+ Set-GitProxyConfiguration -Settings $settings -WarningVariable warning;
+ # assert
+ $warning | Should -Be "Your git version is to old to support wild card hostnames. You must have version 2.13 or higher. We skip the hostname $($settings.BypassList[0])"
+ }
+ }
+ ## TODO: add tests if the bypass list isn't clean
+ }
+ Describe "the npm function"{
+ Context "When Set-NpmProxyConfiguration is okay and"{
+ It("'npm' is undefined, it shouldn't throw an error."){
+ Mock -Verifiable Get-Command {
+ Write-Error "not found";
+ }
+ Mock -Verifiable "npm" {
+ return;
+ }
+ # act
+ Set-NpmProxyConfiguration -Settings $null;
+ #assert
+ Assert-MockCalled Get-Command -Times 1 -ParameterFilter {$Name -eq "npm"};
+ Assert-MockCalled "npm" -Exactly -Times 0;
+ }
+ It("wsl is active and npm on the path, is the windows npm, it should write an warning."){
+ Mock -Verifiable Get-Command {
+ return [pscustomobject]@{Path = "/mnt/c/Program Files/nodejs/npm"};
+ }
+ Mock -Verifiable "npm" {
+ return;
+ }
+ # act
+ Set-NpmProxyConfiguration -Settings $null -WarningVariable warning;
+ #assert
+ Assert-MockCalled Get-Command -Times 1 -ParameterFilter {$Name -eq "npm"};
+ $warning | Should -Be ("In WSL2 you must override your environment variables to the linux version of NPM. " + `
+ "We can't currently configure NPM for you.");
+ Assert-MockCalled "npm" -Exactly -Times 0;
+ }
+ It("no proxy setting is defined, it should reset all npm proxy settings."){
+ Mock -Verifiable Get-Command {
+ return [pscustomobject]@{Path = "something"};
+ }
+ Mock -Verifiable "npm" {
+ return;
+ }
+ # act
+ Set-NpmProxyConfiguration -Settings $null -WarningVariable warning;
+ #assert
+ Assert-MockCalled Get-Command -Times 1 -ParameterFilter {$Name -eq "npm"};
+ ## remove all proxy settings
+ Assert-MockCalled "npm" -Times 1 -ParameterFilter {$args[0] -eq "config" -and $args[1] -eq "delete" -and $args[2] -eq "proxy"};
+ Assert-MockCalled "npm" -Times 1 -ParameterFilter {$args[0] -eq "config" -and $args[1] -eq "delete" -and $args[2] -eq "https-proxy"};
+ Assert-MockCalled "npm" -Times 1 -ParameterFilter {$args[0] -eq "config" -and $args[1] -eq "delete" -and $args[2] -eq "no-proxy"};
+ Assert-MockCalled "npm" -Times 1 -ParameterFilter {$args[0] -eq "config" -and $args[1] -eq "delete" -and $args[2] -eq "noproxy"};
+ Assert-MockCalled "npm" -Exactly -Times 4;
+ }
+ It("and proxy settings are defined, it should set all npm proxy settings."){
+ Mock -Verifiable Get-Command {
+ return [pscustomobject]@{Path = "something"};
+ }
+ Mock -Verifiable "npm" {
+ return;
+ }
+ # act
+ $settings = [ProxySetting](New-Object ProxySetting);
+ $settings.ProxyAddress = "http://proxy.codez.one:8080";
+ $settings.BypassList = "*.codez.one", "codez.one";
+ Set-NpmProxyConfiguration -Settings $settings -WarningVariable warning;
+ #assert
+ Assert-MockCalled Get-Command -Times 1 -ParameterFilter {$Name -eq "npm"};
+ ## remove all proxy settings
+ Assert-MockCalled "npm" -Times 1 -ParameterFilter {$args[0] -eq "config" -and $args[1] -eq "set" -and $args[2] -eq "proxy" -and $args[3] -eq $settings.ProxyAddress};
+ Assert-MockCalled "npm" -Times 1 -ParameterFilter {$args[0] -eq "config" -and $args[1] -eq "set" -and $args[2] -eq "https-proxy" -and $args[3] -eq $settings.ProxyAddress};
+ Assert-MockCalled "npm" -Times 1 -ParameterFilter {$args[0] -eq "config" -and $args[1] -eq "set" -and $args[2] -eq "no-proxy" -and $args[3] -eq $(($settings.BypassList -join ',').Trim())};
+ Assert-MockCalled "npm" -Times 1 -ParameterFilter {$args[0] -eq "config" -and $args[1] -eq "set" -and $args[2] -eq "noproxy" -and $args[3] -eq $(($settings.BypassList -join ',').Trim())};
+ Assert-MockCalled "npm" -Exactly -Times 4;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ Describe "the apt function"{
+ Context "When Set-AptProxyConfiguration is okay and" -Skip:(($skipBecauseWindows) -or ($noapt)){
+ It("'apt' is undefined, it shouldn't throw an error"){
+ # arrage
+ Mock -Verifiable Get-Command {
+ Write-Error "not found";
+ }
+ #act
+ Set-AptProxyConfiguration -Settings $null;
+ # assert
+ Assert-MockCalled Get-Command -Times 1 -Exactly;
+ }
+ It("no config exsists and no proxy are required, do nothing."){
+ # arrage
+ Mock -Verifiable Get-Command {
+ return "not null";
+ }
+ Mock -Verifiable Test-Path {
+ return $false;
+ }
+ Mock -Verifiable Set-Content {
+ return;
+ }
+ #act
+ Set-AptProxyConfiguration -Settings $null;
+ # assert
+ Assert-MockCalled Get-Command -Times 1 -Exactly;
+ Assert-MockCalled Test-Path -Times 1 -Exactly -ParameterFilter {$Path -eq "/etc/apt/apt.conf"};
+ Assert-MockCalled Set-Content -Times 0 -Exactly;
+ }
+ It("no config exsists and a proxy is required, write the config."){
+ # arrage
+ Mock -Verifiable Get-Command {
+ return "not null";
+ }
+ Mock -Verifiable Test-Path {
+ return $false;
+ }
+ Mock -Verifiable Set-Content {
+ return;
+ }
+ #act
+ $settings = [ProxySetting](New-Object ProxySetting);
+ $settings.ProxyAddress = "http://proxy.codez.one:8080";
+ Set-AptProxyConfiguration -Settings $settings;
+ # assert
+ Assert-MockCalled Get-Command -Times 1 -Exactly;
+ Assert-MockCalled Test-Path -Times 1 -Exactly -ParameterFilter {$Path -eq "/etc/apt/apt.conf"};
+ Assert-MockCalled Set-Content -Times 1 -Exactly -ParameterFilter {$Value -eq "Acquire::http::Proxy ""$($settings.ProxyAddress)"";"};
+ }
+ It("no config exsists and a proxy with bypass is required, write a warning that bypass is not support by apt."){
+ # arrage
+ Mock -Verifiable Get-Command {
+ return "not null";
+ }
+ Mock -Verifiable Test-Path {
+ return $false;
+ }
+ Mock -Verifiable Set-Content {
+ return;
+ }
+ #act
+ $settings = [ProxySetting](New-Object ProxySetting);
+ $settings.ProxyAddress = "http://proxy.codez.one:8080";
+ $settings.BypassList = "*.codez.one", "codez.one";
+ Set-AptProxyConfiguration -Settings $settings -WarningVariable warning;
+ # assert
+ Assert-MockCalled Get-Command -Times 1 -Exactly;
+ Assert-MockCalled Test-Path -Times 1 -Exactly -ParameterFilter {$Path -eq "/etc/apt/apt.conf"};
+ Assert-MockCalled Set-Content -Times 1 -Exactly -ParameterFilter {$Value -eq "Acquire::http::Proxy ""$($settings.ProxyAddress)"";"};
+ $warning | Should -Be "apt-get does not support bypass list. To bypass the proxy config for a given command start the command like: 'apt-get -o Acquire::http::proxy=false ....'. This will bypass the proxy for the runtime of the apt-get command.";
+ }
+ It("config exsists but is empty and a proxy is required, write the config."){
+ # arrage
+ Mock -Verifiable Get-Command {
+ return "not null";
+ }
+ Mock -Verifiable Test-Path {
+ return $true;
+ }
+ Mock -Verifiable Add-Content {
+ return;
+ }
+ Mock -Verifiable "apt-config" {
+ return $null;
+ }
+ #act
+ $settings = [ProxySetting](New-Object ProxySetting);
+ $settings.ProxyAddress = "http://proxy.codez.one:8080";
+ Set-AptProxyConfiguration -Settings $settings;
+ # assert
+ Assert-MockCalled Get-Command -Times 1 -Exactly;
+ Assert-MockCalled Test-Path -Times 1 -Exactly -ParameterFilter {$Path -eq "/etc/apt/apt.conf"};
+ Assert-MockCalled "apt-config" -Times 1 -Exactly -ParameterFilter {$Args[0] -eq "dump" -and $Args[1] -eq "Acquire::http::proxy"};
+ Assert-MockCalled Add-Content -Times 1 -Exactly -ParameterFilter {$Value -eq "Acquire::http::Proxy ""$($settings.ProxyAddress)"";" -and $Encoding -eq [System.Text.Encoding]::ASCII};
+ }
+ It("config exsists but is empty and a no proxy is required, do nothing."){
+ # arrage
+ Mock -Verifiable Get-Command {
+ return "not null";
+ }
+ Mock -Verifiable Test-Path {
+ return $true;
+ }
+ Mock -Verifiable Add-Content {
+ return;
+ }
+ Mock -Verifiable "apt-config" {
+ return $null;
+ }
+ #act
+ $settings = [ProxySetting](New-Object ProxySetting);
+ $settings.ProxyAddress = $null;
+ Set-AptProxyConfiguration -Settings $settings;
+ # assert
+ Assert-MockCalled Get-Command -Times 1 -Exactly;
+ Assert-MockCalled Test-Path -Times 1 -Exactly -ParameterFilter {$Path -eq "/etc/apt/apt.conf"};
+ Assert-MockCalled "apt-config" -Times 1 -Exactly -ParameterFilter {$Args[0] -eq "dump" -and $Args[1] -eq "Acquire::http::proxy"};
+ Assert-MockCalled Add-Content -Times 0 -Exactly;
+ }
+ It("config exsists but isn't empty and a no proxy is required, clean up the proxy settings."){
+ # arrage
+ Mock -Verifiable Get-Command {
+ return "not null";
+ }
+ Mock -Verifiable Test-Path {
+ return $true;
+ }
+ Mock -Verifiable Get-Content {
+ return "Acquire::http::Proxy ""http://old.proxy:80"";" + [System.Environment]::NewLine +
+ "Acquire {" + [System.Environment]::NewLine +
+ "http {" + [System.Environment]::NewLine +
+ "proxy ""http://old.proxy:80"";" + [System.Environment]::NewLine +
+ "}" + [System.Environment]::NewLine +
+ "}";
+ }
+ Mock -Verifiable Set-Content {
+ return;
+ }
+ Mock -Verifiable "apt-config" {
+ return "something";
+ }
+ #act
+ $settings = [ProxySetting](New-Object ProxySetting);
+ $settings.ProxyAddress = $null;
+ Set-AptProxyConfiguration -Settings $settings;
+ # assert
+ Assert-MockCalled Get-Command -Times 1 -Exactly;
+ Assert-MockCalled Test-Path -Times 1 -Exactly -ParameterFilter {$Path -eq "/etc/apt/apt.conf"};
+ Assert-MockCalled "apt-config" -Times 1 -Exactly -ParameterFilter {$Args[0] -eq "dump" -and $Args[1] -eq "Acquire::http::proxy"};
+ Assert-MockCalled Get-Content -Times 1 -Exactly -ParameterFilter {$Path -eq "/etc/apt/apt.conf"};
+ $resultAptConf = [System.Environment]::NewLine +
+ "Acquire {" + [System.Environment]::NewLine +
+ "http {" + [System.Environment]::NewLine +
+ [System.Environment]::NewLine +
+ "}" + [System.Environment]::NewLine +
+ "}";
+ Assert-MockCalled Set-Content -Times 1 -Exactly -ParameterFilter {$Value -eq $resultAptConf};
+ }
+ It("config exsists and isn't empty and a proxy is required, reset the proxy settings."){
+ # arrage
+ Mock -Verifiable Get-Command {
+ return "not null";
+ }
+ Mock -Verifiable Test-Path {
+ return $true;
+ }
+ Mock -Verifiable Get-Content {
+ return "Acquire::http::Proxy ""http://old.proxy:80"";" + [System.Environment]::NewLine +
+ "Acquire {" + [System.Environment]::NewLine +
+ "http {" + [System.Environment]::NewLine +
+ "proxy ""http://old.proxy:80"";" + [System.Environment]::NewLine +
+ "}" + [System.Environment]::NewLine +
+ "}";
+ }
+ Mock -Verifiable Set-Content {
+ return;
+ }
+ Mock -Verifiable "apt-config" {
+ return "something";
+ }
+ #act
+ $settings = [ProxySetting](New-Object ProxySetting);
+ $settings.ProxyAddress = "http://proxy.codez.one:8080";
+ Set-AptProxyConfiguration -Settings $settings;
+ # assert
+ Assert-MockCalled Get-Command -Times 1 -Exactly;
+ Assert-MockCalled Test-Path -Times 1 -Exactly -ParameterFilter {$Path -eq "/etc/apt/apt.conf"};
+ Assert-MockCalled "apt-config" -Times 1 -Exactly -ParameterFilter {$Args[0] -eq "dump" -and $Args[1] -eq "Acquire::http::proxy"};
+ Assert-MockCalled Get-Content -Times 1 -Exactly -ParameterFilter {$Path -eq "/etc/apt/apt.conf"};
+ $resultAptConf = "Acquire::http::Proxy ""http://proxy.codez.one:8080"";" + [System.Environment]::NewLine +
+ "Acquire {" + [System.Environment]::NewLine +
+ "http {" + [System.Environment]::NewLine +
+ "proxy ""http://proxy.codez.one:8080"";" + [System.Environment]::NewLine +
+ "}" + [System.Environment]::NewLine +
+ "}";
+ Assert-MockCalled Set-Content -Times 1 -Exactly -ParameterFilter {$Value -eq $resultAptConf};
+ }
+ It("user aren't root, but know it, do nothing."){
+ # arrage
+ Mock -Verifiable Get-Command {
+ return "not null";
+ }
+ Mock -Verifiable Test-Path {
+ throw [System.UnauthorizedAccessException] "Your are not root";
+ return $true;
+ }
+ Mock -Verifiable Get-Content {
+ return "Acquire::http::Proxy ""http://old.proxy:80"";" + [System.Environment]::NewLine +
+ "Acquire {" + [System.Environment]::NewLine +
+ "http {" + [System.Environment]::NewLine +
+ "proxy ""http://old.proxy:80"";" + [System.Environment]::NewLine +
+ "}" + [System.Environment]::NewLine +
+ "}";
+ }
+ Mock -Verifiable Set-Content {
+ return;
+ }
+ Mock -Verifiable "apt-config" {
+ return "something";
+ }
+ #act
+ $settings = [ProxySetting](New-Object ProxySetting);
+ $settings.ProxyAddress = "http://proxy.codez.one:8080";
+ Set-AptProxyConfiguration -Settings $settings -NoRoot;
+ # assert
+ Assert-MockCalled Get-Command -Times 1 -Exactly;
+ Assert-MockCalled Test-Path -Times 1 -Exactly -ParameterFilter {$Path -eq "/etc/apt/apt.conf"};
+ }
+ It("user aren't root, but don't know it, show an error."){
+ # arrage
+ Mock -Verifiable Get-Command {
+ return "not null";
+ }
+ Mock -Verifiable Test-Path {
+ throw [System.UnauthorizedAccessException] "Your are not root";
+ return $true;
+ }
+ Mock -Verifiable Get-Content {
+ return "Acquire::http::Proxy ""http://old.proxy:80"";" + [System.Environment]::NewLine +
+ "Acquire {" + [System.Environment]::NewLine +
+ "http {" + [System.Environment]::NewLine +
+ "proxy ""http://old.proxy:80"";" + [System.Environment]::NewLine +
+ "}" + [System.Environment]::NewLine +
+ "}";
+ }
+ Mock -Verifiable Set-Content {
+ return;
+ }
+ Mock -Verifiable "apt-config" {
+ return "something";
+ }
+ $settings = [ProxySetting](New-Object ProxySetting);
+ $settings.ProxyAddress = "http://proxy.codez.one:8080";
+ #act & assert
+ {Set-AptProxyConfiguration -Settings $settings} | Should -Throw "You must be root to change APT settings.";
+ Assert-MockCalled Get-Command -Times 1 -Exactly;
+ Assert-MockCalled Test-Path -Times 1 -Exactly -ParameterFilter {$Path -eq "/etc/apt/apt.conf"};
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ Describe "the docker function" {
+ Context "When Set-DockerProxyConfiguration is okay and" {
+ It("'docker' is undefined, it shouldn't throw an error"){
+ # arrage
+ Mock -Verifiable Get-Command {
+ Write-Error "not found";
+ }
+ #act
+ Set-DockerProxyConfiguration -Settings $null;
+ # assert
+ Assert-MockCalled Get-Command -Times 1 -Exactly -ParameterFilter {$Name -eq "docker"};
+ }
+ It("no config exsists and no proxy are required, do nothing."){
+ # arrage
+ Mock -Verifiable Get-Command {
+ return "not null";
+ }
+ Mock -Verifiable Test-Path {
+ return $false;
+ }
+ Mock -Verifiable Set-Content {
+ return;
+ }
+ #act
+ Set-DockerProxyConfiguration -Settings $null;
+ # assert
+ Assert-MockCalled Get-Command -Times 1 -Exactly;
+ Assert-MockCalled Test-Path -Times 1 -Exactly -ParameterFilter {$Path -eq "~/.docker/config.json"};
+ Assert-MockCalled Set-Content -Times 0 -Exactly;
+ }
+ It("no config exsists and a proxy is required, write the config."){
+ # arrage
+ Mock -Verifiable Get-Command {
+ return "not null";
+ }
+ Mock -Verifiable Test-Path {
+ return $false;
+ }
+ Mock -Verifiable Set-Content {
+ return;
+ }
+ Mock -Verifiable New-Item{
+ return;
+ }
+ #act
+ $settings = [ProxySetting](New-Object ProxySetting);
+ $settings.ProxyAddress = "http://proxy.codez.one:8080";
+ $settings.BypassList = "*.codez.one", "codez.one";
+ Set-DockerProxyConfiguration -Settings $settings;
+ # assert
+ Assert-MockCalled Get-Command -Times 1 -Exactly;
+ Assert-MockCalled Test-Path -Times 1 -Exactly -ParameterFilter {$Path -eq "~/.docker/config.json"};
+ Assert-MockCalled New-Item -Times 1 -Exactly -ParameterFilter {$ItemType -eq "Directory"};
+ Assert-MockCalled Set-Content -Times 1 -Exactly -ParameterFilter {$Path -eq "~/.docker/config.json" -and ($Value | ConvertFrom-Json).proxies.default.httpProxy -eq $settings.ProxyAddress -and ($Value | ConvertFrom-Json).proxies.default.httpsProxy -eq $settings.ProxyAddress -and ($Value | ConvertFrom-Json).proxies.default.noProxy -eq ($settings.BypassList -join ',')};
+ }
+ It("config exsists and no proxy is required, reset proxy settings."){
+ # arrage
+ Mock -Verifiable Get-Command {
+ return "not null";
+ }
+ Mock -Verifiable Test-Path {
+ return $true;
+ }
+ Mock -Verifiable Set-Content {
+ return;
+ }
+ Mock -Verifiable New-Item{
+ return;
+ }
+ Mock -Verifiable Get-Content{
+ return '{
+ "someProp": "someValue",
+ "proxies":
+ {
+ "default":
+ {
+ "httpProxy": "http://old.proxy:80",
+ "httpsProxy": "http://old.proxy:80",
+ "noProxy": "old, older"
+ }
+ }
+ }'
+ }
+ $settings = [ProxySetting](New-Object ProxySetting);
+ $settings.ProxyAddress = $null;
+ #act
+ Set-DockerProxyConfiguration -Settings $settings;
+ # assert
+ Assert-MockCalled Get-Command -Times 1 -Exactly;
+ Assert-MockCalled Test-Path -Times 1 -Exactly -ParameterFilter {$Path -eq "~/.docker/config.json"};
+ Assert-MockCalled Set-Content -Times 1 -Exactly -ParameterFilter {$Path -eq "~/.docker/config.json" -and ($Value | ConvertFrom-Json).PsObject.Properties.name -notmatch "proxies" -and ($Value | ConvertFrom-Json).someProp -eq "someValue"};
+ }
+ It("config exsists without proxy config and a proxy is required, set proxy settings."){
+ # arrage
+ Mock -Verifiable Get-Command {
+ return "not null";
+ }
+ Mock -Verifiable Test-Path {
+ return $true;
+ }
+ Mock -Verifiable Set-Content {
+ return;
+ }
+ Mock -Verifiable New-Item{
+ return;
+ }
+ Mock -Verifiable Get-Content{
+ return '{
+ "someProp": "someValue"
+ }'
+ }
+ $settings = [ProxySetting](New-Object ProxySetting);
+ $settings.ProxyAddress = "http://proxy.codez.one:8080";
+ $settings.BypassList = "*.codez.one", "codez.one";
+ #act
+ Set-DockerProxyConfiguration -Settings $settings;
+ # assert
+ Assert-MockCalled Get-Command -Times 1 -Exactly;
+ Assert-MockCalled Test-Path -Times 1 -Exactly -ParameterFilter {$Path -eq "~/.docker/config.json"};
+ Assert-MockCalled Set-Content -Times 1 -Exactly -ParameterFilter {$Path -eq "~/.docker/config.json" -and ($Value | ConvertFrom-Json).proxies.default.httpProxy -eq $settings.ProxyAddress -and ($Value | ConvertFrom-Json).proxies.default.httpsProxy -eq $settings.ProxyAddress -and ($Value | ConvertFrom-Json).proxies.default.noProxy -eq ($settings.BypassList -join ',') -and ($Value | ConvertFrom-Json).someProp -eq "someValue"};
+ }
+ It("config exsists with proxy config but without default config and a proxy is required, reset proxy settings."){
+ # arrage
+ Mock -Verifiable Get-Command {
+ return "not null";
+ }
+ Mock -Verifiable Test-Path {
+ return $true;
+ }
+ Mock -Verifiable Set-Content {
+ return;
+ }
+ Mock -Verifiable New-Item{
+ return;
+ }
+ Mock -Verifiable Get-Content{
+ return '{
+ "someProp": "someValue",
+ "proxies":
+ {
+ "def":
+ {
+ "httpProxy": "http://old.proxy:80",
+ "httpsProxy": "http://old.proxy:80",
+ "noProxy": "old, older"
+ }
+ }
+ }'
+ }
+ $settings = [ProxySetting](New-Object ProxySetting);
+ $settings.ProxyAddress = "http://proxy.codez.one:8080";
+ $settings.BypassList = "*.codez.one", "codez.one";
+ #act
+ Set-DockerProxyConfiguration -Settings $settings;
+ # assert
+ Assert-MockCalled Get-Command -Times 1 -Exactly;
+ Assert-MockCalled Test-Path -Times 1 -Exactly -ParameterFilter {$Path -eq "~/.docker/config.json"};
+ Assert-MockCalled Set-Content -Times 1 -Exactly -ParameterFilter {$Path -eq "~/.docker/config.json" -and ($Value | ConvertFrom-Json).proxies.default.httpProxy -eq $settings.ProxyAddress -and ($Value | ConvertFrom-Json).proxies.default.httpsProxy -eq $settings.ProxyAddress -and ($Value | ConvertFrom-Json).proxies.default.noProxy -eq ($settings.BypassList -join ',') -and ($Value | ConvertFrom-Json).someProp -eq "someValue"};
+ }
+ It("config exsists with proxy config and a proxy is required, reset proxy settings."){
+ # arrage
+ Mock -Verifiable Get-Command {
+ return "not null";
+ }
+ Mock -Verifiable Test-Path {
+ return $true;
+ }
+ Mock -Verifiable Set-Content {
+ return;
+ }
+ Mock -Verifiable New-Item{
+ return;
+ }
+ Mock -Verifiable Get-Content{
+ return '{
+ "someProp": "someValue",
+ "proxies":
+ {
+ "default":
+ {
+ "httpProxy": "http://old.proxy:80",
+ "httpsProxy": "http://old.proxy:80",
+ "noProxy": "old, older"
+ }
+ }
+ }'
+ }
+ $settings = [ProxySetting](New-Object ProxySetting);
+ $settings.ProxyAddress = "http://proxy.codez.one:8080";
+ $settings.BypassList = "*.codez.one", "codez.one";
+ #act
+ Set-DockerProxyConfiguration -Settings $settings;
+ # assert
+ Assert-MockCalled Get-Command -Times 1 -Exactly;
+ Assert-MockCalled Test-Path -Times 1 -Exactly -ParameterFilter {$Path -eq "~/.docker/config.json"};
+ Assert-MockCalled Set-Content -Times 1 -Exactly -ParameterFilter {$Path -eq "~/.docker/config.json" -and ($Value | ConvertFrom-Json).proxies.default.httpProxy -eq $settings.ProxyAddress -and ($Value | ConvertFrom-Json).proxies.default.httpsProxy -eq $settings.ProxyAddress -and ($Value | ConvertFrom-Json).proxies.default.noProxy -eq ($settings.BypassList -join ',') -and ($Value | ConvertFrom-Json).someProp -eq "someValue"};
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ Describe "the powershell function" {
+ Context "When Set-PowerShellProxyConfiguration is okay and" -Skip:($skipBecauseWindows){
+ It("user aren't root, but know it, do nothing."){
+ # arrage
+ Mock -Verifiable Get-Command {
+ }
+ Mock -Verifiable Test-Path {
+ }
+ $settings = [ProxySetting](New-Object ProxySetting);
+ $settings.ProxyAddress = "http://proxy.codez.one:8080";
+ #act
+ Set-PowerShellProxyConfiguration -Settings $settings -NoRoot;
+ # assert
+ Assert-MockCalled Get-Command -Times 0 -Exactly;
+ Assert-MockCalled Test-Path -Times 0 -Exactly;
+ }
+ It("'pwsh' and 'powershell' isn't there, do nothing."){
+ # arrage
+ Mock -Verifiable Get-Command {
+ Write-Error "not found";
+ }
+ Mock -Verifiable Test-Path {
+ }
+ $settings = [ProxySetting](New-Object ProxySetting);
+ $settings.ProxyAddress = "http://proxy.codez.one:8080";
+ #act
+ Set-PowerShellProxyConfiguration -Settings $settings;
+ # assert
+ Assert-MockCalled Get-Command -Times 1 -Exactly -ParameterFilter {$Name -eq "pwsh"};
+ Assert-MockCalled Get-Command -Times 1 -Exactly -ParameterFilter {$Name -eq "powershell"};
+ Assert-MockCalled Test-Path -Times 0 -Exactly;
+ }
+ It("no config exsists and no proxy are required, do nothing."){
+ # arrage
+ Mock -Verifiable Get-Command {
+ return [pscustomobject]@{Path = "something"};
+ }
+ Mock -Verifiable Test-Path {
+ return $false;
+ }
+ $settings = [ProxySetting](New-Object ProxySetting);
+ #act
+ Set-PowerShellProxyConfiguration -Settings $settings;
+ # assert
+ Assert-MockCalled Get-Command -Times 1 -Exactly -ParameterFilter {$Name -eq "pwsh"};
+ Assert-MockCalled Get-Command -Times 1 -Exactly -ParameterFilter {$Name -eq "powershell"};
+ Assert-MockCalled Test-Path -Times 2 -Exactly -ParameterFilter {$Path -eq "something.config"};
+ }
+ It("no config exsists and a proxy is required, write the config."){
+ # arrage
+ Mock -Verifiable Get-Command {
+ return [pscustomobject]@{Path = "something"};
+ }
+ Mock -Verifiable Test-Path {
+ return $false;
+ }
+ Mock -Verifiable New-Item {
+ return;
+ }
+ Mock -Verifiable Get-Content {
+ return $null;
+ }
+ Mock -Verifiable Set-Content {
+ return "";
+ }
+ $settings = [ProxySetting](New-Object ProxySetting);
+ $settings.ProxyAddress = "http://proxy.codez.one:8080";
+ #act
+ Set-PowerShellProxyConfiguration -Settings $settings;
+ # assert
+ Assert-MockCalled Get-Command -Times 1 -Exactly -ParameterFilter {$Name -eq "pwsh"};
+ Assert-MockCalled Get-Command -Times 1 -Exactly -ParameterFilter {$Name -eq "powershell"};
+ Assert-MockCalled Test-Path -Times 4 -Exactly -ParameterFilter {$Path -eq "something.config"};
+ Assert-MockCalled New-Item -Times 2 -Exactly -ParameterFilter {$Path -eq "something.config" -and $ItemType -eq "File"};
+ Assert-MockCalled Get-Content -Times 2 -Exactly -ParameterFilter {$Path -eq "something.config"};
+ Assert-MockCalled Set-Content -Times 2 -Exactly -ParameterFilter {$Path -eq "something.config" -and ([xml]$Value).configuration["system.net"].defaultProxy.proxy.proxyaddress -eq $settings.ProxyAddress -and ([xml]$Value).configuration["system.net"].defaultProxy.bypasslist -eq $null};
+ }
+ It("a proxy and a bypasslist is required, write both to the config."){
+ # arrage
+ Mock -Verifiable Get-Command {
+ return [pscustomobject]@{Path = "something"};
+ }
+ Mock -Verifiable Test-Path {
+ return $false;
+ }
+ Mock -Verifiable New-Item {
+ return;
+ }
+ Mock -Verifiable Get-Content {
+ return $null;
+ }
+ Mock -Verifiable Set-Content {
+ return "";
+ }
+ $settings = [ProxySetting](New-Object ProxySetting);
+ $settings.ProxyAddress = "http://proxy.codez.one:8080";
+ $settings.BypassList = "*.codez.one", "codez.one";
+ #act
+ Set-PowerShellProxyConfiguration -Settings $settings;
+ # assert
+ Assert-MockCalled Get-Command -Times 1 -Exactly -ParameterFilter {$Name -eq "pwsh"};
+ Assert-MockCalled Get-Command -Times 1 -Exactly -ParameterFilter {$Name -eq "powershell"};
+ Assert-MockCalled Test-Path -Times 4 -Exactly -ParameterFilter {$Path -eq "something.config"};
+ Assert-MockCalled New-Item -Times 2 -Exactly -ParameterFilter {$Path -eq "something.config" -and $ItemType -eq "File"};
+ Assert-MockCalled Get-Content -Times 2 -Exactly -ParameterFilter {$Path -eq "something.config"};
+ Assert-MockCalled Set-Content -Times 2 -Exactly -ParameterFilter {$Path -eq "something.config" -and ([xml]$Value).configuration["system.net"].defaultProxy.proxy.proxyaddress -eq $settings.ProxyAddress -and ([xml]$Value).configuration["system.net"].defaultProxy.bypasslist.add[0].address -eq $settings.BypassList[0] -and ([xml]$Value).configuration["system.net"].defaultProxy.bypasslist.add[1].address -eq $settings.BypassList[1]};
+ }
+ It("config is already exsists but is empty a proxy and a bypasslist is required, write both to the config"){
+ # arrage
+ Mock -Verifiable Get-Command {
+ # use testdrive here, because the XML function save will use it.
+ return [pscustomobject]@{Path = "$TestDrive/something"};
+ }
+ Mock -Verifiable Test-Path {
+ return $true;
+ }
+ Mock -Verifiable New-Item {
+ return;
+ }
+ Mock -Verifiable Get-Content {
+ return '';
+ }
+ Mock -Verifiable Set-Content {
+ return "";
+ }
+ $settings = [ProxySetting](New-Object ProxySetting);
+ $settings.ProxyAddress = "http://proxy.codez.one:8080";
+ $settings.BypassList = "*.codez.one", "codez.one";
+ #act
+ Set-PowerShellProxyConfiguration -Settings $settings;
+ # assert
+ Assert-MockCalled Get-Command -Times 1 -Exactly -ParameterFilter {$Name -eq "pwsh"};
+ Assert-MockCalled Get-Command -Times 1 -Exactly -ParameterFilter {$Name -eq "powershell"};
+ Assert-MockCalled Test-Path -Times 4 -Exactly -ParameterFilter {$Path -eq "$TestDrive/something.config"};
+ Assert-MockCalled New-Item -Times 0 -Exactly -ParameterFilter {$Path -eq "$TestDrive/something.config" -and $ItemType -eq "File"};
+ Assert-MockCalled Get-Content -Times 2 -Exactly -ParameterFilter {$Path -eq "$TestDrive/something.config"};
+ Assert-MockCalled Set-Content -Times 0 -Exactly -ParameterFilter {$Path -eq "$TestDrive/something.config" -and ([xml]$Value).configuration["system.net"].defaultProxy.proxy.proxyaddress -eq $settings.ProxyAddress -and ([xml]$Value).configuration["system.net"].defaultProxy.bypasslist.add[0].address -eq $settings.BypassList[0] -and ([xml]$Value).configuration["system.net"].defaultProxy.bypasslist.add[1].address -eq $settings.BypassList[1]};
+ }
+ It("config is already used a proxy and a bypasslist is required, write both to the config, without destroying exsisting configuration."){
+ # arrage
+ Mock -Verifiable Get-Command {
+ # use testdrive here, because the XML function save will use it.
+ return [pscustomobject]@{Path = "$TestDrive/something"};
+ }
+ Mock -Verifiable Test-Path {
+ return $true;
+ }
+ Mock -Verifiable New-Item {
+ return;
+ }
+ Mock -Verifiable Get-Content {
+ return '
+ testvalue
+ ';
+ }
+ Mock -Verifiable Set-Content {
+ return "";
+ }
+ $settings = [ProxySetting](New-Object ProxySetting);
+ $settings.ProxyAddress = "http://proxy.codez.one:8080";
+ $settings.BypassList = "*.codez.one", "codez.one";
+ #act
+ Set-PowerShellProxyConfiguration -Settings $settings;
+ # assert
+ Assert-MockCalled Get-Command -Times 1 -Exactly -ParameterFilter {$Name -eq "pwsh"};
+ Assert-MockCalled Get-Command -Times 1 -Exactly -ParameterFilter {$Name -eq "powershell"};
+ Assert-MockCalled Test-Path -Times 4 -Exactly -ParameterFilter {$Path -eq "$TestDrive/something.config"};
+ Assert-MockCalled New-Item -Times 0 -Exactly -ParameterFilter {$Path -eq "$TestDrive/something.config" -and $ItemType -eq "File"};
+ Assert-MockCalled Get-Content -Times 2 -Exactly -ParameterFilter {$Path -eq "$TestDrive/something.config"};
+ Assert-MockCalled Set-Content -Times 0 -Exactly -ParameterFilter {$Path -eq "$TestDrive/something.config" -and ([xml]$Value).configuration["system.net"].defaultProxy.proxy.proxyaddress -eq $settings.ProxyAddress -and ([xml]$Value).configuration["system.net"].defaultProxy.bypasslist.add[0].address -eq $settings.BypassList[0] -and ([xml]$Value).configuration["system.net"].defaultProxy.bypasslist.add[1].address -eq $settings.BypassList[1]};
+ ([xml](Get-Content TestDrive:/something.config)).configuration.someconfig | Should -Be "testvalue";
+ }
+ It("config is already used a proxy and a bypasslist is required, write both to the config, without destroying exsisting configuration.system.net."){
+ # arrage
+ Mock -Verifiable Get-Command {
+ # use testdrive here, because the XML function save will use it.
+ return [pscustomobject]@{Path = "$TestDrive/something"};
+ }
+ Mock -Verifiable Test-Path {
+ return $true;
+ }
+ Mock -Verifiable New-Item {
+ return;
+ }
+ Mock -Verifiable Get-Content {
+ return '
+ testvalue
+ ';
+ }
+ Mock -Verifiable Set-Content {
+ return "";
+ }
+ $settings = [ProxySetting](New-Object ProxySetting);
+ $settings.ProxyAddress = "http://proxy.codez.one:8080";
+ $settings.BypassList = "*.codez.one", "codez.one";
+ #act
+ Set-PowerShellProxyConfiguration -Settings $settings;
+ # assert
+ Assert-MockCalled Get-Command -Times 1 -Exactly -ParameterFilter {$Name -eq "pwsh"};
+ Assert-MockCalled Get-Command -Times 1 -Exactly -ParameterFilter {$Name -eq "powershell"};
+ Assert-MockCalled Test-Path -Times 4 -Exactly -ParameterFilter {$Path -eq "$TestDrive/something.config"};
+ Assert-MockCalled New-Item -Times 0 -Exactly -ParameterFilter {$Path -eq "$TestDrive/something.config" -and $ItemType -eq "File"};
+ Assert-MockCalled Get-Content -Times 2 -Exactly -ParameterFilter {$Path -eq "$TestDrive/something.config"};
+ Assert-MockCalled Set-Content -Times 0 -Exactly -ParameterFilter {$Path -eq "$TestDrive/something.config" -and ([xml]$Value).configuration["system.net"].defaultProxy.proxy.proxyaddress -eq $settings.ProxyAddress -and ([xml]$Value).configuration["system.net"].defaultProxy.bypasslist.add[0].address -eq $settings.BypassList[0] -and ([xml]$Value).configuration["system.net"].defaultProxy.bypasslist.add[1].address -eq $settings.BypassList[1]};
+ ([xml](Get-Content TestDrive:/something.config)).configuration["system.net"].someconfig | Should -Be "testvalue";
+ }
+ It("config had alread proxy, but enother proxy and bypasslist is required, write both to the config, and remove the old one"){
+ # arrage
+ Mock -Verifiable Get-Command {
+ # use testdrive here, because the XML function save will use it.
+ return [pscustomobject]@{Path = "$TestDrive/something"};
+ }
+ Mock -Verifiable Test-Path {
+ return $true;
+ }
+ Mock -Verifiable New-Item {
+ return;
+ }
+ Mock -Verifiable Get-Content {
+ return '
+ ';
+ }
+ Mock -Verifiable Set-Content {
+ return "";
+ }
+ $settings = [ProxySetting](New-Object ProxySetting);
+ $settings.ProxyAddress = "http://proxy.codez.one:8080";
+ $settings.BypassList = "*.codez.one", "codez.one";
+ #act
+ Set-PowerShellProxyConfiguration -Settings $settings;
+ # assert
+ Assert-MockCalled Get-Command -Times 1 -Exactly -ParameterFilter {$Name -eq "pwsh"};
+ Assert-MockCalled Get-Command -Times 1 -Exactly -ParameterFilter {$Name -eq "powershell"};
+ Assert-MockCalled Test-Path -Times 4 -Exactly -ParameterFilter {$Path -eq "$TestDrive/something.config"};
+ Assert-MockCalled New-Item -Times 0 -Exactly -ParameterFilter {$Path -eq "$TestDrive/something.config" -and $ItemType -eq "File"};
+ Assert-MockCalled Get-Content -Times 2 -Exactly -ParameterFilter {$Path -eq "$TestDrive/something.config"};
+ Assert-MockCalled Set-Content -Times 0 -Exactly -ParameterFilter {$Path -eq "$TestDrive/something.config" -and ([xml]$Value).configuration["system.net"].defaultProxy.proxy.proxyaddress -eq $settings.ProxyAddress -and ([xml]$Value).configuration["system.net"].defaultProxy.bypasslist.add[0].address -eq $settings.BypassList[0] -and ([xml]$Value).configuration["system.net"].defaultProxy.bypasslist.add[1].address -eq $settings.BypassList[1]};
+ }
+ }
+ Context "When Set-PowerShellProxyConfiguration is running in Windows and" -Skip:($skipBecauseLinux) {
+ It("no config exsists and a proxy is required, write the config."){
+ # arrage
+ $defaultAcl = (New-Object System.Security.AccessControl.DirectorySecurity);
+ Mock -Verifiable Get-Command {
+ return [pscustomobject]@{Path = "$TestDrive/something"};
+ }
+ Mock -Verifiable Test-Path {
+ return $false;
+ }
+ Mock -Verifiable New-Item {
+ return;
+ }
+ Mock -Verifiable Get-Item {
+ return ([pscustomobject]@{
+ Directory = [pscustomobject]@{
+ FullName = "$TestDrive"
+ }
+ });
+ }
+ Mock -Verifiable Get-Content {
+ return $null;
+ }
+ Mock -Verifiable Set-Content {
+ return "";
+ }
+ Mock -Verifiable Get-Acl {
+ return $defaultAcl;
+ }
+ Mock -Verifiable Set-Acl {
+ return;
+ }
+ $settings = [ProxySetting](New-Object ProxySetting);
+ $settings.ProxyAddress = "http://proxy.codez.one:8080";
+ #act
+ Set-PowerShellProxyConfiguration -Settings $settings;
+ # assert
+ Assert-MockCalled Get-Command -Times 1 -Exactly -ParameterFilter {$Name -eq "pwsh"};
+ Assert-MockCalled Get-Command -Times 1 -Exactly -ParameterFilter {$Name -eq "powershell"};
+ Assert-MockCalled Test-Path -Times 4 -Exactly -ParameterFilter {$Path -eq "$TestDrive/something.config"};
+ Assert-MockCalled New-Item -Times 2 -Exactly -ParameterFilter {$Path -eq "$TestDrive/something.config" -and $ItemType -eq "File"};
+ Assert-MockCalled Get-Content -Times 2 -Exactly -ParameterFilter {$Path -eq "$TestDrive/something.config"};
+ Assert-MockCalled Set-Content -Times 2 -Exactly -ParameterFilter {$Path -eq "$TestDrive/something.config" -and ([xml]$Value).configuration["system.net"].defaultProxy.proxy.proxyaddress -eq $settings.ProxyAddress -and ([xml]$Value).configuration["system.net"].defaultProxy.bypasslist -eq $null};
+ ## make sure to set and reset folder acl
+ Assert-MockCalled Set-Acl -Times 4 -Exactly -ParameterFilter {$Path -eq "$TestDrive" -and $AclObject.Access.IdentityReference.Translate([System.Security.Principal.SecurityIdentifier]).Value -eq "S-1-5-32-544" -and $AclObject.Access.AccessControlType -eq "Allow"};
+ Assert-MockCalled Set-Acl -Times 4 -Exactly -ParameterFilter {$Path -eq "$TestDrive" -and $AclObject -eq $defaultAcl};
+ ## make sure to set and reset file acl
+ Assert-MockCalled Set-Acl -Times 4 -Exactly -ParameterFilter {$Path -eq "$TestDrive/something.config" -and $AclObject.Access.IdentityReference.Translate([System.Security.Principal.SecurityIdentifier]).Value -eq "S-1-5-32-544" -and $AclObject.Access.AccessControlType -eq "Allow"};
+ Assert-MockCalled Set-Acl -Times 4 -Exactly -ParameterFilter {$Path -eq "$TestDrive/something.config" -and $AclObject -eq $defaultAcl};
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ Describe "the environment function" {
+ Context "When Set-EnvironmentProxyConfiguration is okay and" -Skip:($skipBecauseWindows){
+ It("user aren't root, but know it, do nothing."){
+ # arrage
+ $settings = [ProxySetting](New-Object ProxySetting);
+ $settings.ProxyAddress = "http://proxy.codez.one:8080";
+ #act
+ Set-EnvironmentProxyConfiguration -Settings $settings -NoRoot -WarningVariable warning;
+ # assert
+ $warning | Should -Be "Currently to set the environment this script needs root rights. Didn't change any environment varables.";
+ }
+ It("no config exsists and no proxy are required, do nothing."){
+ # arrage
+ Mock -Verifiable Test-Path {
+ return $false;
+ }
+ Mock -Verifiable Remove-Item {
+ return $false;
+ }
+ $settings = [ProxySetting](New-Object ProxySetting);
+ #act
+ Set-EnvironmentProxyConfiguration -Settings $settings;
+ # assert
+ Assert-MockCalled Test-Path -Times 1 -Exactly -ParameterFilter {$Path -eq "/etc/profile.d/proxy.sh"};
+ Assert-MockCalled Remove-Item -Times 0 -Exactly -ParameterFilter {$Path -eq "/etc/profile.d/proxy.sh"};
+ }
+ It("a proxy is required, write the config."){
+ # arrage
+ Mock -Verifiable Set-Content {
+ return ;
+ }
+ $settings = [ProxySetting](New-Object ProxySetting);
+ $settings.ProxyAddress = "http://proxy.codez.one:8080";
+ #act
+ Write-Warning "start";
+ Set-EnvironmentProxyConfiguration -Settings $settings;
+ # assert
+ Assert-MockCalled Set-Content -Times 1 -Exactly -ParameterFilter {$Path -eq "/etc/profile.d/proxy.sh" -and ([string]$Value).Contains("export http_proxy=$($settings.ProxyAddress)") -and ([string]$Value).Contains("export https_proxy=$($settings.ProxyAddress)") -and ([string]$Value).Contains("export no_proxy=$($Settings.BypassList -join ',')") -and ([string]$Value).Contains("export HTTPS_PROXY=$($settings.ProxyAddress)") -and ([string]$Value).Contains("export HTTP_PROXY=$($settings.ProxyAddress)")};
+ }
+ It("no proxy is required but config exsists, remove it."){
+ # arrage
+ Mock -Verifiable Test-Path {
+ return $true;
+ }
+ Mock -Verifiable Remove-Item {
+ return;
+ }
+ $settings = [ProxySetting](New-Object ProxySetting);
+ #act
+ Set-EnvironmentProxyConfiguration -Settings $settings;
+ # assert
+ Assert-MockCalled Test-Path -Times 1 -Exactly -ParameterFilter {$Path -eq "/etc/profile.d/proxy.sh"};
+ Assert-MockCalled Remove-Item -Times 1 -Exactly -ParameterFilter {$Path -eq "/etc/profile.d/proxy.sh"};
+ }
+ }
+ Context "When Set-PowerShellProxyConfiguration is running in Windows and" -Skip:($skipBecauseLinux) {
+ # TODO: Can't test static dotnet calls. Needs a solution for this.
+ }
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/tests/Test-ProxyConfiguration.tests.ps1 b/tests/Test-ProxyConfiguration.tests.ps1
index e04a45d..a883809 100644
--- a/tests/Test-ProxyConfiguration.tests.ps1
+++ b/tests/Test-ProxyConfiguration.tests.ps1
@@ -1,9 +1,13 @@
-Describe "Test-ProxyConfiguration" {
+$skipBecauseLinux = ($PSVersionTable.PSEdition -eq "Desktop" -or $IsWindows) -eq $false;
+$skipBecauseWindows = ($PSVersionTable.PSEdition -eq "Desktop" -or $IsWindows) -eq $true;
+Describe "Test-ProxyConfiguration" -Skip:($skipBecauseLinux) {
BeforeAll {
- $fileInfo = Get-ChildItem $PSScriptRoot;
+ $fileInfo = Get-ChildItem $PSCommandPath;
$functionName = $fileInfo.Name.Split('.')[0];
+ $file = Get-ChildItem "$PSScriptRoot/../src/$functionName.ps1";
+ $targetFileName = "$($file.FullName)";
# load function to test
- . "$PSScriptRoot/../src/$functionName.ps1";
+ . "$targetFileName";
Context "When Test-Connection is okay and" {
BeforeEach {
@@ -157,12 +161,14 @@ Describe "Test-ProxyConfiguration" {
-Describe "ProxyTestResult" {
+Describe "ProxyTestResult" -Skip:($skipBecauseLinux) {
BeforeAll {
- $fileInfo = Get-ChildItem $PSScriptRoot;
+ $fileInfo = Get-ChildItem $PSCommandPath;
$functionName = $fileInfo.Name.Split('.')[0];
+ $file = Get-ChildItem "$PSScriptRoot/../src/$functionName.ps1";
+ $targetFileName = "$($file.FullName)";
# load function to test
- . "$PSScriptRoot/../src/$functionName.ps1";
+ . "$targetFileName";
Context 'everthing is perfect' {
It 'It should print a good message, if the bypass list is used correct.' {