- scala 2.13 support
- java 11 support
- follow symlinks on local disk
- DeleteObjects should encode object key like single-object APIs
- allow = in copy paths
- update readme for alpakka 1.0
- DeleteObjects should encode object key like single-object APIs
- multipart copy support
- fix issue with % char on multipart alpakka uploads
- add JAXB module on java 9 docker container
- fix OverlappingFileLockException in GetObject (#83)
- docker: allow serving a volume-mounted directory
- fix s3mock not correctly shutting down during internal ActorSystem being active (#67)
- bump better-files dependency to 3.x (#17)
- migrate build to sbt 1.1, use akka-http 10.1.x
- pom -> jar dependency type doc fix
- support alpakka multipart uploads
- support alpakka listObjects (#66)
- fix bug with etag on FileProvider being alsays "0" (#70)
- fix last-modified header always being equal to "1970-01-01 00:00:00"(65)
- wrong content-type for listObjects (#60)
- deleteObjects broken on aws s3 sdk 2.0 (#71)
- docker image for non-jvm tests
- windows compatibility in FileProvider (#28)
- Max Keys not respected when calling list objects (V2) (#47)
- getETag from getObjectMetadata returns null (#48)
- update to akka 2.5.2, akka-http 10.0.7
- fix concurrent requests causing weird locking issues on FileProvider (#52)
- fix warnings in GetObject about incorrent headers (#54)
- More convenient and traditional Java API with Builder-style instance creation
- Docs update for alpakka usage
- Javadocs for all public API methods
- use latest aws-java-sdk-s3 library
- Bump akka to 2.5.1
- fix issue when DeleteObjects response was malformed for multi-object deletes
- alpakka support test case
- fix subpath get/delete issues #45