TODO: current all parts are fused together, we shall split this doc Into paragraphs later on
- comparison between other concurrency models, the tradeoffs of picking this
- conceptual Model of actor model
- review of impl modeling of typical works ** actix ** bastion ** axioms ** Riker ** etc
Attempt to keep the core module as compact as possible and make implementation flatten and straight-forward.
We make the abstraction according to the following axioms assumed:
- Systems: Riker: Systems are structs ProtoSystem: config, log, execute LoggingSystem: log, logger_guard ActorSystem: ProtoSystem LoggingSystem Executors Channels Timer Mailbox with MessageQueue Envelope: Message + SenderAddr + ReceiverAddr Actor: trait for actor, that defines the actor trait behaviours pre_start post_start supervisor_strategy sys_recv: receive system message recv: receive actor/executor Message that impl Receive Trait to bound Receive: trait for Message, that defines the behaviours when an actor receive this message, that do they do with it receive: the concrete logics MailboxSchedule Traits set_scheduled is_scheduled
Axiom: Status enum: result of processing a msg Done Skip Reset Stop Sender enum: tx,rx, the sender side of a msg-passing channel Local Remote ActorID struct: uuid uuid of the belonging system name sender: sender of the channel pair? why not express addr and mailbox Context struct with immutable info, infos that required by actor to processing messages System AID Processor trait: takes states, context and message as input and process it ActorBuild struct System Actor: Context ActorStream: process message/results for actor while receiving msg Executor struct: high-level scheduling of actors, when actor created, it wrapped by a task, then enqueue to the sleeping_queue more like scheduler role, that queueing and ordering workloads, awaking actors, and Reactor: manage a set of actors, and poll the available actor for working
Bastion: MessageHandler: on_ask on_tell on_broadcast try_into_ask ... Actor, named after child and children: handle (Envelope)
- Actors:
- Messages: Riker: use enum to wrap over structs and make it specific hierarchy; use Into trait to make enums can convert/promote to higher level; System Msg ActorInit SysCmd Stop Restart SysEvent struct ActorCreated struct ActorRestarted struct ActorTerminated SysError: make errors with enums and with hierarchy xxxError -> string xxxError -> string
Axiom: part 1: actor message ActorMessage Trait to_bincode from_bincode MessageData struct -> 1:1 mapping to actual data hash id: uuid MessageContent Message: Arc -> N:1 mapping as ref to data; passing refs are fast and trackable MessageContent enum Local with ActorMessage MsgType Remote with Vec
part 2: system message SystemMsg start stopo stopped WireMsg HelloAck ActorMsg
Error design, same as Riker
Bastion: Error enum: sender + receiver MsgInner enum: Bcst Tell Ask Envelope | SignedEnvelope Addr
- Supervisors:
- Scheduler:
Key Challenges:
- async message passing, with Futures, Polls and related rules
- communicating intra-dev, inter-dev.
purpose: to replace println macros use rust-lang/log as the crate/standard to dev with use a custom implementation as the backend, still selecting
facade for log: a design pattern that provide or constraint with an unified interfaces, and limit/guide the implementation of details
more detail explaination on log
system builder: to build the system and init it. with config provided command Builder: ...a dedicated builder to build all system command that consumed by the system or the supervisor workload builder: a dedicate builder that build actor messages for all types of workloads that processed by actors
make asynchoronously with tokio runtime
refer to
profiling with official tracing tools tracing + tracing-subscriber + tracing-chrome