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DarkRadiant, open-source level editor for Doom 3 and The Dark Mod |
DarkRadiant is an overhauled version originally based on GtkRadiant designed for use with The Dark Mod (, a Thief-inspired modification of the Doom 3 game engine.
The project is open source (written in C++), you can obtain or browse the sources from the GitHub project page.
Massive improvements have been made since development started: large parts of the code have already been refactored, improved or fully replaced by superior code. DarkRadiant supports the major platforms:
- Windows (Vista / Win7 / Win8 / Win8.1 / Win10)
- Linux (supporting wxWidgets based on X)
- macOS
Feature Highlights include:
- Media Browser
- Surface / Patch / Light Inspector
- Layers, Grouping and Selection Sets
- Model Scaling
- Particle Editor incl. realtime Preview
- Export entire map sections to ASE, LWO and OBJ format
- Browsers for Models, Entity Classes, Skins, Sounds
- Support for most idTech4 shader features
- TexTool (U/V Editing Tool)
- MD5 Animation Viewer
- Curve Editing
- Drag-Manipulation of Brushes, Patches and Lights (Point & Projected)
- Python Script Interface
- Game support for: The Dark Mod 2.0, Doom 3, Quake 4, Quake 3, XreaL
- Imports all kinds of maps in classic Quake/idTech map formats
- Exports maps to Doom 3 / Quake4 / Quake 3 format
- Customisable colour schemes
- English and German localisation
Our goal is to provide the TDM fan-mission community with a capable and easy-to-use editor. To achieve this, specialised plugins were developed to assist authors in tackling the complex mission creating tasks:
- Stim/Response Editor
- Objectives Editor
- Difficulty Editor
- Conversation Editor
- AI Property Panel
- Readable Editor incl. Preview
- AI Head Selector