diff --git a/Dockerfile b/Dockerfile
index 1ecd54e42..4fb0dcb43 100644
--- a/Dockerfile
+++ b/Dockerfile
@@ -10,20 +10,26 @@ ENV PATH="/pyinstaller:$PATH"
 RUN pip install yq==${YQ_VERSION}
 RUN pyinstaller --noconfirm --onefile --log-level DEBUG --clean --distpath /tmp/ $(which yq)
+# kubectl binary
+FROM bitnami/kubectl:1.27.4 as kubectl
 # Main
-FROM node:18.17.1-alpine3.17
+FROM node:18.17.1-alpine3.18
-RUN apk --update add --no-cache ca-certificates git curl bash jq
+RUN apk --update add --no-cache \
+    bash \
+    ca-certificates \
+    curl \
+    git \
+    jq
 COPY --from=go /go/bin/hub /usr/local/bin/hub
 COPY --from=yq /tmp/yq /usr/local/bin/yq
+COPY --from=kubectl /opt/bitnami/kubectl/bin/kubectl /usr/local/bin/
 WORKDIR /cf-cli
-COPY package.json /cf-cli
-COPY yarn.lock /cf-cli
-COPY check-version.js /cf-cli
-COPY run-check-version.js /cf-cli
+COPY package.json yarn.lock check-version.js run-check-version.js /cf-cli/
 RUN yarn install --prod --frozen-lockfile && \
     yarn cache clean
diff --git a/Dockerfile-debian b/Dockerfile-debian
index e9d92aa8a..aad903ba6 100644
--- a/Dockerfile-debian
+++ b/Dockerfile-debian
@@ -10,21 +10,30 @@ ENV PATH="/pyinstaller:$PATH"
 RUN pip install yq==${YQ_VERSION}
 RUN pyinstaller --noconfirm --onefile --log-level DEBUG --clean --distpath /tmp/ $(which yq)
+# kubectl binary
+FROM bitnami/kubectl:1.27.4 as kubectl
 # Main
 FROM node:18.17.1-bullseye-slim
-RUN apt update
-RUN apt -y install ca-certificates git curl bash jq busybox && ln -s /bin/busybox /usr/bin/[[
+RUN apt update \
+    && apt -y install \
+    apt-transport-https \
+    bash \
+    busybox \
+    ca-certificates \
+    curl \
+    git \
+    jq \
+    && ln -s /bin/busybox /usr/bin/[[
 COPY --from=go /go/bin/hub /usr/local/bin/hub
 COPY --from=yq /tmp/yq /usr/local/bin/yq
+COPY --from=kubectl /opt/bitnami/kubectl/bin/kubectl /usr/local/bin/
 WORKDIR /cf-cli
-COPY package.json /cf-cli
-COPY yarn.lock /cf-cli
-COPY check-version.js /cf-cli
-COPY run-check-version.js /cf-cli
+COPY package.json yarn.lock check-version.js run-check-version.js /cf-cli/
 RUN yarn install --prod --frozen-lockfile && \
     yarn cache clean
diff --git a/Dockerfile-debian-rootless b/Dockerfile-debian-rootless
index 5bf56ec33..5bf2041cf 100644
--- a/Dockerfile-debian-rootless
+++ b/Dockerfile-debian-rootless
@@ -10,21 +10,29 @@ ENV PATH="/pyinstaller:$PATH"
 RUN pip install yq==${YQ_VERSION}
 RUN pyinstaller --noconfirm --onefile --log-level DEBUG --clean --distpath /tmp/ $(which yq)
+# kubectl binary
+FROM bitnami/kubectl:1.27.4 as kubectl
 # Main
 FROM node:18.17.1-bullseye-slim
-RUN apt update
-RUN apt -y install ca-certificates git curl bash jq busybox && ln -s /bin/busybox /usr/bin/[[
+RUN apt update \
+    && apt -y install \
+    bash \
+    busybox \
+    ca-certificates \
+    curl \
+    git \
+    jq \
+    && ln -s /bin/busybox /usr/bin/[[
 COPY --from=go /go/bin/hub /usr/local/bin/hub
 COPY --from=yq /tmp/yq /usr/local/bin/yq
+COPY --from=kubectl /opt/bitnami/kubectl/bin/kubectl /usr/local/bin/
 WORKDIR /cf-cli
-COPY package.json /cf-cli
-COPY yarn.lock /cf-cli
-COPY check-version.js /cf-cli
-COPY run-check-version.js /cf-cli
+COPY package.json yarn.lock check-version.js run-check-version.js /cf-cli/
 RUN yarn install --prod --frozen-lockfile && \
     yarn cache clean
@@ -38,7 +46,7 @@ RUN ln -s $(pwd)/lib/interface/cli/codefresh /usr/local/bin/codefresh
 RUN codefresh components update --location components
 # we keep /root as home directory because cli by default looks for $HOME/.cfconfig
-# and we do not want to break user automation if he used to bind his .cfconfig
+# and we do not want to break user automation if they used to bind their .cfconfig
 # to the /root/.cfconfig
 RUN useradd -m -d /root -s /bin/sh cfu \
    && chown -R $(id -g cfu) /root /cf-cli \
diff --git a/Dockerfile-rootless b/Dockerfile-rootless
index 84ca932f3..2d362192e 100644
--- a/Dockerfile-rootless
+++ b/Dockerfile-rootless
@@ -10,20 +10,26 @@ ENV PATH="/pyinstaller:$PATH"
 RUN pip install yq==${YQ_VERSION}
 RUN pyinstaller --noconfirm --onefile --log-level DEBUG --clean --distpath /tmp/ $(which yq)
+# kubectl binary
+FROM bitnami/kubectl:1.27.4 as kubectl
 # Main
-FROM node:18.17.1-alpine3.17
+FROM node:18.17.1-alpine3.18
-RUN apk --update add --no-cache ca-certificates git curl bash jq
+RUN apk --update add --no-cache \
+    bash \
+    ca-certificates \
+    curl \
+    git \
+    jq
 COPY --from=go /go/bin/hub /usr/local/bin/hub
 COPY --from=yq /tmp/yq /usr/local/bin/yq
+COPY --from=kubectl /opt/bitnami/kubectl/bin/kubectl /usr/local/bin/
 WORKDIR /cf-cli
-COPY package.json /cf-cli
-COPY yarn.lock /cf-cli
-COPY check-version.js /cf-cli
-COPY run-check-version.js /cf-cli
+COPY package.json yarn.lock check-version.js run-check-version.js /cf-cli/
 RUN yarn install --prod --frozen-lockfile && \
     yarn cache clean
@@ -37,7 +43,7 @@ RUN ln -s $(pwd)/lib/interface/cli/codefresh /usr/local/bin/codefresh
 RUN codefresh components update --location components
 # we keep /root as home directory because cli by default looks for $HOME/.cfconfig
-# and we do not want to break user automation if he used to bind his .cfconfig
+# and we do not want to break user automation if they used to bind their .cfconfig
 # to the /root/.cfconfig
 RUN adduser -D -h /root -s /bin/sh cfu \
    && chown -R $(id -g cfu) /root /cf-cli \
diff --git a/codefresh-arm.yml b/codefresh-arm.yml
index 92741b99b..b8d77f17a 100644
--- a/codefresh-arm.yml
+++ b/codefresh-arm.yml
@@ -26,7 +26,7 @@ steps:
         disable_push: true
         dockerfile: ./Dockerfile
         image_name: ${{IMAGE_NAME}}
-        tag: ${{CF_SHORT_REVISION}}
+        tag: ${{CF_BRANCH_TAG_NORMALIZED}}
         title: "Building the debian image..."
@@ -35,7 +35,7 @@ steps:
         disable_push: true
         dockerfile: ./Dockerfile-debian
         image_name: ${{IMAGE_NAME}}
         title: "Building the alpine image..."
@@ -44,7 +44,7 @@ steps:
         disable_push: true
         dockerfile: ./Dockerfile-rootless
         image_name: ${{IMAGE_NAME}}
         title: "Building the debian image..."
@@ -53,7 +53,7 @@ steps:
         disable_push: true
         dockerfile: ./Dockerfile-debian-rootless
         image_name: ${{IMAGE_NAME}}
         - name: main_clone
@@ -65,7 +65,9 @@ steps:
     type: push
     candidate: ${{build_image_alpine}}
     title: "Pushing alpine image to registry with revision tag"
+    tags:
         registry: "${{REGISTRY_INTEGRATION_QUAY}}"
@@ -87,7 +89,9 @@ steps:
     type: push
     candidate: ${{build_image_debian}}
     title: "Pushing debian image to registry with revision tag"
+    tags:
         registry: "${{REGISTRY_INTEGRATION_QUAY}}"
@@ -109,7 +113,9 @@ steps:
     type: push
     candidate: ${{build_image_alpine_rootless}}
     title: "Pushing rootless alpine image to registry with revision tag"
+    tags: 
         registry: "${{REGISTRY_INTEGRATION_QUAY}}"
@@ -131,7 +137,9 @@ steps:
     type: push
     candidate: ${{build_image_debian_rootless}}
     title: "Pushing rootless debian image to registry with revision tag"
+    tags: 
         registry: "${{REGISTRY_INTEGRATION_QUAY}}"
diff --git a/codefresh.yml b/codefresh.yml
index f7946ac49..395089e19 100644
--- a/codefresh.yml
+++ b/codefresh.yml
@@ -111,24 +111,28 @@ steps:
         type: build
         dockerfile: Dockerfile
         image-name: codefresh/cli
+        disable_push: true
         tag: ${{CF_BRANCH_TAG_NORMALIZED}}
         type: build
         dockerfile: Dockerfile-debian
         image-name: codefresh/cli
+        disable_push: true
         type: build
         dockerfile: Dockerfile-rootless
         image-name: codefresh/cli
+        disable_push: true
         type: build
         dockerfile: Dockerfile-debian-rootless
         image-name: codefresh/cli
+        disable_push: true
@@ -166,7 +170,9 @@ steps:
     stage: push
     type: push
-    tag: '${{CF_SHORT_REVISION}}'
+    tags:
     candidate: ${{build_step_alpine}}
@@ -186,7 +192,9 @@ steps:
     stage: push
     type: push
+    tags:
     candidate: ${{build_step_debian}}
@@ -206,7 +214,9 @@ steps:
     stage: push
     type: push
+    tags:
     candidate: ${{build_step_alpine_rootless}}
@@ -226,7 +236,9 @@ steps:
     stage: push
     type: push
+    tags:
     candidate: ${{build_step_debian_rootless}}
@@ -268,28 +280,28 @@ steps:
             ignore: [ master ]
-            - ${{CF_SHORT_REVISION}}
+            - ${{CF_BRANCH_TAG_NORMALIZED}}
             ignore: [ master ]
             ignore: [ master ]
             ignore: [ master ]
         - name: push_step_alpine
@@ -350,7 +362,7 @@ steps:
       PIPELINE_ID: 'cli-v1-e2e/root'
         - name: push_step_alpine
diff --git a/lib/interface/cli/commands/agent/install.cmd.js b/lib/interface/cli/commands/agent/install.cmd.js
index 8db42fe77..187f0f2a1 100644
--- a/lib/interface/cli/commands/agent/install.cmd.js
+++ b/lib/interface/cli/commands/agent/install.cmd.js
@@ -1,17 +1,160 @@
 /* eslint-disable max-len */
+const cliProgress = require('cli-progress');
+const colors = require('colors');
 const Command = require('../../Command');
 const installRoot = require('../root/install.cmd');
 const { sdk } = require('../../../../logic');
 const installRuntimeCmd = require('../runtimeEnvironments/install.cmd');
 const { getKubeContext } = require('../../helpers/kubernetes');
 const ProgressEvents = require('../../helpers/progressEvents');
-const cliProgress = require('cli-progress');
-const colors = require('colors');
 const { getNewAgentName } = require('./helper');
-const { DefaultLogFormatter } = require('./../hybrid/helper');
+const { DefaultLogFormatter } = require('../hybrid/helper');
+const Output = require('../../../../output/Output');
 const defaultNamespace = 'codefresh';
+async function createAgent(argv) {
+    const {
+        name,
+        kubeConfigPath,
+        kubeContextName = getKubeContext(kubeConfigPath),
+        kubeNamespace = defaultNamespace,
+    } = argv;
+    const finalName = name || await getNewAgentName(kubeContextName, kubeNamespace);
+    try {
+        const { token } = await sdk.agents.create({ name: finalName });
+        console.log(`A Codefresh Runner with the name: ${colors.cyan(finalName)} has been created.`);
+        return token;
+    } catch (err) {
+        const msg = Output._extractErrorMessage(err);
+        if (msg.includes('Agent name duplication')) {
+            throw new Error(`A Codefresh Runner with the name "${colors.cyan(finalName)}" already exists. Please choose a different name, or delete the current agent from the platform.`);
+        }
+        throw err;
+    }
+async function getAgentNameByToken(token) {
+    const [apiKey] = token.split('.');
+    const agentData = await sdk.tokens.getById({ id: apiKey });
+    if (!agentData) {
+        throw new Error('token is not valid');
+    }
+    const {
+        subject: {
+            type,
+            ref,
+        },
+    } = agentData;
+    if (type !== 'agent') {
+        throw new Error('token is not assosicated with a runner');
+    }
+    const { name } = await sdk.agents.get({ agentId: ref });
+    return name;
+async function installAgentInCluster(argv, token, agentName) {
+    const {
+        kubeNodeSelector,
+        dryRun,
+        inCluster,
+        tolerations,
+        dockerRegistry,
+        skipVersionCheck,
+        kubeConfigPath,
+        kubeContextName = getKubeContext(kubeConfigPath),
+        kubeNamespace = defaultNamespace,
+        envVars,
+        verbose,
+        terminateProcess,
+    } = argv;
+    const apiHost = sdk.config.context.url;
+    const events = new ProgressEvents();
+    const format = 'downloading [{bar}] {percentage}% | {value}/{total}';
+    const progressBar = new cliProgress.SingleBar({ stopOnComplete: true, format }, cliProgress.Presets.shades_classic);
+    let totalSize;
+    events.onStart((size) => {
+        console.log('Downloading Codefresh Runner installer \n');
+        progressBar.start(size, 0);
+        totalSize = size;
+    });
+    events.onProgress((progress) => {
+        progressBar.update(progress);
+        if (progress >= totalSize) {
+            console.log('\n');
+        }
+    });
+    const agentInstallStatusCode = await sdk.agents.install({
+        agentId: agentName,
+        apiHost,
+        token,
+        kubeConfigPath,
+        kubeContextName,
+        kubeNamespace,
+        kubeNodeSelector,
+        inCluster,
+        dockerRegistry,
+        tolerations,
+        skipVersionCheck,
+        envVars,
+        events,
+        dryRun,
+        verbose,
+        terminateProcess,
+        logFormatting: DefaultLogFormatter,
+    });
+    if (agentInstallStatusCode !== 0) {
+        throw new Error(`\nRunner installation failed with code ${agentInstallStatusCode}`);
+    }
+async function installRuntimeFunc(argv, agentName) {
+    const {
+        runtimeName,
+        skipReCreation,
+        buildNodeSelector,
+        storageClassName,
+        setValue,
+        setFile,
+        agentKubeContextName,
+        agentKubeNamespace,
+        kubeConfigPath,
+        kubeContextName,
+        kubeNamespace,
+        skipClusterCreation,
+        makeDefaultRuntime,
+        platformOnly,
+        verbose,
+        terminateProcess,
+    } = argv;
+    await installRuntimeCmd.handler({
+        runtimeName,
+        skipReCreation,
+        skipClusterCreation,
+        runtimeKubeConfigPath: kubeConfigPath,
+        runtimeKubeContextName: kubeContextName,
+        runtimeKubeNamespace: kubeNamespace,
+        kubeNodeSelector: buildNodeSelector,
+        storageClassName,
+        setValue,
+        setFile,
+        makeDefaultRuntime,
+        attachRuntime: true,
+        agentName,
+        agentKubeContextName,
+        agentKubeNamespace,
+        restartAgent: true,
+        platformOnly,
+        verbose,
+        terminateProcess,
+    });
 const installAgentCmd = new Command({
     root: false,
     parent: installRoot,
@@ -22,7 +165,7 @@ const installAgentCmd = new Command({
         title: 'Install',
         weight: 100,
-    builder: yargs => yargs
+    builder: (yargs) => yargs
         .env('CF_ARG_') // this means that every process.env.CF_ARG_* will be passed to argv
         .option('name', {
             describe: 'Agent\'s name to be created if token is not provided',
@@ -57,6 +200,24 @@ const installAgentCmd = new Command({
         .option('install-runtime', {
             describe: 'Install and attach runtime on the same namespace as the agent (default is false)',
+        .option('runtime-name', {
+            describe: 'The name of the runtime to install',
+        })
+        .option('build-node-selector', {
+            describe: 'The kubernetes node selector "key=value" to be used by runner build resources (default is no node selector) (string)',
+        })
+        .option('skip-re-creation', {
+            description: 'If set to true, will skip runtime creation in the platform',
+        })
+        .option('set-value', {
+            describe: 'Set values for templates, example: --set-value LocalVolumesDir=/mnt/disks/ssd0/codefresh-volumes',
+        })
+        .option('set-file', {
+            describe: 'Set values for templates from file, example: --set-file Storage.GoogleServiceAccount=/path/to/service-account.json',
+        })
+        .option('skip-cluster-creation', {
+            description: 'If set to true, will skip cluster integration creation for this runtime',
+        })
         .option('make-default-runtime', {
             describe: 'should all pipelines run on the hybrid runtime (default is false)',
@@ -73,132 +234,49 @@ const installAgentCmd = new Command({
             describe: 'The prefix for the container registry that will be used for pulling the required components images. Example: --docker-registry="docker.io"',
             type: 'string',
+        .option('platform-only', {
+            describe: 'Set to true to create runtime on the platform side only',
+        })
         .option('verbose', {
             describe: 'Print logs',
     handler: async (argv) => {
-        let {
-            name, token,
-        } = argv;
         const {
-            'runtime-name': reName,
-            'skip-re-creation': skipRuntimeCreation,
-            'kube-node-selector': kubeNodeSelector,
-            'build-node-selector': buildNodeSelector,
-            'dry-run': dryRun,
-            'in-cluster': inCluster,
-            tolerations,
-            'kube-config-path': kubeConfigPath,
-            'skip-version-check': skipVersionCheck,
-            'install-runtime': installRuntime,
-            'make-default-runtime': shouldMakeDefaultRe,
-            'storage-class-name': storageClassName,
-            verbose,
-            terminateProcess,
-            'set-value': setValue,
-            'set-file': setFile,
-            'agent-kube-context-name': agentKubeContextName,
-            'agent-kube-namespace': agentKubeNamespace,
-            'docker-registry': dockerRegistry,
-            envVars,
+            agentKubeNamespace,
+            installRuntime,
+            platformOnly,
         } = argv;
-        let agent;
         let {
-            'kube-context-name': kubeContextName,
-            'kube-namespace': kubeNamespace,
+            name,
+            token,
         } = argv;
-        if (!kubeContextName) {
-            kubeContextName = getKubeContext(kubeConfigPath);
-        }
-        if (!kubeNamespace) {
-            kubeNamespace = defaultNamespace;
-        }
-        if (installRuntime && !agentKubeNamespace) {
+        if (installRuntimeFunc && !agentKubeNamespace) {
             throw new Error('agent-kube-namespace is a mandatory parameter when installing runtime');
-        if (!token) { // Create an agent if not provided
-            name = name || await getNewAgentName(kubeContextName, kubeNamespace);
-            agent = await sdk.agents.create({ name });
-            // eslint-disable-next-line prefer-destructuring
-            token = agent.token;
-            console.log(`A Codefresh Runner with the name: ${colors.cyan(name)} has been created.`);
+        if (!token) {
+            // Create an agent if not provided
+            token = await createAgent(argv);
         } else {
-            // take the agent id from the token
-            const apiKey = token.split('.')[0];
-            const agentData = await sdk.tokens.getById({ id: apiKey });
-            if (!agentData) {
-                throw new Error('token is not valid');
+            // take the agent name from the token
+            const nameFromToken = await getAgentNameByToken(token);
+            if (!name) {
+                name = nameFromToken;
+            } else if (name !== nameFromToken) {
+                throw new Error(`token is assosicated with agent ${nameFromToken}, different from supplied '--name ${name}'`);
-            const { subject } = agentData;
-            if (subject.type !== 'agent') {
-                throw new Error('token is not assosicated with a runner');
-            }
-            const agentId = agentData.subject.ref;
-            const data = await sdk.agents.get({ agentId });
-            // eslint-disable-next-line prefer-destructuring
-            name = data.name;
-        const apiHost = sdk.config.context.url;
-        const events = new ProgressEvents();
-        const format = 'downloading [{bar}] {percentage}% | {value}/{total}';
-        const progressBar = new cliProgress.SingleBar({ stopOnComplete: true, format }, cliProgress.Presets.shades_classic);
-        let totalSize;
-        events.onStart((size) => {
-            console.log('Downloading Codefresh Runner installer \n');
-            progressBar.start(size, 0);
-            totalSize = size;
-        });
-        events.onProgress((progress) => {
-            progressBar.update(progress);
-            if (progress >= totalSize) {
-                console.log('\n');
-            }
-        });
-        const agentInstallStatusCode = await sdk.agents.install({
-            apiHost,
-            kubeContextName,
-            kubeNamespace,
-            token,
-            dryRun,
-            inCluster,
-            kubeNodeSelector,
-            dockerRegistry,
-            tolerations,
-            kubeConfigPath,
-            skipVersionCheck,
-            verbose,
-            agentId: name,
-            terminateProcess,
-            events,
-            logFormatting: DefaultLogFormatter,
-            envVars,
-        });
-        if (agentInstallStatusCode !== 0) {
-            throw new Error(`\nRunner installation failed with code ${agentInstallStatusCode}`);
+        if (!platformOnly) {
+            await installAgentInCluster(argv, token, name);
         if (installRuntime) {
-            return installRuntimeCmd.handler({
-                'runtime-name': reName,
-                'skip-re-creation': skipRuntimeCreation,
-                'runtime-kube-context-name': kubeContextName,
-                'runtime-kube-namespace': kubeNamespace,
-                'agent-name': name,
-                'runtime-kube-config-path': kubeConfigPath,
-                'attach-runtime': true,
-                'restart-agent': true,
-                'make-default-runtime': shouldMakeDefaultRe,
-                'kube-node-selector': buildNodeSelector,
-                'storage-class-name': storageClassName,
-                'set-value': setValue,
-                'set-file': setFile,
-                'agent-kube-namespace': agentKubeNamespace,
-                'agent-kube-context-name': agentKubeContextName,
-                verbose,
-                terminateProcess,
-            });
+            await installRuntimeFunc(argv, name);
+        console.log(token);
diff --git a/lib/interface/cli/commands/runtimeEnvironments/attach.cmd.js b/lib/interface/cli/commands/runtimeEnvironments/attach.cmd.js
index aee4e145e..4ba3fe634 100644
--- a/lib/interface/cli/commands/runtimeEnvironments/attach.cmd.js
+++ b/lib/interface/cli/commands/runtimeEnvironments/attach.cmd.js
@@ -1,27 +1,107 @@
 /* eslint-disable max-len */
 const _ = require('lodash');
+const cliProgress = require('cli-progress');
 const Command = require('../../Command');
 const { sdk } = require('../../../../logic');
 const ProgressEvents = require('../../helpers/progressEvents');
-const cliProgress = require('cli-progress');
 const { getKubeContext } = require('../../helpers/kubernetes');
-const { DefaultLogFormatter } = require('./../hybrid/helper');
+const { DefaultLogFormatter } = require('../hybrid/helper');
+async function attachInPlatform(argv) {
+    const {
+        agentName,
+        agentId,
+        runtimeName,
+    } = argv;
+    let agent;
+    if (_.isEmpty(runtimeName)) {
+        throw new Error('runtime name is mandatory');
+    }
+    if (agentName) {
+        agent = await sdk.agents.getByName({ name: agentName });
+    } else if (agentId) {
+        agent = await sdk.agents.get({ agentId });
+    } else {
+        throw new Error('agent name or agent id is needed');
+    }
+    if (agent === '' || !agent) {
+        throw new Error('agent was not found');
+    }
-const attachAgentToRuntime = async (agent, name) => {
-    const rt = await sdk.runtimeEnvs.get({ name });
+    const rt = await sdk.runtimeEnvs.get({ name: runtimeName });
     if (!rt) {
-        throw new Error(`runtime ${name} does not exist on the account`);
+        throw new Error(`runtime ${runtimeName} does not exist on the account`);
     if (!rt.metadata.agent) {
         throw new Error('cannot attach non hybrid runtime');
     const runtimes = _.get(agent, 'runtimes', []);
-    const existingRT = _.find(runtimes, value => value === name);
+    const existingRT = _.find(runtimes, (value) => value === runtimeName);
     if (!existingRT) {
-        runtimes.push(name);
+        runtimes.push(runtimeName);
         await sdk.agents.update({ agentId: agent.id, runtimes });
+async function attachInCluster(argv) {
+    const {
+        runtimeName,
+        runtimeKubeConfigPath,
+        runtimeKubeContextName = getKubeContext(runtimeKubeConfigPath),
+        runtimeKubeNamespace,
+        agentKubeConfigPath,
+        agentKubeContextName = runtimeKubeContextName,
+        agentKubeNamespace,
+        runtimeKubeServiceAccount,
+        restartAgent,
+        verbose,
+    } = argv;
+    if (_.isNull(runtimeName) || _.isUndefined(runtimeName) || runtimeName === '') {
+        throw new Error('runtime name is mandatory');
+    }
+    if (!runtimeKubeNamespace) {
+        throw new Error('runtime-kube-namespace is mandatory parameter');
+    }
+    // call venonactl to attach
+    const events = new ProgressEvents();
+    const format = 'downloading [{bar}] {percentage}% | {value}/{total}';
+    const progressBar = new cliProgress.SingleBar({ stopOnComplete: true, format }, cliProgress.Presets.shades_classic);
+    let totalSize;
+    events.onStart((size) => {
+        progressBar.start(size, 0);
+        totalSize = size;
+    });
+    events.onProgress((progress) => {
+        progressBar.update(progress);
+        if (progress >= totalSize) {
+            console.log('\n');
+        }
+    });
+    await sdk.runtime.attach({
+        runtimeName,
+        kubeConfigPath: runtimeKubeConfigPath,
+        kubeContextName: runtimeKubeContextName,
+        kubeNamespace: runtimeKubeNamespace,
+        kubeServiceAccount: runtimeKubeServiceAccount,
+        agentKubeConfigPath,
+        agentKubeContextName,
+        agentKubeNamespace,
+        verbose,
+        restartAgent,
+        terminateProcess: false,
+        events,
+        logFormatting: DefaultLogFormatter,
+    });
+    if (!restartAgent) {
+        console.log('Please restart agent\'s pod in order that changes will take effect');
+    }
 const attachRuntimeCmd = new Command({
     root: true,
@@ -33,7 +113,7 @@ const attachRuntimeCmd = new Command({
         title: 'Attach Runtime-Environments',
         weight: 100,
-    builder: yargs => yargs
+    builder: (yargs) => yargs
         .env('CF_ARG_') // this means that every process.env.CF_ARG_* will be passed to argv
         .option('runtime-name', {
             describe: 'Runtime\'s name',
@@ -59,101 +139,42 @@ const attachRuntimeCmd = new Command({
         .option('agent-kube-namespace', {
             describe: 'Agent\'s namespace',
+        .option('agent-kube-service-account', {
+            describe: 'The service account to use for the agent pod',
+        })
         .option('agent-kube-config-path', {
             describe: 'Path to kubeconfig file for the agent (default is $HOME/.kube/config)',
         .option('restart-agent', {
             describe: 'restart agent afte install - default false',
+        .option('platform-only', {
+            describe: 'Set to true to attach runtime to agent on the platform side only',
+        })
         .option('verbose', {
             describe: 'Print logs',
     handler: async (argv) => {
         const {
-            'agent-name': agentName,
-            'runtime-name': runtimeName,
-            'agent-id': agentId,
-            'runtime-kube-namespace': kubeNamespace,
-            'runtime-kube-config-path': kubeConfigPath,
-            'agent-kube-namespace': agentKubeNamespace,
-            'agent-kube-config-path': agentKubeConfigPath,
-            'runtime-kube-serviceaccount': kubeServiceAccount,
-            'restart-agent': restartAgent,
-            verbose,
+            runtimeKubeNamespace,
+            platformOnly,
+            terminateProcess,
         } = argv;
-        let {
-            'runtime-kube-context-name': kubeContextName,
-            'agent-kube-context-name': agentKubeContextName,
-        } = argv;
-        const { terminateProcess } = argv;
-        let agent;
-        if (_.isNull(runtimeName) || _.isUndefined(runtimeName) || runtimeName === '') {
-            throw new Error('runtime name is mandatory');
-        }
-        if (agentName) {
-            agent = await sdk.agents.getByName({ name: agentName });
-        } else if (agentId) {
-            agent = await sdk.agents.get({ agentId });
-        } else {
-            throw new Error('agent name or agent id is needed');
-        }
-        if (agent === '' || !agent) {
-            throw new Error('agent was not found');
-        }
-        if (!kubeNamespace) {
+        if (!runtimeKubeNamespace && !platformOnly) {
             throw new Error('runtime-kube-namespace is mandatory parameter');
-        if (!kubeContextName) {
-            kubeContextName = getKubeContext(kubeConfigPath);
-        }
-        if (!agentKubeContextName) {
-            agentKubeContextName = kubeContextName;
-        }
-        await attachAgentToRuntime(agent, runtimeName);
-        // call venonactl to attach
-        const events = new ProgressEvents();
-        const format = 'downloading [{bar}] {percentage}% | {value}/{total}';
-        const progressBar = new cliProgress.SingleBar({ stopOnComplete: true, format }, cliProgress.Presets.shades_classic);
-        let totalSize;
-        events.onStart((size) => {
-            progressBar.start(size, 0);
-            totalSize = size;
-        });
-        events.onProgress((progress) => {
-            progressBar.update(progress);
-            if (progress >= totalSize) {
-                console.log('\n');
-            }
-        });
-        await sdk.runtime.attach({
-            kubeContextName,
-            kubeServiceAccount,
-            kubeNamespace,
-            kubeConfigPath,
-            agentKubeContextName,
-            agentKubeNamespace,
-            agentKubeConfigPath,
-            runtimeName,
-            verbose,
-            restartAgent,
-            terminateProcess: false,
-            events,
-            logFormatting: DefaultLogFormatter,
-        });
-        if (!restartAgent) {
-            console.log('Please restart agent\'s pod in order that changes will take effect');
+        await attachInPlatform(argv);
+        if (!platformOnly) {
+            await attachInCluster(argv);
         if (terminateProcess || terminateProcess === undefined) {
-        } else {
-            return 0;
+        return 0;
 module.exports = attachRuntimeCmd;
diff --git a/lib/interface/cli/commands/runtimeEnvironments/install.cmd.js b/lib/interface/cli/commands/runtimeEnvironments/install.cmd.js
index ce849c826..2fd57e0ef 100644
--- a/lib/interface/cli/commands/runtimeEnvironments/install.cmd.js
+++ b/lib/interface/cli/commands/runtimeEnvironments/install.cmd.js
@@ -1,15 +1,15 @@
 /* eslint-disable max-len */
+const cliProgress = require('cli-progress');
+const colors = require('colors');
+const _ = require('lodash');
 const Command = require('../../Command');
 const { sdk } = require('../../../../logic');
 const attachRuntimeCmd = require('./attach.cmd');
 const installRoot = require('../root/install.cmd');
 const { getKubeContext } = require('../../helpers/kubernetes');
 const ProgressEvents = require('../../helpers/progressEvents');
-const cliProgress = require('cli-progress');
 const createClusterCmd = require('../cluster/create.cmd');
-const colors = require('colors');
-const _ = require('lodash');
-const { DefaultLogFormatter, INSTALLATION_DEFAULTS } = require('./../hybrid/helper');
+const { DefaultLogFormatter, INSTALLATION_DEFAULTS } = require('../hybrid/helper');
 const defaultNamespace = 'codefresh';
 const defaultStorageClassPrefix = 'dind-local-volumes-runner';
@@ -20,10 +20,10 @@ async function newRuntimeName(kubeContextName, kubeNamespace) {
     const runtimes = await sdk.runtimeEnvs.list({ });
     let name;
-    if (!_.isArray(runtimes) || !_.find(runtimes, re => _.get(re, 'metadata.name') === defaultName)) {
+    if (!_.isArray(runtimes) || !_.find(runtimes, (re) => _.get(re, 'metadata.name') === defaultName)) {
         name = defaultName; // use the default name if there are no collisions
     } else {
-        const reNames = new Set(_.map(runtimes, re => _.get(re, 'metadata.name'))); // for fast lookup
+        const reNames = new Set(_.map(runtimes, (re) => _.get(re, 'metadata.name'))); // for fast lookup
         let i = 1;
         let suggestName;
         // eslint-disable-next-line no-constant-condition
@@ -34,11 +34,185 @@ async function newRuntimeName(kubeContextName, kubeNamespace) {
             i += 1;
         name = suggestName;
     return name;
+async function createRuntimeInPlatform(argv, runtimeName) {
+    const {
+        kubeNodeSelector,
+        buildAnnotations,
+        makeDefaultRuntime,
+        runtimeKubeConfigPath,
+        runtimeKubeContextName = getKubeContext(runtimeKubeConfigPath),
+        runtimeKubeNamespace = defaultNamespace,
+        storageClassName = `${defaultStorageClassPrefix}-${runtimeKubeNamespace}`,
+    } = argv;
+    // parse kubeNodeSelector in form key1=value1,key2=value2 to {key1: value1, key2: value2}
+    const kubeNodeSelectorObj = {};
+    if (kubeNodeSelector) {
+        const nsSplitParts = kubeNodeSelector.split(',');
+        nsSplitParts.forEach((nsPart) => {
+            const [key, value] = nsPart.split('=');
+            if (!key || !value) {
+                throw new Error('invalid kube-node-selector parameter');
+            }
+            kubeNodeSelectorObj[key] = value;
+        });
+    }
+    // create RE in codefresh
+    await sdk.cluster.create({
+        runtimeEnvironmentName: runtimeName,
+        storageClassName: storageClassName || `${defaultStorageClassPrefix}-${runtimeKubeNamespace}`,
+        nodeSelector: kubeNodeSelectorObj,
+        annotations: buildAnnotations,
+        clusterName: runtimeKubeContextName,
+        namespace: runtimeKubeNamespace,
+        agent: true,
+    });
+    console.log(`Runtime environment "${colors.cyan(runtimeName)}" has been created`);
+    if (makeDefaultRuntime) {
+        const re = await sdk.runtimeEnvs.get({
+            name: runtimeName,
+        });
+        await sdk.runtimeEnvs.setDefault({ account: re.accountId, name: re.metadata.name });
+        console.log(`Runtime environment "${colors.cyan(runtimeName)}" has been set as the default runtime`);
+    }
+async function createClusterInPlatform(argv) {
+    const {
+        clusterServiceAccount,
+        runtimeKubeConfigPath,
+        runtimeKubeContextName = getKubeContext(runtimeKubeConfigPath),
+        runtimeKubeNamespace = defaultNamespace,
+    } = argv;
+    try {
+        // check if cluster already exists
+        const clusters = await sdk.clusters.list() || [];
+        // should create cluster if it does not exist already
+        const createCluster = !clusters.find((cluster) => cluster.selector === runtimeKubeContextName);
+        // create the cluster in codefresh if does not exists
+        if (createCluster) {
+            console.log(`Adding cluster "${colors.cyan(runtimeKubeContextName)}" integration to your Codefresh account`);
+            try {
+                await createClusterCmd.handler({
+                    'kube-context': runtimeKubeContextName,
+                    namespace: runtimeKubeNamespace,
+                    'behind-firewall': true,
+                    serviceaccount: clusterServiceAccount || 'default',
+                    terminateProcess: false,
+                });
+            } catch (error) {
+                console.log(`Failed to register cluster on Codefresh, cause: ${error.message}`);
+            }
+        }
+    } catch (error) {
+        console.log(`Failed to fetch account clusters, cause: ${error.message}`);
+    }
+async function installRuntimeInCluster(argv, runtimeName) {
+    const {
+        storageClassName,
+        dryRun,
+        inCluster,
+        kubeNodeSelector,
+        setValue,
+        setFile,
+        attachRuntime,
+        dockerRegistry,
+        runtimeKubeConfigPath,
+        runtimeKubeContextName = getKubeContext(runtimeKubeConfigPath),
+        runtimeKubeNamespace = defaultNamespace,
+        token = sdk.config.context.token,
+        verbose,
+    } = argv;
+    const apiHost = sdk.config.context.url;
+    // install RE on cluster
+    const runtimeEvents = new ProgressEvents();
+    const runtimeFormat = 'downloading runtime installer [{bar}] {percentage}% | {value}/{total}';
+    const runtimmrProgressBar = new cliProgress.SingleBar({ stopOnComplete: true, format: runtimeFormat }, cliProgress.Presets.shades_classic);
+    let runtimeTotalSize;
+    runtimeEvents.onStart((size) => {
+        console.log('Downloading runtime installer:\n');
+        runtimmrProgressBar.start(size, 0);
+        runtimeTotalSize = size;
+    });
+    runtimeEvents.onProgress((progress) => {
+        runtimmrProgressBar.update(progress);
+        if (progress >= runtimeTotalSize) {
+            console.log('\n');
+        }
+    });
+    const installRuntimeExitCode = await sdk.runtime.install({
+        apiHost,
+        name: runtimeName,
+        storageClassName: storageClassName && storageClassName.startsWith('dind-local-volumes') ? undefined : storageClassName,
+        kubeConfigPath: runtimeKubeConfigPath,
+        kubeContextName: runtimeKubeContextName,
+        kubeNamespace: runtimeKubeNamespace,
+        kubeNodeSelector,
+        token,
+        inCluster,
+        dockerRegistry,
+        setValue,
+        setFile,
+        terminateProcess: !attachRuntime,
+        events: runtimeEvents,
+        dryRun,
+        verbose,
+        logFormatting: DefaultLogFormatter,
+    });
+    // attach RE to agent in codefresh
+    if (installRuntimeExitCode !== 0) {
+        throw new Error(`Runtime environment installation failed with exit code: ${installRuntimeExitCode}`);
+    }
+async function attachRuntimeToAgent(argv, runtimeName) {
+    const {
+        agentName,
+        runtimeKubeConfigPath,
+        runtimeKubeContextName = getKubeContext(runtimeKubeConfigPath),
+        runtimeKubeNamespace = defaultNamespace,
+        agentKubeConfigPath = runtimeKubeConfigPath,
+        agentKubeContextName = runtimeKubeContextName,
+        agentKubeNamespace,
+        platformOnly,
+    } = argv;
+    const attachRuntimeStatusCode = await attachRuntimeCmd.handler({
+        agentName,
+        runtimeName,
+        runtimeKubeConfigPath,
+        runtimeKubeContextName,
+        runtimeKubeNamespace,
+        agentKubeConfigPath,
+        agentKubeContextName,
+        agentKubeNamespace,
+        restartAgent: true,
+        platformOnly,
+        terminateProcess: false,
+    });
+    if (attachRuntimeStatusCode !== 0) {
+        throw new Error(`Attach runtime failed with exit code ${attachRuntimeStatusCode}`);
+    }
 const installRuntimeCmd = new Command({
     root: false,
     parent: installRoot,
@@ -49,8 +223,11 @@ const installRuntimeCmd = new Command({
         title: 'Install Runtime-Environment',
         weight: 100,
-    builder: yargs => yargs
+    builder: (yargs) => yargs
         .env('CF_ARG_') // this means that every process.env.CF_ARG_* will be passed to argv
+        .option('runtime-name', {
+            describe: 'The name of the runtime to install',
+        })
         .option('token', {
             describe: 'Agent\'s token',
@@ -60,12 +237,6 @@ const installRuntimeCmd = new Command({
         .option('storage-class-name', {
             describe: 'Set a name of your custom storage class, note: this will not install volume provisioning components',
-        .option('runtime-kube-context-name', {
-            describe: 'Name of the kubernetes context on which the runtime should be installed (default is current-context) [$CF_ARG_KUBE_CONTEXT_NAME]',
-        })
-        .option('kube-node-selector', {
-            describe: 'The kubernetes node selector "key=value" to be used by runner build resources (default is no node selector) (string)',
-        })
         .option('docker-registry', {
             describe: 'The prefix for the container registry that will be used for pulling the required components images. Example: --docker-registry="docker.io"',
             type: 'string',
@@ -82,20 +253,26 @@ const installRuntimeCmd = new Command({
         .option('in-cluster', {
             describe: 'Set flag if runner is been installed from inside a cluster',
+        .option('kube-node-selector', {
+            describe: 'The kubernetes node selector "key=value" to be used by runner build resources (default is no node selector) (string)',
+        })
+        .option('runtime-kube-config-path', {
+            describe: 'Path to kubeconfig file (default is $HOME/.kube/config)',
+        })
+        .option('runtime-kube-context-name', {
+            describe: 'Name of the kubernetes context on which the runtime should be installed (default is current-context) [$CF_ARG_KUBE_CONTEXT_NAME]',
+        })
         .option('runtime-kube-namespace', {
             describe: 'Name of the namespace on which runtime should be installed [$CF_ARG_KUBE_NAMESPACE]',
         .option('build-annotations', {
             describe: 'The kubernetes metadata.annotations as "key=value" to be used by runner build resources (default is no node selector)',
-        .option('runtime-kube-config-path', {
-            describe: 'Path to kubeconfig file (default is $HOME/.kube/config)',
-        })
         .option('attach-runtime', {
             describe: 'if set to true, auto attach runtime to agent (need to provide ....)',
         .option('agent-kube-config-path', {
-            describe: 'Path to kubeconfig file for the agent (default is $HOME/.kube/config)',
+            describe: 'Path to kubeconfig file for the agent (default is $HOME/.kube/config) (on attach)',
         .option('agent-kube-context-name', {
             describe: 'Agent kubernetes context (on attach)',
@@ -103,210 +280,61 @@ const installRuntimeCmd = new Command({
         .option('agent-kube-namespace', {
             describe: 'Agent\'s namespace (on attach)',
-        .option('agent-kube-config-path', {
-            describe: 'Path to kubeconfig file for the agent (default is $HOME/.kube/config) (on attach)',
-        })
         .option('cluster-service-account', {
             describe: 'service account for cluster default is default',
         .option('make-default-runtime', {
             describe: 'should all pipelines run on the this runtime (default is false)',
+        .option('skip-re-creation', {
+            description: 'If set to true, will skip runtime creation in the platform',
+        })
         .option('skip-cluster-creation', {
             description: 'If set to true, will skip cluster integration creation for this runtime',
+        .option('platform-only', {
+            describe: 'Set to true to create runtime on the platform side only',
+        })
         .option('verbose', {
             describe: 'Print logs',
     handler: async (argv) => {
         const {
-            'storage-class-name': storageClassName,
-            'agent-name': agentName,
-            'runtime-name': reName,
-            'skip-re-creation': skipRuntimeCreation,
-            'skip-cluster-creation': skipClusterCreation,
-            'dry-run': dryRun,
-            'in-cluster': inCluster,
-            'kube-node-selector': kubeNodeSelector,
-            'runtime-kube-config-path': kubeConfigPath,
-            'set-value': setValue,
-            'set-file': setFile,
-            verbose,
-            'build-annotations': buildAnnotations,
-            'attach-runtime': attachRuntime,
-            'cluster-service-account': clusterServiceAccount,
-            'make-default-runtime': shouldMakeDefaultRe,
-            'docker-registry': dockerRegistry,
-            terminateProcess,
-        } = argv;
-        let {
-            'runtime-kube-context-name': kubeContextName,
-            'agent-kube-context-name': agentKubeContextName,
-            'agent-kube-namespace': agentKubeNamespace,
-            'agent-kube-config-path': agentKubeConfigPath,
-            'runtime-kube-namespace': kubeNamespace,
-            token,
+            runtimeName,
+            skipReCreation,
+            skipClusterCreation,
+            attachRuntime,
+            runtimeKubeConfigPath,
+            runtimeKubeContextName = getKubeContext(runtimeKubeConfigPath),
+            runtimeKubeNamespace = defaultNamespace,
+            agentKubeNamespace,
+            platformOnly,
         } = argv;
-        if (!kubeNamespace) {
-            kubeNamespace = defaultNamespace;
-        }
         if (attachRuntime && !agentKubeNamespace) {
             throw new Error('agent-kube-namespace is a mandatory parameter');
-        // parse kubeNodeSelector in form key1=value1,key2=value2 to {key1: value1, key2: value2}
-        const kubeNodeSelectorObj = {};
-        if (kubeNodeSelector) {
-            const nsSplitParts = kubeNodeSelector.split(',');
-            nsSplitParts.forEach((nsPart) => {
-                const nsRecordSplit = nsPart.split('=');
-                if (nsRecordSplit.length !== 2) {
-                    throw new Error('invalid kube-node-selector parameter');
-                }
-                kubeNodeSelectorObj[nsRecordSplit[0]] = nsRecordSplit[1];
-            });
-        }
-        const apiHost = sdk.config.context.url;
-        if (!kubeContextName) {
-            kubeContextName = getKubeContext(kubeConfigPath);
-        }
-        const clusterName = kubeContextName || getKubeContext(kubeConfigPath);
-        const runtimeName = reName || await newRuntimeName(kubeContextName, kubeNamespace);
+        const finalName = runtimeName || await newRuntimeName(runtimeKubeContextName, runtimeKubeNamespace);
-        if (!token) {
-            // eslint-disable-next-line prefer-destructuring
-            token = sdk.config.context.token;
+        if (!skipReCreation) {
+            await createRuntimeInPlatform(argv, finalName);
-        // create RE in codefresh
-        if (!skipRuntimeCreation) {
-            await sdk.cluster.create({
-                namespace: kubeNamespace,
-                storageClassName: storageClassName || `${defaultStorageClassPrefix}-${kubeNamespace}`,
-                nodeSelector: kubeNodeSelectorObj,
-                annotations: buildAnnotations,
-                clusterName,
-                runtimeEnvironmentName: runtimeName,
-                agent: true,
-            });
-            console.log(`Runtime environment "${colors.cyan(runtimeName)}" has been created`);
-            if (shouldMakeDefaultRe) {
-                const re = await sdk.runtimeEnvs.get({
-                    name: runtimeName,
-                });
-                await sdk.runtimeEnvs.setDefault({ account: re.accountId, name: re.metadata.name });
-                console.log(`Runtime environment "${colors.cyan(runtimeName)}" has been set as the default runtime`);
-            }
-        }
-        // check if cluster already exists
-        let createCluster = false;
         if (!skipClusterCreation) {
-            try {
-                const clusters = await sdk.clusters.list() || [];
-                // should create cluster if it does not exist already
-                createCluster = !clusters.find(cluster => cluster.selector === kubeContextName);
-            } catch (error) {
-                console.log(`Failed to fetch account clusters, cause: ${error.message}`);
-            }
-        }
-        // create the cluster in codefresh if does not exists
-        if (createCluster) {
-            console.log(`Adding cluster "${colors.cyan(kubeContextName)}" integration to your Codefresh account`);
-            try {
-                await createClusterCmd.handler({
-                    'kube-context': kubeContextName,
-                    namespace: kubeNamespace,
-                    'behind-firewall': true,
-                    serviceaccount: clusterServiceAccount || 'default',
-                    terminateProcess: false,
-                });
-            } catch (error) {
-                console.log(`Failed to register cluster on Codefresh, cause: ${error.message}`);
-            }
+            await createClusterInPlatform(argv);
-        // install RE on cluster
-        const runtimeEvents = new ProgressEvents();
-        const runtimeFormat = 'downloading runtime installer [{bar}] {percentage}% | {value}/{total}';
-        const runtimmrProgressBar = new cliProgress.SingleBar({ stopOnComplete: true, format: runtimeFormat }, cliProgress.Presets.shades_classic);
-        let runtimeTotalSize;
-        runtimeEvents.onStart((size) => {
-            console.log('Downloading runtime installer:\n');
-            runtimmrProgressBar.start(size, 0);
-            runtimeTotalSize = size;
-        });
-        runtimeEvents.onProgress((progress) => {
-            runtimmrProgressBar.update(progress);
-            if (progress >= runtimeTotalSize) {
-                console.log('\n');
-            }
-        });
-        const installRuntimeExitCode = await sdk.runtime.install({
-            apiHost,
-            name: runtimeName,
-            kubeContextName,
-            kubeNamespace,
-            token,
-            dryRun,
-            inCluster,
-            kubeConfigPath,
-            dockerRegistry,
-            verbose,
-            kubeNodeSelector,
-            setValue,
-            setFile,
-            terminateProcess: !attachRuntime,
-            events: runtimeEvents,
-            storageClassName: storageClassName && storageClassName.startsWith('dind-local-volumes') ? undefined : storageClassName,
-            logFormatting: DefaultLogFormatter,
-        });
-        // attach RE to agent in codefresh
-        if (installRuntimeExitCode !== 0) {
-            throw new Error(`Runtime environment installation failed with exit code: ${installRuntimeExitCode}`);
+        if (!platformOnly) {
+            await installRuntimeInCluster(argv, finalName);
         if (attachRuntime) {
-            // set defaults for agent options
-            if (!agentKubeNamespace) {
-                agentKubeNamespace = kubeNamespace;
-            }
-            if (!agentKubeContextName) {
-                agentKubeContextName = kubeContextName;
-            }
-            if (!agentKubeConfigPath) {
-                agentKubeConfigPath = kubeConfigPath;
-            }
-            const attachRuntimeStatusCode = await attachRuntimeCmd.handler({
-                'agent-name': agentName,
-                'runtime-name': runtimeName,
-                'runtime-kube-context-name': kubeContextName,
-                'runtime-kube-namespace': kubeNamespace,
-                'runtime-kube-config-path': kubeConfigPath,
-                'agent-kube-context-name': agentKubeContextName,
-                'agent-kube-namespace': agentKubeNamespace,
-                'agent-kube-config-path': agentKubeConfigPath,
-                'restart-agent': true,
-                terminateProcess,
-            });
-            if (attachRuntimeStatusCode !== 0) {
-                throw new Error(`Attach runtime failed with exit code ${attachRuntimeStatusCode}`);
-            } else {
-                return runtimeName;
-            }
+            await attachRuntimeToAgent(argv, finalName);
         } else {
             console.log('Please run agent attach in order to link agent and runtime');
 module.exports = installRuntimeCmd;
diff --git a/package.json b/package.json
index d7f7a20f0..bbd14ec7f 100644
--- a/package.json
+++ b/package.json
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
   "name": "codefresh",
-  "version": "0.84.10",
+  "version": "0.85.0",
   "description": "Codefresh command line utility",
   "main": "index.js",
   "preferGlobal": true,