A simple financial portfolio GUI for managing a Robinhood and Fidelity account using Python 3 Tkinter. Uses Sqlite3 and asynchronous programming to display and set account performances, watch lists, and balances. Will run on either Windows, Linux, or Mac OS with Python 3 and associated modules installed via PIP3
- install Python 3 and PIP3 modules listed below
- open terminal or command prompt and enter
python3 index.py
- async_tkinter_loop
- yahoo_finance_async
- App will break if module loses support from Yahoo Finance
- pandas
If using multiple operating systems, skip this section
- Convert app title icon to a base64 byte array or else the title icon will return an error and not display
pyinstaller -w --add-data "Database\investment_accounts.db;.\Database" --onefile index.py
raw_data = urllib.request.urlopen(req).read()
im = Image.open(io.BytesIO(raw_data)).resize((500,500))
image = ImageTk.PhotoImage(im, size="200x200")
label1 = Label(mainframe, image=image)
label1.grid(column=1, row=1, sticky=(W,E,S,N))