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mattboll committed Mar 19, 2024
2 parents 7388d97 + 870faf2 commit cc2c082
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Showing 2,916 changed files with 20,573 additions and 29,298 deletions.
10 changes: 6 additions & 4 deletions .babelrc
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,8 +1,10 @@
"presets": ["env"],
"presets": [
"plugins": [
7 changes: 2 additions & 5 deletions .ctproject
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,5 +1,2 @@
prepare='npm i' #Install dependencies
dev='make dev' # run server
build='make dist' # builds
run='npm run serve-dev' # run local dev version on :3000
prod='npm run serve-prod' # run local in prod mode on :3000
npx='npx netlify-cms-proxy-server' # run local proxy server
dev='yarn install && yarn start' # run server (should run npx too)
14 changes: 14 additions & 0 deletions .dependabot/config.yml
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
version: 1

- package_manager: javascript
directory: /
update_schedule: live
- match:
update_type: security
- match:
dependency_type: all
update_type: in_range
version_requirement_updates: widen_ranges
6 changes: 0 additions & 6 deletions .dockerignore

This file was deleted.

99 changes: 99 additions & 0 deletions .eslintrc.yml
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,99 @@
browser: true

parser: "@babel/eslint-parser"

ecmaVersion: 6

plugins: [ "import" ]

extends: [

version: detect

# Possible Errors
no-control-regex: 2
no-console: 1
no-debugger: 2
no-dupe-args: 2
no-dupe-keys: 2
no-duplicate-case: 2
no-empty-character-class: 2
no-ex-assign: 2
no-extra-boolean-cast : 2
no-extra-semi: 2
no-invalid-regexp: 2
no-irregular-whitespace: 1
no-proto: 2
no-unexpected-multiline: 2
no-unreachable: 2
valid-typeof: 2

# Best Practices
no-fallthrough: 2
no-redeclare: 2

# Stylistic Issues
comma-spacing: 2
eol-last: 2
eqeqeq: ["error", "smart"]
indent: [2, 2, {SwitchCase: 1}]
keyword-spacing: 2
max-len: [1, 160, 2]
new-parens: 2
no-mixed-spaces-and-tabs: 2
no-multiple-empty-lines: [2, {max: 2}]
no-trailing-spaces: 2
object-curly-spacing: [2, "never"]
quotes: [2, "double", "avoid-escape"]
semi: 2
space-before-blocks: [2, "always"]
space-before-function-paren: [2, "never"]
space-in-parens: [2, "never"]
space-infix-ops: 2
space-unary-ops: 2

# ECMAScript 6
arrow-parens: [2, "always"]
arrow-spacing: [2, {"before": true, "after": true}]
no-confusing-arrow: 2
prefer-const: 2

jsx-quotes: [2, "prefer-double"]

# Import
import/no-unresolved: [1, {"commonjs": true, "amd": true}]
import/export: 2

# Strict Mode
strict: [2, "global"]

# Variables
no-undef: 2
no-unused-vars: [2, {"args": "none"}]

# turn off PropType checking
react/prop-types: [0]

# Global scoped method and vars
__dirname: true
require: true
process: true
ENV: true
module: true
5 changes: 0 additions & 5 deletions .firebaserc

This file was deleted.

54 changes: 0 additions & 54 deletions .forestry/settings.yml

This file was deleted.

1 change: 0 additions & 1 deletion .gitattributes

This file was deleted.

27 changes: 27 additions & 0 deletions .github/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
If you are reporting a new issue, make sure that we do not have any duplicates
already open. You can ensure this by searching the issue list for this
repository. If there is a duplicate, please close your issue and add a comment
to the existing issue instead.
If you suspect your issue is a bug, please edit your issue description to
include the BUG REPORT INFORMATION shown below. If you fail to provide this
information within 7 days, we cannot debug your issue and will close it. We
will, however, reopen it if you later provide the information.
Use the commands below to provide key information from your environment:
You do NOT have to include this information if this is a FEATURE REQUEST

**- Do you want to request a *feature* or report a *bug*?**

**- What is the current behavior?**

**- If the current behavior is a bug, please provide the steps to reproduce.**

**- What is the expected behavior?**

**- Please mention your node.js, NPM, and operating system version.**
35 changes: 35 additions & 0 deletions .github/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
Thanks for submitting a pull request!
Please make sure you've read and understood our contributing guidelines;
If this is a bug fix, make sure your description includes "fixes #xxxx", or
"closes #xxxx", where #xxxx is the issue number.
Please provide enough information so that others can review your pull request.
The first three fields are mandatory:

**- Summary**

Explain the **motivation** for making this change.
What existing problem does the pull request solve?

**- Test plan**

Demonstrate the code is solid.
Example: The exact commands you ran and their output, screenshots / videos if the pull request changes UI.

**- Description for the changelog**

Write a short (one line) summary that describes the changes in this
pull request for inclusion in the changelog:

**- A picture of a cute animal (not mandatory but encouraged)**
60 changes: 0 additions & 60 deletions .github/workflows/build-develop.yml

This file was deleted.

58 changes: 0 additions & 58 deletions .github/workflows/build-master.yml

This file was deleted.


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