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220 lines (197 loc) · 11.3 KB

File metadata and controls

220 lines (197 loc) · 11.3 KB


alpha to canary

  • Added:
    • Props:
      • onSelectedCellChange
        • ⚠️ This replaces the onCellSelected and onCellDeSelected props
      • enableFilters
        • ⚠️ This replaces the enableHeaderFilters and column.filterable props
      • filters
      • onFiltersChange
      • enableCellCopyPaste
      • enableCellDragAndDrop
      • rows
        • ⚠️ This replace the rowGetter and rowsCount props
      • rowClass
    • column.cellClass(row) function support:
      • column = { ..., cellClass(row) { return string; } }
    • column.minWidth
    • column.maxWidth
    • column.headerCellClass
    • column.formatterOptions
    • scrollToRow method
      • ⚠️ This replaces the scrollToRowIndex prop
  • Removed:
    • Support:
      • ⚠️ IE11
    • Packages:
      • ⚠️ react-data-grid-addons
    • Props:
      • ⚠️ cellContentRenderer
      • ⚠️ contextMenu
      • ⚠️ enableCellSelect
      • ⚠️ enableCellAutoFocus
      • ⚠️ getValidFilterValues
      • ⚠️ onCellCopyPaste
      • ⚠️ onSelectedCellRangeChange
      • ⚠️ onGridKeyDown
      • ⚠️ onGridKeyUp
      • ⚠️ onRowDoubleClick
      • ⚠️ onHeaderDrop
      • ⚠️ draggableHeaderCell
        • Check #2007 on how to migrate
      • ⚠️ rowGroupRenderer
      • ⚠️ onRowExpandToggle
        • Check #2012 on how to migrate
      • ⚠️ rowsContainer
      • ⚠️ Subrow props: getSubRowDetails, onCellExpand, onDeleteSubRow, and onAddSubRow
        • Check #1853 on how to migrate
      • ⚠️ cellMetaData (from Row and Cell props)
      • ⚠️ value (from column.formatter props)
    • Ref handlers:
      • ⚠️ openCellEditor, use selectCell instead.
    • ⚠️ React elements are no longer supported, please use components instead.
      • For example:
      const column = {
        key: 'example',
        name: 'Example',
      - formatter: <CustomFormatter length={5} />
      + formatter: (props) => <CustomFormatter {...props} length={5} />
    • ⚠️
    • ⚠️ column.getCellActions
      • Check #1845 on how to migrate
    • ⚠️ column.getRowMetaData
    • ⚠️ column.filterable
    • ⚠️ column.draggable
    • ⚠️ cellRangeSelection.{onStart,onUpdate,onEnd}
    • ⚠️ fromRowId, toRowId, and fromRowData from onRowsUpdate argument
    • ⚠️ Stopped exporting HeaderCell
  • Renamed:
    • ⚠️ minHeight to height
    • ⚠️ minWidth to width
    • ⚠️ onGridSort to onSort
    • ⚠️ onGridRowsUpdated to onRowsUpdate
    • ⚠️ emptyRowsView to emptyRowsRenderer
    • ⚠️ rowData to row
    • ⚠️ fromRowData to fromRow
    • ⚠️ idx to rowIdx in Row renderer
  • Changed:
    • ⚠️ Started publishing ES2020/ESM modules instead of ES5/CommonJS modules.
      • Using @babel/preset-env with core-js is recommended to enable compatibility for the browsers your project aims to support.
    • ⚠️ Improved support for summary rows:
      • summaryRows types are now independent from rows
      • Added column.summaryCellClass and column.summaryFormatter props
      • column.formatter isn't used anymore to render summary row cells.
    • Only visible headers cells are now rendered. #1837
    • ⚠️ the rowKey prop is now required for row selection.
    • ⚠️ column.cellClass does not affect header cells anymore.
    • ⚠️ onScroll will directly pass the UIEvent rather than the scrollLeft and scrollRight only.

master to alpha

  • Added:
    • TypeScript declaration files
    • column.cellContentRenderer
      • More info in this gist
    • summaryRows prop #1773
    • sortColumn and sortDirection props
      • ⚠️ The internal sort states have been removed.
      • Check #1768 on how to migrate.
    • selectedRows and onSelectedRowsChange props
      • ⚠️ Row selection has been reimplemented.
      • A new SelectColumn is now available to import and add a row selection column.
      • Check #1762 on how to migrate.
  • Removed:
    • Packages:
      • react-data-grid-examples
        • Use the website as reference, or clone the repo locally and run npm install + npm start
    • Props:
      • ⚠️ onCellsDragged
      • ⚠️ onDragHandleDoubleClick
      • ⚠️ onRows
      • ⚠️ onRowUpdated
      • ⚠️ rowScrollTimeout
      • ⚠️ toolbar
        • Check #1769 on how to migrate
      • ⚠️ isScrolling (from column.formatter props)
    • ⚠️ ContainerEditorWrapper
    • ⚠️ EditorBase
    • ⚠️ setScrollLeft from Row and Cell renderers
      • setScrollLeft instance method was previously required on custom Cell and Row renderers and it can be safely removed now.
      • More info in #1793
    • ⚠️ Dropped ImmutableJS support.
    • ⚠️ Dropped dynamic height row support.
      • This was not officially supported, but it was still possible to implement dynamic rows via custom Row renderer. This was a buggy feature so it has been removed.
    • ⚠️ Removed row reordering support.
  • Renamed:
    • ReactDataGrid to DataGrid
  • Changed:
    • ⚠️ The stylesheets are now bundled separately:
      • react-data-grid/dist/react-data-grid.css
    • ⚠️ Reimplemented stylesheets, renamed various class names #1780
      • No longer depends on bootstrap
    • Resizing a column now immediately resizes all its cells instead of just its header.
    • Improved performance across the board.


  • ⚠️ react-data-grid-addons has no default export anymore
    • Use import * as DataGridAddons from 'react-data-grid-addons'; instead
  • ⚠️ The stylesheets are now bundled separately:
    • react-data-grid-addons/dist/react-data-grid-addons.css
  • Removed:
    • ⚠️ AutoComplete editor
    • ⚠️ Utils

5.0.5 (Dec 6, 2018)

  • Bugfix: fix: draggable resizing col jumps to right (1421)
  • Bugfix: Cell Tooltip - Focus Issues (1422)

6.0.1 (Nov 30, 2018)

  • Bugfix: Fix formatter exports (1409)

6.0.0 (Nov 30, 2018)

  • Bugfix: Fix outside click logic for committing changes (1404)
  • TechDebt Add ESLint Rules (1396 1397 1396 1399)
  • TechDebt: Upgrade build tools to latest versions (1350)
  • Feature: Cleanup zIndex logic (1393)
  • Breaking Use react portals for cell editors (1369)
  • TechDebt: Upgrade build tools to latest versions (1350)

5.0.4 (Nov 14, 2018)

  • Bugfix: Custom Formatters Example - Styling Fix (1364)
  • Bugfix: Fix website publishing and remove ImmutableJS dependency (1366)
  • Bugfix: Remove react-data-grid dependency from the addons package (1354)
  • Bugfix: Fix drag fill in IE 11 (1359)
  • Bugfix: Ensure webpack uses correct common js external ref (1370)
  • Feature: Move DropTargetRowContainer static styles to CSS class for user customization (1308)
  • Bugfix: Replace use of i for column index which is no longer passed in (1344)
  • Bugfix: Remove utils from documentation as an exported module (1374)
  • TechDebt: Upgrade eslint packages (1376)
  • Bugfix: Cleanup DraggableContainer and fix styles (1379)

5.0.3 (Nov 1, 2018)

  • Bugfix: Fix frozen-columns source url (1355)
  • TechDebt: Defining the ref callback as a bound method (1353)
  • Bugfix: Fix cell focusing logic (1352)
  • Bugfix: RDG Tree Cell Expand Styling Issues (1316)

5.0.2 (Oct 30, 2018)

  • Bugfix: Fix grouping example (1311)
  • Bugfix: Remove contain layout css (1346)
  • Bugfix: Preserve window scroll position on cell selection (1349)

5.0.1 (Oct 22, 2018)


  • Bugfix: Fix CopyMask columns (1289)

5.0.0 (Oct 22, 2018)


  • Feature: Improve Cell navigation Performance (1123)
  • Feature: Scrolling improvements (1254)
  • Feature: Remove react-data-grid dependency from react-data-grid-addons bundle (1272)

4.0.8 (May 10, 2018)


  • Bugfix: Fix editor refs (#1183)

4.0.7 (April 19, 2018)


  • Feature: Support React v16 (#1116)
  • Feature: Set sort column and direction with props (#649)
  • Bugfix: Filtering should ignore null values (#1147)
  • Bugfix: Resize column doesnt work on firefox when also draggable (#1121)


  • Breaking: Migrate to react-context-menu 2.9.2 (#1081)