diff --git a/DataFormats/HGCalReco/interface/TICLLayerTile.h b/DataFormats/HGCalReco/interface/TICLLayerTile.h
index 01f0b2e3ca7b0..50fcc679d9c4f 100644
--- a/DataFormats/HGCalReco/interface/TICLLayerTile.h
+++ b/DataFormats/HGCalReco/interface/TICLLayerTile.h
@@ -35,6 +35,8 @@ class TICLLayerTileT {
int globalBin(double eta, double phi) const { return phiBin(phi) + etaBin(eta) * T::nPhiBins; }
+ int nBins() const { return T::nBins; }
void clear() {
auto nBins = T::nEtaBins * T::nPhiBins;
for (int j = 0; j < nBins; ++j)
diff --git a/RecoHGCal/GraphReco/BuildFile.xml b/RecoHGCal/GraphReco/BuildFile.xml
index fc30404ff2366..d5b82a4d2211e 100644
--- a/RecoHGCal/GraphReco/BuildFile.xml
+++ b/RecoHGCal/GraphReco/BuildFile.xml
@@ -13,4 +13,4 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/RecoHGCal/GraphReco/plugins/BuildFile.xml b/RecoHGCal/GraphReco/plugins/BuildFile.xml
index 932fce8cc0b24..c29cc0fe18a70 100644
--- a/RecoHGCal/GraphReco/plugins/BuildFile.xml
+++ b/RecoHGCal/GraphReco/plugins/BuildFile.xml
@@ -2,9 +2,12 @@
diff --git a/RecoHGCal/GraphReco/plugins/HGCClusterTrackLinker.cc b/RecoHGCal/GraphReco/plugins/HGCClusterTrackLinker.cc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000..525ca57965cd9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/RecoHGCal/GraphReco/plugins/HGCClusterTrackLinker.cc
@@ -0,0 +1,102 @@
+#include "FWCore/Framework/interface/Event.h"
+#include "FWCore/Framework/interface/Frameworkfwd.h"
+#include "FWCore/Framework/interface/MakerMacros.h"
+#include "FWCore/Framework/interface/stream/EDProducer.h"
+#include "FWCore/ParameterSet/interface/ParameterSet.h"
+#include "DataFormats/TrackReco/interface/Track.h"
+#include "DataFormats/TrackReco/interface/TrackFwd.h"
+#include "DataFormats/Common/interface/View.h"
+#include "DataFormats/ParticleFlowCandidate/interface/PFCandidateFwd.h"
+#include "DataFormats/ParticleFlowCandidate/interface/PFCandidate.h"
+#include "DataFormats/HGCalReco/interface/TICLLayerTile.h"
+class HGCClusterTrackLinker : public edm::stream::EDProducer<> {
+ explicit HGCClusterTrackLinker(const edm::ParameterSet&);
+ ~HGCClusterTrackLinker() {};
+ private:
+ void produce(edm::Event&, const edm::EventSetup&) override;
+ edm::EDGetTokenT> tracksToken_;
+ edm::EDGetTokenT pfCandsToken_;
+HGCClusterTrackLinker::HGCClusterTrackLinker(const edm::ParameterSet& config) :
+ tracksToken_(consumes>(config.getParameter("tracks"))),
+ pfCandsToken_(consumes(config.getParameter("pfCands"))) {
+ produces();
+void HGCClusterTrackLinker::produce(edm::Event& iEvent, const edm::EventSetup& iSetup) {
+ edm::Handle pfCands;
+ iEvent.getByToken(pfCandsToken_, pfCands);
+ edm::Handle> tracks;
+ iEvent.getByToken(tracksToken_, tracks);
+ ticl::TICLLayerTile candTile;
+ ticl::TICLLayerTile tracksTile;
+ auto out = std::make_unique();
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < tracks->size(); i++) {
+ edm::RefToBase track(tracks, i);
+ if (std::abs(track->eta()) > ticl::TileConstants::minEta && std::abs(track->eta()) < ticl::TileConstants::maxEta)
+ tracksTile.fill(track->eta(), track->phi(), i);
+ }
+ for (size_t ip = 0; ip < pfCands->size(); ip++) {
+ reco::PFCandidateRef pfCand(pfCands, ip);
+ if (pfCand->charge())
+ candTile.fill(pfCand->eta(), pfCand->phi(), ip);
+ }
+ for (size_t bin = 0; bin < static_cast(candTile.nBins()); bin++) {
+ const std::vector& candIndices = candTile[bin];
+ if (!candIndices.size())
+ continue;
+ std::vector trackIndices = tracksTile[bin];
+ for (auto& tidx : trackIndices) {
+ edm::RefToBase track(tracks, tidx);
+ }
+ for (auto& cidx : candIndices) {
+ reco::PFCandidateRef pfCand(pfCands, cidx);
+ out->push_back(*pfCand->clone());
+ }
+ // Sort now so we prioritizes matches for higher pt clusters
+ std::sort(out->begin(), out->end(), [](auto& a, auto& b) { return a.pt() > b.pt(); });
+ for (auto& cand : *out) {
+ if (trackIndices.size()) {
+ // Find best match. Current just closest in pt, can do
+ // a smarter mix of closest in pt and eta/phi or something else
+ std::vector ptdiffs;
+ ptdiffs.reserve(trackIndices.size());
+ for (size_t entry : trackIndices) {
+ edm::RefToBase t(tracks, entry);
+ ptdiffs.push_back(std::abs(t->pt()-cand.pt()));
+ }
+ size_t tidx = std::distance(ptdiffs.begin(), std::min_element(ptdiffs.begin(), ptdiffs.end()));
+ edm::RefToBase matchingTrack(tracks, trackIndices.at(tidx));
+ trackIndices.erase(trackIndices.begin()+tidx);
+ cand.setTrackRef(matchingTrack.castTo());
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ iEvent.put(std::move(out));
diff --git a/SimCalorimetry/EcalElectronicsEmulation/src/EcalSimpleProducer.cc b/SimCalorimetry/EcalElectronicsEmulation/src/EcalSimpleProducer.cc
index f619ff7563d5a..36f36c56d875b 100644
--- a/SimCalorimetry/EcalElectronicsEmulation/src/EcalSimpleProducer.cc
+++ b/SimCalorimetry/EcalElectronicsEmulation/src/EcalSimpleProducer.cc
@@ -84,7 +84,7 @@ void EcalSimpleProducer::produce(edm::Event &evt, const edm::EventSetup &) {
double em = simHitFormula_->Eval(iEta0, iPhi0, ievt - 1);
double eh = 0.;
double t = 0.;
- const PCaloHit hit(EBDetId(iEta1, iPhi).rawId(), em, eh, t, 0);
+ const PCaloHit hit(EBDetId(iEta1, iPhi).rawId(), em, eh, t, 0, 0, 0);
diff --git a/SimDataFormats/CaloHit/interface/PCaloHit.h b/SimDataFormats/CaloHit/interface/PCaloHit.h
index e1184ce78aef6..78f51c75e4f8a 100644
--- a/SimDataFormats/CaloHit/interface/PCaloHit.h
+++ b/SimDataFormats/CaloHit/interface/PCaloHit.h
@@ -14,6 +14,7 @@ class PCaloHit {
: myEnergy(e), myEMFraction(emFraction), myTime(t), myItra(i), detId(id), myDepth(d) {}
PCaloHit(float eEM, float eHad, float t, int i = 0, uint16_t d = 0);
PCaloHit(unsigned int id, float eEM, float eHad, float t, int i = 0, uint16_t d = 0);
+ PCaloHit(unsigned int id, float eEM, float eHad, float t, int i = 0, int iFine = 0, uint16_t d = 0);
static const char *name() { return "Hit"; }
@@ -31,6 +32,7 @@ class PCaloHit {
//Geant track number
int geantTrackId() const { return myItra; }
+ int geantFineTrackId() const { return myFineItra; }
//DetId where the Hit is recorded
void setID(unsigned int id) { detId = id; }
@@ -67,6 +69,7 @@ class PCaloHit {
float myEMFraction;
float myTime;
int myItra;
+ int myFineItra;
unsigned int detId;
uint16_t myDepth;
EncodedEventId theEventId;
diff --git a/SimDataFormats/CaloHit/src/PCaloHit.cc b/SimDataFormats/CaloHit/src/PCaloHit.cc
index bf2c76c9055c0..7f512794645e7 100644
--- a/SimDataFormats/CaloHit/src/PCaloHit.cc
+++ b/SimDataFormats/CaloHit/src/PCaloHit.cc
@@ -12,6 +12,12 @@ PCaloHit::PCaloHit(unsigned int id, float eEM, float eHad, float t, int i, uint1
myEMFraction = (myEnergy <= 0. ? 1. : eEM / myEnergy);
+PCaloHit::PCaloHit(unsigned int id, float eEM, float eHad, float t, int i, int iFine, uint16_t d)
+ : myTime(t), myItra(i), myFineItra(iFine), detId(id), myDepth(d) {
+ myEnergy = eEM + eHad;
+ myEMFraction = (myEnergy <= 0. ? 1. : eEM / myEnergy);
std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& o, const PCaloHit& hit) {
o << "0x" << std::hex << hit.id() << std::dec << ": Energy (EM) " << hit.energyEM() << " GeV "
<< ": Energy (Had) " << hit.energyHad() << " GeV "
diff --git a/SimDataFormats/CaloHit/src/classes_def.xml b/SimDataFormats/CaloHit/src/classes_def.xml
index 6e7cbbd897498..b63aa2b1e7868 100644
--- a/SimDataFormats/CaloHit/src/classes_def.xml
+++ b/SimDataFormats/CaloHit/src/classes_def.xml
@@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
diff --git a/SimDataFormats/SimHitMaker/interface/CaloSlaveSD.h b/SimDataFormats/SimHitMaker/interface/CaloSlaveSD.h
index e89a3ceee7742..06ceee2727e70 100644
--- a/SimDataFormats/SimHitMaker/interface/CaloSlaveSD.h
+++ b/SimDataFormats/SimHitMaker/interface/CaloSlaveSD.h
@@ -24,6 +24,7 @@ class CaloSlaveSD {
virtual void Initialize();
std::string name() const { return name_; }
virtual bool processHits(uint32_t, double, double, double, int, uint16_t depth = 0);
+ virtual bool processHits(uint32_t, double, double, double, int, int, uint16_t depth = 0);
virtual bool format();
Collection &hits() { return hits_; }
std::string type() { return "calo"; }
diff --git a/SimDataFormats/SimHitMaker/src/CaloSlaveSD.cc b/SimDataFormats/SimHitMaker/src/CaloSlaveSD.cc
index e8bb371bbc75f..d3a97c10bd694 100644
--- a/SimDataFormats/SimHitMaker/src/CaloSlaveSD.cc
+++ b/SimDataFormats/SimHitMaker/src/CaloSlaveSD.cc
@@ -33,6 +33,13 @@ bool CaloSlaveSD::processHits(uint32_t unitID, double eDepEM, double eDepHad, do
return true;
+bool CaloSlaveSD::processHits(uint32_t unitID, double eDepEM, double eDepHad, double tSlice, int tkID, int fineTkId, uint16_t depth) {
+ PCaloHit aCal = PCaloHit(unitID, eDepEM, eDepHad, tSlice, tkID, fineTkId, depth);
+ LogDebug("HitBuildInfo") << " Sent Hit " << aCal << " to ROU " << name_;
+ hits_.push_back(aCal);
+ return true;
void CaloSlaveSD::Clean() {
LogDebug("HitBuildIndo") << "CaloSlaveSD " << name_ << " cleaning the collection";
diff --git a/SimDataFormats/Track/interface/SimTrack.h b/SimDataFormats/Track/interface/SimTrack.h
index 3cedee725b3ee..ec5adc8d86e1a 100644
--- a/SimDataFormats/Track/interface/SimTrack.h
+++ b/SimDataFormats/Track/interface/SimTrack.h
@@ -2,6 +2,9 @@
#define SimTrack_H
#include "SimDataFormats/Track/interface/CoreSimTrack.h"
+#include "DataFormats/Math/interface/Vector3D.h"
+#include "DataFormats/Math/interface/LorentzVector.h"
+#include "FWCore/Utilities/interface/Exception.h"
class SimTrack : public CoreSimTrack {
@@ -44,12 +47,44 @@ class SimTrack : public CoreSimTrack {
inline void setVertexIndex(const int v) { ivert = v; }
+ // Boundary crossing variables
+ void setCrossedBoundaryPosMom(int id, const math::XYZVectorD position, const math::XYZTLorentzVectorD momentum){
+ crossedBoundary_ = true;
+ idAtBoundary_ = id;
+ positionAtBoundary_ = position;
+ momentumAtBoundary_ = momentum;
+ }
+ bool crossedBoundary() const { return crossedBoundary_; }
+ math::XYZVectorD getPositionAtBoundary() const {
+ assertCrossedBoundary();
+ return positionAtBoundary_;
+ }
+ math::XYZTLorentzVectorD getMomentumAtBoundary() const {
+ assertCrossedBoundary();
+ return momentumAtBoundary_;
+ }
+ int getIDAtBoundary() const {
+ assertCrossedBoundary();
+ return idAtBoundary_;
+ }
int ivert;
int igenpart;
math::XYZVectorD tkposition;
math::XYZTLorentzVectorD tkmomentum;
+ bool crossedBoundary_;
+ int idAtBoundary_;
+ math::XYZVectorD positionAtBoundary_;
+ math::XYZTLorentzVectorD momentumAtBoundary_;
+ void assertCrossedBoundary() const {
+ if (!crossedBoundary_){
+ throw cms::Exception("Unknown", "SimTrack")
+ << "Assert crossed boundary failed for track " << trackId();
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/SimDataFormats/Track/src/SimTrack.cc b/SimDataFormats/Track/src/SimTrack.cc
index 0fe3d889c10cd..2fac53edfd7de 100644
--- a/SimDataFormats/Track/src/SimTrack.cc
+++ b/SimDataFormats/Track/src/SimTrack.cc
@@ -1,11 +1,11 @@
#include "SimDataFormats/Track/interface/SimTrack.h"
-SimTrack::SimTrack() : ivert(-1), igenpart(-1) {}
+SimTrack::SimTrack() : ivert(-1), igenpart(-1), crossedBoundary_(false) {}
-SimTrack::SimTrack(int ipart, const math::XYZTLorentzVectorD& p) : Core(ipart, p), ivert(-1), igenpart(-1) {}
+SimTrack::SimTrack(int ipart, const math::XYZTLorentzVectorD& p) : Core(ipart, p), ivert(-1), igenpart(-1), crossedBoundary_(false) {}
SimTrack::SimTrack(int ipart, const math::XYZTLorentzVectorD& p, int iv, int ig)
- : Core(ipart, p), ivert(iv), igenpart(ig) {}
+ : Core(ipart, p), ivert(iv), igenpart(ig), crossedBoundary_(false) {}
SimTrack::SimTrack(int ipart,
const math::XYZTLorentzVectorD& p,
@@ -13,9 +13,9 @@ SimTrack::SimTrack(int ipart,
int ig,
const math::XYZVectorD& tkp,
const math::XYZTLorentzVectorD& tkm)
- : Core(ipart, p), ivert(iv), igenpart(ig), tkposition(tkp), tkmomentum(tkm) {}
+ : Core(ipart, p), ivert(iv), igenpart(ig), tkposition(tkp), tkmomentum(tkm), crossedBoundary_(false) {}
-SimTrack::SimTrack(const CoreSimTrack& t, int iv, int ig) : Core(t), ivert(iv), igenpart(ig) {}
+SimTrack::SimTrack(const CoreSimTrack& t, int iv, int ig) : Core(t), ivert(iv), igenpart(ig), crossedBoundary_(false) {}
std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& o, const SimTrack& t) {
return o << (SimTrack::Core)(t) << ", " << t.vertIndex() << ", " << t.genpartIndex();
diff --git a/SimDataFormats/Track/src/classes_def.xml b/SimDataFormats/Track/src/classes_def.xml
index a2a52b4a404be..8c668e7b57815 100644
--- a/SimDataFormats/Track/src/classes_def.xml
+++ b/SimDataFormats/Track/src/classes_def.xml
@@ -4,7 +4,8 @@
diff --git a/SimG4CMS/Calo/interface/CaloG4Hit.h b/SimG4CMS/Calo/interface/CaloG4Hit.h
index 55e22de003429..bca9f65083b3e 100644
--- a/SimG4CMS/Calo/interface/CaloG4Hit.h
+++ b/SimG4CMS/Calo/interface/CaloG4Hit.h
@@ -62,6 +62,7 @@ class CaloG4Hit : public G4VHit {
void setIncidentEnergy(double e) { theIncidentEnergy = e; }
int getTrackID() const { return hitID.trackID(); }
uint32_t getUnitID() const { return hitID.unitID(); }
double getTimeSlice() const { return hitID.timeSlice(); }
int getTimeSliceID() const { return hitID.timeSliceID(); }
@@ -97,6 +98,8 @@ class CaloG4HitLess {
return (a->getUnitID() < b->getUnitID());
} else if (a->getDepth() != b->getDepth()) {
return (a->getDepth() < b->getDepth());
+ } else if (a->getID().getFineTrackID() != b->getID().getFineTrackID()) {
+ return (a->getID().getFineTrackID() < b->getID().getFineTrackID());
} else {
return (a->getTimeSliceID() < b->getTimeSliceID());
@@ -107,7 +110,7 @@ class CaloG4HitEqual {
bool operator()(const CaloG4Hit* a, const CaloG4Hit* b) {
return (a->getTrackID() == b->getTrackID() && a->getUnitID() == b->getUnitID() && a->getDepth() == b->getDepth() &&
- a->getTimeSliceID() == b->getTimeSliceID());
+ a->getTimeSliceID() == b->getTimeSliceID() && a->getID().getFineTrackID() == b->getID().getFineTrackID());
diff --git a/SimG4CMS/Calo/interface/CaloHitID.h b/SimG4CMS/Calo/interface/CaloHitID.h
index 5f644f93d6421..4abffa1fb3b7b 100644
--- a/SimG4CMS/Calo/interface/CaloHitID.h
+++ b/SimG4CMS/Calo/interface/CaloHitID.h
@@ -25,6 +25,13 @@ class CaloHitID {
void setID(uint32_t unitID, double timeSlice, int trackID, uint16_t depth = 0);
void reset();
+ bool hasFineTrackID() const { return hasFineTrackID_; }
+ void setFineTrackID(int fineTrackID){
+ theFineTrackID = fineTrackID;
+ hasFineTrackID_ = true;
+ }
+ int getFineTrackID() const { return hasFineTrackID_ ? theFineTrackID : theTrackID; }
bool operator==(const CaloHitID&) const;
bool operator<(const CaloHitID&) const;
bool operator>(const CaloHitID&) const;
@@ -37,6 +44,8 @@ class CaloHitID {
uint16_t theDepth;
float timeSliceUnit;
bool ignoreTrackID;
+ bool hasFineTrackID_;
+ int theFineTrackID;
std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream&, const CaloHitID&);
diff --git a/SimG4CMS/Calo/interface/CaloSD.h b/SimG4CMS/Calo/interface/CaloSD.h
index 7b02d993f2904..c6d016ef77484 100644
--- a/SimG4CMS/Calo/interface/CaloSD.h
+++ b/SimG4CMS/Calo/interface/CaloSD.h
@@ -162,7 +162,8 @@ class CaloSD : public SensitiveCaloDetector,
float timeSlice;
double eminHitD;
double correctT;
- bool useFineCaloID_;
+ bool doFineCalo_;
+ double eMinFine_;
std::map hitMap;
std::map tkMap;
diff --git a/SimG4CMS/Calo/interface/CaloTrkProcessing.h b/SimG4CMS/Calo/interface/CaloTrkProcessing.h
index c7d182c99657f..74ea8f06dc32e 100644
--- a/SimG4CMS/Calo/interface/CaloTrkProcessing.h
+++ b/SimG4CMS/Calo/interface/CaloTrkProcessing.h
@@ -57,7 +57,7 @@ class CaloTrkProcessing : public SensitiveCaloDetector,
G4LogicalVolume* detLV(const G4VTouchable*, int) const;
void detectorLevel(const G4VTouchable*, int&, int*, G4String*) const;
- bool testBeam_, putHistory_, doFineCalo_, storeHGCBoundaryCross_;
+ bool testBeam_, putHistory_, doFineCalo_, storeAllTracksCalo_;
double eMin_, eMinFine_, eMinFinePhoton_;
int lastTrackID_;
std::vector detectors_, fineDetectors_;
diff --git a/SimG4CMS/Calo/src/CaloG4Hit.cc b/SimG4CMS/Calo/src/CaloG4Hit.cc
index 370921a223060..92eacba34df98 100644
--- a/SimG4CMS/Calo/src/CaloG4Hit.cc
+++ b/SimG4CMS/Calo/src/CaloG4Hit.cc
@@ -38,7 +38,6 @@ const CaloG4Hit& CaloG4Hit::operator=(const CaloG4Hit& right) {
hadr = right.hadr;
theIncidentEnergy = right.theIncidentEnergy;
hitID = right.hitID;
return *this;
diff --git a/SimG4CMS/Calo/src/CaloHitID.cc b/SimG4CMS/Calo/src/CaloHitID.cc
index fa64c6f07e136..b05f8dc91bee7 100644
--- a/SimG4CMS/Calo/src/CaloHitID.cc
+++ b/SimG4CMS/Calo/src/CaloHitID.cc
@@ -21,6 +21,8 @@ CaloHitID::CaloHitID(const CaloHitID& id) {
theDepth = id.theDepth;
timeSliceUnit = id.timeSliceUnit;
ignoreTrackID = id.ignoreTrackID;
+ hasFineTrackID_ = id.hasFineTrackID_;
+ theFineTrackID = id.theFineTrackID;
const CaloHitID& CaloHitID::operator=(const CaloHitID& id) {
@@ -31,7 +33,8 @@ const CaloHitID& CaloHitID::operator=(const CaloHitID& id) {
theDepth = id.theDepth;
timeSliceUnit = id.timeSliceUnit;
ignoreTrackID = id.ignoreTrackID;
+ hasFineTrackID_ = id.hasFineTrackID_;
+ theFineTrackID = id.theFineTrackID;
return *this;
@@ -51,11 +54,13 @@ void CaloHitID::reset() {
theTrackID = -2;
theTimeSliceID = (int)(theTimeSlice / timeSliceUnit);
theDepth = 0;
+ theFineTrackID = -3;
+ hasFineTrackID_ = false;
bool CaloHitID::operator==(const CaloHitID& id) const {
return ((theUnitID == id.unitID()) && (theTrackID == id.trackID() || ignoreTrackID) &&
- (theTimeSliceID == id.timeSliceID()) && (theDepth == id.depth()))
+ (theTimeSliceID == id.timeSliceID()) && (theDepth == id.depth()) && (getFineTrackID() == id.getFineTrackID()))
? true
: false;
@@ -63,6 +68,8 @@ bool CaloHitID::operator==(const CaloHitID& id) const {
bool CaloHitID::operator<(const CaloHitID& id) const {
if (theTrackID != id.trackID()) {
return (theTrackID > id.trackID());
+ } else if (getFineTrackID() != id.getFineTrackID()) {
+ return (getFineTrackID() > id.getFineTrackID());
} else if (theUnitID != id.unitID()) {
return (theUnitID > id.unitID());
} else if (theDepth != id.depth()) {
@@ -75,6 +82,8 @@ bool CaloHitID::operator<(const CaloHitID& id) const {
bool CaloHitID::operator>(const CaloHitID& id) const {
if (theTrackID != id.trackID()) {
return (theTrackID < id.trackID());
+ } else if (getFineTrackID() != id.getFineTrackID()) {
+ return (getFineTrackID() < id.getFineTrackID());
} else if (theUnitID != id.unitID()) {
return (theUnitID < id.unitID());
} else if (theDepth != id.depth()) {
@@ -87,5 +96,6 @@ bool CaloHitID::operator>(const CaloHitID& id) const {
std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const CaloHitID& id) {
os << "UnitID 0x" << std::hex << id.unitID() << std::dec << " Depth " << std::setw(6) << id.depth() << " Time "
<< std::setw(6) << id.timeSlice() << " TrackID " << std::setw(8) << id.trackID();
+ if (id.hasFineTrackID()) os << " fineTrackID " << id.getFineTrackID();
return os;
diff --git a/SimG4CMS/Calo/src/CaloSD.cc b/SimG4CMS/Calo/src/CaloSD.cc
index dc3b6a2a138cf..325c443740764 100644
--- a/SimG4CMS/Calo/src/CaloSD.cc
+++ b/SimG4CMS/Calo/src/CaloSD.cc
@@ -8,6 +8,7 @@
#include "SimG4Core/Notification/interface/TrackInformation.h"
#include "SimG4Core/Notification/interface/G4TrackToParticleID.h"
#include "SimG4Core/Notification/interface/SimTrackManager.h"
+#include "FWCore/Utilities/interface/Exception.h"
#include "G4EventManager.hh"
#include "G4SDManager.hh"
@@ -21,8 +22,9 @@
#include "G4PhysicalConstants.hh"
-//#define EDM_ML_DEBUG
+#define EDM_ML_DEBUG
CaloSD::CaloSD(const std::string& name,
const edm::EventSetup& es,
@@ -60,7 +62,8 @@ CaloSD::CaloSD(const std::string& name,
corrTOFBeam = m_CaloSD.getParameter("CorrectTOFBeam");
double beamZ = m_CaloSD.getParameter("BeamPosition") * CLHEP::cm;
correctT = beamZ / CLHEP::c_light / CLHEP::nanosecond;
- useFineCaloID_ = m_CaloSD.getParameter("UseFineCaloID");
+ doFineCalo_ = m_CaloSD.getParameter("DoFineCalo");
+ eMinFine_ = m_CaloSD.getParameter("EMinFine");
@@ -99,7 +102,7 @@ CaloSD::CaloSD(const std::string& name,
<< " ns and if energy is above " << eminHit / CLHEP::MeV << " MeV (for depth 0) or "
<< eminHitD / CLHEP::MeV << " MeV (for nonzero depths);\n Time Slice Unit "
<< timeSlice << "\nIgnore TrackID Flag " << ignoreTrackID << " UseFineCaloID flag "
- << useFineCaloID_;
+ << doFineCalo_;
CaloSD::~CaloSD() {}
@@ -139,6 +142,7 @@ G4bool CaloSD::ProcessHits(G4Step* aStep, G4TouchableHistory*) {
int primaryID = getTrackID(theTrack);
if (unitID > 0) {
currentID.setID(unitID, time, primaryID, depth);
+ if (doFineCalo_) currentID.setFineTrackID(theTrack->GetTrackID());
} else {
if (aStep->GetTotalEnergyDeposit() > 0.0) {
const G4TouchableHistory* touch = static_cast(theTrack->GetTouchable());
@@ -209,6 +213,7 @@ bool CaloSD::ProcessHits(G4GFlashSpot* aSpot, G4TouchableHistory*) {
int primaryID = getTrackID(track);
uint16_t depth = getDepth(&fFakeStep);
currentID.setID(unitID, time, primaryID, depth);
+ if (doFineCalo_) currentID.setFineTrackID(track->GetTrackID());
edm::LogVerbatim("CaloSim") << "CaloSD:: GetSpotInfo for Unit 0x" << std::hex << currentID.unitID() << std::dec
<< " Edeposit = " << edepositEM << " " << edepositHAD;
@@ -373,36 +378,163 @@ CaloG4Hit* CaloSD::createNewHit(const G4Step* aStep, const G4Track* theTrack) {
- double etrack = 0;
- if (currentID.trackID() == primIDSaved) { // The track is saved; nothing to be done
- } else if (currentID.trackID() == theTrack->GetTrackID()) {
- etrack = theTrack->GetKineticEnergy();
+ TrackInformation* trkInfo = cmsTrackInformation(theTrack);
- edm::LogVerbatim("CaloSim") << "CaloSD: set save the track " << currentID.trackID() << " etrack " << etrack
- << " eCut " << energyCut << " force: " << forceSave
- << " save: " << (etrack >= energyCut || forceSave);
- if (etrack >= energyCut || forceSave) {
- TrackInformation* trkInfo = cmsTrackInformation(theTrack);
+ edm::LogInfo("DoFineCalo")
+ << "Creating new hit " << aHit->getUnitID()
+ << "; currentID.trackID=" << currentID.trackID()
+ << " currentID.getFineTrackID=" << currentID.getFineTrackID()
+ << " theTrack=" << theTrack->GetTrackID()
+ << " (parentTrackId=" << theTrack->GetParentID()
+ << " getIDfineCalo=" << trkInfo->getIDfineCalo()
+ << " getIDonCaloSurface=" << trkInfo->getIDonCaloSurface()
+ << ")"
+ << " primIDSaved=" << primIDSaved
+ ;
+ if (doFineCalo_){
+ // theTrack itself won't be available in m_trackManager.m_trksForThisEvent,
+ // so check the track itself first without getting TrackWithHistory from the track manager
+ // if (theTrack->GetKineticEnergy() > eMinFine_){
+ if (trkInfo->crossedBoundary()){
+#ifdef EDM_ML_DEBUG
+ edm::LogInfo("DoFineCalo")
+ << "theTrack " << theTrack->GetTrackID()
+ << " crossed the boundary itself; recording it for hit " << aHit->getUnitID();
+ // << " itself passes eMinFine_ ("
+ // << theTrack->GetKineticEnergy() << ">" << eMinFine_ << ")";
+ currentID.setFineTrackID(theTrack->GetTrackID());
+ aHit->setID(currentID); // Actually overwrite the ID for the hit
- trkInfo->putInHistory();
+ }
+ // theTrack itself does not pass thresholds / does not cross boundary; go through its history to find a track that does
+ else{
+ // double recordTrackEnergy;
+ bool foundViableTrack = false;
+ TrackWithHistory* recordTrackWithHistory;
+ // Keep track of decay chain of this track for debugging purposes
+ std::vector decayChain;
+ decayChain.push_back(theTrack->GetTrackID());
+ // Lambda to convert the vector to a nice printable string for debugging
+ auto decayChainToStr = [](std::vector decayChain) {
+ // std::string str = "";
+ std::stringstream ss;
+ for(long unsigned int i=0; i < decayChain.size(); i++){
+ if (i>0) ss << " <- ";
+ ss << decayChain[i];
+ }
+ return ss.str();
+ };
+ // Find the first parent of this track that passes the energy threshold
+ // Start from first parent
+ unsigned int recordTrackID = theTrack->GetParentID();
+#ifdef EDM_ML_DEBUG
+ edm::LogInfo("DoFineCalo")
+ << "Trying to find the first parent of hit " << aHit->getUnitID()
+ // << " that passes energy > " << eMinFine_ << " cut"
+ << " that crosses the boundary"
+ << "; starting with first parent track " << recordTrackID;
+ while(true){
+ decayChain.push_back(recordTrackID);
+ recordTrackWithHistory = m_trackManager->getTrackByID(recordTrackID);
+ // recordTrackEnergy = sqrt(recordTrackWithHistory->momentum().Mag2());
+ // if (recordTrackEnergy > eMinFine_){
+ if (recordTrackWithHistory->crossedBoundary() && recordTrackWithHistory->getIDAtBoundary() == (int)recordTrackID){
+ foundViableTrack = true;
+#ifdef EDM_ML_DEBUG
+ edm::LogInfo("DoFineCalo")
+ << "Recording track " << recordTrackID
+ // << " with E=" << recordTrackEnergy
+ << " as source of hit " << aHit->getUnitID()
+ << "; crossed boundary at pos=("
+ << recordTrackWithHistory->getPositionAtBoundary().x() << ","
+ << recordTrackWithHistory->getPositionAtBoundary().y() << ","
+ << recordTrackWithHistory->getPositionAtBoundary().z() << ")"
+ << " mom=("
+ << recordTrackWithHistory->getMomentumAtBoundary().x() << ","
+ << recordTrackWithHistory->getMomentumAtBoundary().y() << ","
+ << recordTrackWithHistory->getMomentumAtBoundary().z() << ","
+ << recordTrackWithHistory->getMomentumAtBoundary().e() << ")"
+ << "id@boundary=" << recordTrackWithHistory->getIDAtBoundary()
+ << "; decayChain: " << decayChainToStr(decayChain);
+ break;
+ }
+ else{
+ // Go to the next parent
+#ifdef EDM_ML_DEBUG
+ edm::LogInfo("DoFineCalo")
+ << "Track " << recordTrackID
+ // << " does not pass energy threshold, E=" << recordTrackEnergy << " < " << eMinFine_;
+ << " did not cross the boundary";
+ recordTrackID = recordTrackWithHistory->parentID();
+ if (recordTrackID <= 0){
+ throw cms::Exception("Unknown", "CaloSD")
+ << "Hit " << aHit->getUnitID()
+ << " does not have any parent track that passes the energy threshold!"
+ << " decayChain so far: " << decayChainToStr(decayChain)
+ ;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // Store the first viable track, or raise if it couldn't be found
+ if (!foundViableTrack){
+ throw cms::Exception("Unknown", "CaloSD")
+ << "Something went wrong determining the track for hit " << aHit->getUnitID()
+ << "; no viable track was found."
+ << " decayChain so far: " << decayChainToStr(decayChain);
+ }
+ recordTrackWithHistory->save();
+ currentID.setFineTrackID(recordTrackID);
+ aHit->setID(currentID); // Actually overwrite the ID for the hit
+#ifdef EDM_ML_DEBUG
+ edm::LogInfo("DoFineCalo")
+ << "currentID.getFineTrackID()=" << currentID.getFineTrackID()
+ << " recordTrackWithHistory->trackID()=" << recordTrackWithHistory->trackID()
+ << " recordTrackWithHistory->saved()=" << recordTrackWithHistory->saved();
+ }
- } else {
- TrackWithHistory* trkh = tkMap[currentID.trackID()];
+ // Non-fine history bookkeeping
+ else{
+ double etrack = 0;
+ if (currentID.trackID() == primIDSaved) { // The track is saved; nothing to be done
+ } else if (currentID.trackID() == theTrack->GetTrackID()) {
+ etrack = theTrack->GetKineticEnergy();
+#ifdef EDM_ML_DEBUG
+ edm::LogVerbatim("CaloSim") << "CaloSD: set save the track " << currentID.trackID() << " etrack " << etrack
+ << " eCut " << energyCut << " force: " << forceSave
+ << " save: " << (etrack >= energyCut || forceSave);
+ if (etrack >= energyCut || forceSave) {
+ TrackInformation* trkInfo = cmsTrackInformation(theTrack);
+ trkInfo->storeTrack(true);
+ trkInfo->putInHistory();
+ }
+ } else {
+ TrackWithHistory* trkh = tkMap[currentID.trackID()];
- edm::LogVerbatim("CaloSim") << "CaloSD : TrackwithHistory pointer for " << currentID.trackID() << " is " << trkh;
+ edm::LogVerbatim("CaloSim") << "CaloSD : TrackwithHistory pointer for " << currentID.trackID() << " is " << trkh;
- if (trkh != nullptr) {
- etrack = sqrt(trkh->momentum().Mag2());
- if (etrack >= energyCut) {
- trkh->save();
+ if (trkh != nullptr) {
+ etrack = sqrt(trkh->momentum().Mag2());
+ if (etrack >= energyCut) {
+ trkh->save();
- edm::LogVerbatim("CaloSim") << "CaloSD: set save the track " << currentID.trackID() << " with Hit";
+ edm::LogVerbatim("CaloSim") << "CaloSD: set save the track " << currentID.trackID() << " with Hit";
+ }
+ primIDSaved = currentID.trackID();
- primIDSaved = currentID.trackID();
if (useMap)
return aHit;
@@ -572,10 +704,9 @@ void CaloSD::endEvent() {}
int CaloSD::getTrackID(const G4Track* aTrack) {
int primaryID = 0;
- forceSave = false;
TrackInformation* trkInfo = cmsTrackInformation(aTrack);
if (trkInfo) {
- primaryID = (useFineCaloID_) ? trkInfo->getIDfineCalo() : trkInfo->getIDonCaloSurface();
+ primaryID = (doFineCalo_) ? trkInfo->getIDfineCalo() : trkInfo->getIDonCaloSurface();
edm::LogVerbatim("CaloSim") << "Track ID: " << trkInfo->getIDfineCalo() << ":" << trkInfo->getIDonCaloSurface()
<< ":" << aTrack->GetTrackID() << ":" << primaryID;
@@ -592,7 +723,7 @@ int CaloSD::getTrackID(const G4Track* aTrack) {
int CaloSD::setTrackID(const G4Step* aStep) {
auto const theTrack = aStep->GetTrack();
TrackInformation* trkInfo = cmsTrackInformation(theTrack);
- int primaryID = (useFineCaloID_) ? trkInfo->getIDfineCalo() : trkInfo->getIDonCaloSurface();
+ int primaryID = (doFineCalo_) ? trkInfo->getIDfineCalo() : trkInfo->getIDonCaloSurface();
if (primaryID <= 0) {
primaryID = theTrack->GetTrackID();
@@ -647,31 +778,79 @@ void CaloSD::storeHit(CaloG4Hit* hit) {
bool CaloSD::saveHit(CaloG4Hit* aHit) {
int tkID;
+ int fineTrackID;
bool ok = true;
- if (m_trackManager) {
- tkID = m_trackManager->giveMotherNeeded(aHit->getTrackID());
- if (tkID == 0) {
- if (m_trackManager->trackExists(aHit->getTrackID()))
- tkID = (aHit->getTrackID());
- else {
+ double time = aHit->getTimeSlice();
+ if (corrTOFBeam)
+ time += correctT;
+ // Do track bookkeeping a little differently for fine tracking
+ if (doFineCalo_){
+ tkID = aHit->getTrackID();
+ fineTrackID = aHit->getID().getFineTrackID();
+ // Check if the track is actually in the trackManager
+ if (m_trackManager){
+ if (!m_trackManager->trackExists(tkID)){
ok = false;
+ throw cms::Exception("Unknown", "CaloSD")
+ << "aHit " << aHit->getUnitID()
+ << " has primary trackID " << tkID
+ << ", which is NOT IN THE TRACK MANAGER"
+ ;
+ }
+ if (!m_trackManager->trackExists(fineTrackID)){
+ ok = false;
+ throw cms::Exception("Unknown", "CaloSD")
+ << "aHit " << aHit->getUnitID()
+ << " has fineTrackID " << fineTrackID
+ << ", which is NOT IN THE TRACK MANAGER"
+ ;
+ }
+ else {
+ ok = false;
+ throw cms::Exception("Unknown", "CaloSD") << "m_trackManager not set, saveHit ok=false!";
+ }
+#ifdef EDM_ML_DEBUG
+ edm::LogInfo("DoFineCalo")
+ << "Saving hit " << aHit->getUnitID()
+ << " with trackID=" << tkID << " fineTrackID=" << fineTrackID;
+ slave.get()->processHits(
+ aHit->getUnitID(), aHit->getEM() / CLHEP::GeV, aHit->getHadr() / CLHEP::GeV, time, tkID, fineTrackID, aHit->getDepth());
- } else {
- tkID = aHit->getTrackID();
- ok = false;
+ // Regular, not-fine way:
+ else {
+ if (m_trackManager) {
+ tkID = m_trackManager->giveMotherNeeded(aHit->getTrackID());
+ if (tkID == 0) {
+ if (m_trackManager->trackExists(aHit->getTrackID()))
+ tkID = (aHit->getTrackID());
+ else {
+ ok = false;
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ tkID = aHit->getTrackID();
+ ok = false;
+ }
+#ifdef EDM_ML_DEBUG
+ edm::LogInfo("DoFineCalo")
+ << "Saving hit " << aHit->getUnitID()
+ << " with trackID=" << tkID << " (no fineTrackID)";
+ slave.get()->processHits(
+ aHit->getUnitID(), aHit->getEM() / CLHEP::GeV, aHit->getHadr() / CLHEP::GeV, time, tkID, aHit->getDepth());
if (!ok)
edm::LogWarning("CaloSim") << "CaloSD:Cannot find track ID for " << aHit->getTrackID();
edm::LogVerbatim("CaloSim") << "CalosD: Track ID " << aHit->getTrackID() << " changed to " << tkID
<< " by SimTrackManager Status " << ok;
- double time = aHit->getTimeSlice();
- if (corrTOFBeam)
- time += correctT;
- slave.get()->processHits(
- aHit->getUnitID(), aHit->getEM() / CLHEP::GeV, aHit->getHadr() / CLHEP::GeV, time, tkID, aHit->getDepth());
edm::LogVerbatim("CaloSim") << "CaloSD: Store Hit at " << std::hex << aHit->getUnitID() << std::dec << " "
<< aHit->getDepth() << " due to " << tkID << " in time " << time << " of energy "
@@ -722,8 +901,7 @@ void CaloSD::cleanHitCollection() {
edm::LogVerbatim("CaloSim") << "CaloSD::cleanHitCollection: sort hits in buffer starting from "
<< "element = " << cleanIndex;
- for (unsigned int i = 0; i < hitvec.size(); ++i)
- edm::LogVerbatim("CaloSim") << i << " " << *hitvec[i];
+ for (unsigned int i = 0; i < hitvec.size(); ++i) edm::LogVerbatim("CaloSim") << i << " " << *hitvec[i];
CaloG4HitEqual equal;
for (unsigned int i = cleanIndex; i < hitvec.size(); ++i) {
@@ -741,8 +919,6 @@ void CaloSD::cleanHitCollection() {
edm::LogVerbatim("CaloSim") << "CaloSD: cleanHitCollection merge the hits in buffer ";
- for (unsigned int i = 0; i < hitvec.size(); ++i)
- edm::LogVerbatim("CaloSim") << i << " " << *hitvec[i];
//move all nullptr to end of list and then remove them
@@ -751,8 +927,8 @@ void CaloSD::cleanHitCollection() {
edm::LogVerbatim("CaloSim") << "CaloSD::cleanHitCollection: remove the merged hits in buffer,"
<< " new size = " << hitvec.size();
- for (unsigned int i = 0; i < hitvec.size(); ++i)
- edm::LogVerbatim("CaloSim") << i << " " << *hitvec[i];
+ // for (unsigned int i = 0; i < hitvec.size(); ++i)
+ // edm::LogVerbatim("CaloSim") << i << " " << *hitvec[i];
totalHits = theHC->entries();
diff --git a/SimG4CMS/Calo/src/CaloTrkProcessing.cc b/SimG4CMS/Calo/src/CaloTrkProcessing.cc
index a327b4cfde1a8..6132b067a814f 100644
--- a/SimG4CMS/Calo/src/CaloTrkProcessing.cc
+++ b/SimG4CMS/Calo/src/CaloTrkProcessing.cc
@@ -20,7 +20,7 @@
#include "G4SystemOfUnits.hh"
-//#define EDM_ML_DEBUG
+// #define EDM_ML_DEBUG
CaloTrkProcessing::CaloTrkProcessing(const std::string& name,
const edm::EventSetup& es,
@@ -34,7 +34,7 @@ CaloTrkProcessing::CaloTrkProcessing(const std::string& name,
eMin_ = m_p.getParameter("EminTrack") * CLHEP::MeV;
putHistory_ = m_p.getParameter("PutHistory");
doFineCalo_ = m_p.getParameter("DoFineCalo");
- storeHGCBoundaryCross_ = m_p.getParameter("StoreHGCBoundaryCross");
+ storeAllTracksCalo_ = m_p.getParameter("StoreAllTracksCalo");
eMinFine_ = m_p.getParameter("EminFineTrack") * CLHEP::MeV;
eMinFinePhoton_ = m_p.getParameter("EminFinePhoton") * CLHEP::MeV;
@@ -187,6 +187,68 @@ void CaloTrkProcessing::update(const G4Step* aStep) {
throw cms::Exception("Unknown", "CaloTrkProcessing") << "cannot get trkInfo for Track " << id << "\n";
+ if (doFineCalo_ || storeAllTracksCalo_) {
+ // Boundary-crossing logic
+ // const G4VTouchable* touch = aStep->GetPreStepPoint()->GetTouchable();
+ int prestepLV = isItCalo(aStep->GetPreStepPoint()->GetTouchable(), fineDetectors_);
+ int poststepLV = isItCalo(aStep->GetPostStepPoint()->GetTouchable(), fineDetectors_);
+ if (
+ prestepLV < 0 && poststepLV >= 0
+ // Require abs(pre z position) < abs(current z position) to prevent back scattering tracks from being counted
+ && std::abs(theTrack->GetStep()->GetPreStepPoint()->GetPosition().z()) < std::abs(theTrack->GetPosition().z())
+ ) {
+ edm::LogInfo("DoFineCalo")
+ << "Crossed boundary:"
+ << " Track " << id
+ << " prestepLV=" << prestepLV
+ << " poststepLV=" << poststepLV
+ << " GetKineticEnergy=" << theTrack->GetKineticEnergy()
+ << " GetVertexKineticEnergy=" << theTrack->GetVertexKineticEnergy()
+ << " prestepPosition=("
+ << theTrack->GetStep()->GetPreStepPoint()->GetPosition().x() << ","
+ << theTrack->GetStep()->GetPreStepPoint()->GetPosition().y() << ","
+ << theTrack->GetStep()->GetPreStepPoint()->GetPosition().z() << ")"
+ << " poststepPosition=("
+ << theTrack->GetStep()->GetPostStepPoint()->GetPosition().x() << ","
+ << theTrack->GetStep()->GetPostStepPoint()->GetPosition().y() << ","
+ << theTrack->GetStep()->GetPostStepPoint()->GetPosition().z() << ")"
+ << " position=("
+ << theTrack->GetPosition().x() << ","
+ << theTrack->GetPosition().y() << ","
+ << theTrack->GetPosition().z() << ")"
+ << " vertex_position=("
+ << theTrack->GetVertexPosition().x() << ","
+ << theTrack->GetVertexPosition().y() << ","
+ << theTrack->GetVertexPosition().z() << ")"
+ ;
+ trkInfo->setCrossedBoundary(theTrack);
+ }
+ // Decide whether to store in history
+ if (!trkInfo->isInHistory()){
+ // For fine calo, put every single track in history
+ trkInfo->putInHistory();
+ if (storeAllTracksCalo_) trkInfo->storeTrack(true);
+#ifdef EDM_ML_DEBUG
+ edm::LogInfo("DoFineCalo")
+ << "Putting in history:"
+ << " Track " << id
+ << " vertex=("
+ << theTrack->GetVertexPosition().x() << ","
+ << theTrack->GetVertexPosition().y() << ","
+ << theTrack->GetVertexPosition().z() << ")"
+ << " position=("
+ << theTrack->GetPosition().x() << ","
+ << theTrack->GetPosition().y() << ","
+ << theTrack->GetPosition().z() << ")"
+ << " energy=" << theTrack->GetKineticEnergy()
+ << " getIDfineCalo=" << trkInfo->getIDfineCalo()
+ << " getIDonCaloSurface=" << trkInfo->getIDonCaloSurface()
+ << " parentID=" << theTrack->GetParentID()
+ ;
+ }
+ }
if (testBeam_) {
if (trkInfo->getIDonCaloSurface() == 0) {
@@ -243,19 +305,12 @@ void CaloTrkProcessing::update(const G4Step* aStep) {
- if ((doFineCalo_ || storeHGCBoundaryCross_) && (!trkInfo->isInHistory())) {
+ if (doFineCalo_ && (!trkInfo->isInHistory())) {
const G4VTouchable* pre_touch = aStep->GetPreStepPoint()->GetTouchable();
- bool crossedHGCBoundary = false;
- if (storeHGCBoundaryCross_) {
- const G4VTouchable* post_touch = aStep->GetPostStepPoint()->GetTouchable();
- crossedHGCBoundary = isItCalo(pre_touch, fineDetectors_) < 0 && isItCalo(post_touch, fineDetectors_) >= 0;
- }
- if (isItCalo(pre_touch, fineDetectors_) >= 0 || crossedHGCBoundary) {
+ if (isItCalo(pre_touch, fineDetectors_) >= 0) {
int pdg = aStep->GetTrack()->GetDefinition()->GetPDGEncoding();
double cut = (pdg == 22) ? eMinFinePhoton_ : eMinFine_;
- if (crossedHGCBoundary || aStep->GetTrack()->GetKineticEnergy() / CLHEP::MeV > cut) {
+ if (aStep->GetTrack()->GetKineticEnergy() / CLHEP::MeV > cut) {
diff --git a/SimG4Core/Application/interface/TrackingAction.h b/SimG4Core/Application/interface/TrackingAction.h
index 059b3c07a8b16..3a823306c6a95 100644
--- a/SimG4Core/Application/interface/TrackingAction.h
+++ b/SimG4Core/Application/interface/TrackingAction.h
@@ -35,6 +35,7 @@ class TrackingAction : public G4UserTrackingAction {
CMSSteppingVerbose* steppingVerbose_;
const G4Track* g4Track_;
bool checkTrack_;
+ bool doFineCalo_;
diff --git a/SimG4Core/Application/python/g4SimHits_cfi.py b/SimG4Core/Application/python/g4SimHits_cfi.py
index 562902502a093..3085995ac17ae 100644
--- a/SimG4Core/Application/python/g4SimHits_cfi.py
+++ b/SimG4Core/Application/python/g4SimHits_cfi.py
@@ -254,7 +254,8 @@
TrackingAction = cms.PSet(
DetailedTiming = cms.untracked.bool(False),
- CheckTrack = cms.untracked.bool(False)
+ CheckTrack = cms.untracked.bool(False),
+ DoFineCalo = cms.untracked.bool(False)
SteppingAction = cms.PSet(
@@ -287,7 +288,8 @@
UseResponseTables = cms.vint32(0,0,0,0,0),
BeamPosition = cms.double(0.0),
CorrectTOFBeam = cms.bool(False),
- UseFineCaloID = cms.bool(False),
+ DoFineCalo = cms.bool(False),
+ EMinFine = cms.double(10.),
DetailedTiming = cms.untracked.bool(False),
UseMap = cms.untracked.bool(False),
Verbosity = cms.untracked.int32(0),
@@ -354,6 +356,7 @@
EminTrack = cms.double(0.01),
PutHistory = cms.bool(False),
DoFineCalo = cms.bool(False),
+ StoreAllTracksCalo = cms.bool(False),
EminFineTrack = cms.double(10000.0),
EminFinePhoton = cms.double(5000.0),
StoreHGCBoundaryCross = cms.bool(True),
diff --git a/SimG4Core/Application/src/TrackingAction.cc b/SimG4Core/Application/src/TrackingAction.cc
index ea899fb9ecee4..65eaa67f7fedc 100644
--- a/SimG4Core/Application/src/TrackingAction.cc
+++ b/SimG4Core/Application/src/TrackingAction.cc
@@ -20,7 +20,8 @@ TrackingAction::TrackingAction(EventAction* e, const edm::ParameterSet& p, CMSSt
- checkTrack_(p.getUntrackedParameter("CheckTrack", false)) {}
+ checkTrack_(p.getUntrackedParameter("CheckTrack", false)),
+ doFineCalo_(p.getUntrackedParameter("DoFineCalo", false)) {}
TrackingAction::~TrackingAction() {}
@@ -42,17 +43,49 @@ void TrackingAction::PreUserTrackingAction(const G4Track* aTrack) {
void TrackingAction::PostUserTrackingAction(const G4Track* aTrack) {
if (eventAction_->trackContainer() != nullptr) {
- if (extractor_(aTrack).storeTrack()) {
- currentTrack_->save();
+ uint32_t id = aTrack->GetTrackID();
+ math::XYZVectorD pos(
+ aTrack->GetStep()->GetPostStepPoint()->GetPosition().x(),
+ aTrack->GetStep()->GetPostStepPoint()->GetPosition().y(),
+ aTrack->GetStep()->GetPostStepPoint()->GetPosition().z()
+ );
+ math::XYZTLorentzVectorD mom;
+ std::pair p(pos, mom);
+#ifdef EDM_ML_DEBUG
+ edm::LogInfo("DoFineCalo")
+ << "PostUserTrackingAction:"
+ << " aTrack->GetTrackID()=" << aTrack->GetTrackID()
+ << " currentTrack_->saved()=" << currentTrack_->saved()
+ << " PostStepPosition=("
+ << pos.x() << "," << pos.y() << "," << pos.z() << ")"
+ ;
- math::XYZVectorD pos((aTrack->GetStep()->GetPostStepPoint()->GetPosition()).x(),
- (aTrack->GetStep()->GetPostStepPoint()->GetPosition()).y(),
- (aTrack->GetStep()->GetPostStepPoint()->GetPosition()).z());
- math::XYZTLorentzVectorD mom;
+ if (doFineCalo_){
+ TrackInformation* trkInfo = (TrackInformation*)aTrack->GetUserInformation();
+ if (trkInfo->crossedBoundary()){
+ currentTrack_->save();
+ currentTrack_->setCrossedBoundaryPosMom(id, trkInfo->getPositionAtBoundary(), trkInfo->getMomentumAtBoundary());
+ edm::LogInfo("DoFineCalo")
+ << "PostUserTrackingAction:"
+ << " Track " << aTrack->GetTrackID()
+ << " crossed boundary; pos=("
+ << trkInfo->getPositionAtBoundary().x() << ","
+ << trkInfo->getPositionAtBoundary().y() << ","
+ << trkInfo->getPositionAtBoundary().z() << ")"
+ << " mom=("
+ << trkInfo->getMomentumAtBoundary().x() << ","
+ << trkInfo->getMomentumAtBoundary().y() << ","
+ << trkInfo->getMomentumAtBoundary().z() << ","
+ << trkInfo->getMomentumAtBoundary().e() << ")"
+ ;
+ }
+ }
- uint32_t id = aTrack->GetTrackID();
+ if (extractor_(aTrack).storeTrack() || currentTrack_->saved()) {
+ currentTrack_->save();
- std::pair p(pos, mom);
eventAction_->addTkCaloStateInfo(id, p);
@@ -65,11 +98,18 @@ void TrackingAction::PostUserTrackingAction(const G4Track* aTrack) {
(extractor_(aTrack).getIDfineCalo() == aTrack->GetTrackID()) || (extractor_(aTrack).isAncestor()));
if (extractor_(aTrack).isInHistory()) {
// check with end-of-track information
if (checkTrack_) {
+ if (doFineCalo_)
+ // SHOULD ONLY BE DONE FOR FINE CALO: Add the post-step position for _every_ track
+ // in history to the TrackManager. Tracks in history _may_ be upgraded to stored
+ // tracks, at which point the post-step position is needed again.
+ eventAction_->addTkCaloStateInfo(id, p);
eventAction_->addTrack(currentTrack_, true, withAncestor);
@@ -77,10 +117,6 @@ void TrackingAction::PostUserTrackingAction(const G4Track* aTrack) {
<< "TrackingAction addTrack " << currentTrack_->trackID() << " E(GeV)= " << aTrack->GetKineticEnergy() << " "
<< aTrack->GetDefinition()->GetParticleName() << " added= " << withAncestor << " at "
<< aTrack->GetPosition();
- math::XYZVectorD pos((aTrack->GetStep()->GetPostStepPoint()->GetPosition()).x(),
- (aTrack->GetStep()->GetPostStepPoint()->GetPosition()).y(),
- (aTrack->GetStep()->GetPostStepPoint()->GetPosition()).z());
edm::LogVerbatim("SimTrackManager") << "TrackingAction addTrack " << currentTrack_->trackID() << " added with "
<< true << " and " << withAncestor << " at " << pos;
diff --git a/SimG4Core/Notification/interface/G4SimTrack.h b/SimG4Core/Notification/interface/G4SimTrack.h
index 7de9040681a70..3d4949583ca6f 100644
--- a/SimG4Core/Notification/interface/G4SimTrack.h
+++ b/SimG4Core/Notification/interface/G4SimTrack.h
@@ -3,6 +3,7 @@
#include "DataFormats/Math/interface/Vector3D.h"
#include "DataFormats/Math/interface/LorentzVector.h"
+#include "FWCore/Utilities/interface/Exception.h"
@@ -20,7 +21,8 @@ class G4SimTrack {
parentMomentum_(math::XYZVectorD(0., 0., 0.)),
tkSurfacePosition_(math::XYZVectorD(0., 0., 0.)),
- tkSurfaceMomentum_(math::XYZTLorentzVectorD(0., 0., 0., 0.)) {}
+ tkSurfaceMomentum_(math::XYZTLorentzVectorD(0., 0., 0., 0.)),
+ crossedBoundary_(false) {}
G4SimTrack(int iid, int ipart, const math::XYZVectorD& ip, double ie, int iv, int ig, const math::XYZVectorD& ipmom)
: id_(iid),
@@ -31,7 +33,8 @@ class G4SimTrack {
tkSurfacePosition_(math::XYZVectorD(0., 0., 0.)),
- tkSurfaceMomentum_(math::XYZTLorentzVectorD(0., 0., 0., 0.)) {}
+ tkSurfaceMomentum_(math::XYZTLorentzVectorD(0., 0., 0., 0.)),
+ crossedBoundary_(false) {}
G4SimTrack(int iid,
int ipart,
@@ -50,7 +53,8 @@ class G4SimTrack {
- tkSurfaceMomentum_(tkmom) {}
+ tkSurfaceMomentum_(tkmom),
+ crossedBoundary_(false) {}
~G4SimTrack() {}
@@ -69,6 +73,27 @@ class G4SimTrack {
// is stored, else = -1)
int parentID() const { return parentID_; }
+ // Boundary crossing variables
+ void setCrossedBoundaryPosMom(int id, const math::XYZVectorD position, const math::XYZTLorentzVectorD momentum){
+ crossedBoundary_ = true;
+ idAtBoundary_ = id;
+ positionAtBoundary_ = position;
+ momentumAtBoundary_ = momentum;
+ }
+ bool crossedBoundary() const { return crossedBoundary_; }
+ math::XYZVectorD getPositionAtBoundary() const {
+ assertCrossedBoundary();
+ return positionAtBoundary_;
+ }
+ math::XYZTLorentzVectorD getMomentumAtBoundary() const {
+ assertCrossedBoundary();
+ return momentumAtBoundary_;
+ }
+ int getIDAtBoundary() const {
+ assertCrossedBoundary();
+ return idAtBoundary_;
+ }
int id_;
int ipart_;
@@ -80,6 +105,16 @@ class G4SimTrack {
math::XYZVectorD parentMomentum_;
math::XYZVectorD tkSurfacePosition_;
math::XYZTLorentzVectorD tkSurfaceMomentum_;
+ bool crossedBoundary_;
+ int idAtBoundary_;
+ math::XYZVectorD positionAtBoundary_;
+ math::XYZTLorentzVectorD momentumAtBoundary_;
+ void assertCrossedBoundary() const {
+ if (!crossedBoundary_){
+ throw cms::Exception("Unknown", "G4SimTrack")
+ << "Assert crossed boundary failed for track " << id_;
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/SimG4Core/Notification/interface/SimTrackManager.h b/SimG4Core/Notification/interface/SimTrackManager.h
index 7df75d4b73cb7..efb10756c0442 100644
--- a/SimG4Core/Notification/interface/SimTrackManager.h
+++ b/SimG4Core/Notification/interface/SimTrackManager.h
@@ -25,8 +25,8 @@
// user include files
#include "SimG4Core/Notification/interface/TrackWithHistory.h"
#include "SimG4Core/Notification/interface/TrackContainer.h"
#include "SimDataFormats/Forward/interface/LHCTransportLinkContainer.h"
+#include "FWCore/Utilities/interface/Exception.h"
// forward declarations
@@ -101,6 +101,29 @@ class SimTrackManager {
return flag;
+ TrackWithHistory* getTrackByID(unsigned int trackID) const {
+ bool trackFound = false;
+ TrackWithHistory* track;
+ if (m_trksForThisEvent == nullptr){
+ throw cms::Exception("Unknown", "SimTrackManager")
+ << "m_trksForThisEvent is a nullptr, cannot get any track!";
+ }
+ for (unsigned int itr = 0; itr < (*m_trksForThisEvent).size(); ++itr) {
+ if ((*m_trksForThisEvent)[itr]->trackID() == trackID) {
+ track = (*m_trksForThisEvent)[itr];
+ trackFound = true;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if (!trackFound){
+ throw cms::Exception("Unknown", "SimTrackManager")
+ << "Attempted to get track " << trackID
+ << " from SimTrackManager, but it's not in m_trksForThisEvent ("
+ << (*m_trksForThisEvent).size() << " tracks in m_trksForThisEvent)"
+ << "\n";
+ }
+ return track;
+ }
void setLHCTransportLink(const edm::LHCTransportLinkContainer* thisLHCTlink) { theLHCTlink = thisLHCTlink; }
diff --git a/SimG4Core/Notification/interface/TrackInformation.h b/SimG4Core/Notification/interface/TrackInformation.h
index be840de56ebf5..1ecdf1729b318 100644
--- a/SimG4Core/Notification/interface/TrackInformation.h
+++ b/SimG4Core/Notification/interface/TrackInformation.h
@@ -1,9 +1,12 @@
#ifndef SimG4Core_TrackInformation_H
#define SimG4Core_TrackInformation_H
+#include "FWCore/Utilities/interface/Exception.h"
#include "G4VUserTrackInformation.hh"
#include "G4Allocator.hh"
+#include "G4Track.hh"
+#include "DataFormats/Math/interface/Vector3D.h"
+#include "DataFormats/Math/interface/LorentzVector.h"
class TrackInformation : public G4VUserTrackInformation {
@@ -55,6 +58,34 @@ class TrackInformation : public G4VUserTrackInformation {
int getIDfineCalo() const { return ((idFineCalo_ > 0) ? idFineCalo_ : idOnCaloSurface_); }
void setIDfineCalo(int id) { idFineCalo_ = id; }
+ // Boundary crossing variables
+ void setCrossedBoundary(const G4Track* track){
+ crossedBoundary_ = true;
+ // Double-check units! Any conversions necessary? Is x,y,z,E fine for XYZTLorentzVectorD?
+ idAtBoundary_ = track->GetTrackID();
+ positionAtBoundary_ = math::XYZVectorD(
+ track->GetPosition().x(),
+ track->GetPosition().y(),
+ track->GetPosition().z()
+ );
+ momentumAtBoundary_ = math::XYZTLorentzVectorD(
+ track->GetMomentum().x(), track->GetMomentum().y(), track->GetMomentum().z(), track->GetKineticEnergy()
+ );
+ }
+ bool crossedBoundary() const { return crossedBoundary_; }
+ math::XYZVectorD getPositionAtBoundary() const {
+ assertCrossedBoundary();
+ return positionAtBoundary_;
+ }
+ math::XYZTLorentzVectorD getMomentumAtBoundary() const {
+ assertCrossedBoundary();
+ return momentumAtBoundary_;
+ }
+ int getIDAtBoundary() const {
+ assertCrossedBoundary();
+ return idAtBoundary_;
+ }
// Generator information
int genParticlePID() const { return genParticlePID_; }
void setGenParticlePID(int id) { genParticlePID_ = id; }
@@ -84,12 +115,26 @@ class TrackInformation : public G4VUserTrackInformation {
int idLastVolume_;
bool caloIDChecked_;
int idFineCalo_;
+ bool crossedBoundary_;
+ bool idAtBoundary_;
+ math::XYZVectorD positionAtBoundary_;
+ math::XYZTLorentzVectorD momentumAtBoundary_;
int genParticlePID_, caloSurfaceParticlePID_;
double genParticleP_, caloSurfaceParticleP_;
bool hasCastorHit_;
int castorHitPID_;
+ void assertCrossedBoundary() const {
+ if (!crossedBoundary_){
+ throw cms::Exception("Unknown", "TrackInformation")
+ << "Assert crossed boundary failed for track "
+ << getIDonCaloSurface() << " (fine: " << getIDfineCalo() << ")"
+ ;
+ }
+ }
// Restrict construction to friends
: G4VUserTrackInformation(),
@@ -104,6 +149,7 @@ class TrackInformation : public G4VUserTrackInformation {
+ crossedBoundary_(false),
diff --git a/SimG4Core/Notification/interface/TrackWithHistory.h b/SimG4Core/Notification/interface/TrackWithHistory.h
index 70709cc9f3c30..381799b03a22a 100644
--- a/SimG4Core/Notification/interface/TrackWithHistory.h
+++ b/SimG4Core/Notification/interface/TrackWithHistory.h
@@ -2,6 +2,7 @@
#define SimG4Core_TrackWithHistory_H
#include "G4Track.hh"
+#include "FWCore/Utilities/interface/Exception.h"
#include "DataFormats/Math/interface/Vector3D.h"
#include "DataFormats/Math/interface/LorentzVector.h"
@@ -42,6 +43,28 @@ class TrackWithHistory {
void setGenParticleID(int i) { genParticleID_ = i; }
bool storeTrack() const { return storeTrack_; }
bool saved() const { return saved_; }
+ // Boundary crossing variables
+ void setCrossedBoundaryPosMom(int id, const math::XYZVectorD position, const math::XYZTLorentzVectorD momentum){
+ crossedBoundary_ = true;
+ idAtBoundary_ = id;
+ positionAtBoundary_ = position;
+ momentumAtBoundary_ = momentum;
+ }
+ bool crossedBoundary() const { return crossedBoundary_; }
+ math::XYZVectorD getPositionAtBoundary() const {
+ assertCrossedBoundary();
+ return positionAtBoundary_;
+ }
+ math::XYZTLorentzVectorD getMomentumAtBoundary() const {
+ assertCrossedBoundary();
+ return momentumAtBoundary_;
+ }
+ int getIDAtBoundary() const {
+ assertCrossedBoundary();
+ return idAtBoundary_;
+ }
/** Internal consistency check (optional).
* Method called at PostUserTrackingAction time, to check
* if the information is consistent with that provided
@@ -64,7 +87,20 @@ class TrackWithHistory {
double weight_;
bool storeTrack_;
bool saved_;
+ bool crossedBoundary_;
+ int idAtBoundary_;
+ math::XYZVectorD positionAtBoundary_;
+ math::XYZTLorentzVectorD momentumAtBoundary_;
int extractGenID(const G4Track *gt) const;
+ void assertCrossedBoundary() const {
+ if (!crossedBoundary_){
+ throw cms::Exception("Unknown", "TrackWithHistory")
+ << "Assert crossed boundary failed for track " << trackID_;
+ }
+ }
extern G4ThreadLocal G4Allocator *fpTrackWithHistoryAllocator;
diff --git a/SimG4Core/Notification/src/G4SimEvent.cc b/SimG4Core/Notification/src/G4SimEvent.cc
index b8106bb6a8270..58a7578de926b 100644
--- a/SimG4Core/Notification/src/G4SimEvent.cc
+++ b/SimG4Core/Notification/src/G4SimEvent.cc
@@ -57,6 +57,8 @@ void G4SimEvent::load(edm::SimTrackContainer& c) const {
SimTrack t = SimTrack(ip, p, iv, ig, tkpos, tkmom);
+ if (trk->crossedBoundary())
+ t.setCrossedBoundaryPosMom(trk->getIDAtBoundary(), trk->getPositionAtBoundary(), trk->getMomentumAtBoundary());
std::stable_sort(c.begin(), c.end(), IdSort());
diff --git a/SimG4Core/Notification/src/SimTrackManager.cc b/SimG4Core/Notification/src/SimTrackManager.cc
index d23ca80cd98d9..d6d6989eb74d2 100644
--- a/SimG4Core/Notification/src/SimTrackManager.cc
+++ b/SimG4Core/Notification/src/SimTrackManager.cc
@@ -136,15 +136,19 @@ void SimTrackManager::reallyStoreTracks(G4SimEvent* simEvent) {
if (cit != mapTkCaloStateInfo.end()) {
tcinfo = cit->second;
- simEvent->add(new G4SimTrack(trkH->trackID(),
- trkH->particleID(),
- trkH->momentum(),
- trkH->totalEnergy(),
- ivertex,
- ig,
- pm,
- tcinfo.first,
- tcinfo.second));
+ G4SimTrack * g4simtrack = new G4SimTrack(
+ trkH->trackID(),
+ trkH->particleID(),
+ trkH->momentum(),
+ trkH->totalEnergy(),
+ ivertex,
+ ig,
+ pm,
+ tcinfo.first,
+ tcinfo.second);
+ if (trkH->crossedBoundary())
+ g4simtrack->setCrossedBoundaryPosMom(trkH->getIDAtBoundary(), trkH->getPositionAtBoundary(), trkH->getMomentumAtBoundary());
+ simEvent->add(g4simtrack);
diff --git a/SimG4Core/Notification/src/TrackWithHistory.cc b/SimG4Core/Notification/src/TrackWithHistory.cc
index d1cafdf02a477..cf46fac3f8934 100644
--- a/SimG4Core/Notification/src/TrackWithHistory.cc
+++ b/SimG4Core/Notification/src/TrackWithHistory.cc
@@ -42,6 +42,7 @@ TrackWithHistory::TrackWithHistory(const G4Track* g4trk)
creatorProcess_ = g4trk->GetCreatorProcess();
storeTrack_ = extractor(g4trk).storeTrack();
saved_ = false;
+ crossedBoundary_ = false;
genParticleID_ = extractGenID(g4trk);
// V.I. weight is computed in the same way as before
// without usage of G4Track::GetWeight()