- Link: Hackathon home
- Link to moving pivot map: http://bit.ly/c-pim
- Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uuClir8T-K4
- Get code from https://github.com/cmosnick/center-pivot-irrigation-monitor
- Run koop as a service (nssm?) on the server
- Run the "fake API" as a service (nssm?) on the server
- In "koop/model.js" update the URL to the "fake API"
- Give the Feature Service GEOJSON URL to the AGS GEP endpoint to be configured:
- Install AGS and GEP
- Install favorite version of ArcGIS Server and license
- Install matching GeoEvent Server version
- Apply Service Packs and Patches
- Configure GEP
- ArcGIS Server Manager URL: https://localhost:6443/arcgis/manager/
- GeoEvent Manager URL: https://localhost:6143/geoevent/manager/
- Create GeoFence:
- Site > GeoEvent > GeoFences
- Import "pivot access roads" as a GeoFence
- If the roads are going to be edited/modified then also setup Synchronization Rules
- Import "pivot access roads" as a GeoFence
- Site > GeoEvent > GeoFences
- Create Input
- Poll an External Website for GeoJSON
- URL from koop: http://.esri.com:8080/CPIMKoop/FeatureServer/0/query?f=geojson
- Create new GeoEvent Definition
- Test input and view definition. If everything looks good then proceed to Output
- Poll an External Website for GeoJSON
- Create Output
- Update a Feature
- Register ArcGIS Server
- Select folder (Created "cpi")
- Pick service you want to write to (CPI-Hackathon)
- Pick layer (intersect_point)
- Set unique feature identifier field (intersect_point(0))
- Advanced
- Delete Old Features: Yes
- Maximum Feature Age: 1
- Frequency of Deleting Old Features: 5
- Time Field in Feature Class: CreationDate
- Maximum Geatures Per Transaction : 50
- Update Only: No
- Update a Feature
- Create Service
- Add Input
- Add Processor
- Processor: intersector
- Geometry Field: geometry
- Replace Geometry: Yes
- GeoFence: ./. (this will use all of the GeoFences)
- Output Geometry Type: Point
- Add Output
- Connect and Publish
- Create GeoFence:
- Setup web map and apps
- Map Layers:
- Koop
- Roads
- Center Pivots
- Map Layers: