All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
The format is based on Keep a Changelog, and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.
- wget
- yq
- tree
- helm updated to 3.7.0
- helm secrets updated to 3.8.3
- helmfile updated to v0.140.1
- sops updated to v3.7.1
- aws cli updated to 1.20.23
- Updated kubectl to 1.19
- Updated all other tools to latest versions
- Switch to new stable/incubator repositories
- helmfile version 0.125.0
- helm-diff version to 3.1.2
- groff for aws help
- manage sops version and bump to 3.5.0
- helmfile
- helm git
- helm s3
- helm secrets
- Entrypoint has been changed from bash to kubectl
- Removed bash
- alpine to 3.11
- kubectl to 1.15.10
- helm to 3.2.0
- helmdiff to 3.1.1
- aws to 1.18.46
- Switched from dockerhub autobuilds to gitlabci
- helm v3
- velero
- kubectx
- helm tiller
- alpine to 3.10
- kubectl to 1.14.6
- helm to 2.16.1
- helm tiller to 0.9.3
- helm diff to 2.11.0+5
- kubectx to 0.7.1
- velero to 1.2.0
- Removed aws-iam-authenticator
- Removed all shell scripts
- Add
- helm to 2.14.1
- awscli to 1.16.191
- kubectl to 1.13.7
- helm to 2.14.0
- Extract tiller to path to prevent it being downloaded every time.
- aws to 1.16.140
- helm to 2.13.1
- Removed support for EKS 1.10
- Added support for EKS 1.12
- kubectl to 1.12.7
- kubectl to 1.11.9
- Velero CLI tool
- Added envsubst #4
- Everything