This extension adds a project template to Visual Studio for creating new ASP.NET Core web application projects built on cloudscribe component libraries.
This template lets you choose which main cloudscribe features to include in your project and which data storage platform you wish to use. By default you get cloudscribe Core for management of sites, users, roles, and claims, as well as cloudscribe SimpleContent which provides a user friendly content and blog engine, and cloudscribe Logging which provides a UI for browsing logged errors, warnings, and information.
cloudscribe is a loosely coupled collection of libraries for building web sites and applications on ASP.NET Core. The libraries are packaged as NuGet packages and available on and the source code is available on
There are 2 groups of libraries that correspond to the "big" features,cloudscribe Core and cloudscribe SimpleContent, and then there are a number of other libraries that provide various smaller functionality, that you may find useful in your projects even if you are not using the "big" cloudscribe features. See the Complete List of cloudscribe Libraries to get an idea of the breadth and scope of what cloudscribe provides for you.
Check the box to include IdentityServer4 integration and you get a complete back end solution for OpenId Connect, with everything you need to manage api clients and identity resources in addition to the user and role management features provided by cloudscribe Core.
See also: