There are multiple tests divided by category:
- React components tests in test/jest/components directory
- Redux reducers tests in test/jest/reducers directory
- Util classes tests in test/jest/utils directory
- Widgets tests in test/jest/widgets directory
Run npm run test
to start all unit tests.
Run npm run test:frontend -- <path_to_spec_file>
to start specific frontend unit test from <path_to_spec_file>
Run npm run test:backend -- <path_to_spec_file>
to start specific backend unit test from <path_to_spec_file>
Run npm run test:frontend:coverage
to run all frontend unit tests and generate coverage report. Once completed the
report will be available in coverage-jest
All system tests are written using Cypress front-end testing tool.
They are stored in test/cypress/integration directory.
Cypress is configured to gather test coverage, but it will only work if application build is instrumented prior running the tests.
To create application build instrumented for coverage run npm run build:coverage
Run npm run cy:open
It opens the Cypress Test Runner in the interactive mode. You can pass additional parameters to the script following cypress open command documentation.
Run npm run e2e
That command runs Cypress tests to completion. By default, will run all tests headlessly in the Electron browser. You can pass additional parameters to the script following cypress run command documentation.
Once tests complete coverage report will be available in coverage-cypress
Similarly to system tests, React component tests are implemented with Cypress framework. They are located in test/cypress/components. Component tests share custom commands and fixtures with system tests.
To open Cypress Test Runner run npm run cy:open-ct
Run npm run test:frontend:components
To check coverage against predefined thresholds run npm run coverageCheck
To update threshold levels edit .nycrc
After building application (npm run build
), you can check its size by running npm run size
If size limits are exceeded, then it should be checked where that increase comes from.
To get more detailed information about JS bundles sizes,
you can use npm run build:analyse:<area>
see package.json file for the list of available scripts.
If it turns out that size limits are exceeded expectedly (e.g. new code was added), then .size-limit should be updated accordingly.