update Tutorials
shapes.Standard - add new set of high-performance elements and links
dia.LinkView - new flexible definitions based on geometric representation
dia.LinkView - refactor event handlers
dia.LinkView - introduce anchors , connectionPoints and connectionStrategy
dia.LinkView - add getConnection(), getSerializedConnection(), getConnectionSubdivisions(), getPointAtRatio(), getTangentAtLength(), getTangentAtRatio() getClosestPoint() and getClosestPointLength()
dia.LinkView - add getVertexIndex(), getLabelCoordinates()
dia.Link - add vertex API
dia.Link - add label API and allow define a default label
dia.Link - add source(), target(), router(), connector()
anchors - ready-to-use anchors (center, top, bottom, left, right, topLeft, topRight, bottomLeft, bottomRight, perpendicular, midSide)
connectionPoints - ready-to-use connection points (anchor, bbox, rectangle, boundary),
connectionStrategies - predefined connection strategies (defaulAnchor, pinAbsolute, pinRelative)
dia.ElementView - allow element's rotation without rotatable group
dia.ElementView - refactor event handlers
dia.ElementView - apply vector-effect: non-scaling-stroke to nodes inside ths scalable group only
dia.Element - add angle()
dia.CellView - render markup from JSON (link, element, ports and labels)
dia.Cell - avoid unnecessary z-index changes during toFront or toBack
dia.ToolsView - set of tools for a link
dia.ToolView - base class for a single link tool
linkTools - ready-to-use tools (vertices, segments, anchor, arrowhead, boundary, remove button)
dia.Paper - complete set of events
dia.Paper - add allowLink option to revert/remove invalid links
dia.Paper - add getContentArea()
dia.Paper - findParentBy option can be defined as a function
dia.Paper - consequitive pointerdown, pointermove and pointerup can share event data
dia.Paper - fire pointerup event on touchcancel
dia.Paper - improve preventing image dragging in FireFox
dia.attributes - sourceMarker, targetMarker and vertextMarker receive default stroke, fill and opacity values from its context
dia.attributes - add refRInscribed, refRCircumscribed, refD, refPoints, title, textVerticalAnchor attributes
dia.attributes - add connection, atConnectionLength, atConnectionRatio
routers.Manhattan - adaptive grid for pathfinding
routers - supports anchors (don't necessary start and end in the center of the magnet)
layout.DirectedGraph - prevent undesired input cells sorting
Vectorizer - add toGeometryShape(), normalizePathData(), tagName() and id to prototype
Vectorizer - add transformLine() and transformPolyline()
Vectorizer - text() accepts textVerticalAnchor option
Vectorizer - improve Kappa value
Geometry - add Path and Curves
Geometry - add Polyline bbox(), scale(), translate(), clone() and serialize()
Geometry - implement intersections of line with various shapes
Geometry - add Point lerp() for linear interpolation
shapes.basic.TextBlock - sanitize text
util - normalizeSides() validates input and accepts horizontal and vertical attributes
util - add parseDOMJSON(), dataUriToBlob(), downloadBlob(), downloadDataUri() and isPercentage()
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