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Supporting dependencies between build artifacts

  • Author(s): Gaurav Ghosh (@gsquared94)
  • Design Shepherd: Brian de Alwis (@briandealwis)
  • Date: 2020-10-01
  • Status: Implemented (#4713, #4922)


Refer this document which presents the design goals for introducing the concept of modules in Skaffold. A prerequisite to being able to define modules and supporting cross module dependency is to first consider the latest version of the skaffold config (currently v2beta8) as an implicit module and allowing dependencies between artifacts defined in it. The current document aims to capture the major code changes necessary for achieving this.

Note: Omitted some details for brevity, assuming reader's familiarity with the skaffold codebase.

Config schema

We introduce an ArtifactDependency slice within Artifact in config.go

type ArtifactDependency struct {
	ImageName string `yaml:"image" yamltags:"required"`
	Alias string `yaml:"alias,omitempty"`

This allows us to define a build stanza like below where image leeroy-app requires image simple-go-app:

   - image: leeroy-app
       - image: simple-go-app
         alias: BASE
   - image: simple-go-app

Alias is a token that will be replaced with the image reference in the builder definition files. If no value is provided for alias then it defaults to the value of image.

Config validation

We add three new validations to the validation package after the introduction of artifact dependencies:

  • Cyclic references among artifacts.
    • We cannot have image A depend on image B depend on image C depend on image A.
    • We run a simple depth-first-search cycle detection algorithm treating our Artifact slice like a directed graph- image A depending on image B implies a directed edge from A to B.
  • Unique artifact aliases.
    • We ensure that within each artifact dependency slice the aliases are unique.
  • Valid aliases
    • We validate that aliases match the regex [a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_]* for ArtifactDependency defined in docker and custom builders since these are used as build args and environment variables respectively.

Referencing dependencies

Docker builder

The docker builder will use the alias of an ArtifactDependency as a build argument key.

   - image: simple-go-app
   - image: leeroy-app
       - image: simple-go-app
         alias: BASE

Here the alias is used to populate a build arg<tag>@sha:<sha> passed along with a --build-arg flag (or a buildKit parameter) when building leeroy-app.

Custom builder

The custom builder will be supplied each ArtifactDependency's alias and image reference as environment variables keyed on alias. So they can be easily referenced in user-defined build definitions.

Buildpacks builder

Buildpacks supports overriding the run-image and the builder-image in its current schema. We extend this to allow specifying ArtifactDependency's image name as the value for the runImage and builder fields.

  - image: builder-image
  - image: run-image
  - image: skaffold-buildpacks
      builder: builder-image
      runImage: run-image
      - image: builder-image
      - image: run-image

If there are any additional images in the required section it only enforces that they get built prior to the current image. However, the buildpacks builder cannot really reference them in any other way.

Jib builder

The Jib builder supports changing the base image. We add a new field baseImage to the builder definition that can be set to an ArtifactDependency's image field.

For Maven:

  - image: base-image
  - image: test-jib-maven
      type: maven
      baseImage: base-image
      - image: base-image

Similarly, for Gradle:

  - image: base-image
  - image: test-jib-gradle
      type: gradle
      baseImage: base-image
      - image: base-image

This will allow Skaffold to override the jib.from.image property that sets the base image with a flag like -Djib.from.image=registry://<tag>@sha:<sha>

Bazel builder

The bazel builder doesn't support referencing images directly. Also, it natively supports setting up nested builds. We allow defining required artifacts even though they can't be referenced by the builder. We do this to give the user a way of ordering these builds; with the future work around Skaffold Hooks there might be some usecases where pre and post build scripts might want a certain ordering of builds.

Builder interfaces

There are two builder abstractions -- in build.go and parallel.go

type Builder interface {
	Build(ctx context.Context, out io.Writer, tags tag.ImageTags, artifacts []*latest.Artifact) ([]Artifact, error)
type ArtifactBuilder func(ctx context.Context, out io.Writer, artifact *latest.Artifact, tag string) (string, error)

The first describes a builder for a list of artifacts. There are a few implementations like cache, local and cluster builders. The second describes a per artifact builder. Again there are a few implementations like docker, buildpacks, etc.

We modify both of them to:

type Builder interface {
	Build(ctx context.Context, out io.Writer, tags tag.ImageTags, artifacts []*latest.Artifact, existing []Artifact) ([]Artifact, error)
type ArtifactBuilder func(ctx context.Context, out io.Writer, artifact *latest.Artifact, tag string, artifactResolver ArtifactResolver) (string, error)

where we define ArtifactResolver interface, as:

// ArtifactResolver provides an interface to resolve built artifacts by image name.
type ArtifactResolver interface {
	GetImageTag(imageName string) string

This necessitates all multi-artifact builder implementations to also accept a slice of already built artifacts' information. This simplifies handling the scenario when some artifacts are either retrievable from cache or do not require a rebuild but are required dependencies for another artifact that needs to be rebuilt (due to cache miss or file changes during a dev loop). All single artifact builders require an ArtifactResolver that can provide the required artifacts. This is an optimization over just using []Artifact since we need to retrieve by image name several times during multiple builds.

Build controller

InSequence and InParallel are two build controllers for deciding how to schedule the run of multiple builds together. InSequence runs all builds sequentially whereas InParallel runs them parallely with a max concurrency defined by a concurrency field.

After introducing inter-artifact dependencies we'll need to run the builds in a topologically sorted order. We introduce a new controller scheduler.go and remove sequence.go and parallel.go. Here we model the Artifact slice graph using a set of go channels to achieve the topologically sorted build order.

type status struct {
  imageName string
  success   chan interface{}
  failure   chan interface{}

type artifactChanModel struct {
	artifact                 *latest.Artifact
	artifactStatus           status
	requiredArtifactStatuses []status

func (a *artifactChanModel) markSuccess() {
	// closing channel notifies all listeners waiting for this build that it succeeded

func (a *artifactChanModel) markFailure() {
	// closing channel notifies all listeners waiting for this build that it failed
func (a *artifactChanModel) waitForDependencies(ctx context.Context) error {
	for _, depStatus := range a.requiredArtifactChans {
		// wait for required builds to complete
		select {
		case <-ctx.Done():
			return ctx.Err()
		case <-depStatus.failure:
			return fmt.Errorf("failed to build required artifact: %q", depStatus.imageName)
		case <-depStatus.success:
    return nil

Each artifact has a success and a failure channel that it closes once it completes building by calling either markSuccess or markFailure respectively. This notifies all listeners waiting for this artifact of a successful or failed build.

Additionally it has a reference to the channels for each of its dependencies. Calling waitForDependencies ensures that all required artifacts' channels have already been closed and as such have finished building before the current artifact build starts.

Alternative approach: Another way to do this is to run any popular topologically sorting algorithm on the Artifact slice, treating it as a directed graph. However, we can get a simpler implementation at the expense of a few additional goroutines the way described above.

This class also provides an implementation of the interface buildStatusRecorder that should be safe for concurrent access.

type buildStatusRecorder interface {
  Record(imageName string, imageTag string, err error)
  GetImageTag(imageName string) string

Finally we have the only exported function in scheduler.go that orchestrates all the builds:

func InOrder(ctx context.Context, out io.Writer, tags tag.ImageTags, artifacts []*latest.Artifact, existing []Artifact,  buildArtifact ArtifactBuilder, concurrency int) ([]Artifact, error)

This function maintains an instance of buildStatusRecorder implementation and can pass it as an ArtifactResolver to the various ArtifactBuilders while recording the status after each build completion.

Build concurrency

Skaffold currently allows specifying the concurrency property in build which affects how many builds can be running at the same time. However it doesn't address the issue of certain builders (jib and bazel) not being safe for multiple concurrent runs against the same workspace or context. We can fix this also since we are reworking the build controller anyways.

We define a concept of lease on workspaces by preprocessing the list of artifacts. Each builder tries to acquire a lease on the context/workspace prior to starting the build. Only workspaces associated with concurrency-safe builders allot multiple leases, otherwise it assigns one lease at a time.

type LeaseProvider interface {
  Acquire(a *latest.Artifact) (release func(), err error)

func NewLeaseProvider(artifacts []latest.Artifact) LeaseProvider

This integrates with the InOrder build controller above.

Build logs reporting

The code below is the current way the InParallel build controller reports the build logs.

func collectResults(out io.Writer, artifacts []*latest.Artifact, results *sync.Map, outputs []chan string) ([]Artifact, error) {
	var built []Artifact
	for i, artifact := range artifacts {
		// Wait for build to complete.
		printResult(out, outputs[i])
		v, ok := results.Load(artifact.ImageName)
		if !ok {
			return nil, fmt.Errorf("could not find build result for image %s", artifact.ImageName)
		switch t := v.(type) {
		case error:
			return nil, fmt.Errorf("couldn't build %q: %w", artifact.ImageName, t)
		case Artifact:
			built = append(built, t)
			return nil, fmt.Errorf("unknown type %T for %s", t, artifact.ImageName)
	return built, nil

There are two quirks in this:

  • It reports in the order of artifacts in the Artifact slice instead of the actual order in which they get built.
  • It only reports a single artifact build failure even though there could have been multiple failures.

This will prove misleading after the introduction of artifact dependencies since we can have out of order artifact definitions in the skaffold config which with the current reporting strategy would appear to be building in the wrong order, and also build failures due to failed required artifact builds won't be immediately apparant.

So we introduce a new BuildLogger interface as a facade to achieve two things:

  • Print log messages in the order that it builds.

Future work: This however doesn't solve the problem for concurrently running builds as the current skaffold UX can't show parallel statuses. This will need to be addressed separately when we have a different UX with status bars that can show multiple statuses. Until then, we can limit the max concurrency to 1 (this is what we currently do anyways)

  • Report about all build failures.

Image cache

hash.go provides the getHashForArtifact function that needs to recursively be called for each of its dependencies and all those values aggregated together would be the hashcode for the artifact. This would ensure that for a cache hit all the cascading dependencies are unchanged.

Note: Dependencies provided as environment variables and build args are not resolved yet during hash calculation. That doesn't matter since they are already accounted for above.

Since cache package provides a Builder implementation it should additionally append all cache hits to the existing Artifact slice (see Builder interfaces above).

Dev-loop integration


dev.go sets up the file monitor callback functions to queue the affected artifact to need rebuild or resync.

Now we'll have to queue the affected artifact along with all the monitored artifacts that are dependent on it and cascade. To do this we'll need the transpose graph of the Artifact slice directed graph that we currently have. One way to implement that would be as follows, which is also safe for concurrent access.

type artifactDAG struct {
	m *sync.Map

func getArtifactDAG(artifacts []*latest.Artifact) *artifactDAG {
	dag := &artifactDAG{m: new(sync.Map)}
	for _, a := range artifacts {
		for _, d := range a.Dependencies {
			slice, ok := dag.m.Load(d.ImageName)
			if !ok {
				slice = make([]*latest.Artifact, 0)
			} else {
				slice = slice.([]*latest.Artifact)
			dag.m.Store(d.ImageName, append(slice.([]*latest.Artifact), a))
	return dag

func (dag *artifactDAG) dependents(artifact *latest.Artifact) []*latest.Artifact {
	slice, ok := dag.m.Load(artifact.ImageName)
	if !ok {
		return nil
	return slice.([]*latest.Artifact)

In addRebuild we run a depth-first-search from the target artifact to get its transitive closure in the artifactDAG and queue a rebuild for all matching artifacts.

func addRebuild(dag *artifactDAG, artifact *latest.Artifact, rebuild func(*latest.Artifact), isTarget func(*latest.Artifact) bool) {
	if isTarget(artifact) {
	for _, a := range dag.dependents(artifact) {
		addRebuild(dag, a, rebuild, isTarget)

Now we can request rebuild for all required artifacts as a callback to the file monitoring event by setting it in the Dev function

-    r.changeSet.AddRebuild(artifact)
+    addRebuild(artifactDAG, artifact, r.changeSet.AddRebuild, r.runCtx.Opts.IsTargetImage)


In this first implementation, we ignore all sync rules in base artifacts. This is because it isn't feasible to propagate sync rules between different builder types.

We should notify the user that sync rules for a specific artifact are being ignored.

Warn: Ignoring sync rules for image "simple-go-app" as it is being used as a required artifact for other images.

Alternative approach: We could consider disallowing sync rules altogether in base artifacts. However, the next iteration of this would be supporting individual modules. In that case we would want to support sync rules when the base module runs separately but ignore the rules when run along with its dependents. As such we prefer to implement ignoring sync rules behavior right now itself.

Future work: We might be able to support propagating manual sync rules from base to derived artifacts. However, that's a lot of complexity to handle, and we can consider it if there is a user ask.