diff --git a/build.properties b/build.properties
index 568153df..5136ccdc 100644
--- a/build.properties
+++ b/build.properties
@@ -15,5 +15,5 @@ path.reports=./reports
# Current version under which project will be distributed.
# Versioning is being made according to Semantic Versioning specification at http://semver.org/
diff --git a/src/assets/bootstrap-tags/css/bootstrap-tags.css b/src/assets/bootstrap-tags/css/bootstrap-tags.css
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..c3269b62
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/assets/bootstrap-tags/css/bootstrap-tags.css
@@ -0,0 +1,78 @@
+/* bootstrap-tags styles */
+.bootstrap-tags.bootstrap-3 .tag a {
+ margin: 0 0 0 .3em; }
+.bootstrap-tags.bootstrap-3 .glyphicon-white {
+ color: #fff; }
+.bootstrap-tags.bootstrap-2 .tag.md {
+ padding: .3em .4em .4em; }
+.bootstrap-tags.bootstrap-2 .tag.lg {
+ padding: .4em .4em .5em; }
+.bootstrap-tags {
+ position: relative; }
+ .bootstrap-tags .tags {
+ width: inherit;
+ height: 0;
+ position: absolute;
+ padding: 0;
+ margin: 0; }
+ .bootstrap-tags .tag-data {
+ display: none; }
+ .bootstrap-tags .tags-input {
+ width: 100%;
+ margin: 0;
+ padding: 0;
+ height: 1.7em;
+ box-sizing: content-box;
+ -webkit-box-sizing: content-box;
+ -moz-box-sizing: content-box; }
+ .bootstrap-tags .tag-list {
+ width: 280px;
+ height: auto;
+ min-height: 26px;
+ left: 2px;
+ top: 2px;
+ position: relative; }
+ .bootstrap-tags .tag {
+ padding: .4em .4em .4em;
+ margin: 0 .1em;
+ float: left; }
+ .bootstrap-tags .tag.sm {
+ padding: .4em .4em .5em;
+ font-size: 12px; }
+ .bootstrap-tags .tag.md {
+ font-size: 14px; }
+ .bootstrap-tags .tag.lg {
+ font-size: 18px;
+ padding: .4em .4em .4em;
+ margin: 0 .2em .2em 0; }
+ .bootstrap-tags .tag a {
+ color: #bbb;
+ cursor: pointer;
+ opacity: .5; }
+ .bootstrap-tags .tag .remove {
+ vertical-align: bottom;
+ top: 0; }
+ .bootstrap-tags ul.tags-suggestion-list {
+ width: 300px;
+ height: auto;
+ list-style: none;
+ margin: 0;
+ z-index: 2;
+ max-height: 160px;
+ overflow: scroll; }
+ .bootstrap-tags ul.tags-suggestion-list li.tags-suggestion {
+ padding: 3px 20px;
+ height: auto; }
+ .bootstrap-tags ul.tags-suggestion-list li.tags-suggestion-highlighted {
+ color: white;
+ text-decoration: none;
+ background-color: #0081C2;
+ background-image: -moz-linear-gradient(top, #0088cc, #0077b3);
+ background-image: -webkit-gradient(linear, 0 0, 0 100%, from(#0088cc), to(#0077b3));
+ background-image: -webkit-linear-gradient(top, #0088cc, #0077b3);
+ background-image: -o-linear-gradient(top, #0088cc, #0077b3);
+ background-image: linear-gradient(to bottom, #0088cc, #0077b3);
+ background-repeat: repeat-x;
+ filter: progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.gradient(startColorstr='#ff0088cc', endColorstr='#ff0077b3', GradientType=0); }
diff --git a/src/assets/bootstrap-tags/js/bootstrap-tags.js b/src/assets/bootstrap-tags/js/bootstrap-tags.js
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..d13ad03d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/assets/bootstrap-tags/js/bootstrap-tags.js
@@ -0,0 +1,622 @@
+ * bootstrap-tags 1.1.0
+ * https://github.com/maxwells/bootstrap-tags
+ * Copyright 2013 Max Lahey; Licensed MIT
+ */
+(function($) {
+ (function() {
+ window.Tags || (window.Tags = {});
+ jQuery(function() {
+ $.tags = function(element, options) {
+ var key, tag, tagData, value, _i, _len, _ref, _this = this;
+ if (options == null) {
+ options = {};
+ }
+ for (key in options) {
+ value = options[key];
+ this[key] = value;
+ }
+ this.bootstrapVersion || (this.bootstrapVersion = "3");
+ this.readOnly || (this.readOnly = false);
+ this.suggestOnClick || (this.suggestOnClick = false);
+ this.suggestions || (this.suggestions = []);
+ this.restrictTo = options.restrictTo != null ? options.restrictTo.concat(this.suggestions) : false;
+ this.exclude || (this.exclude = false);
+ this.displayPopovers = options.popovers != null ? true : options.popoverData != null;
+ this.popoverTrigger || (this.popoverTrigger = "hover");
+ this.tagClass || (this.tagClass = "btn-info");
+ this.tagSize || (this.tagSize = "md");
+ this.promptText || (this.promptText = "Enter tags...");
+ this.caseInsensitive || (this.caseInsensitive = false);
+ this.readOnlyEmptyMessage || (this.readOnlyEmptyMessage = "No tags to display...");
+ this.maxNumTags || (this.maxNumTags = -1);
+ this.beforeAddingTag || (this.beforeAddingTag = function(tag) {});
+ this.afterAddingTag || (this.afterAddingTag = function(tag) {});
+ this.beforeDeletingTag || (this.beforeDeletingTag = function(tag) {});
+ this.afterDeletingTag || (this.afterDeletingTag = function(tag) {});
+ this.definePopover || (this.definePopover = function(tag) {
+ return 'associated content for "' + tag + '"';
+ });
+ this.excludes || (this.excludes = function() {
+ return false;
+ });
+ this.tagRemoved || (this.tagRemoved = function(tag) {});
+ this.pressedReturn || (this.pressedReturn = function(e) {});
+ this.pressedDelete || (this.pressedDelete = function(e) {});
+ this.pressedDown || (this.pressedDown = function(e) {});
+ this.pressedUp || (this.pressedUp = function(e) {});
+ this.$element = $(element);
+ if (options.tagData != null) {
+ this.tagsArray = options.tagData;
+ } else {
+ tagData = $(".tag-data", this.$element).html();
+ this.tagsArray = tagData != null ? tagData.split(",") : [];
+ }
+ if (options.popoverData) {
+ this.popoverArray = options.popoverData;
+ } else {
+ this.popoverArray = [];
+ _ref = this.tagsArray;
+ for (_i = 0, _len = _ref.length; _i < _len; _i++) {
+ tag = _ref[_i];
+ this.popoverArray.push(null);
+ }
+ }
+ this.getTags = function() {
+ return _this.tagsArray;
+ };
+ this.getTagsContent = function() {
+ return _this.popoverArray;
+ };
+ this.getTagsWithContent = function() {
+ var combined, i, _j, _ref1;
+ combined = [];
+ for (i = _j = 0, _ref1 = _this.tagsArray.length - 1; 0 <= _ref1 ? _j <= _ref1 : _j >= _ref1; i = 0 <= _ref1 ? ++_j : --_j) {
+ combined.push({
+ tag: _this.tagsArray[i],
+ content: _this.popoverArray[i]
+ });
+ }
+ return combined;
+ };
+ this.getTag = function(tag) {
+ var index;
+ index = _this.tagsArray.indexOf(tag);
+ if (index > -1) {
+ return _this.tagsArray[index];
+ } else {
+ return null;
+ }
+ };
+ this.getTagWithContent = function(tag) {
+ var index;
+ index = _this.tagsArray.indexOf(tag);
+ return {
+ tag: _this.tagsArray[index],
+ content: _this.popoverArray[index]
+ };
+ };
+ this.hasTag = function(tag) {
+ return _this.tagsArray.indexOf(tag) > -1;
+ };
+ this.removeTagClicked = function(e) {
+ if (e.currentTarget.tagName === "A") {
+ _this.removeTag($("span", e.currentTarget.parentElement).html());
+ $(e.currentTarget.parentNode).remove();
+ }
+ return _this;
+ };
+ this.removeLastTag = function() {
+ if (_this.tagsArray.length > 0) {
+ _this.removeTag(_this.tagsArray[_this.tagsArray.length - 1]);
+ if (_this.canAddByMaxNum()) {
+ _this.enableInput();
+ }
+ }
+ return _this;
+ };
+ this.removeTag = function(tag) {
+ if (_this.tagsArray.indexOf(tag) > -1) {
+ if (_this.beforeDeletingTag(tag) === false) {
+ return;
+ }
+ _this.popoverArray.splice(_this.tagsArray.indexOf(tag), 1);
+ _this.tagsArray.splice(_this.tagsArray.indexOf(tag), 1);
+ _this.renderTags();
+ _this.afterDeletingTag(tag);
+ if (_this.canAddByMaxNum()) {
+ _this.enableInput();
+ }
+ }
+ return _this;
+ };
+ this.canAddByRestriction = function(tag) {
+ return this.restrictTo === false || this.restrictTo.indexOf(tag) !== -1;
+ };
+ this.canAddByExclusion = function(tag) {
+ return (this.exclude === false || this.exclude.indexOf(tag) === -1) && !this.excludes(tag);
+ };
+ this.canAddByMaxNum = function() {
+ return this.maxNumTags === -1 || this.tagsArray.length < this.maxNumTags;
+ };
+ this.addTag = function(tag) {
+ var associatedContent;
+ if (_this.canAddByRestriction(tag) && !_this.hasTag(tag) && tag.length > 0 && _this.canAddByExclusion(tag) && _this.canAddByMaxNum()) {
+ if (_this.beforeAddingTag(tag) === false) {
+ return;
+ }
+ associatedContent = _this.definePopover(tag);
+ _this.popoverArray.push(associatedContent || null);
+ _this.tagsArray.push(tag);
+ _this.afterAddingTag(tag);
+ _this.renderTags();
+ if (!_this.canAddByMaxNum()) {
+ _this.disableInput();
+ }
+ }
+ return _this;
+ };
+ this.addTagWithContent = function(tag, content) {
+ if (_this.canAddByRestriction(tag) && !_this.hasTag(tag) && tag.length > 0) {
+ if (_this.beforeAddingTag(tag) === false) {
+ return;
+ }
+ _this.tagsArray.push(tag);
+ _this.popoverArray.push(content);
+ _this.afterAddingTag(tag);
+ _this.renderTags();
+ }
+ return _this;
+ };
+ this.renameTag = function(name, newName) {
+ _this.tagsArray[_this.tagsArray.indexOf(name)] = newName;
+ _this.renderTags();
+ return _this;
+ };
+ this.setPopover = function(tag, popoverContent) {
+ _this.popoverArray[_this.tagsArray.indexOf(tag)] = popoverContent;
+ _this.renderTags();
+ return _this;
+ };
+ this.clickHandler = function(e) {
+ return _this.makeSuggestions(e, true);
+ };
+ this.keyDownHandler = function(e) {
+ var k, numSuggestions;
+ k = e.keyCode != null ? e.keyCode : e.which;
+ switch (k) {
+ case 13:
+ e.preventDefault();
+ _this.pressedReturn(e);
+ tag = e.target.value;
+ if (_this.suggestedIndex !== -1) {
+ tag = _this.suggestionList[_this.suggestedIndex];
+ }
+ _this.addTag(tag);
+ e.target.value = "";
+ _this.renderTags();
+ return _this.hideSuggestions();
+ case 46:
+ case 8:
+ _this.pressedDelete(e);
+ if (e.target.value === "") {
+ _this.removeLastTag();
+ }
+ if (e.target.value.length === 1) {
+ return _this.hideSuggestions();
+ }
+ break;
+ case 40:
+ _this.pressedDown(e);
+ if (_this.input.val() === "" && (_this.suggestedIndex === -1 || _this.suggestedIndex == null)) {
+ _this.makeSuggestions(e, true);
+ }
+ numSuggestions = _this.suggestionList.length;
+ _this.suggestedIndex = _this.suggestedIndex < numSuggestions - 1 ? _this.suggestedIndex + 1 : numSuggestions - 1;
+ _this.selectSuggested(_this.suggestedIndex);
+ if (_this.suggestedIndex >= 0) {
+ return _this.scrollSuggested(_this.suggestedIndex);
+ }
+ break;
+ case 38:
+ _this.pressedUp(e);
+ _this.suggestedIndex = _this.suggestedIndex > 0 ? _this.suggestedIndex - 1 : 0;
+ _this.selectSuggested(_this.suggestedIndex);
+ if (_this.suggestedIndex >= 0) {
+ return _this.scrollSuggested(_this.suggestedIndex);
+ }
+ break;
+ case 9:
+ case 27:
+ _this.hideSuggestions();
+ return _this.suggestedIndex = -1;
+ }
+ };
+ this.keyUpHandler = function(e) {
+ var k;
+ k = e.keyCode != null ? e.keyCode : e.which;
+ if (k !== 40 && k !== 38 && k !== 27) {
+ return _this.makeSuggestions(e, false);
+ }
+ };
+ this.getSuggestions = function(str, overrideLengthCheck) {
+ var _this = this;
+ this.suggestionList = [];
+ if (this.caseInsensitive) {
+ str = str.toLowerCase();
+ }
+ $.each(this.suggestions, function(i, suggestion) {
+ var suggestionVal;
+ suggestionVal = _this.caseInsensitive ? suggestion.substring(0, str.length).toLowerCase() : suggestion.substring(0, str.length);
+ if (_this.tagsArray.indexOf(suggestion) < 0 && suggestionVal === str && (str.length > 0 || overrideLengthCheck)) {
+ return _this.suggestionList.push(suggestion);
+ }
+ });
+ return this.suggestionList;
+ };
+ this.makeSuggestions = function(e, overrideLengthCheck, val) {
+ if (val == null) {
+ val = e.target.value != null ? e.target.value : e.target.textContent;
+ }
+ _this.suggestedIndex = -1;
+ _this.$suggestionList.html("");
+ $.each(_this.getSuggestions(val, overrideLengthCheck), function(i, suggestion) {
+ return _this.$suggestionList.append(_this.template("tags_suggestion", {
+ suggestion: suggestion
+ }));
+ });
+ _this.$(".tags-suggestion").mouseover(_this.selectSuggestedMouseOver);
+ _this.$(".tags-suggestion").click(_this.suggestedClicked);
+ if (_this.suggestionList.length > 0) {
+ return _this.showSuggestions();
+ } else {
+ return _this.hideSuggestions();
+ }
+ };
+ this.suggestedClicked = function(e) {
+ tag = e.target.textContent;
+ if (_this.suggestedIndex !== -1) {
+ tag = _this.suggestionList[_this.suggestedIndex];
+ }
+ _this.addTag(tag);
+ _this.input.val("");
+ _this.makeSuggestions(e, false, "");
+ _this.input.focus();
+ return _this.hideSuggestions();
+ };
+ this.hideSuggestions = function() {
+ return _this.$(".tags-suggestion-list").css({
+ display: "none"
+ });
+ };
+ this.showSuggestions = function() {
+ return _this.$(".tags-suggestion-list").css({
+ display: "block"
+ });
+ };
+ this.selectSuggestedMouseOver = function(e) {
+ $(".tags-suggestion").removeClass("tags-suggestion-highlighted");
+ $(e.target).addClass("tags-suggestion-highlighted");
+ $(e.target).mouseout(_this.selectSuggestedMousedOut);
+ return _this.suggestedIndex = _this.$(".tags-suggestion").index($(e.target));
+ };
+ this.selectSuggestedMousedOut = function(e) {
+ return $(e.target).removeClass("tags-suggestion-highlighted");
+ };
+ this.selectSuggested = function(i) {
+ var tagElement;
+ $(".tags-suggestion").removeClass("tags-suggestion-highlighted");
+ tagElement = _this.$(".tags-suggestion").eq(i);
+ return tagElement.addClass("tags-suggestion-highlighted");
+ };
+ this.scrollSuggested = function(i) {
+ var pos, tagElement, topElement, topPos;
+ tagElement = _this.$(".tags-suggestion").eq(i);
+ topElement = _this.$(".tags-suggestion").eq(0);
+ pos = tagElement.position();
+ topPos = topElement.position();
+ if (pos != null) {
+ return _this.$(".tags-suggestion-list").scrollTop(pos.top - topPos.top);
+ }
+ };
+ this.adjustInputPosition = function() {
+ var pBottom, pLeft, pTop, pWidth, tagElement, tagPosition;
+ tagElement = _this.$(".tag").last();
+ tagPosition = tagElement.position();
+ pLeft = tagPosition != null ? tagPosition.left + tagElement.outerWidth(true) : 0;
+ pTop = tagPosition != null ? tagPosition.top : 0;
+ pWidth = _this.$element.width() - pLeft;
+ $(".tags-input", _this.$element).css({
+ paddingLeft: Math.max(pLeft, 0),
+ paddingTop: Math.max(pTop, 0),
+ width: pWidth
+ });
+ pBottom = tagPosition != null ? tagPosition.top + tagElement.outerHeight(true) : 22;
+ return _this.$element.css({
+ paddingBottom: pBottom - _this.$element.height()
+ });
+ };
+ this.renderTags = function() {
+ var tagList;
+ tagList = _this.$(".tags");
+ tagList.html("");
+ _this.input.attr("placeholder", _this.tagsArray.length === 0 ? _this.promptText : "");
+ $.each(_this.tagsArray, function(i, tag) {
+ tag = $(_this.formatTag(i, tag));
+ $("a", tag).click(_this.removeTagClicked);
+ $("a", tag).mouseover(_this.toggleCloseColor);
+ $("a", tag).mouseout(_this.toggleCloseColor);
+ if (_this.displayPopovers) {
+ _this.initializePopoverFor(tag, _this.tagsArray[i], _this.popoverArray[i]);
+ }
+ return tagList.append(tag);
+ });
+ return _this.adjustInputPosition();
+ };
+ this.renderReadOnly = function() {
+ var tagList;
+ tagList = _this.$(".tags");
+ tagList.html(_this.tagsArray.length === 0 ? _this.readOnlyEmptyMessage : "");
+ return $.each(_this.tagsArray, function(i, tag) {
+ tag = $(_this.formatTag(i, tag, true));
+ if (_this.displayPopovers) {
+ _this.initializePopoverFor(tag, _this.tagsArray[i], _this.popoverArray[i]);
+ }
+ return tagList.append(tag);
+ });
+ };
+ this.disableInput = function() {
+ return this.$("input").prop("disabled", true);
+ };
+ this.enableInput = function() {
+ return this.$("input").prop("disabled", false);
+ };
+ this.initializePopoverFor = function(tag, title, content) {
+ options = {
+ title: title,
+ content: content,
+ placement: "bottom"
+ };
+ if (_this.popoverTrigger === "hoverShowClickHide") {
+ $(tag).mouseover(function() {
+ $(tag).popover("show");
+ return $(".tag").not(tag).popover("hide");
+ });
+ $(document).click(function() {
+ return $(tag).popover("hide");
+ });
+ } else {
+ options.trigger = _this.popoverTrigger;
+ }
+ return $(tag).popover(options);
+ };
+ this.toggleCloseColor = function(e) {
+ var opacity, tagAnchor;
+ tagAnchor = $(e.currentTarget);
+ opacity = tagAnchor.css("opacity");
+ opacity = opacity < .8 ? 1 : .6;
+ return tagAnchor.css({
+ opacity: opacity
+ });
+ };
+ this.formatTag = function(i, tag, isReadOnly) {
+ var escapedTag;
+ if (isReadOnly == null) {
+ isReadOnly = false;
+ }
+ escapedTag = tag.replace("<", "<").replace(">", ">");
+ return _this.template("tag", {
+ tag: escapedTag,
+ tagClass: _this.tagClass,
+ isPopover: _this.displayPopovers,
+ isReadOnly: isReadOnly,
+ tagSize: _this.tagSize
+ });
+ };
+ this.addDocumentListeners = function() {
+ return $(document).mouseup(function(e) {
+ var container;
+ container = _this.$(".tags-suggestion-list");
+ if (container.has(e.target).length === 0) {
+ return _this.hideSuggestions();
+ }
+ });
+ };
+ this.template = function(name, options) {
+ return Tags.Templates.Template(this.getBootstrapVersion(), name, options);
+ };
+ this.$ = function(selector) {
+ return $(selector, this.$element);
+ };
+ this.getBootstrapVersion = function() {
+ return Tags.bootstrapVersion || this.bootstrapVersion;
+ };
+ this.initializeDom = function() {
+ return this.$element.append(this.template("tags_container"));
+ };
+ this.init = function() {
+ this.$element.addClass("bootstrap-tags").addClass("bootstrap-" + this.getBootstrapVersion());
+ this.initializeDom();
+ if (this.readOnly) {
+ this.renderReadOnly();
+ this.removeTag = function() {};
+ this.removeTagClicked = function() {};
+ this.removeLastTag = function() {};
+ this.addTag = function() {};
+ this.addTagWithContent = function() {};
+ this.renameTag = function() {};
+ return this.setPopover = function() {};
+ } else {
+ this.input = $(this.template("input", {
+ tagSize: this.tagSize
+ }));
+ if (this.suggestOnClick) {
+ this.input.click(this.clickHandler);
+ }
+ this.input.keydown(this.keyDownHandler);
+ this.input.keyup(this.keyUpHandler);
+ this.$element.append(this.input);
+ this.$suggestionList = $(this.template("suggestion_list"));
+ this.$element.append(this.$suggestionList);
+ this.renderTags();
+ if (!this.canAddByMaxNum()) {
+ this.disableInput();
+ }
+ return this.addDocumentListeners();
+ }
+ };
+ this.init();
+ return this;
+ };
+ return $.fn.tags = function(options) {
+ var stopOn, tagsObject;
+ tagsObject = {};
+ stopOn = typeof options === "number" ? options : -1;
+ this.each(function(i, el) {
+ var $el;
+ $el = $(el);
+ if ($el.data("tags") == null) {
+ $el.data("tags", new $.tags(this, options));
+ }
+ if (stopOn === i || i === 0) {
+ return tagsObject = $el.data("tags");
+ }
+ });
+ return tagsObject;
+ };
+ });
+ }).call(this);
+ (function() {
+ window.Tags || (window.Tags = {});
+ Tags.Helpers || (Tags.Helpers = {});
+ Tags.Helpers.addPadding = function(string, amount, doPadding) {
+ if (amount == null) {
+ amount = 1;
+ }
+ if (doPadding == null) {
+ doPadding = true;
+ }
+ if (!doPadding) {
+ return string;
+ }
+ if (amount === 0) {
+ return string;
+ }
+ return Tags.Helpers.addPadding(" " + string + " ", amount - 1);
+ };
+ }).call(this);
+ (function() {
+ var _base;
+ window.Tags || (window.Tags = {});
+ Tags.Templates || (Tags.Templates = {});
+ (_base = Tags.Templates)["2"] || (_base["2"] = {});
+ Tags.Templates["2"].input = function(options) {
+ var tagSize;
+ if (options == null) {
+ options = {};
+ }
+ tagSize = function() {
+ switch (options.tagSize) {
+ case "sm":
+ return "small";
+ case "md":
+ return "medium";
+ case "lg":
+ return "large";
+ }
+ }();
+ return "";
+ };
+ }).call(this);
+ (function() {
+ var _base;
+ window.Tags || (window.Tags = {});
+ Tags.Templates || (Tags.Templates = {});
+ (_base = Tags.Templates)["2"] || (_base["2"] = {});
+ Tags.Templates["2"].tag = function(options) {
+ if (options == null) {
+ options = {};
+ }
+ return "
+ };
+ }).call(this);
+ (function() {
+ var _base;
+ window.Tags || (window.Tags = {});
+ Tags.Templates || (Tags.Templates = {});
+ (_base = Tags.Templates)["3"] || (_base["3"] = {});
+ Tags.Templates["3"].input = function(options) {
+ if (options == null) {
+ options = {};
+ }
+ return "";
+ };
+ }).call(this);
+ (function() {
+ var _base;
+ window.Tags || (window.Tags = {});
+ Tags.Templates || (Tags.Templates = {});
+ (_base = Tags.Templates)["3"] || (_base["3"] = {});
+ Tags.Templates["3"].tag = function(options) {
+ if (options == null) {
+ options = {};
+ }
+ return "";
+ };
+ }).call(this);
+ (function() {
+ var _base;
+ window.Tags || (window.Tags = {});
+ Tags.Templates || (Tags.Templates = {});
+ (_base = Tags.Templates).shared || (_base.shared = {});
+ Tags.Templates.shared.suggestion_list = function(options) {
+ if (options == null) {
+ options = {};
+ }
+ return '';
+ };
+ }).call(this);
+ (function() {
+ var _base;
+ window.Tags || (window.Tags = {});
+ Tags.Templates || (Tags.Templates = {});
+ (_base = Tags.Templates).shared || (_base.shared = {});
+ Tags.Templates.shared.tags_container = function(options) {
+ if (options == null) {
+ options = {};
+ }
+ return '';
+ };
+ }).call(this);
+ (function() {
+ var _base;
+ window.Tags || (window.Tags = {});
+ Tags.Templates || (Tags.Templates = {});
+ (_base = Tags.Templates).shared || (_base.shared = {});
+ Tags.Templates.shared.tags_suggestion = function(options) {
+ if (options == null) {
+ options = {};
+ }
+ return "" + options.suggestion + "";
+ };
+ }).call(this);
+ (function() {
+ window.Tags || (window.Tags = {});
+ Tags.Templates || (Tags.Templates = {});
+ Tags.Templates.Template = function(version, templateName, options) {
+ if (Tags.Templates[version] != null) {
+ if (Tags.Templates[version][templateName] != null) {
+ return Tags.Templates[version][templateName](options);
+ }
+ }
+ return Tags.Templates.shared[templateName](options);
+ };
+ }).call(this);
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/assets/bootstrap-tags/js/bootstrap-tags.min.js b/src/assets/bootstrap-tags/js/bootstrap-tags.min.js
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..2fb1e2f5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/assets/bootstrap-tags/js/bootstrap-tags.min.js
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+ * bootstrap-tags 1.1.0
+ * https://github.com/maxwells/bootstrap-tags
+ * Copyright 2013 Max Lahey; Licensed MIT
+ */
+!function(a){!function(){window.Tags||(window.Tags={}),jQuery(function(){return a.tags=function(b,c){var d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k=this;null==c&&(c={});for(d in c)g=c[d],this[d]=g;if(this.bootstrapVersion||(this.bootstrapVersion="3"),this.readOnly||(this.readOnly=!1),this.suggestOnClick||(this.suggestOnClick=!1),this.suggestions||(this.suggestions=[]),this.restrictTo=null!=c.restrictTo?c.restrictTo.concat(this.suggestions):!1,this.exclude||(this.exclude=!1),this.displayPopovers=null!=c.popovers?!0:null!=c.popoverData,this.popoverTrigger||(this.popoverTrigger="hover"),this.tagClass||(this.tagClass="btn-info"),this.tagSize||(this.tagSize="md"),this.promptText||(this.promptText="Enter tags..."),this.caseInsensitive||(this.caseInsensitive=!1),this.readOnlyEmptyMessage||(this.readOnlyEmptyMessage="No tags to display..."),this.maxNumTags||(this.maxNumTags=-1),this.beforeAddingTag||(this.beforeAddingTag=function(){}),this.afterAddingTag||(this.afterAddingTag=function(){}),this.beforeDeletingTag||(this.beforeDeletingTag=function(){}),this.afterDeletingTag||(this.afterDeletingTag=function(){}),this.definePopover||(this.definePopover=function(a){return'associated content for "'+a+'"'}),this.excludes||(this.excludes=function(){return!1}),this.tagRemoved||(this.tagRemoved=function(){}),this.pressedReturn||(this.pressedReturn=function(){}),this.pressedDelete||(this.pressedDelete=function(){}),this.pressedDown||(this.pressedDown=function(){}),this.pressedUp||(this.pressedUp=function(){}),this.$element=a(b),null!=c.tagData?this.tagsArray=c.tagData:(f=a(".tag-data",this.$element).html(),this.tagsArray=null!=f?f.split(","):[]),c.popoverData)this.popoverArray=c.popoverData;else for(this.popoverArray=[],j=this.tagsArray,h=0,i=j.length;i>h;h++)e=j[h],this.popoverArray.push(null);return this.getTags=function(){return k.tagsArray},this.getTagsContent=function(){return k.popoverArray},this.getTagsWithContent=function(){var a,b,c,d;for(a=[],b=c=0,d=k.tagsArray.length-1;d>=0?d>=c:c>=d;b=d>=0?++c:--c)a.push({tag:k.tagsArray[b],content:k.popoverArray[b]});return a},this.getTag=function(a){var b;return b=k.tagsArray.indexOf(a),b>-1?k.tagsArray[b]:null},this.getTagWithContent=function(a){var b;return b=k.tagsArray.indexOf(a),{tag:k.tagsArray[b],content:k.popoverArray[b]}},this.hasTag=function(a){return k.tagsArray.indexOf(a)>-1},this.removeTagClicked=function(b){return"A"===b.currentTarget.tagName&&(k.removeTag(a("span",b.currentTarget.parentElement).html()),a(b.currentTarget.parentNode).remove()),k},this.removeLastTag=function(){return k.tagsArray.length>0&&(k.removeTag(k.tagsArray[k.tagsArray.length-1]),k.canAddByMaxNum()&&k.enableInput()),k},this.removeTag=function(a){if(k.tagsArray.indexOf(a)>-1){if(k.beforeDeletingTag(a)===!1)return;k.popoverArray.splice(k.tagsArray.indexOf(a),1),k.tagsArray.splice(k.tagsArray.indexOf(a),1),k.renderTags(),k.afterDeletingTag(a),k.canAddByMaxNum()&&k.enableInput()}return k},this.canAddByRestriction=function(a){return this.restrictTo===!1||-1!==this.restrictTo.indexOf(a)},this.canAddByExclusion=function(a){return(this.exclude===!1||-1===this.exclude.indexOf(a))&&!this.excludes(a)},this.canAddByMaxNum=function(){return-1===this.maxNumTags||this.tagsArray.length0&&k.canAddByExclusion(a)&&k.canAddByMaxNum()){if(k.beforeAddingTag(a)===!1)return;b=k.definePopover(a),k.popoverArray.push(b||null),k.tagsArray.push(a),k.afterAddingTag(a),k.renderTags(),k.canAddByMaxNum()||k.disableInput()}return k},this.addTagWithContent=function(a,b){if(k.canAddByRestriction(a)&&!k.hasTag(a)&&a.length>0){if(k.beforeAddingTag(a)===!1)return;k.tagsArray.push(a),k.popoverArray.push(b),k.afterAddingTag(a),k.renderTags()}return k},this.renameTag=function(a,b){return k.tagsArray[k.tagsArray.indexOf(a)]=b,k.renderTags(),k},this.setPopover=function(a,b){return k.popoverArray[k.tagsArray.indexOf(a)]=b,k.renderTags(),k},this.clickHandler=function(a){return k.makeSuggestions(a,!0)},this.keyDownHandler=function(a){var b,c;switch(b=null!=a.keyCode?a.keyCode:a.which){case 13:return a.preventDefault(),k.pressedReturn(a),e=a.target.value,-1!==k.suggestedIndex&&(e=k.suggestionList[k.suggestedIndex]),k.addTag(e),a.target.value="",k.renderTags(),k.hideSuggestions();case 46:case 8:if(k.pressedDelete(a),""===a.target.value&&k.removeLastTag(),1===a.target.value.length)return k.hideSuggestions();break;case 40:if(k.pressedDown(a),""!==k.input.val()||-1!==k.suggestedIndex&&null!=k.suggestedIndex||k.makeSuggestions(a,!0),c=k.suggestionList.length,k.suggestedIndex=k.suggestedIndex=0)return k.scrollSuggested(k.suggestedIndex);break;case 38:if(k.pressedUp(a),k.suggestedIndex=k.suggestedIndex>0?k.suggestedIndex-1:0,k.selectSuggested(k.suggestedIndex),k.suggestedIndex>=0)return k.scrollSuggested(k.suggestedIndex);break;case 9:case 27:return k.hideSuggestions(),k.suggestedIndex=-1}},this.keyUpHandler=function(a){var b;return b=null!=a.keyCode?a.keyCode:a.which,40!==b&&38!==b&&27!==b?k.makeSuggestions(a,!1):void 0},this.getSuggestions=function(b,c){var d=this;return this.suggestionList=[],this.caseInsensitive&&(b=b.toLowerCase()),a.each(this.suggestions,function(a,e){var f;return f=d.caseInsensitive?e.substring(0,b.length).toLowerCase():e.substring(0,b.length),d.tagsArray.indexOf(e)<0&&f===b&&(b.length>0||c)?d.suggestionList.push(e):void 0}),this.suggestionList},this.makeSuggestions=function(b,c,d){return null==d&&(d=null!=b.target.value?b.target.value:b.target.textContent),k.suggestedIndex=-1,k.$suggestionList.html(""),a.each(k.getSuggestions(d,c),function(a,b){return k.$suggestionList.append(k.template("tags_suggestion",{suggestion:b}))}),k.$(".tags-suggestion").mouseover(k.selectSuggestedMouseOver),k.$(".tags-suggestion").click(k.suggestedClicked),k.suggestionList.length>0?k.showSuggestions():k.hideSuggestions()},this.suggestedClicked=function(a){return e=a.target.textContent,-1!==k.suggestedIndex&&(e=k.suggestionList[k.suggestedIndex]),k.addTag(e),k.input.val(""),k.makeSuggestions(a,!1,""),k.input.focus(),k.hideSuggestions()},this.hideSuggestions=function(){return k.$(".tags-suggestion-list").css({display:"none"})},this.showSuggestions=function(){return k.$(".tags-suggestion-list").css({display:"block"})},this.selectSuggestedMouseOver=function(b){return a(".tags-suggestion").removeClass("tags-suggestion-highlighted"),a(b.target).addClass("tags-suggestion-highlighted"),a(b.target).mouseout(k.selectSuggestedMousedOut),k.suggestedIndex=k.$(".tags-suggestion").index(a(b.target))},this.selectSuggestedMousedOut=function(b){return a(b.target).removeClass("tags-suggestion-highlighted")},this.selectSuggested=function(b){var c;return a(".tags-suggestion").removeClass("tags-suggestion-highlighted"),c=k.$(".tags-suggestion").eq(b),c.addClass("tags-suggestion-highlighted")},this.scrollSuggested=function(a){var b,c,d,e;return c=k.$(".tags-suggestion").eq(a),d=k.$(".tags-suggestion").eq(0),b=c.position(),e=d.position(),null!=b?k.$(".tags-suggestion-list").scrollTop(b.top-e.top):void 0},this.adjustInputPosition=function(){var b,c,d,e,f,g;return f=k.$(".tag").last(),g=f.position(),c=null!=g?g.left+f.outerWidth(!0):0,d=null!=g?g.top:0,e=k.$element.width()-c,a(".tags-input",k.$element).css({paddingLeft:Math.max(c,0),paddingTop:Math.max(d,0),width:e}),b=null!=g?g.top+f.outerHeight(!0):22,k.$element.css({paddingBottom:b-k.$element.height()})},this.renderTags=function(){var b;return b=k.$(".tags"),b.html(""),k.input.attr("placeholder",0===k.tagsArray.length?k.promptText:""),a.each(k.tagsArray,function(c,d){return d=a(k.formatTag(c,d)),a("a",d).click(k.removeTagClicked),a("a",d).mouseover(k.toggleCloseColor),a("a",d).mouseout(k.toggleCloseColor),k.displayPopovers&&k.initializePopoverFor(d,k.tagsArray[c],k.popoverArray[c]),b.append(d)}),k.adjustInputPosition()},this.renderReadOnly=function(){var b;return b=k.$(".tags"),b.html(0===k.tagsArray.length?k.readOnlyEmptyMessage:""),a.each(k.tagsArray,function(c,d){return d=a(k.formatTag(c,d,!0)),k.displayPopovers&&k.initializePopoverFor(d,k.tagsArray[c],k.popoverArray[c]),b.append(d)})},this.disableInput=function(){return this.$("input").prop("disabled",!0)},this.enableInput=function(){return this.$("input").prop("disabled",!1)},this.initializePopoverFor=function(b,d,e){return c={title:d,content:e,placement:"bottom"},"hoverShowClickHide"===k.popoverTrigger?(a(b).mouseover(function(){return a(b).popover("show"),a(".tag").not(b).popover("hide")}),a(document).click(function(){return a(b).popover("hide")})):c.trigger=k.popoverTrigger,a(b).popover(c)},this.toggleCloseColor=function(b){var c,d;return d=a(b.currentTarget),c=d.css("opacity"),c=.8>c?1:.6,d.css({opacity:c})},this.formatTag=function(a,b,c){var d;return null==c&&(c=!1),d=b.replace("<","<").replace(">",">"),k.template("tag",{tag:d,tagClass:k.tagClass,isPopover:k.displayPopovers,isReadOnly:c,tagSize:k.tagSize})},this.addDocumentListeners=function(){return a(document).mouseup(function(a){var b;return b=k.$(".tags-suggestion-list"),0===b.has(a.target).length?k.hideSuggestions():void 0})},this.template=function(a,b){return Tags.Templates.Template(this.getBootstrapVersion(),a,b)},this.$=function(b){return a(b,this.$element)},this.getBootstrapVersion=function(){return Tags.bootstrapVersion||this.bootstrapVersion},this.initializeDom=function(){return this.$element.append(this.template("tags_container"))},this.init=function(){return this.$element.addClass("bootstrap-tags").addClass("bootstrap-"+this.getBootstrapVersion()),this.initializeDom(),this.readOnly?(this.renderReadOnly(),this.removeTag=function(){},this.removeTagClicked=function(){},this.removeLastTag=function(){},this.addTag=function(){},this.addTagWithContent=function(){},this.renameTag=function(){},this.setPopover=function(){}):(this.input=a(this.template("input",{tagSize:this.tagSize})),this.suggestOnClick&&this.input.click(this.clickHandler),this.input.keydown(this.keyDownHandler),this.input.keyup(this.keyUpHandler),this.$element.append(this.input),this.$suggestionList=a(this.template("suggestion_list")),this.$element.append(this.$suggestionList),this.renderTags(),this.canAddByMaxNum()||this.disableInput(),this.addDocumentListeners())},this.init(),this},a.fn.tags=function(b){var c,d;return d={},c="number"==typeof b?b:-1,this.each(function(e,f){var g;return g=a(f),null==g.data("tags")&&g.data("tags",new a.tags(this,b)),c===e||0===e?d=g.data("tags"):void 0}),d}})}.call(this),function(){window.Tags||(window.Tags={}),Tags.Helpers||(Tags.Helpers={}),Tags.Helpers.addPadding=function(a,b,c){return null==b&&(b=1),null==c&&(c=!0),c?0===b?a:Tags.Helpers.addPadding(" "+a+" ",b-1):a}}.call(this),function(){var a;window.Tags||(window.Tags={}),Tags.Templates||(Tags.Templates={}),(a=Tags.Templates)["2"]||(a["2"]={}),Tags.Templates["2"].input=function(a){var b;return null==a&&(a={}),b=function(){switch(a.tagSize){case"sm":return"small";case"md":return"medium";case"lg":return"large"}}(),""}}.call(this),function(){var a;window.Tags||(window.Tags={}),Tags.Templates||(Tags.Templates={}),(a=Tags.Templates)["2"]||(a["2"]={}),Tags.Templates["2"].tag=function(a){return null==a&&(a={}),""}}.call(this),function(){var a;window.Tags||(window.Tags={}),Tags.Templates||(Tags.Templates={}),(a=Tags.Templates)["3"]||(a["3"]={}),Tags.Templates["3"].input=function(a){return null==a&&(a={}),""}}.call(this),function(){var a;window.Tags||(window.Tags={}),Tags.Templates||(Tags.Templates={}),(a=Tags.Templates)["3"]||(a["3"]={}),Tags.Templates["3"].tag=function(a){return null==a&&(a={}),""}}.call(this),function(){var a;window.Tags||(window.Tags={}),Tags.Templates||(Tags.Templates={}),(a=Tags.Templates).shared||(a.shared={}),Tags.Templates.shared.suggestion_list=function(a){return null==a&&(a={}),''}}.call(this),function(){var a;window.Tags||(window.Tags={}),Tags.Templates||(Tags.Templates={}),(a=Tags.Templates).shared||(a.shared={}),Tags.Templates.shared.tags_container=function(a){return null==a&&(a={}),''}}.call(this),function(){var a;window.Tags||(window.Tags={}),Tags.Templates||(Tags.Templates={}),(a=Tags.Templates).shared||(a.shared={}),Tags.Templates.shared.tags_suggestion=function(a){return null==a&&(a={}),""+a.suggestion+""}}.call(this),function(){window.Tags||(window.Tags={}),Tags.Templates||(Tags.Templates={}),Tags.Templates.Template=function(a,b,c){return null!=Tags.Templates[a]&&null!=Tags.Templates[a][b]?Tags.Templates[a][b](c):Tags.Templates.shared[b](c)}}.call(this)}(window.jQuery);
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/assets/css/bootstrap-tags.css b/src/assets/css/bootstrap-tags.css
deleted file mode 100755
index 786214d9..00000000
--- a/src/assets/css/bootstrap-tags.css
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,62 +0,0 @@
-/* bootstrap-tags styles */
-.tag-list {
- width: 280px;
- height: 26px;
- left:2px;
- top:2px;
- position:relative;
-.tag-data {
- display:none;
-.tags-input {
- width:100%;
- height:100% !important;
- margin:0;
- padding-bottom:0 !important;
- font-size:12px !important;
-.tags {
- width:inherit;
- height:0;
- position:absolute;
- padding:0;
- margin:0;
-.tag {
- padding: 1px 3px;
- margin:1px;
- float:left;
-.tag a {
- color: #bbb;
- cursor:pointer;
- opacity: .5;
-ul.tags-suggestion-list {
- width:100%;
- height:auto;
- list-style:none;
- margin:0;
- position:absolute;
- z-index:2;
- max-height:160px;
- overflow: auto;
-li.tags-suggestion {
- padding:3px 20px;
- height:auto;
-li.tags-suggestion-highlighted {
- color: white;
- text-decoration: none;
- background-color: #0081C2;
- background-image: -moz-linear-gradient(top, #08C, #0077B3);
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- background-image: -webkit-linear-gradient(top, #08C, #0077B3);
- background-image: -o-linear-gradient(top, #08C, #0077B3);
- background-image: linear-gradient(to bottom, #08C, #0077B3);
- background-repeat: repeat-x;
- filter: progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.gradient(startColorstr='#ff0088cc', endColorstr='#ff0077b3', GradientType=0);
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/assets/js/bootstrap.tags.js b/src/assets/js/bootstrap.tags.js
deleted file mode 100755
index 618b2178..00000000
--- a/src/assets/js/bootstrap.tags.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,315 +0,0 @@
-// Generated by CoffeeScript 1.4.0
-(function() {
- jQuery(function() {
- $.tags = function(element, options) {
- var tagData,
- _this = this;
- this.suggestions = (options.suggestions != null ? options.suggestions : []);
- this.restrictTo = (options.restrictTo != null ? options.restrictTo.concat(this.suggestions) : false);
- this.exclude = (options.excludeList != null ? options.excludeList : false);
- this.displayPopovers = (options.popovers != null ? true : options.popoverData != null);
- this.tagClass = (options.tagClass != null ? options.tagClass : 'btn-info');
- this.promptText = (options.promptText != null ? options.promptText : 'Enter tags...');
- this.whenAddingTag = (options.whenAddingTag != null ? options.whenAddingTag : function(tag) {});
- this.definePopover = (options.definePopover ? options.definePopover : function(tag) {
- return "associated content for \"" + tag + "\"";
- });
- this.excludes = (options.excludes ? options.excludes : function() {
- return false;
- });
- this.tagRemoved = (options.tagRemoved ? options.tagRemoved : function(tag) {});
- this.pressedReturn = (options.pressedReturn != null ? options.pressedReturn : function(e) {});
- this.pressedDelete = (options.pressedDelete != null ? options.pressedDelete : function(e) {});
- this.pressedDown = (options.pressedDown != null ? options.pressedDown : function(e) {});
- this.pressedUp = (options.pressedUp != null ? options.pressedUp : function(e) {});
- this.$element = $(element);
- if (options.tagData != null) {
- this.tagsArray = options.tagData;
- } else {
- tagData = $('.tag-data', this.$element).html();
- this.tagsArray = (tagData != null ? tagData.split(',') : []);
- }
- if (this.displayPopovers) {
- this.popoverArray = options.popoverData;
- }
- this.getTags = function() {
- return _this.tagsArray;
- };
- this.removeTagClicked = function(e) {
- if (e.currentTarget.tagName === "A") {
- _this.removeTag(e.currentTarget.previousSibling.textContent);
- $(e.currentTarget.parentNode).remove();
- }
- return _this;
- };
- this.removeLastTag = function() {
- var el;
- el = $('.tag', _this.$element).last();
- el.remove();
- _this.removeTag(_this.tagsArray[_this.tagsArray.length - 1]);
- return _this;
- };
- this.removeTag = function(tag) {
- if (_this.tagsArray.indexOf(tag) > -1) {
- if (_this.displayPopovers) {
- _this.popoverArray.splice(_this.tagsArray.indexOf(tag), 1);
- }
- _this.tagsArray.splice(_this.tagsArray.indexOf(tag), 1);
- _this.renderTags();
- _this.tagRemoved(tag);
- }
- return _this;
- };
- this.addTag = function(tag) {
- var associatedContent;
- if ((_this.restrictTo === false || _this.restrictTo.indexOf(tag) !== -1) && _this.tagsArray.indexOf(tag) < 0 && tag.length > 0 && (_this.exclude === false || _this.exclude.indexOf(tag) === -1) && !_this.excludes(tag)) {
- _this.whenAddingTag(tag);
- if (_this.displayPopovers) {
- associatedContent = _this.definePopover(tag);
- _this.popoverArray.push(associatedContent);
- }
- _this.tagsArray.push(tag);
- _this.renderTags();
- }
- return _this;
- };
- this.addTagWithContent = function(tag, content) {
- if ((_this.restrictTo === false || _this.restrictTo.indexOf(tag) !== -1) && _this.tagsArray.indexOf(tag) < 0 && tag.length > 0) {
- _this.whenAddingTag(tag);
- _this.tagsArray.push(tag);
- _this.popoverArray.push(content);
- _this.renderTags();
- }
- return _this;
- };
- this.renameTag = function(name, newName) {
- _this.tagsArray[_this.tagsArray.indexOf(name)] = newName;
- _this.renderTags();
- return _this;
- };
- this.setPopover = function(tag, popoverContent) {
- _this.popoverArray[_this.tagsArray.indexOf(tag)] = popoverContent;
- _this.renderTags();
- return _this;
- };
- this.keyDownHandler = function(e) {
- var k, numSuggestions, tag;
- k = (e.keyCode != null ? e.keyCode : e.which);
- switch (k) {
- case 13:
- _this.pressedReturn(e);
- tag = e.target.value;
- if (_this.suggestedIndex !== -1) {
- tag = _this.suggestionList[_this.suggestedIndex];
- }
- _this.addTag(tag);
- e.target.value = '';
- _this.renderTags();
- return _this.hideSuggestions();
- case 46:
- case 8:
- _this.pressedDelete(e);
- if (e.target.value === '') {
- _this.removeLastTag();
- }
- if (e.target.value.length === 1) {
- return _this.hideSuggestions();
- }
- break;
- case 40:
- _this.pressedDown(e);
- if (_this.input.val() === '' && (_this.suggestedIndex === -1 || !(_this.suggestedIndex != null))) {
- _this.makeSuggestions(e, true);
- }
- numSuggestions = _this.suggestionList.length;
- _this.suggestedIndex = (_this.suggestedIndex < numSuggestions - 1 ? _this.suggestedIndex + 1 : numSuggestions - 1);
- _this.selectSuggested(_this.suggestedIndex);
- if (_this.suggestedIndex >= 0) {
- return _this.scrollSuggested(_this.suggestedIndex);
- }
- break;
- case 38:
- _this.pressedUp(e);
- _this.suggestedIndex = (_this.suggestedIndex > 0 ? _this.suggestedIndex - 1 : 0);
- _this.selectSuggested(_this.suggestedIndex);
- if (_this.suggestedIndex >= 0) {
- return _this.scrollSuggested(_this.suggestedIndex);
- }
- break;
- case 9:
- case 27:
- _this.hideSuggestions();
- return _this.suggestedIndex = -1;
- }
- };
- this.keyUpHandler = function(e) {
- var k;
- k = (e.keyCode != null ? e.keyCode : e.which);
- if (k !== 40 && k !== 38 && k !== 27) {
- return _this.makeSuggestions(e, false);
- }
- };
- this.makeSuggestions = function(e, overrideLengthCheck) {
- var val;
- val = (e.target.value != null ? e.target.value : e.target.textContent);
- _this.suggestedIndex = -1;
- _this.$suggestionList.html('');
- _this.suggestionList = [];
- $.each(_this.suggestions, function(i, suggestion) {
- if (_this.tagsArray.indexOf(suggestion) < 0 && suggestion.substring(0, val.length) === val && (val.length > 0 || overrideLengthCheck)) {
- _this.$suggestionList.append('' + suggestion + '');
- return _this.suggestionList.push(suggestion);
- }
- });
- $('.tags-suggestion', _this.$element).mouseover(_this.selectSuggestedMouseOver);
- $('.tags-suggestion', _this.$element).click(_this.suggestedClicked);
- if (_this.suggestionList.length > 0) {
- return _this.showSuggestions();
- } else {
- return _this.hideSuggestions();
- }
- };
- this.suggestedClicked = function(e) {
- var tag;
- tag = e.target.textContent;
- if (_this.suggestedIndex !== -1) {
- tag = _this.suggestionList[_this.suggestedIndex];
- }
- _this.addTag(tag);
- _this.input.val('');
- _this.makeSuggestions(e, false);
- _this.input.focus();
- return _this.hideSuggestions();
- };
- this.hideSuggestions = function() {
- return $('.tags-suggestion-list', _this.$element).css({
- display: "none"
- });
- };
- this.showSuggestions = function() {
- return $('.tags-suggestion-list', _this.$element).css({
- display: "block"
- });
- };
- this.selectSuggestedMouseOver = function(e) {
- $('.tags-suggestion').removeClass('tags-suggestion-highlighted');
- $(e.target).addClass('tags-suggestion-highlighted');
- $(e.target).mouseout(_this.selectSuggestedMousedOut);
- return _this.suggestedIndex = $('.tags-suggestion', _this.$element).index($(e.target));
- };
- this.selectSuggestedMousedOut = function(e) {
- return $(e.target).removeClass('tags-suggestion-highlighted');
- };
- this.selectSuggested = function(i) {
- var tagElement;
- $('.tags-suggestion').removeClass('tags-suggestion-highlighted');
- tagElement = $('.tags-suggestion', _this.$element).eq(i);
- return tagElement.addClass('tags-suggestion-highlighted');
- };
- this.scrollSuggested = function(i) {
- var pos, tagElement, topElement, topPos;
- tagElement = $('.tags-suggestion', _this.$element).eq(i);
- topElement = $('.tags-suggestion', _this.$element).eq(0);
- pos = tagElement.position();
- topPos = topElement.position();
- if (pos != null) {
- return $('.tags-suggestion-list', _this.$element).scrollTop(pos.top - topPos.top);
- }
- };
- this.adjustInputPosition = function() {
- var pBottom, pLeft, pTop, tagElement, tagPosition;
- tagElement = $('.tag', _this.$element).last();
- tagPosition = tagElement.position();
- pLeft = tagPosition != null ? tagPosition.left + tagElement.outerWidth(true) : 0;
- pTop = tagPosition != null ? tagPosition.top : 0;
- $('.tags-input', _this.$element).css({
- paddingLeft: pLeft,
- paddingTop: pTop
- });
- pBottom = tagPosition != null ? tagPosition.top + tagElement.outerHeight(true) : 22;
- return _this.$element.css({
- height: pBottom
- });
- };
- this.renderTags = function() {
- var tagList;
- tagList = $('.tags', _this.$element);
- tagList.html('');
- _this.input.attr('placeholder', (_this.tagsArray.length === 0 ? _this.promptText : ''));
- $.each(_this.tagsArray, function(i, tag) {
- tag = $(_this.formatTag(i, tag));
- $('a', tag).click(_this.removeTagClicked);
- $('a', tag).mouseover(_this.toggleCloseColor);
- $('a', tag).mouseout(_this.toggleCloseColor);
- if (_this.displayPopovers) {
- $('span', tag).mouseover(function() {
- return tag.popover('show');
- });
- $('span', tag).mouseout(function() {
- return tag.popover('hide');
- });
- }
- return tagList.append(tag);
- });
- return _this.adjustInputPosition();
- };
- this.toggleCloseColor = function(e) {
- var opacity, tagAnchor;
- tagAnchor = $(e.currentTarget);
- opacity = tagAnchor.css('opacity');
- opacity = (opacity < 0.8 ? 1.0 : 0.6);
- return tagAnchor.css({
- opacity: opacity
- });
- };
- this.formatTag = function(i, tag) {
- var popoverContent;
- if (_this.displayPopovers === true) {
- popoverContent = _this.popoverArray[_this.tagsArray.indexOf(tag)];
- return "";
- } else {
- return "";
- }
- };
- this.addDocumentListeners = function() {
- return $(document).mouseup(function(e) {
- var container;
- container = $('.tags-suggestion-list', _this.$element);
- if (container.has(e.target).length === 0) {
- return _this.hideSuggestions();
- }
- });
- };
- this.init = function() {
- this.input = $("");
- this.input.keydown(this.keyDownHandler);
- this.input.keyup(this.keyUpHandler);
- this.$element.append(this.input);
- this.$suggestionList = $('');
- this.$element.append(this.$suggestionList);
- this.renderTags();
- return this.addDocumentListeners();
- };
- this.init();
- return this;
- };
- return $.fn.tags = function(options) {
- var stopOn, tagsObject;
- tagsObject = {};
- stopOn = (typeof options === "number" ? options : -1);
- this.each(function(i, el) {
- var $el;
- $el = $(el);
- if ($el.data('tags') == null) {
- $el.data('tags', new $.tags(this, options));
- }
- if (stopOn === i || i === 0) {
- return tagsObject = $el.data('tags');
- }
- });
- return tagsObject;
- };
- });
diff --git a/src/components/Booster.php b/src/components/Booster.php
index 05f8e276..6db58b5f 100644
--- a/src/components/Booster.php
+++ b/src/components/Booster.php
@@ -349,7 +349,7 @@ protected function registerJsPackagesIfEnabled() {
public function getVersion() {
- return '4.0.0-beta-2';
+ return '4.0.0';
diff --git a/src/components/packages.php b/src/components/packages.php
index 80f2a60b..a1c214e8 100644
--- a/src/components/packages.php
+++ b/src/components/packages.php
@@ -159,4 +159,10 @@
'css' => array('css/typeahead.css'),
'js' => array($this->minify ? 'js/typeahead.bundle.min.js' : 'js/typeahead.bundle.js'),
+ 'bootstrap-tags' => array(
+ 'depends' => array('jquery'),
+ 'baseUrl' => $this->getAssetsUrl() . '/bootstrap-tags',
+ 'css' => array('css/bootstrap-tags.css'),
+ 'js' => array($this->minify ? 'js/bootstrap-tags.min.js' : 'js/bootstrap-tags.js'),
+ ),
diff --git a/src/widgets/TbTags.php b/src/widgets/TbTags.php
index 09a416a9..bb8aa6fe 100644
--- a/src/widgets/TbTags.php
+++ b/src/widgets/TbTags.php
@@ -15,8 +15,8 @@
* @package booster.widgets.forms.inputs
-class TbTags extends CInputWidget
+class TbTags extends CInputWidget {
* @var TbActiveForm when created via TbActiveForm
@@ -114,8 +114,10 @@ class TbTags extends CInputWidget
* Initializes the widget.
- public function init()
- {
+ public function init() {
+ parent::init();
$this->options = CMap::mergeArray(
'suggestions' => $this->suggestions,
@@ -135,8 +137,8 @@ public function init()
* Runs the widget.
- public function run()
- {
+ public function run() {
list($name, $id) = $this->resolveNameID();
$this->renderContent($id, $name);
@@ -153,8 +155,7 @@ public function run()
* @return string with HTML tags
- public function renderContent($id, $name)
- {
+ public function renderContent($id, $name) {
if ($this->hasModel()) {
if ($this->form) {
@@ -167,7 +168,15 @@ public function renderContent($id, $name)
echo CHtml::hiddenField($name, $this->value);
- echo "";
+ $this->htmlOptions['id'] = 'tags_'.$id;
+ if(isset($this->htmlOptions['class']) && !empty($this->htmlOptions['class']))
+ $this->htmlOptions['class'] .= ' tag-list';
+ else
+ $this->htmlOptions['class'] = 'tag-list';
+ echo CHtml::openTag('div', $this->htmlOptions);
+ echo "";
+ echo CHtml::closeTag('div');
@@ -179,11 +188,10 @@ public function renderContent($id, $name)
* @param string $id
- public function registerClientScript($id)
- {
+ public function registerClientScript($id) {
$booster = Booster::getBooster();
- $booster->registerAssetCss('bootstrap-tags.css');
- $booster->registerAssetJs('bootstrap.tags.js');
+ $booster->registerPackage('bootstrap-tags');
$options = !empty($this->options) ? CJavaScript::encode($this->options) : '';