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index 4ab96626aa..b8b4b757ff 100644
--- a/docs/manifest.json
+++ b/docs/manifest.json
@@ -2141,6 +2141,10 @@
"title": "Use biometrics with local credentials",
"href": "/docs/references/expo/local-credentials"
+ },
+ {
+ "title": "Passkeys",
+ "href": "/docs/references/expo/passkeys"
diff --git a/docs/references/expo/passkeys.mdx b/docs/references/expo/passkeys.mdx
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..dc9d0c973d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/references/expo/passkeys.mdx
@@ -0,0 +1,204 @@
+title: Allow users to authenticate with passkeys
+description: Learn how to use passkeys in your Expo app with Clerk.
+This guide shows you how to authenticate with passkeys in your Expo application.
+> This API is available only for [@clerk/clerk-expo v2](/docs/upgrade-guides/expo-v2/upgrade) >=2.2.0.
+ ### Enable passkeys
+ To use passkeys, you must first enable the strategy. If you haven't already, visit the [Enable passkeys documentation section](https://clerk.com/docs/custom-flows/passkeys#enable-passkeys).
+ ### Set your associated domains and your digital asset links files.
+ Before using passkeys in Expo, you must configure `assetlinks.json` for `Android` and `associated domains` for `iOS`.
+ Clerk makes this setup easy through the [Clerk Dashboard](https://dashboard.clerk.com/last-active?path=native-applications).
+ Follow the guide below on how to do that on `iOS` and `Android`:
+ > [!WARNING]
+ > iOS supports passkeys from version iOS 16+
+ ### In the IOS tab you will be able to see the following form:
+ ![Where to find FRONTEND API URL OF YOUR CLERK APP.](/docs/images/expo/passkeys/ios_form.png)
+ In this form you need to provide the:
+ - The `Bundle ID` of your app
+ - Your `App ID Prefix`.
+ `Bundle ID` and `App ID Prefix` can be found at `Apple's developer portal` under [Certificates,Identifiers & Profiles](https://developer.apple.com/account/resources/identifiers/list)
+ ### Copy your ``
+ ![Where to find FRONTEND API URL OF YOUR CLERK APP.](/docs/images/expo/passkeys/ios_after_setup.png)
+ ### Update `app.json` in your Expo application.
+ At your app's `app.json` you will need to add the `associatedDomains` under the `ios` object.
+ Replace the `` of the snippet below with the value that you copied in the previous step.
+ ```json
+ {
+ "expo": {
+ //...existing properties
+ "plugins": [
+ [
+ "expo-build-properties",
+ {
+ "ios": {
+ "deploymentTarget": "16.0" // iOS Support passkeys from version iOS 16+
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+ ],
+ "ios": {
+ //...existing properties
+ "associatedDomains": ["applinks:", "webcredentials:"]
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ ```
+ > [!WARNING]
+ > Android supports passkeys from version 9+
+ ### In the Android tab you will be able to see the following form:
+ ![Where to find FRONTEND API URL OF YOUR CLERK APP.](/docs/images/expo/passkeys/android.png)
+ In this form you need to provide the:
+ - The `namespace` (use the default value: `android_app`).
+ - Your Android app's package name.
+ - The `SHA256 certificate fingerprints`. If you don't know where to find the `SHA256 certificate fingerprints`, visit the following links:
+ - [Expo docs](https://docs.expo.dev/linking/android-app-links/#create-assetlinksjson-file)
+ - [Android docs](https://developer.android.com/training/app-links/verify-android-applinks#web-assoc)
+ > [!NOTE]
+ > After submitting the above form, you can check that your `assetlinks.json` can be associated with your app by using [Statement List Generator and Tester](https://developers.google.com/digital-asset-links/tools/generator)
+ ### Copy your ``:
+ ![Where to find FRONTEND API URL OF YOUR CLERK APP.](/docs/images/expo/passkeys/android_after_setup.png)
+ ### Update `app.json` in your Expo application.
+ In your app's `app.json`, you'll need to add the `intentFilters` object under `android`. You can see the structure of the `intentFilters` object in the snippet below, you will need to replace `` with the value that you copied on the previous step.
+ ```json
+ {
+ "expo": {
+ "android": {
+ //...existing properties
+ "intentFilters": [
+ {
+ "action": "VIEW",
+ "autoVerify": true,
+ "data": [
+ {
+ "scheme": "https",
+ "host": ""
+ }
+ ],
+ "category": ["BROWSABLE", "DEFAULT"]
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ ```
+ ### Prebuild Expo project
+ ```bash {{ filename: 'terminal' }}
+ npx expo prebuild
+ ```
+ ### Install the necessary peer dependencies
+ ```bash {{ filename: 'terminal' }}
+ npm install @clerk/expo-passkeys
+ ```
+ ```bash {{ filename: 'terminal' }}
+ yarn add @clerk/expo-passkeys
+ ```
+ ```bash {{ filename: 'terminal' }}
+ pnpm add @clerk/expo-passkeys
+ ```
+ ### Add the passkeys object to your ``
+ ```tsx
+ import { ClerkProvider } from '@clerk/clerk-expo'
+ import { passkeys } from '@clerk/clerk-expo/passkeys'
+ return {/* Your app here */}
+ ```
+ ### Create a passkey
+ ```tsx
+ const { user } = useUser()
+ const handleCreatePasskey = async () => {
+ if (!user) return
+ try {
+ return await user.createPasskey()
+ } catch (e: any) {
+ // handle error
+ }
+ }
+ ```
+ ### Authenticate a user with a passkey
+ ```tsx
+ const { signIn, setActive } = useSignIn()
+ const handlePasskeySignIn = async () => {
+ try {
+ const signInResponse = await signIn.authenticateWithPasskey({ flow: 'discoverable' })
+ await setActive({ session: signInResponse.createdSessionId })
+ } catch (err: any) {
+ // handle error
+ }
+ }
+ ```
+## More resources
+Use the following guides to learn more about Clerk components, how to build custom flows for your native apps, and how to use Clerk's client-side helpers.
+ - [Expo SDK](/docs/quickstarts/expo)
+ - Use Clerk with Expo to authenticate users in your React Native application.
+ ---
+ - [Authentication flow with passkeys](https://clerk.com/docs/custom-flows/passkeys#enable-passkeys)
+ - This guide will walk you through how to use Clerk's API to build custom flows for creating, signing users in with, and managing passkeys.
diff --git a/public/images/expo/passkeys/android_after_setup.png b/public/images/expo/passkeys/android_after_setup.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..c194f9af65
Binary files /dev/null and b/public/images/expo/passkeys/android_after_setup.png differ
diff --git a/public/images/expo/passkeys/android_form.png b/public/images/expo/passkeys/android_form.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..007b6cabb9
Binary files /dev/null and b/public/images/expo/passkeys/android_form.png differ
diff --git a/public/images/expo/passkeys/ios_after_setup.png b/public/images/expo/passkeys/ios_after_setup.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..9699486629
Binary files /dev/null and b/public/images/expo/passkeys/ios_after_setup.png differ
diff --git a/public/images/expo/passkeys/ios_form.png b/public/images/expo/passkeys/ios_form.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..2f2e59f695
Binary files /dev/null and b/public/images/expo/passkeys/ios_form.png differ