+ To get organization information on the client-side, use the [`useOrganization()`](/docs/references/react/use-organization) hook to access the [`organization`](/docs/references/javascript/organization/organization) object.
+ ```tsx {{ filename: 'app/orgs/[slug]/page.tsx', mark: [24] }}
+ 'use client'
+ import { OrganizationList, useOrganization } from '@clerk/nextjs'
+ export default function Home({ params }: { params: { slug: string } }) {
+ const { organization } = useOrganization()
+ if (!organization || organization.slug != params.slug) {
+ return (
+ <>
+ Sorry, organization {params.slug} is not valid.
+ >
+ )
+ }
+ // Access the organization name from the organization object
+ return {organization && `Welcome to organization ${organization.name}`}
+ }
+ ```