diff --git a/.env.local.sample b/.env.local.example
similarity index 100%
rename from .env.local.sample
rename to .env.local.example
diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index a65bf10..2885d22 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -1,33 +1,88 @@
-This is a simple Clerk+Next.js application showing how you can run e2e Cypress tests for your application using testing tokens.
-## Accompanying documentation
+## Introduction
-## Getting Started
+Clerk is a developer-first authentication and user management solution. It provides pre-built React components and hooks for sign-in, sign-up, user profile, and organization management. Clerk is designed to be easy to use and customize, and can be dropped into any React or Next.js application.
-1. Sign up for a Clerk account at https://clerk.com.
-2. Go to Clerk's dashboard and create an application.
-3. Set the required Clerk environment variables as shown in the [example env file](./env.local.sample).
-4. `npm install` the required dependencies.
-5. `npm run dev` to launch the development server.
+After following the quickstart you'll have learned how to:
-## Testing
+- Install `@clerk/nextjs`
+- Set your Clerk API keys
+- Add Clerk's middleware
+- Add `` and Clerk components
+- Run E2E Cypress tests
-1. Create a test account using [Clerk Dashboard](https://dashboard.clerk.com) or by signing up on the application.
-2. Copy the `cypress.env.example.json` file to `cypress.env.json`.
+## Deploy
-cp cypress.env.example.json cypress.env.json
+Easily deploy the template to Vercel with the button below. You will need to set the required environment variables in the Vercel dashboard.
+[![Deploy with Vercel](https://vercel.com/button)](https://vercel.com/new/clone?repository-url=https%3A%2F%2Fgithub.com%2Fclerk%2Fclerk-nextjs-app-quickstart&env=NEXT_PUBLIC_CLERK_PUBLISHABLE_KEY,CLERK_SECRET_KEY&envDescription=Clerk%20API%20keys&envLink=https%3A%2F%2Fclerk.com%2Fdocs%2Fquickstart%2Fnextjs&redirect-url=https%3A%2F%2Fclerk.com%2Fdocs%2Fquickstart%2Fnextjs)
-3. Set `test_user` and `test_password` to the credentials of the test account.
-4. Open Cypress while keeps the development server running:
+## Running the template
-npm run cypress:open
+git clone https://github.com/clerk/clerk-nextjs-app-quickstart
-5. Navigate through cypress and run the tests
-e2e testing -> chrome -> start e2e testing in chrome
+To run the example locally, you need to:
+1. Sign up for a Clerk account at [https://clerk.com](https://dashboard.clerk.com/sign-up?utm_source=DevRel&utm_medium=docs&utm_campaign=templates&utm_content=clerk-nextjs-app-quickstart).
+1. Go to the [Clerk dashboard](https://dashboard.clerk.com?utm_source=DevRel&utm_medium=docs&utm_campaign=templates&utm_content=clerk-nextjs-app-quickstart) and create an application.
+1. Set the required Clerk environment variables as shown in [the example `env.local.example` file](./.env.local.example).
+1. `npm install` the required dependencies.
+1. `npm run dev` to launch the development server.
+## Testing
+1. See the `testing-tokens.cy.ts` file for Cypress E2E tests.
+1. Set the `test_user` and `test_password` to the credentials of the test account shown in [the example `.cypress.env.json.example` file](./cypress.env.json.example).
+1. `npm run cypress:open` to launch the development server. This will open the Cypress window, which must remain open throughout testing.
+1. In Cypress, choose your preferred browser to test. A new browser window should open.
+1. From `Specs`, select a test to run it.
+If you aren't running your app on `localhost:3000`, update the `baseUrl` in `cypress.config.ts` to match your development server's URL.
+## Learn more
+To learn more about Clerk and Next.js, check out the following resources:
+- [Quickstart: Get started with Next.js and Clerk](https://clerk.com/docs/quickstarts/nextjs?utm_source=DevRel&utm_medium=docs&utm_campaign=templates&utm_content=clerk-cypress-nextjs)
+- [Clerk Documentation](https://clerk.com/docs?utm_source=DevRel&utm_medium=docs&utm_campaign=templates&utm_content=clerk-cypress-nextjs)
+- [Next.js Documentation](https://nextjs.org/docs)
+- [Testing with Cypress](https://clerk.com/docs/testing/cypress?utm_source=DevRel&utm_medium=docs&utm_campaign=templates&utm_content=clerk-cypress-nextjs)
+- [Cypress Documentation](https://docs.cypress.io/app/get-started/why-cypress)
+## Found an issue or want to leave feedback
+Feel free to create a support thread on our [Discord](https://clerk.com/discord). Our support team will be happy to assist you in the `#support` channel.
+## Connect with us
+You can discuss ideas, ask questions, and meet others from the community in our [Discord](https://discord.com/invite/b5rXHjAg7A).
-**If you are running NOT running on `localhost:3000`**, you will need to update the `baseUrl` in `cypress.config.ts` to match your development server's URL.
\ No newline at end of file
+If you prefer, you can also find support through our [Twitter](https://twitter.com/ClerkDev), or you can [email](mailto:support@clerk.dev) us!
diff --git a/cypress.env.sample.json b/cypress.env.json.example
similarity index 100%
rename from cypress.env.sample.json
rename to cypress.env.json.example
diff --git a/cypress/e2e/testing-tokens.cy.ts b/cypress/e2e/testing-tokens.cy.ts
index 7a710b5..cccd5bd 100644
--- a/cypress/e2e/testing-tokens.cy.ts
+++ b/cypress/e2e/testing-tokens.cy.ts
@@ -9,25 +9,22 @@ describe("Testing Tokens", () => {
it("sign in", () => {
- cy.visit('/protected');
+ cy.visit("/protected");
- cy.contains('h1', 'Sign in');
- cy.get('.cl-signIn-root').should('exist');
- cy.get('input[name=identifier]').type(Cypress.env('test_user'));
+ cy.contains("h1", "Sign in");
+ cy.get(".cl-signIn-root").should("exist");
+ cy.get("input[name=identifier]").type(Cypress.env("test_user"));
- cy.get('.cl-formButtonPrimary').contains('button', 'Continue').click();
- cy.get('input[name=password]').type(Cypress.env('test_password'));
+ cy.get(".cl-formButtonPrimary").contains("button", "Continue").click();
+ cy.get("input[name=password]").type(Cypress.env("test_password"));
+ cy.get(".cl-formButtonPrimary").contains("button", "Continue").click();
- cy.get('.cl-formButtonPrimary').contains('button', 'Continue').click();
- cy.url().should('include', '/protected');
- cy.contains('h1', 'This is a PROTECTED page');
- cy.visit('/');
- cy.contains('signed-in');
+ cy.url().should("include", "/protected");
+ cy.contains("h1", "This is a PROTECTED page");
+ cy.visit("/");
+ cy.contains("signed-in");
// Account Portal example
@@ -40,11 +37,10 @@ describe("Testing Tokens", () => {
// cy.contains('h1', 'Sign in');
// cy.get('.cl-signIn-root').should('exist');
// cy.get('input[name=identifier]').type(Cypress.env('test_user'));
// cy.get('.cl-formButtonPrimary').contains('button', 'Continue').click();
// cy.get('input[name=password]').type(Cypress.env('test_password'));
// cy.get('.cl-formButtonPrimary').contains('button', 'Continue').click();
// });
@@ -55,35 +51,35 @@ describe("Testing Tokens", () => {
it("sign in and sign out with custom command", () => {
- cy.clerkSignIn({
- strategy: 'password',
- identifier: Cypress.env('test_user'),
- password: Cypress.env('test_password')
+ cy.clerkSignIn({
+ strategy: "password",
+ identifier: Cypress.env("test_user"),
+ password: Cypress.env("test_password"),
- cy.visit('/protected');
- cy.contains('h1', 'This is a PROTECTED page');
- cy.visit('/');
+ cy.visit("/protected");
+ cy.contains("h1", "This is a PROTECTED page");
+ cy.visit("/");
- cy.visit('/protected');
- cy.get('.cl-signIn-root').should('exist');
- cy.visit('/');
- cy.contains('p', 'signed-out');
+ cy.visit("/protected");
+ cy.get(".cl-signIn-root").should("exist");
+ cy.visit("/");
+ cy.contains("p", "signed-out");
it("sign up", () => {
- cy.visit('/sign-up');
- cy.contains('h1', 'Sign Up');
- cy.get('.cl-signUp-root').should('exist');
- cy.get('input[name=username]').type('e2euser' + new Date().getTime());
+ cy.visit("/sign-up");
+ cy.contains("h1", "Sign Up");
+ cy.get(".cl-signUp-root").should("exist");
+ cy.get("input[name=username]").type("e2euser" + new Date().getTime());
- cy.get('input[name=password]').type(Cypress.env('test_password'));
+ cy.get("input[name=password]").type(Cypress.env("test_password"));
- cy.get('.cl-formButtonPrimary').contains('button', 'Continue').click();
+ cy.get(".cl-formButtonPrimary").contains("button", "Continue").click();
- cy.visit('/protected');
- cy.url().should('include', '/protected');
+ cy.visit("/protected");
+ cy.url().should("include", "/protected");