diff --git a/raw/tdir.examples.csv b/raw/tdir.examples.csv
index bd8637f..a37a3e7 100644
--- a/raw/tdir.examples.csv
+++ b/raw/tdir.examples.csv
@@ -270,7 +270,7 @@ Nr,language,pov,original,gloss,translation,source,page,comments
izy | tena-ny,arrived | he | INT-POSS.3SG,He himself arrived. (lit.: arrived he his-body),"Randriamasimanana, Charles (1986). The Causatives of Malagasy. Honolulu: The University of Hawaii.",232,tena-ny is used in association with pronominals; if the preceding nominal is an NP mihitsy (indeed) is used
214,Abkhaz,adnominal,à-jɣab | l-xatà,ART-girl | POSS.3SG-INT,the girl herself,"Hewitt, B.G. in collaboration with Z.K. Khiba (1989). Abkhaz. London: Routledge.",58,"-xatà follows its head noun, although the adverbial may open or close the NP as a whole"
215,Bulgarian,reflexive,mija | se,I.wash | REFL,I wash myself.,"Nikolova-Galabova, Z. & K. Galabov (1968). Bălgarsko-nemski frazeologičen rečnik. Sofia: Nauka i izkustvo.",-,--
-216,Bulgarian,reflexive,toj | misli | samo | za | [sebe | si],he | thinks | only | PREP | [REFL],He only thinks of himself.,"Nikolova-Galabova, Z. & K. Galabov (1968). Bălgarsko-nemski frazeologičen rečnik. Sofia: Nauka i izkustvo.",-,--
+216,Bulgarian,reflexive,toj | misli | samo | za | sebe_si,he | thinks | only | PREP | REFL,He only thinks of himself.,"Nikolova-Galabova, Z. & K. Galabov (1968). Bălgarsko-nemski frazeologičen rečnik. Sofia: Nauka i izkustvo.",-,--
217,Bulgarian,reflexive,toj | be | predostaven | na | sam-ija | sebe | si,he | was | given | PREP | INT-DAT | REFL | REFL/CL,He was left to himself.,"Nikolova-Galabova, Z. & K. Galabov (1968). Bălgarsko-nemski frazeologičen rečnik. Sofia: Nauka i izkustvo.",-,--
218,Bulgarian,adnominal,sam-ijat | az | govorix | s | nego,INT-DEF | I | spoke | with | him,I myself spoke to him.,"Nikolova-Galabova, Z. & K. Galabov (1968). Bălgarsko-nemski frazeologičen rečnik. Sofia: Nauka i izkustvo.",-,--
219,Dutch,reflexive,Hij | voelde | zich | wegglijden,he | felt | REFL | slide.away,He felt himself slip.,"Reuland, E. (2000). The fine structure of grammar: Anaphoric relations. In: Frajzyngier, Z. & Curl, T. (eds.), Reflexives - Forms and Functions. Amsterdam: Benjamins.",11,--