@title: Wiko, the Wiki Compiler: examples @author: David Garcia and Pau Arumi
== Usage Examples ==
This page compiles some available materials that use WiKo. For an example of the wiki syntax take a look at the WiKo sample page WiKo sample page]].
=== Thesis ===
- David's master thesis (uses an old version of WiKo but still powerfull enough to built a thesis)
- Pau's PhD thesis (in progress)
=== Web sites ===
- [[http://wiko.sourceforge.net WiKo site]] yes! this site! on the side bar of each page you have a link to the wiki source
- [[http://www.iua.upf.edu/~dgarcia Can Voki]]
- [[http://parumi.org Parumi.org]]
- [[http://www.iua.upf.edu/~dgarcia/Codders Codders]]
- [[http://www.iua.upf.edu/~dgarcia/KKEP KKEPerians UNLTD]]