The BIP-43 introduced the concept of purpose field, which is used to indicate the purpose for a derivation path. BIPs reserved the codes from 1 to 10000, and SLIPs reserved the code from 10001' to 19999'
Nexus will use the purpose codes from 0x80434b43(ASCII code of "CKB")
// ASCII code of CKB is 434b42(in hex)
.map((c) => c.charCodeAt(0).toString(16))
.join('') === '434b42';
// the purpose level must be hardened,
// so it should be larger than 0x80000000
0x80000000 + 0x434b42 === 0x80434b42;
To make it more readable, we will use ckb_purpose'
to indicate 0x434b42'
m / ckb_purpose' / *
And for the 1st purpose, we will use ckb_purpose 1'
to indicate 0x80434b43'
+ 1)
m / ckb_purpose 1' / ...
m / 44' / 309' / 0' / change / index
: full ownershipm / ckb_purpose 1' / account' / index
: rule-based ownership