Here is providing a high-level description of desired features which is gathered from the community or planned by the Crane team. This should serve as a reference point for Crane users and contributors to understand where the project is heading, and help determine if a contribution could be conflicting with the long term plan.
Discussion on the roadmap can take place in threads under Issues. Please open or comment on an issue if you want to provide suggestions and feedback to an item in the roadmap. You'd better review the roadmap before file a issue to avoid potential duplicated effort.
Please open an issue to track any initiative on the roadmap of Crane. We will consider the action on the issue comments.
Involve dashboard page to display cluster overview info. User will get alert and resource usage from the dashboard page ASAP.
Support multi-nodes deployment for high availability, scalability and load-balancing purposes.
User will get operation events on frontend in time.