Demultiplex samples with in-read barcodes with spacers
Install provided conda environment, otherwise requires
- python3
- HTSeq
$ git clone
$ cd demux_read_index
$ conda env create -f environment.yaml
$ conda activate demux_read_index
$ pip install .
$ demux_read_index -h
usage: demux_read_index [-h] -ss SS -r1 R1 -r2 R2 [-mm MM] [-fmmc] [-outdir OUTDIR]
This script performs demultiplexing of MiSeq paired-end reads
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-ss SS SampleSheetFile Tab-delimited (headings:
-r1 R1 R1 fastq file
-r2 R2 R2 fastq file
-mm MM Allow n barcode mismatches, default n=1
-fmmc Filter colliding barcode mismatches, otherwise disallow collisions
-outdir OUTDIR Output path, default current directory
- See test/sample_sheet.tsv for example of sample sheet format
- All output files written to OUTDIR
- Each sample in sample sheet will have two files, both with indexes and spacers trimmed
- Reads with one or both barcodes not found in sample sheet are not trimmed, found in files
- Reads with both barcodes in sample sheet, but not in a combination found in the sample sheet will be trimmed, found in files
- Demultiplexed statistics written to
- bcl_convert for fastq generation. For the sample sheet it should be a single sample entry for all 16S samples, barcodes could be:
- Dummy barcodes, eg AAAAAAAAA, desired reads in "Undetermined" fastq files.
- Primers with index cycle primer hybridization sites will have a defined barcode sequence. Using these for bcl_convert can be a quality filter and/or could allow multiplexing with other types of samples. Desired reads in the sample_id fastq files.
- for demultiplexing 16S samples.
- All output files are primer and spacer trimmed, except Undetermined_R1 and Undetermined_R2.
- Single threaded implementation, will take some time to run
- No eta provided, will print '.' for every 10,000 reads
- Check <out_dir>/demux_stats.txt for demuxed read counts. Note
- Recognized barcodes in unrecognized combinations are put in Undetermined__...
- For combinatorial barcodes: expect to see all possible combinations of forward and reverse barcodes, unrecognized combinations should have a small fraction of reads.
- Automate tests
- Add index cycle demultiplexing
- Performance improvements