(Note: Each step should be run on either the new virtual machine -- VM -- or on the management system -- MANAGE)
VM: Update /etc/hosts manage.civicrm.osuosl.org manage
VM: Update /etc/resolv.conf
search civicrm.osuosl.org
VM: Verify hostname
hostname -f
VM: Install puppet
apt-get install puppet facter
VM: Update /etc/puppet/puppet.conf
VM: Submit key
puppetd --test -v
MANAGE: Create node configuration under /etc/puppet/manifests/node/. You might add another in the misc.pp file or create a new file. A new file wouuld look like:
include civicrmorg::baseline
include civicrmorg::access
include civicrmorg::ldapclient
include civicrmorg::www
MANAGE: If you created a new file, then make sure it's loaded
/etc/init.d/puppetmaster restart
MANAGE: Accept the key
puppetca --list
puppetca --sign NEWHOSTNAME.civicrm.osuosl.org
VM: Activate new setup
puppetd --test -v
VM: Enable puppet on system start
vi /etc/default/puppet
/etc/init.d/puppet start