This project's goal is to take an example bylaws template and modify it to fit our organization's needs. Entities responsible for the crafting of CDA bylaws are the Board.
Add your proposed changes as a pull request and assign all other members of the board team to review your PR. Conversation and debate is welcome and encouraged on open pull requests. All board members will have 72 hours to approve, comment or request changes to any open PR.
If you are not certain that you would like to add changes directly, please do feel free to open up an issue on this repository, with a full explanation of what you would like to see changed or added to the bylaw.
This is a living document and pull requests are welcome. If you are unfamiliar with open source projects, here is a good introductory primer to get you started: GitHub Docs
Use the imperative mood ("Move cursor to..." not "Moves cursor to...")
Reference issues and pull requests liberally
Consider starting the commit message with an applicable emoji:
🎨 when improving the format/structure of the code
💖 when glittering up the project's style
📝 when writing docs
🐛 when fixing a bug
🔥 when you submit an especially fire af change
🔒 when dealing with security