Documentation resources for CoinGecko's 'indexes' API functions.
namespace gecko {
// Purpose: class interface to all CoinGecko 'indexes' functions found below
// Refer:
// Status: beta, likely unstable - untested: confusing documentation
class indexesFunctions : private web {
Below you can find documentation for 'indexes' functions.
// Action: fetches all market indexes
// Returns: gecko::web::response
// Refer:
// Example(s):
// listIndexes()
// listIndexes(20, 1)
// Notes: none
gecko::web::response listIndexes(
OPTIONAL unsigned short per_page = 100,
OPTIONAL unsigned short page = 1
// Action: fetches market index by market id and index id
// Returns: gecko::web::response
// Refer:
// Example(s):
// getMarketIndexByMarketIdAndIndexId(market_id: get at /exchanges/list, id: get at /indexes/list)
// Notes: none
gecko::web::response getMarketIndexByMarketIdAndIndexId(
REQUIRED std::string market_id,
REQUIRED std::string id
// Action: fetches market indexes id and name
// Returns: gecko::web::response
// Refer:
// Example(s):
// listIndexInfo()
// Notes: none
gecko::web::response listIndexInfo();
// Action: fetches market index by market id and market index id
// Returns: gecko::web::response
// Refer:
// Example(s):
// getMarketIndexByMarketIdAndMarketIndexId(market_id: refer /exchanges/list, id: refer /indexes/list)
// Notes: none
gecko::web::response getMarketIndexByMarketIdAndMarketIndexId(
REQUIRED std::string market_id,
REQUIRED std::string id