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(03) Kali Build Instructions

chipmanfu edited this page Jun 9, 2023 · 10 revisions

Build a Kali VM OS Image to use: kali-linux-2022.4-installer-amd64.iso (or whatever the latest is) Hardware settings: 1 CPU / 4GB RAM / 100 GB HD / 2 NIC Guest OS Family: linux Guest OS version: Debian GNU/Linux 12 (64-bit) Set the Network Adaptor 1: “AdminNet” Set the Network Adaptor 2: “Grayspace”

During install, select “Install” When it asks which network interface to select as primary, select eth1 The network will try to establish an IP via DHCP and this will fail. ON the next screen select “Do not configure the network at this time” For user, enter kali For password, enter toor Then accept all defaults until you get to “write changes to disk”, change this to yes and hit continue At “choose software to install” accept defaults and continue At “Install the GRUB boot loader to your primary drive” select yes At “Device for boot loader install”, select /dev/sda. At install finished, select continue to reboot.

Configure networking We didn’t set up networking during install, so we need to do that now. Open a terminal, and do the following sudo zsh passwd vi /etc/network/interfaces Set “interfaces” to the following. auto lo iface lo inet loopback

	auto eth0
	iface eth0 inet dhcp

	auto eth1
	iface eth1 inet static

Save changes.

Next, you need to set the DNS resolver vi /etc/resolv.conf Set “resolve.conf” to the following. Nameserver

Save Changes.

Next, restart networking and check if you got a DHCP lease on eth0 service networking restart ip a You should see that eth0 was given an IP in the 172.30.0.x/21 range via dhcp.

Then test the proxies ability to reach the internet from the kali box.
On kali open the firefox browser, edit settings, go to “Network Settings” and click “Settings. Then put in a proxy of port 9999, make sure to check “Also use this proxy for HTTPS”

Then open a new tab and go to and see if it loads. If it does then the Admin-net-DHCP server and IA-Proxy are both working correctly. Move on to the next build.