This app serves as a tool for developers to connect to other people with similar skills, tech-stacks, and interests. Individuals create a profile and then can view other people's profiles. LIVE LINK:here
- Sign Up
- Sign In
- Sign Out
- Password Forget
- Password Change
- Proctected Routes with Authorization
- Uploads and updates Profile Picture
- Creates a Profile including image, username, location, tech stack, available hours and introduction.
- Edit and Updates Profile
- Views other profiles From the dashboard
This application makes use of Firebase for authorization and Firestore for database and Storage for images
Before deploying, you will need to set the config variables in /src/components/Firebase/Firebase.js
- firebase
- material-ui
- react-hook-form
- Ensure you have node version 10.16.0 or higher before proceeding.
- Download or clone the code from this repository
- Change to the root directory and run the script
npm install
to install the depedencies. - Visit http://localhost:3000 in the browser.
- Use your own Firebase Credentials.
- Visit and create a Firebase App.
- Copy and paste your Credentials from your Firebase App into src/Firebase/firebase.js.
- Activate Email/Password Sign-In Method in your Firebase App.