======================rap v0.4 =================================================
- change version back to 0.4
- add automation testing module, allow user use "modify" and "reset" interfaces to change mock rules dynamically by HTTP requests
- add timestamp mechanism to prevent from cache errors
- add new tag format like @format[3], @value[4] to affect specified index of array element
- add new tag regex like @regex=[a-zA-Z]bc to import powerful regular expression mechanism
- update pageTester, add new tabs modify and reset which can help operate on mock data
======================rap v1.3 =================================================
- UE: login automatically redirect 09/10/2012
- add new mock data tag:@value=[xx], for mocking from 01 to 30, eg->@value=2012-09-[xx], output: 2012-09-01, 2012-09-02, 2012-09-03... 09/10/2012
- update mock service, add @type=array, @type=array_map, @length=\d+ for action description, add new _c callback 09/10/2012
- add @code @end support for action description area for code formatting 09/10/2012
- increase size of working area 09/10/2012
- fix bugs (data type choose, word file export encoding, etc.) 09/10/2012
======================rap v1.2 =================================================
- simplify operation flow √ 08/29/2012
- fix shortcuts compatibilities in different browsers (1.1 only support Firefox) 07/24/2012
- change literal for some are too old 07/24/2012
- validation for JSON String in page testers 07/24/2012
- add more comment for my code 07/24/2012
- add project introduction in README.md 07/18/2012
- add new path configuration, static path of local and remote can be same. 07/19/2012