- Introduction
- How I planned the project
- Installation
- Folder Structure
- Description of each routes
- Details on Chat feature
- Details on Team feature
Microsoft Team Clone is a functional clone which can be used for video calls and chats. It is developed using React in the frontend and express in the backend. Web sockets and WebRtc are used to make the video call and chat feature functional.
The day I got my mail from Microsoft, I started planning my project. I referred to some videos and blogs on how to make a video call app. I had some prior knowledge of javascript so I chose to use Reactjs for frontend and Expressjs for backend. I started learning Reactjs from a youtube playlist and started working on the frontend. While going through the problem statement, I had this idea that our app should also look similar to microsoft team so I designed the landing page accordingly, selecting pictures, text and font color from the original site. After I developed my landing page, I took a course on expressjs and started learning express on side. Within a couple of days I build the signin/signup and user page and had also a basic knowledge on how to setup servers in express.
From the second week I started working on the signin/signup functionality. In four to five days I was able to setup a mongodb database and make login/signup feature functional. After that I started to read about Web Sockets and WebRTC. I referred to some blogs to learn about Web Sockets and read SocketIO documentation to implement it. I learned about how to register events and then emitting those events. I came across a famous npm package called simple-peer, which was based on webRTC and started to work on the video call feature. It took me more than a week to finally make the video call feature functional.
By the end of the third week I had good knowledge of websockets so I decided to work upon the chat functionality. I referred to socket.io documentation and some videos to make the chat feature. I started it on 4th July and was able to complete it by 5th. But that time the chats were not session persistent, i.e., chats were only visible till the user remained on the chat section. If the user switched to profile or team sections the chats were lost. So I had to figure out a way to make it session persistent so that the user can start a chat before the meeting and can continue it after the meeting. I tried storing the chats on my database but I faced some issues and had to finally drop that idea. As I had just four-five days to wrap up my project and also to deploy it so I thought of a solution and stored the chats on localStorage. This made the chat session persistent and finally my chat feature was functional.
In last four to five days, I worked on deployment, video demo and documentation.
This is how I scheduled my project in four stages, i.e., Design
, Build
, Adapt
and Deploy
, using Agile Methodology.
Clone this repository
git clone https://github.com/chetanpandey1266/microsoft-clone.git
Move to the repository's root folder
cd microsoft-clone
cd microsoft-frontend
npm install
npm start
Open the config/defualt.json
file and fill in all the configuration details
Note: Switch on Less Secure App for the above email.
npm install
npm start
All the files/folders under /microsoft-frontend
, contains the reactjs code.
There are three folders under /microsoft-frontend/src
components: contain all the components defined in the app. It contains three more folders: a. Loginup: Contain components used for signin/signup page. b. MainPage: Contain components that define the landing page of the app c. User: Contain components that define the user page.
images: contains all the images used in the app
styles: contains all the css files.
The root folder contains all the backend files/folders.
under this folder contain all the configuration variables. -
under this folder contains all the functions used for handling chat functionality -
under the this defines theuser
route -
Schema: contains the schema defined for the collections in mongodb.
server.js: This is the main server file which contains all the backend codes.
The following routes are defined in the app:
/: The landing page of the app is rendered.
/signin01: The first page of the two-page login form is rendered at this route. This accepts the email of the user and redirects the user to
/signin02: The second page of the two-page login form is rendered at this route. This accepts the password of the user and redirects to
if the password and email is found correct else displaysUser not registered
if the user is not registered orWrong Password. Try Again!
if the user types wrong password. -
/signup01: The first page of the two-page signup form is rendered at this route. This accepts the name and email of the user and then redirects to
. If the email is already in use it displays the messageAlready Registered
/signup02: The second page of the two-page signup form is rendered at this route. This accepts the password of the user and redirects to
. -
/user: This renders the user page.
The user page contains a sidebar, navbar and the main component which renders the profile section when the user first logs in.
The sidebar show three buttons profile
, chat
and team
, clicking on which the user moves to respective sections.
profile: It contains two input fields that displays user's name and email. The user can change their name and email by changing the value and clicking the save button.
chat: It contains a single input fields where the user can enter the room name that he/she wants to join. On clicking the
Join Room
button, the user is redirected to chat window where with a welcome message. -
team: It contains a single input field and two buttons. If the user is the initiator, the user can click
Create Room
button to create a new meet, else the user can roomID provided by another user to enter the room.
The frontend code for the chat section is given in microsoft-frontend/src/components/User/UserMain/UserMainChat.js
. Three components are defined under this file, i.e, Messages
, Message
, UserMainChat
Message: Each message block is defined by this component.
Messages: This component iterate over all the messages and display them on the screen.
UserMainChat: This is the main component having the input box and button to enter a room and after entering a room name it displays a chat box with a welcome message where the user can chat with other users in the room.
This component uses three main states room
, which defines the room name and conditionally renders the chatbox, message
, which stores the message typed by the user and messages
, that contain all the messages and is finally iterated on to display it on the screen.
There are two useEffects
defined under this component which triggers when room
and message
state changes respectively. If the room is non-empty, then joinRoom event is triggered which sends a welcome message to the user who has entered the call and a message to all other users informing them that a user have joined the room. If the user has been already in that room before then it also displays all the previous chats stored in localStorage.
If a user sends a message sendMsg event is triggered and as a result of this message event is triggered that updates the messages
state and also stores the message on localStorage. sendMsg also defines a callback which clears out the message
state for new message. The updated messages array is then displayed by the Messages
The frontend code for the team section is given in microsoft-frontend/src/components/User/UserMain/UserMainTeam.js
. Three components are defined under this file, i.e, Room
, Video
, UserMainTeam
Room: This contains a simple input tag for accepting the room id and two buttons to join room and create room.
Video: This displays the video of other users in the room.
UserMainTeam: This is the main component which renders the the Room component. Once the user creates a room or joins a room, a
join room
event is emitted which adds the the user's socketid in an object havingroomID
as the key. Then it takes all the other users in the video call and store their socketids in a constant calleduserInThisRoom
which is later passed on toall users
event which creates a peer for all the other users in the room and stores it in an array. This is the basic design of mesh network.
In a mesh network, each node is connected to every other node in the network. As simple-peer establishes a peer-to-peer connection, so for making a video call possible between multiple user each user must have a peer that is connected to other user's peer. For example, if we have four users in our room then each user must maintain an array of three peers which can be used to connect to other three users in the room.
sending signal
and receieving signal
events are used for adding new user to the room and sending signal to all other users adding a new peer to their array of peers, making the video call possible.
In join room
event I had set the limit to 4 people per room.