This packge provided 2 tools:
- Following steps will build out the jars
$ git clone
$ mvn install
NOTE: The TestHbaseBulkLoad-1.0.jar and the build out lib
folder should in the same folder, not matter you want to copy the jar into any path.
- FixHbaseMeta-1.0.jar is used to rebuild the Hbase meta data from HDFS
- Then run
java -jar FixHbaseMeta-1.0.jar --help
you can get the help info
$java -jar FixHbaseMeta-1.0.jar
Missing required options: d, n, t, c
usage: FixHbaseMeta -c <configpath> -d <datapath> [-h] [-k] -n <namespace>
-t <tablename>
-c,--config <configpath> Path to
e.g /root/conf/
-d,--data <datapath> The metadata path of HBase on HDFS
e.g /apps/hbase/data/data/
-h,--help show this help message and exit program
-k,--kerberos If the cluster has Kerberos enabled, this is
-n,--namespace <namespace> The namespace of table
e.g default hbase
-t,--tablename <tablename> Which table's metadata to fix
- file should configure following message
### For FixHbaseMeta
# hadoop user eg: ocdp
hbase.zookeeper.quorum=<zk hostname or ip><zk port>
# hbase zk node eg: /hbase-unsecure
zookeeper.znode.parent=<hbase zk node>
# default fs eg: hdfs://host-10-1-236-60:8020
fs.defaultFS=<default fs>
# if enbaled krb you should configure the krb related message
[email protected]
hbase.master.kerberos.principal=hbase/[email protected]
hbase.regionserver.kerberos.principal=hbase/[email protected]
- TestHbaseBulkLoad-1.0.jar is used to test generate Hfile by HFile.Writer then use LoadIncrementalHFiles to load the data into Hbase
- Then run
java -jar TestHbaseBulkLoad-1.0.jar --help
you can get the help info
$ java -jar TestHbaseBulkLoad-1.0.jar --help
Missing required options: d, cf, fn, t, rn, rs, s, rsc, c
usage: TestHbaseBlukLoad -c <configpath> -cf <cfname> -d <hfiledir> -fn
<hfilename> [-h] [-k] -rn <rowsnum> -rs <rowsize> -rsc
<regionsplitcount> -s <splitsNum> -t <tablename>
-c,--config <configpath> Path to
e.g /root/conf/
-cf,--cfname <cfname> The column family name
e.g cf
-d,--hfiledir <hfiledir> The root directory where the
generated hfiles are placed
e.g /test2020/hfiles
-fn,--hfilename <hfilename> The generated name
-h,--help show this help message and
exit program
-k,--kerberos If the cluster has Kerberos
enabled, this is required
-rn,--rowsnum <rowsnum> How many rows of data to
e.g 100
-rs,--rowsize <rowsize> Data size of each row
e.g 20
-rsc,--regionsplitcount <regionsplitcount> Data size of each region
e.g /root/conf/
-s,--splits <splitsNum> Number of regions to split
the table into
e.g 5
-t,--tablename <tablename> New table name to load data
into hbase
- file should configure following message
### For TestHbaseBulkLoad
# hadoop user eg: ocdp<hadoop user>
hbase.zookeeper.quorum=<zk hostname or ip><zk port>
# hbase zk node eg: /hbase-secure
zookeeper.znode.parent=<hbase zk node>
# default fs eg: hdfs://host-10-1-236-60:8020
fs.defaultFS=<default fs>
# if enbaled krb you should configure the krb related message
hbase.master.kerberos.principal=hbase/[email protected]
hbase.regionserver.kerberos.principal=hbase/[email protected]
[email protected]